Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (10 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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“I may have a small problem raising a very pretty head in a day or two.”

“Problem with your new pet?”

“No, yes, but not her fault. Francine called my office while I was in New York and left a message for me at Reception.

“Amanda was filling in, so of course she forgot to give it to me, or even write it down. She just told me now. Francine’s coming to London for a wedding next week on Wednesday and wants to stay with me until Sunday. Wants me to go to the wedding with her.”


“So…I don’t want to burn any bridges with Francine in case I decide to discontinue my training of Olivia, but my little kitten is still very insecure in our relationship, and she’d be devastated if I have Francine at the house and attend this wedding with her.”

“Graeme, I don’t know what to say to you. I’ve known you for fifteen years and this is the first time you’ve ever even noticed what your submissive felt about what you wanted to do. I mean, man, you usually just do what you want to do, and your subs have to swallow whatever you dish out…even Carrie…are you considering a monogamous relationship with this girl or something?”

“Sort of. I mean, I’ll share her as I choose, and enjoy other women as the mood takes me, but she’ll never be at one of the parties we throw at The Club. She’s too sensitive for that. I can destroy her with an unkind word.”

“Well, friend, I hope you plan to share her with me some night, because the lady is hot!”

“Oh, you’ll get to taste her delights quite soon, Michael. Within the next week or so. I’m going to start training that little ass tonight and then we’ll have a ménage.  I want her to have the pleasure of two men…”

“Oh good. Tell you what I’ll do for you, Graeme, since we’re such good friends and since you’re going to let me have that little girl’s pussy soon, how about I call Francine in Geneva. I would imagine she’s coming for Jane and Robert’s wedding which is being held at The Club next Saturday. Francine and Jane are friends aren’t they? I’ll invite her as my date, and have her stay with me. Have you called her back yet?”


“Well, don’t until I call you. If Francine called you last week and you haven’t called back yet, she’s going to be a little miffed at you, and I could come off looking as if I’m saving her face. I’ll keep her busy at The Club and in my bedroom, and she won’t even miss your smiling face.”

“Thanks, Michael.”

“I’ll call her right now. Call you back shortly.”

Ten minutes later, Michael called back. “Saved your bacon, boy. She succumbed to my smooth talking and I’m picking her up at the airport on Wednesday night. She’s staying with me, and going to the wedding with me. If you’re wise, you’ll have a business engagement out of town from Wednesday to Sunday afternoon. Out of sight, out of mind?”

“Thanks, you’re a real pal. I just might do that.”

Graeme wandered into his uncle’s office.

“Uncle David, what do you think about me to go to Belfast and try once more to see if we can buy the Merchants Bank of Northern Ireland?”

“Yes, Lad, I think you should do that. I hear the Imperial is sniffing around it.”

“I heard that as well, this morning. How about if I go over next Wednesday if I can get appointments with them? I’ve too much to do this week. I can pick up the negotiations where I broke them off. I’ll get Legal to prepare the papers, and come back with them signed.

“The owners are losing money hand over fist with their racing stables. Rafe, the older brother was at the Conference in New York, and I had drinks with him. They want to buy an eight million dollar stud, so the stupid fools would rather sell the Bank instead of just selling off some of the land the Bank owns. All their money is tied up in the Bank’s reserves. They don’t even have eight million lying around. I think they have visions of taking the money they get from the sale of their Bank and building a world class stable.”

“Stay a few days, Graeme. Turn on the charm, wine and dine them.”

“There’s a big horse race over there next Saturday week, Uncle, and they have a runner. I should perhaps stay and cheer the nag on…the odds are twenty to one against it winning, but pigs might fly...”

“Good thinking. I’d love to get our hands on that Bank. The property it owns is worth more than the asking price of the entire operation.”

“Yes, it is.  They’re well situated in the marketplace over there as well. I’d like to expand the branch system, open another ten branches within the next couple of years. I’ll get them to sign on the dotted line before the Imperial muddies the waters and pushes the price up.”

Back in his office, Graeme pulled out the gold nipple clamps he’d bought from Ragnar, and smiled to himself. Why wait? He dialled Olivia’s telephone extension.

“Olivia Stone here, how may I assist you?”

“You may assist me by slipping up here on your tea break in twenty minutes and meeting me in the Library.”

“Yes, Sir, I could do that…”

Graeme hung up before she said any more.

He dialled Francine’s mobile. “Hello, Francine, I hear you called Thursday. Amanda just gave me the message. I was in New York.”

“Mon Cherie, how are you? You must be tired, all that flying.”

“I was, it was a heavy week. But I’m back at my desk now. I have some bad news for you, panther. I have to go to Ireland next week and I probably won’t be back until the following Monday…so I can’t go to the wedding with you.”

“That’s alright, Graeme. Michael just called me and invited me to Jane’s wedding with him. Since I hadn’t heard back from you, I thought maybe you were in New York this week also, and so I accepted. He asked me to stay with him. Is that permissible, Sir?”

“Francine, you aren’t my submissive any more, are you? Of course it’s fine. Enjoy yourself. You always do, with Michael.”

“I would still be your submissive if you chose, Graeme…I like you being my Master.”

