Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (11 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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“Now, I have a training regimen planned for you for this week. I want you to work a little late tonight. Then, I’ll be outside with the car at 6:15 and we’ll go home and I will introduce you to some more of my preferences.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Graeme smiled and casually grabbed her breasts and squeezed, then twisted her nipples. The pain shot through her. It was as if jolts of electricity shot straight from her tits to her groin. She looked at him, shocked at the sensation.

“Did that make your thong wet, my little kitten?”

“I think it did. It took my breath away.”

“Let me feel…oh, yes, it did…here suck my fingers baby, make them clean…I can’t go into my uncle’s office smelling of you, can I? You can go and have a quick cup of tea now with the girls, and tell them your cousin wants you to visit next week, somewhere up north sounds good.

“Yes, Sir.”

Olivia went into the staff cafeteria and got a cup of tea. She joined the three girls who were already sitting there. She supposed they had been talking about her again. She shrugged. As long as they didn’t find out about Graeme, she didn’t care if they talked about her.

“Hi, Olivia,” said Amanda. “You’re late for break this afternoon.”

“I had to telephone my cousin. He called this afternoon. He wants me to go up to Newcastle upon Tyne next Wednesday for a family function. They’ve never invited me before. Do you think Mr. Taylor will give me three days off? I still have a week’s holiday due, but it is late notice.”

“I’m sure he will. Ask him as soon as you get back, though,” said Amanda kindly. “And promise you’ll work late when you return to catch up on all the reporting that will be sitting on your desk by the time you get back. You’re becoming indispensable down there, Olivia. For the first time in recent history, John Taylor and his P.A. don’t have to even look at those reports…They’re all caught up to date, and both Accounting and Compliance are happy with Currency for the first time in years.”

Olivia smiled at Amanda gratefully. “Thank you for the compliment, Amanda. I’m afraid I grew up with criticism, not compliments, and sometimes I forget to be verbally appreciative of kind words.”

“What’s the occasion?” asked Linda.

“Oh, eh, a family dinner,” Olivia thought fast. “He’s my second cousin, really, and his mother is my grandmother’s sister. Her ninetieth birthday. Of course my grandparents are too frail to make the trip, so I have to represent them. The dinner is Thursday. I want to go up Wednesday and meet the family, and come back Friday or Saturday.”

Rose looked at her kindly. “Well, why don’t the four of us going shopping at lunch tomorrow and find you a pretty dress to wear? There are some great sales on now.”

Olivia smiled. She might need a new dress to go to dinner with Graeme in Belfast. She only had the blue mini and of course her black bandage dress, her club dress. She could afford thirty pounds, from her clothing fund.

“That sounds lovely…”

“Eh, Olivia,” said Linda, “I just told the girls before you arrived at the table. “I’m not getting married to Gordon after all. I’m not pregnant, false alarm, so we don’t have to get married.”

“Don’t you want to marry him?”

“Not really, he isn’t very clever. Nice bloke, but not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. He’s relieved, I’m relieved, and next time I’ll make sure he uses a condom, if there is a next time.”

“You need a new boyfriend, Linda,” said Rose.

“I need some excitement, like in those books. I heard of a club this weekend, called
The Hedonist’s Pleasure
…it’s a BDSM club, like in the books. I wonder how I can get an invitation.”

Olivia felt her heart stop, then race. She bit her lip.

“I guess you need to meet somebody who belongs,” said Rose.

“I think I’ll go online,” mused Linda, “and see if I can meet somebody in one of those chat rooms.”

“I think that would be pretty risky,” said Olivia. “You might meet some real perverts that way, somebody who would hurt you.”

“Look up The Club’s website,” suggested Amanda, “and send them an email expressing your interest. Stress that you’ve never done it before, and the owner might take pity on you and let you visit.”

“That’s a good idea,” agreed Linda. “I’ll do that when I get home.” She winked at the other girls. “I’d better not contact a place like that from the Bank’s computer, had I?



The first thing Graeme noticed as Olivia climbe
into his silver Mercedes was her anxious expression. He thought she was on the verge of crying.

“What’s wrong, pet? Afraid somebody will see you getting into my car? Or are those nipple clamps too much for you?”

“Nothing like that, Graeme. Linda has been on about putting some excitement into her life. She’s found out about
Hedonist’s Pleasure
and she’s going to see if she can get an invitation to The Club! First she was going to go onto a chat room online and see if she could hook up with a member, but your cousin suggested that she go to the website instead and email and ask for an invitation. Explain she’d never experienced the lifestyle before, and perhaps they’d let her have a look.”

“Oh. Not the greatest news, is it? Amazing, Amanda making a really good suggestion for once and it doesn’t suit our best interests... I thought Linda was pregnant and getting married to young Reece?”

“False alarm so the wedding is off. So now she’s looking for a diversion. Somehow, I don’t see her becoming truly committed to a Master.”

Graeme smiled. “Nor do I. I think she’s just a thrill seeker. We get several of that kind of enquiry at The Club monthly. Let me call Michael right now.” He activated his blue tooth connection and gave verbal instructions to call Michael.

“Hi, Michael. Second request for a favour today.”

“Well, since I’m very much going to enjoy the first one and the reward you’ve promised me even more, what’s this favour?”

