Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (35 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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John raised his eyebrow but said nothing. Olivia must have mentioned she felt a little ill during her conversations with Graeme on the telephone during the day.

Olivia struggled to keep an impassive expression. Graeme was being too solicitous, and that kiss! Well, he’d obviously given John a cover story about it being for the benefit of Tim and Danny, but she knew better, and her panties were soaking in anticipation of later, and from the way Graeme’s hand was lying casually on her thigh, inching higher, hidden by the beautiful linen tablecloth, she was sure later would be sooner...

All three ate heartily of the perfectly prepared rack of lamb and the amazing apple tart with homemade ice cream that Mrs. Green had prepared.

The men took their brandy with them when they moved to the study, and sat around the desk, going over the situation until after ten.

  “Bedtime, I think, don’t you?” yawned Graeme. “John, Mrs. Green has put you in the Blue Room, the King’s Room.

“King George the Fifth and Queen Mary stayed there several times in the twenties and thirties, and Mrs. Green reserves it for our most welcome guests. You are honoured indeed...it’s just up these stairs on the first floor, and Riley has of course, hung everything up for you. Breakfast will be at seven, and if you want your shoes polished, just leave them outside the door...Riley, our houseboy will look after them. If you need anything, an early morning cup of tea or anything else, just ring 3 on the telephone. He’s on duty all night.”

They walked him to his room, and said goodnight at the door.

John was so busy taking in the opulence of his bedchamber that he didn’t wonder which room Olivia was staying in.

He called his wife on his mobile.

“Hello, pet, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine, John. How was your flight?”

“Very smooth, and you should see this house that Graeme has over here, it’s very grand.

“It’s a true country estate. He has a wonderful cook. Might be the best meal I ever had, and his wine cellar is without compare. They’ve put me in a bedroom that King George and Queen Mary stayed in several times!”

“Have they now! You must be feeling very grand.”

“I am. I could get used to how the other half lives, Margaret, very easily. They even have a houseboy on call all night, and he’s going to shine my shoes and bring me early morning tea. I just rang down and asked him to bring it up at six.  And you should see this bathroom! My word it’s nice. We live well, pet, but this is how the aristocracy live, I’m sure...I think I remember hearing a rumour that Queen Mary was related to Graeme’s maternal Great Grandmother.

“We’ve got a heavy day tomorrow. So much mess to clean up. Graeme’s told me to be very vague, as if I leave all the details to my staff, and to see if I share Olivia’s opinion of Danny, the young man we’re training to be Records’ Controller. He’s working on his accounting designation and I think he may feel this job is a shunt off his career path, but Olivia’s tried to reassure him, and if I agree with her, and there’s no reason I shouldn’t, I may suggest making him a Supervisor of Documents for Stock, Bond and Currency Trading when we finish the amalgamation. We need somebody who can spot irregularities for the position, so I figure nobody better than a young accountant who wants to prove himself…”

“Well, that young lady Olivia has certainly proved her worth to the Bank, hasn’t she, dear?” said his wife.

“She has. Graeme was his usual astute self when he transferred her down to me. He seems to know her very well, pet. Very well. He seems quite proprietary about her.”

“I’d imagine that’s because she’s his protégé now, John. She’s probably on the fast track you say his little cousin
she’s on.”

“I’m sure you’re right, Margaret. In that case, he’ll be moving her to another department soon to gain experience there. I’d better have her train an understudy when she gets settled back in London and finishes her trading course.”

“That’s a good idea, dear. Now, it’s late, go to bed and get some sleep. You know how long it takes to you fall asleep in a strange bed...”

Upstairs on the second floor, Graeme and Olivia were relaxin
in the big claw footed tub. He had her between his legs, her back to his front, and he was holding her close.

“I thought about the training room and you on the Cross with those nipple clamps, pet, and the thought was making me hard, but then I decided we’d save that until tomorrow night, when we can sleep in a little on Saturday morning. It will be just as enticing then.”

He was playing with her nipples now, turning them into hard, pebbly peaks, and his mouth was making wet circles on her neck.

“Oh dear, baby, I think I’ve just given you another love bite, but on your neck this time, where somebody might see it. I hope you have a high necked top with you...”

Olivia smiled. “Well, I have a stick of concealer, so if my blouse doesn’t hide it, the makeup might. But Tim expects that we’ll be busy tonight, with that greeting you gave me, so it will just build on his expectations, won’t it?”

“I’m more concerned about John Taylor,” murmured Graeme. “I don’t want knowing eyes and gossip in London.”

“I doubt he would even notice, Graeme. He’s going to be very busy tomorrow, and when he sees the mess first hand, he isn’t going to give a thought to me...”

They moved to the bedroom, and Graeme lay on the bed, his manhood proudly reaching for the ceiling. “Look what you do to me, pet...”