“But that isn’t fair to you, Francine, to live in Geneva and have a master who sees you so rarely. No, panther, you need more attention that I would give you.”

“It would not be hard for me to relocate to London, Graeme.”

“No, Francine. Your life is in Geneva. You love your new townhouse, don’t you?  Haven’t you met anyone yet? I thought that you and Johan were doing well?”

“We are, but he isn’t you.”

“You’re sweet, Francine, but you must enjoy what is available and not long for something that has passed.”

“I’m trying, Graeme, but I miss you.”

“Don’t. Now, I thing you should go to your Club tonight, there in Geneva, and find at least two partners and have a ménage. You enjoy that…perhaps Johan and Lisle will be there?”

“Your wish is my command.”

“Not any more, I’m just making a suggestion. Enjoy Michael next weekend, Francine, I have to go now.”

In Geneva, Francine sat with her mobile in her hand for quite a long time, thinking, scheming the best way to entice Graeme to change his mind and become her Master again…perhaps she could use the time at that wedding to meet some other female members of his club, and become friendly?

Then she could just appear now and then in London to visit them, and when he kept seeing her, he would realize just how much he missed her. Yes, that was a good plan.

Too bad he would be out of the country, but she would use the time at the wedding well. There would some new, young subs there that she could befriend. They’d look up to her when they saw her with Michael, and be very easy to manipulate.

Graeme had made her life very comfortable, and she missed that, missed the unlimited luxury his protection had afforded her. She wanted the credit cards, the travel, and the convertible back. He was a generous Master, and she had champagne tastes…

She had been so certain he was thinking of taking her to London with him, so certain. But he hadn’t.

Those stupid daughters of his, little cows, had told him in no uncertain terms that they didn’t approve of her! Told him she was just after his money.

Well, she gave good value for all the gifts he showered on her! Of course, those two spoiled little bitches didn’t realize that…but her spies told her the one was pregnant now, so Francine was certain that she could lure Graeme back to her, and the damned daughters would be distracted enough to not notice until it was too late.

In the meantime, Michael was fun. He was a rich man as well…so perhaps a few days showing him what a fine pet she made would be a good thing, just as a backup of course.

At the same time, Graeme was on the telephone to Belfast, talking race horses with Rafe, and making arrangements to meet next Wednesday.

Fifteen minutes later, Graeme was sitting in the Library, with
The History of Browning’s Mercantile Bank
open in front of him, and his reports on the Merchants Bank of Northern Ireland beside him.

“Ha ha! I remembered as much. The founders of Browning’s were cousins of the founders of the Merchants Bank of Northern Ireland!” he exclaimed out loud.

Olivia had just come in. “Pardon, Sir?” she asked politely.

He smiled broadly at her. “I just found the piece of the puzzle I was looking for to pull off a merger I’ve been working on, Olivia. Close the door and lock it, would you?”

Olivia turned and did his bidding. “Now, kitten, come and sit on the edge of the table in front of me.”

Graeme flipped her skirt up, and smiled. “Ah, you did wear a thong. I was just checking that you followed my instructions. I’ll be checking every day, kitten.”

“Yes, Sir. I told you I bought seven, one for each day of the week, and I gave you your change.”

Graeme smiled at her earnest manner. He unbuttoned her blouse and pulled her bra cups down. “Oh, pet, your tits are quite wonderful. Let me just suck them for a minute to elongate them…I could do this all day, Olivia, and I might, one day soon, but right now, I have something for you. These are adjustable nipple clamps, kitten, and they can be most enjoyable. I start all my untrained subs in these. You saw some subs wearing them at The Club, remember?”

Olivia nodded.

“I’m going to screw them onto you, like this, pet, and I want you to wear them under your clothes. It will be like I’m playing with your tits all afternoon in the middle of the Currency Trading Desk. It’s an exercise to teach you to focus, Olivia. You may find it difficult at first, to focus on your reports when these clamps excite your nipples every time you move. You may find the excitement rushes down to your cunt, pet. You may find your panties get very wet.”

  Graeme was careful not to screw them too tight, just enough to hold them on so that Olivia felt something pressing into her once her bra cups were back in place, but not too painfully. He was aiming for a small amount of pain and a moderate amount of arousal.

He kissed her softly and smiled into her eyes. “Very convenient having you two floors down, Olivia. I can get you up here and play with you every afternoon…”

She kissed him back and just smiled. She didn’t trust her voice. His words made her so happy, she was close to tears.

He kissed her again, his tongue dancing in and out of her lips, enticing, entrancing her.

“Do you have any holiday time left for this year, kitten?”

“Yes, a week.”

“I want you to ask John Taylor for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off next week. Say that call I made was from a cousin, and you called back in this break, and you need to go and visit. John is so easy going, he’ll say yes.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I’m taking you with me to Belfast.              You have a passport, don’t you? I have to go over Wednesday, and we’ll stay until Sunday afternoon. I missed training you while I was in New York, and I don’t want to miss training you in Belfast as well.”

Olivia flushed with pleasure. “Oh, thank you so much.”

“You can do some sightseeing while I’m in my meetings, pet, and then we can continue your training each evening.

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