Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (37 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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John did some quick calculations in his head. “I think that means the private trades that Tim and his friends instituted made them about Four Hundred Grand between them...They must have stepped up their activity in case we close the department down.

“I think those are close to my estimates as well, John,” confirmed Olivia. “He’s been pretty clever while the markets have been hot this week. This Bank made modest money, he made good money, but now the markets are cooling down, the Bank is taking the losses and he’s not. Aren’t you glad he isn’t in our London Office? We trade on such a larger scale, he could have wiped out the Bank with some of his short positions. He got lucky on the Canadian Dollar, and Gavin was smart enough to cover their ass in that dip. I think if Tim had been paying attention, he’d have made Gavin hold off and we’d have ended up losing, because the Canadian dollar had a significant upward swing at the end today. Gavin actually is a far better trader than Tim. Too bad he’s just as crooked.”

Graeme looked at his watch. “Let’s go. James will be downstairs.”

Once at the house, Graeme led Olivia upstair
. “If you’ll excuse us for a few minutes, Gentlemen, we’re just going to change into some more comfortable clothes.”

He led Olivia straight into the training room. “Bend over, pet and hold on to the bench. I just want to warm these balls a little, although I’m tempted to put them into you cold, you were cheeky to me this afternoon, weren’t you...let’s just get your panties off, shall we?”

He stroked her and plunged his fingers into her core and got her very, very wet, then went into the bathroom and ran hot water over the balls to warm them.

“I know, not nearly as erotic as
Fifty Shades
, warming them in their mouths, but we don’t have time for that. Now let’s get your jeans on, that’s going to create some very interesting friction for you, kitten, and every time you move, well, you’ll see. Even reading the book isn’t going to prepare you for the sensations you’ll feel.”

he top he chose for her had the lowest neckline she’d brought with her, and his love bites on her neck were clearly visible. She reached for the concealer.

Graeme’s hand grabbed her wrist. “Oh no, baby. Now that John and Gideon know, I see no reason to hide my mark of ownership on you.”

She turned scarlet, and he laughed. He swatted her behind. “I’ve been thinking about your bare bottom over my lap all afternoon. I’ve decided it’s a very good idea, much more fun than the bench....”

Mrs. Green produced another magnificent feas
. Lobster bisque, Cornish game hens and perfect crème caramel tonight.

Graeme made a mental note to give her a large raise and to see about her coming over to London every time he and Olivia gave a dinner party.

Every time he and Olivia gave a dinner party? Where did that come from?

Over dinner, the entire conversation centred on the evidence on the computers. It was now in the hands of the authorities. The Regulatory Bodies had been notified of the situation and the undercover investigation that was going on.

Olivia found it difficult not to squirm. Graeme kept nudging her knee under the tablecloth, and caressing her back, tracing the back of her neckline with his index finger, his touch so erotic against her skin. John and Gideon had looked at the marks on her neck and smiled at each other.

Finally, over coffee, Graeme looked at John and Gideon. “Oh, gentlemen. Your discretion about Olivia’s credit card will be greatly appreciated, and about her morning sickness.”

“Of course, that goes without say, Graeme. I’m very happy for the two of you. I can see that you want to keep your private life, well, private, and make any public announcements when you are ready. I’m not a silly girl like your cousin. I can keep a secret.” John’s eyes were twinkling. “Eh, when’s the happy event? No doubt that’s the big project outside the Bank you mentioned.”

“In about seven months,” smiled Graeme. “And Gideon? I’d like some security around Olivia until she flies back to England next Thursday afternoon. I’ll be with her until Sunday evening, but I want a detail here from 5pm Sunday until she leaves and a security officer within six feet of her until Thursday at the bank, shopping, whatever. I want someone riding in the car with her when James drives her. I don’t trust these cowboys if the Police haul them in for questioning and then release them.”

“I anticipated you, Graeme. Olivia will certainly be the object of O’Rourke’s wrath if she’s still here when they release him after questioning him. You know their solicitors will get them all released until the trial, and that will be months away.”

“Work with the police, will you, Gideon. If possible, let’s stall the questioning until Olivia’s finished here. I’ll swallow the losses for a few more days. We’ll get their gains back anyway, or what’s left of them. The Police will freeze all their accounts.”

“Perhaps we could lose a day’s trading switching out the computer system?” suggested John.

“And the next day with installation bugs,” added Olivia. “That will contain the losses somewhat.” That delicious ache in her belly was growing by the minute. She wished these men would leave, so that she could get some relief...

“Right. When is the new equipment scheduled to arrive?”

“Monday afternoon, so we can lose Tuesday and Wednesday.”

“Fine. It shouldn’t cost me more than half a million.”

“What do you think they’ve stolen from this Bank, Gideon?”

“Since the scam started nineteen months ago? Over five million, maybe as much as nine or ten million, and all that we’ve found so far to claw back is just over two million. Our Legal Department is trying to determine whether that money belongs to us, or if we have to give it to the former owners.”

“Interesting point,” said Graeme. “I don’t know the answer, but Legal will sort it out.”