“I’ve just picked my pet up and as soon as she got in the car she told me one of the girls from the Bank will have contacted you this afternoon through the website and asked for an invitation to have a look. She’s never been involved in BDSM before, and all the books flooding the market since
Fifty Shades
hit the shops have piqued her interest.”

“Oh, so the lovely Linda works for
Bank does she? I got the email over an hour ago, and called her. She sounded sincere, and I liked the pictures she sent with her request, so I invited her to visit this evening. She has a very sexy, husky voice that made me even more interested. I thought I would be quite amused, showing her around. I wouldn’t mind introducing her to a little bondage…”

“Well, shock her enough that she doesn’t want to come back. Pet would be mortified if Linda saw her there. Linda is not discreet, obviously, if she’s telling the girls at tea that she wants to visit The Club…”

“First thing I’ll do is impress upon her that she can’t talk about anything or anyone she sees. I’ll make her sign a non-disclosure agreement. Then I’ll show her the heavy stuff and that should scare her into silence and ensure she doesn’t want to come back. I think Andrew is giving a class on how to use a cat ‘o nine tails at eight o’clock. I’ll ask her if she’d like him to demonstrate on her. That should do it.”

“Thanks, partner.”

“No problem. Oh, I have a favour in return.”

“Just ask. I owe you.”

“Could you have a look at my investment portfolio? It isn’t doing as well as I’d like.”

“That’s an easy one. Email me a list of your holdings, and I’ll make some suggestions.”

“Thanks, Graeme. Give my regards to your luscious little pet, won’t you? I can certainly see why you don’t want her upset over Francine…” and Michael hung up.

“Why would I be upset over your pet in Geneva, Sir?” asked Olivia softly.

“She wanted to spend the week with me. She’s coming to London for a wedding.  Michael is going to entertain her while we’re in Ireland.”


“Francine would still like to be my pet, Olivia. She’s offered to relocate to London.”


“But my priority at the moment is training
, and seeing if I want to keep
as my pet instead.”

Olivia smiled wryly. “Nothing like putting pressure on me to perform well…”

Graeme chuckled. “Hmm, I hadn’t considered that benefit. Just do your best, kitten. In a week or two I’ll know if I want to keep you as my pet, or Francine or both of you…”

“Both of us?”

“Yes. Two pets can be quite enjoyable for the owner, and for the pets, especially if they’re bisexual, which I doubt you are, but Francine is. Enjoyable as long as they don’t get jealous of each other, and competitive. Because if they do, a good owner gets out the whip and teaches them their manners, both of them. I must admit, the thought of both your little asses splayed out side by side on my spanking bench, shackled down, waiting for the crack of my riding crop gets my cock twitching…” he teased.

Olivia tried to smile, but couldn’t quite make it. Graeme had been with Francine for two years in Geneva, so obvious he was pleased with her, whereas he hadn’t made his mind up yet about Olivia herself.

e certainly hadn’t seemed pleased with her for most of Friday evening, although Saturday had gone very well, and Sunday. But he’d sent her home last night to sleep alone…

They drove in silence for a while, then another thought struck her.

“Sir,” she asked tentatively, “is there a particular reason you called Michael

Graeme shot her a quick glance. “Aren’t you a perceptive little thing? Yes, Michael and I own a couple of business together.” He was silent for a minute, and then he added,

“You might as well know, one of those businesses is
The Hedonist’s Pleasure...”

“I wondered,” smiled Olivia. “I wondered because the doorman and everyone else at The Club treat you with the same deference they treat Michael...”

“But you didn’t say anything to me, you didn’t ask...”

“Well, Sir, I thought that if you wanted to tell me, you would. It isn’t my place to ask questions, is it?”

Graeme smiled. Francine had always asked questions, always been trying to find out what he owned, how much everything was worth. Olivia didn’t seem to care. How refreshing...

Graeme’s housekeeper had prepared a meal for two before she’d left for the evening. They ate in the kitchen, and then he led her downstairs to the basement, to the heavy locked door to the right of the stairway.

“Back to my training room, Olivia. Remember, when you enter this door, I am your Master and you will do everything exactly as I instruct you or there will be consequences. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

“Take all your clothes off now, Olivia, and fold them up and leave them on the bench beside the door as you did on the weekend, then go inside and kneel in the way I’ve taught you, back on your heels, knees apart, eyes down, and hands flat on your thighs. You remember from the weekend, don‘t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Graeme unlocked the door. “I’m going to change.”

Olivia undressed and folded her clothes neatly. She opened the oak door and looked around. The room was more familiar to her now, after their session on Sunday. She wasn’t afraid now, as she had been the first time he’d brought her down here. She took a good look around, this time absorbing the details.

The lighting was dim, from sconces around the room.

In the middle of the room was a spanking bench, upholstered in dark blue leather. He’d had her splayed out on it, spanked her and then fucked her yesterday. It had been very satisfying.

A wooden cross was on the wall, with shackles attached. She was sure that was a St. Andrew’s Cross. There was a frame with handcuffs hanging down, and a large four poster bed, again with chains and leather cuffs attached to each post. A large chest of drawers stood against the wall, and there were two racks, one holding an assortment of canes, and one holding riding crops, floggers and whips. Three paddles of different designs hung off hooks on leather thongs. Against the fourth wall was a heavy table. The walls were deep blue, the floor dark varnished wood. A sound system sat upon the chest. It reminded her of the rooms described in her books.

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