Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (6 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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Olivia did not know whether she was more embarrassed or more aroused. Arousal won out.

Ten more strikes and Graeme was plunging into her, fucking her hard and deep from behind, as he’d done in his study that evening when they’d finished their dinner.

“You can come now, baby. I want you to come now, Olivia,” he ordered, and she exploded around him as he emptied his seed into her.

Everyone applauded.

  An hour later, they were back at Graeme’s townhouse, in his study. He’d brought in a bottle of Krug and they were sipping out of thin crystal flutes.

“I toast you, my little pet. I threw you in the deep end, didn’t I? You were very brave. And very compliant. You did everything I asked. Would you go back there with me, and try something else?”

“I would, Sir.”

Because if I say no, you’ll send me home and I won’t see you anymore, and I’ll take you anyway I can get you, Sir. Besides, it pleases you and I think I might live to please you now, but I’d better not tell you that...

“You can call me Graeme now, kitten. Shall we take the rest of this champagne up to bed with us?  I want to lick it off your tits, and I may pour some into your lovely little cunt and sip it out…”

He took her to dinner Sunday evenin
, to an upscale restaurant. It was the nicest dining room she’d ever seen, modern and sleek, like on the telly. She wore her charity shop mini again. As they sat enjoying their coffee, he said to her, “Now, Olivia. These are your rules for the week. I shall be in New York, but I expect complete obedience as if I was here watching over you. ”

“Yes, Sir.”

“One, you will be unfailing polite and helpful to everyone, respectful to all. The only time you may speak sharply to someone is if a man makes an inappropriate move toward you. If someone is rude to you, you must smile sweetly at them and turn away.  And no winding Amanda up. She says you do that a lot.” Graeme’s lips twitched. He wound Amanda up a lot himself, but Olivia didn’t need to know that.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Two, you will wear only the outfits I chose for you to work. Exactly as I arranged them for you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Three, You will follow the diet I will give you when we return to my house. I looked in your refrigerator and you have a load of crap in there. I need you fit, so you now have a new eating regimen.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Four, You will go to the gym every morning at half past six and work out with Tami Grimes. She is your new personal trainer. The gym is for women only, called
and is just around the corner from the Bank. Do you know where it is?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good, I’ve made all the arrangements and you can shower there and go straight to work, after you’ve had breakfast in the health bar at the gym. I am requiring this, so I will be paying for it. You will sign for your breakfasts and they will go on my monthly statements. You will eat breakfast there. They will have workout clothes waiting for you from their shop, and appropriate footwear for your training regime. I’ve looked after the cost.”

“Yes, Sir, and thank you, very much. I’ve never been to a gym before, except at school of course.”

Graeme nodded, and continued.

“Five, on Thursday evening you have an appointment at six with Raoul at Magnific Salon and Day Spa in New Bond Street. They will give you a complete wax. I like my women bare, kitten, no pubic hair. They will also give you a manicure, pedicure, facial, new hair cut and style. You are very beautiful, and your hairstyle now does not flatter you. It just hangs limply. Raoul will leave your hair quite long, as I prefer. Unless I instruct you otherwise, you will wear your hair in a pony tail from now on when you are at work. I prefer it. I also like that messy bun you had Friday evening, so if you wish to vary at all, you may wear a bun to work, but a tidy one. You will only wear it loose when I instruct you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I require my pets to be as beautiful as they can be. Magnific’s make-up artist will give you a lesson that will show you how I want you to wear your make-up for work, for going out with me, such as dinner tonight, and for going to The Club. You may have noticed that the women there have quite dramatic eyes. I like the look and want you to adopt it when we go there.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Six. You will learn by heart and be able to recite to me all the rules and regulations that we have posted on the wall in the Currency Trading Room. These are the rules we operate under and Compliance is not an option, it is a necessity, so you must know them all and understand them. Damned Gordon Reece never bothered to even read them, and he cost the Bank a Ten Thousand Pound fine twice. If his father wasn’t Head of Stock Trading, I’d have sacked him.

“You will also learn the symbols for the sixty currencies that are most traded by our desk. We only trade heavily in about fifteen, but I want you to be able to identify all sixty. I will test you when I return from New York.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Seven. You will be at Heathrow in my car to pick me up Friday evening at eight. You do drive, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir, I do. My grandfather taught me so that I could take my grandmother to the shops.”

“Don’t be late. Check the arrival time of my plane with British Airways a couple of hours before I’m due. I want you in that black dress you wore to The Club and the dramatic eye make-up you will learn. No underwear. We may or may not dine at The Club, depending how tired I am, but I want you dressed, ready if we do.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He pulled out his wallet and handed her a hundred pound note.

“Eight, go and buy some thongs. You should be able to get some pretty ones for about twenty pounds each...”

Embarrassed, she took the money from him. She could tell by the look on his face that he expected no argument.

“Thank you, Sir. Eh, what colour do you prefer?”

“You can choose whatever colours you like, pet. But I prefer lace.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Finished your coffee? Good, let’s go home. We need to get up at six, me to the airport, and you to the gym. We’ll stop by your bed-sitter and pick up your clothes for tomorrow on our way.

“Yes, Sir.”