  Olivia smiled at Graeme. “Well, I would imagine Rafe and Brendan will put up quite a case that it belongs to them. After all, it would just about buy them another stallion for their stud farm, wouldn’t it?”

   Everybody laughed.

At ten, James took John and Gideon to the airport. By two minutes past ten, Graeme had Olivia in the bedroom.

“Oh, pet, what am I going to do with you?”

“Undress me, take the balls out, spank me like Christian spanked Ana in the book to relieve the tension, and then fuck me silly?” she asked hopefully.

Graeme roared with laughter. “Oh, baby, you are wonderful. I’m amazed you kept the balls in all night. I’d expected you to excuse yourself and go and take them out.

“Hmmm....Since you kept them in for the last four and a half hours, when you’re back in London I may make you wear them to work for a whole day...now that would be quite a test for you, and the more pregnant you get, the more pressure you’ll feel...” He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. She clutched his shoulders and relished his hands as they caressed her back and squeezed her bottom.

He was moving backward as they kissed and soon he was at the edge of the bed, and she was facing him, and he was undoing the button on her waistband, and easing down the zipper, and then he was sliding the jeans down her legs.

“Step out of them,” he instructed her, and she did.

His hands were on the hem of her top then.

“Hands straight up above your head.”

Her hands shot up, and he yanked the top up and off.

He reached behind her and unclasped her bra and pushed the straps down her arms, devouring her mouth as he did, and then he was seated on the bed, and she was over his lap with her body resting across the bed, and his left leg was over hers, holding her in place, just as she remembered reading.

“Hands clasped on your head.” Graeme’s voice was firm, controlling, the voice of her Dom.

His right hand was on the small of her back now, and she knew that he had her exactly where he wanted her. The left hand was stroking her bare bottom, his index finger idly tracing the crack in her bum, down, down to her rosebud, lingering there, circling it, caressing it. “I’ll have this later, Olivia. After...” And then his finger continued down, along her sex, finding her wet, wet channel, and he found the string that led to the balls, and he pulled it quickly and she was empty and bereft. Tears flooded her eyes, and then he was stroking her bottom again, gently, so gently.

“I think ten strokes on each side, baby, to stop the ache...” And his hand came down hard.  “Count them for me, baby, count out loud...”

“One....two....three...four...” and he stopped, and stroked her again, and plunged two fingers inside her and she tightened around them, and he smiled.

“Oh, this was a good idea, wasn’t it, baby?” And he hit her again, harder.

“Five...six...seven...eight....nine...ten...” and he stopped again, and caressed her and stroked her and now his fingers were inside again and this time his thumb was rubbing against her hard little nub and all she wanted to do was to explode.

He felt her muscles start to quiver around his thrusting fingers.

“No, baby, no, you can’t come. You can’t come until I allow you to....”


Graeme paused, stroking her again, admiring his handiwork. “Oh, you’re such a lovely pink, kitten.”


Tears were streaming down her cheeks but she felt so good, so very good.

  She was flat on her back now, on the bed, and he was looming over her, tearing his zipper down, yanking his jeans and briefs off together, and he was in her now, thrusting, filling her to perfection. In and out, harder, deeper.

He pulled her legs further apart, and suddenly her ankles were up near his ears, and she was balanced on her shoulders, his hands supporting her and he was in deeper, and harder and faster and she was panting, gasping, trying so hard not to explode.

“Come for me now. ‘Livi, come for me now. Let me feel you explode around me...” and she did, and he cried out “
” and she felt his cream pulse out like a jet stream, filling every inch of her womb,
so good, so good, so very good

He looked down at her with an expression of complete satisfaction. “Well, baby, if you weren’t pregnant already, you would be after that. We’ll have to remember this position for the next one...” He slowly pulled out of her and lowered her back onto the bed.

“The next one, Graeme?”

“The next baby, ‘Livi, our next baby...for when I want to make our next baby.”

She was lying in his arms now, and he was stroking her hair and tracing her lips with his tongue.

“Will I have a say about our next baby, about when we have it?” she asked quietly, happy, so happy that he would even think he wanted a second baby with her...

“You know I make the decisions, Olivia,” he said softly. “It’s the nature of our relationship. I’m the Dom, and you’re my pet, my precious possession.”

“I know that, Sir,” she whispered. “I was just asking...”

He kissed her eyelids as he tenderly stroked her belly.

“I want you to go to the doctor next week. We’ll make an appointment with the best baby doctor in London for Friday. I’ll go with you. I’ve been reading...you’ll need vitamins...and he can give us an idea when the baby will be born.”

He pulled her head onto his shoulder and nuzzled her hair. “I love your hair, ‘Livi. If we have a girl I hope she’s got your blonde hair and lapis eyes...”

“I’ll be happy if the baby is healthy,” she murmured. His steady breathing told her he was asleep already, fast asleep.

She lay there for a long time. Graeme had been very indiscreet with John, and now John and Gideon knew that she and Graeme were going to have a baby, although he’d asked them to keep it quiet until he was ready to let people know.

And he wanted another child with her...he must really feel the need to have children, to have an heir to the Bank, and to his personal fortune.

But he hadn’t said they would live together, or be married.

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