Graeme smiled at her. “Good girl. You may call me Graeme for the rest of the evening.  Did you enjoy your spanking last night?”

“Actually, I was very scared, but once you started, it was different than I’d imagined. It was very erotic, the way you stroked me in between, and the pain seemed to actually create pleasure, is that something to do with endorphins? It made me very wet.

“It was exciting in a way, knowing all those people were watching you spank me and fuck me.”

“I may spank that lovely bottom of your tonight, before we go to bed, Olivia, just to remind you to follow all my rules.”

“Oh…yes, Graeme. Yes, please, if you’re going to fuck me after.”

Graeme laughed. “We may do very well indeed, little pet. I don’t go in for great pain, but I enjoy seeing you wince a little, and I love getting you wet for my cock to slide right into you.”

  “I think you must be quite large, Graeme, compared to other men. I did look at the other men, last night at The Club.”

“I’m well endowed, if that’s what you mean. There are men who are bigger, but I can fill you and stretch you, and satisfy you.”

“Oh yes, you do all of that, Sir Graeme.”

“You’re a little ahead of yourself, baby. I won’t be Sir Graeme until my uncle dies. And I hope that’s not for a very long time.”

“Oh. I didn’t realize you’ll have a title. I was making a joke.”

Graeme smiled indulgently. “You weren’t to know. Now, let’s go home and play. As you found out this afternoon, I’ve got a very nice spanking bench in my training room, and it’s waiting for you. Then I think we’ll have a bath together, and you can practice your oral skills…see if you can remember all the finer points I taught you today.



Graeme dropped Olivia off at the gym on his way to the airport
The receptionist showed Olivia to her personal locker, and gave her a combination lock to use. It was full of workout clothes, tops, shorts, socks, trainers, even sports bras! Her personal trainer was very nice, but very strict, and she was glad when the hour was over. She showered, dressed and went into the small restaurant attached to
Before she could order, a plate of fruit, poached eggs and whole wheat toast was put in front of her.

“Mr. Browning advised us already what your breakfast requirements would be, Miss Stone.”

“Oh, thank you.”

Olivia was twenty minutes early for work. She was nervous, it was her first day in Currency Trading. She went up to the Secretarial Pool and cleared the few personal effects from her desk, and headed down to Currency Trading. John Taylor greeted her kindly and showed her the desk that would be hers. His P.A., Pat, showed her the reports that would be her responsibility and the mess that they wanted her to clear up. Olivia spent the next hour sorting through the quagmire of forms that seemed to be required by Accounting, Compliance, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Browning, etc. etc. At half past nine, she went up to see Mr. Smith in Personnel.

“Ah, Olivia,” he said kindly. “Getting settled into your new desk?”

“Yes, Mr. Smith. I’ve been going through the forms, and I see what Mr. Browning meant yesterday about the mess...”

“Oh, you spoke to Mr. Browning yesterday?”

Olivia flushed.

Oh dear, she was going to have to learn to be careful, very careful.

“Yes, Sir. He wanted to make sure that I understand what he wants me to accomplish down there, the changes he wants made. Since he’s away all week, he decided to talk to me and tell me what he expects me to accomplish by Friday.”

“Hmm, he is rather demanding, isn’t he? Calling you on a Sunday,” muttered Stan Smith. “But I can understand why. We had two Ten Thousand Pound fines because of incompetent clerks in that Department, Olivia, in the last four months.”

“He told me that, Sir. I’ve just been looking at all the forms that are being used now. I’ll be computerizing the process, and that should cut down on the inaccuracies. Mr. Browning says I can finally use the computer skills the Bank paid for me to acquire.”

Mr. Smith smiled. “Well, that’s true enough. Now, about your pay, Olivia...”

“Yes, Mr. Smith?”

“That position is actually rated below your current pay range, but Graeme Browning says that since you will be revamping the position, you are to stay in your current range and in fact, I am authorizing a two hundred pound a month raise. He said to tell you that if you succeed at the task, and get us back in to Compliance, and we stay there for six months with no problems caused by your paperwork, he will issue you a Two Thousand Pound bonus.”

“Oh,” Olivia’s eyes gleamed.  She wouldn’t tell her grandfather about that. She’d have some money for some decent clothes. “Thank you, Mr. Smith. I’ll be sure to meet that goal, and to write a note to Mr. Browning, thanking him!”

“That would be a good thing to do, Olivia. Now, one more thing...”

“If it’s about my bluntness and cutting ways, Sir, Mr. Browning addressed that with me when we spoke yesterday of his expectations of me in Currency Trading. I’ve given him my word that I’ll be seen and not heard unless it’s in dulcet tones.”

Stan Smith laughed. “Olivia, I’ll believe that when I hear it from John Taylor. But try, please, try. You know you’ve been written up twice for rudeness to a senior, and the next time will be the last.”

“I realize that, Sir. I’ll do my very best. Mr. Browning says that if I work hard and accomplish the task he’s set me, if one of the traders leaves, I can train to be on the desk.”

“Er, yes, he mentioned that to me.”

“So, I’d like to start the course immediately if you don’t mind? I am well aware that nobody’s left the Currency Trading Desk in the four and a half years I’ve been with the Bank, but if they get busy, perhaps Mr. Taylor would find me useful as a fill-in...”

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