Olivia smiled, and knelt between his open legs and bent down to do what she knew he loved...

Soon he pulled her up and had her on her hands and knees, and he was lubricating her rosebud, and she felt him pressing against her, and she was pushing back, welcoming the intimacy that she yearned for. Deeper and deeper, harder and harder, his balls slapping against her, his hands on her hips in a vise-like grip...she moved one of her hands off the bed and rubbed her clit, and everything exploded for both of them. She collapsed onto the bed, and his body covered her...

“Oh, baby, baby...I wanted this so badly. I didn’t know how much I’d miss you.”

He rolled over, off her, and she turned onto her side, so that she could look at him.

“I know. It was funny, sleeping in this bed all week, without you.”

He looked at her seriously. “I felt you were so far away. When you’re just across the city, it doesn’t bother me, but knowing you were across the Irish Sea made you seem so remote...”

“You’re here now, Sir, and I’m happy.”

“I’m happy as well, my little kitten. We should sleep. Tomorrow will be a tough day.”

They kissed goodnight, and Graeme turned her around so that she was cuddled against him spoon fashion.

Olivia lay there, enjoying the embrace, listening to Graeme’s breathing slow as he drifted off to sleep. This was where she was happiest, skin to skin with him, his arm still holding her close even in slumber. She hated to think of the day when this would just be a memory...

While John Taylor, Graeme and Olivia were enjoying dinner, Gavi
and his mate Roger had gone back to the Bank.

“Hi, Gavin,” said the young security guard.

“Hi, Phil. This is my pal Roger. We’re just going up to my office for a few minutes, forgot something for my girlfriend...”

“Oh, righto.”

“No need to write me in the book is there, Phil? With the Head Office lot lurking about...”

“Nah, no need, Gav.”

Gavin’s friend Roger was a computer whiz. Within forty minutes, they’d changed out Gavin’s hard drive and fed an expunged backup disc onto the computer. They’d also made their own backup of Tim’s P.C. They made a few adjustments to Roland and Flynn’s computers as well.

“Thanks, Rog. That should do it.”

“Any time, mate. How much do you think the bugger has ripped you off for?”

“I think he’s kept two million that should have been split four ways...”


“Yeah. Because that would have been a hundred grand in your pocket, your share of my share for your help in setting up this scam to start with.”

“Double ouch. You think they’re onto the scam, the new owners?”

“I think so. That Olivia is very smart. Very observant. I saw her comparing some of the trade slips and frowning. My only hope is to make the other three look guilty and make myself look innocent.”

“Yeah...good thing Tim was so easy to manipulate isn’t it. I bet by now he’s forgotten you thought the whole thing up.”

“Roger, you are so right. He thinks it was all is idea. He has no clue that I was doing this on a smaller scale for two years before he became Head Trader.”

“I always wondered, Gavin, why you didn’t go after the job?”

“I like money, not titles. I wanted to keep a low profile and keep making that extra money. Now, let’s get out of here. Phil goes off at eight and I’m not friendly with the night shift...”

Graeme woke Olivia at six, rolling her gently onto her bac
, and kissing her lips, then her neck, then the rosy tips of her breasts.

Her eyes opened and she smiled up at him. “What a lovely way to be woken up.”

“I’m glad you think so...feel how hard I am for you, baby. I just need to be inside you...” and he was, sliding straight into her wet, velvet centre. Her hips moved to meet his every thrust, and their eyes burned with the desire they felt for each other.  Release came swiftly for both of them.

Graeme jumped out of bed and taking her hand led her into the shower. She felt him stiffen again as she soaped him, and he backed her up against the tiled wall, and pulled her legs up around him, and she was riding him as his passion mounted. His lips were on her throat, her head was thrown back in abandon as he drove deeper and deeper into her velvet channel.

“Oh, kitten, this is where I belong, so deep inside you...come for me, baby, come now...” he moaned, and she did, and she felt him shoot his seed and fill her.

He shaved while she dried her hair, and she revelled at the intimacy she felt, sharing the bathroom with him as they got ready to leave. She found a silk scarf in her drawer, meant to wear with her leather jacket, and draped it around her neck, hiding her latest love bites from prying eyes.

Graeme smiled at her. “I think I’ll take you shopping tomorrow, kitten. You haven’t bought any new clothes this week, have you?”

“I’ve been too busy, Sir. I didn’t need to, with all the wonderful things you bought me last Saturday.”

“Hmmm. You disobeyed my orders, pet. I’ll have to deal with that this evening, won’t I? Perhaps over the spanking bench...” But he was smiling.

“Spanking bench?” Olivia’s eyes were sparkling. “You wouldn’t have any of those silver balls I read about in
Fifty Shades
, would you?”

Graeme’s eyes lit up. “I would have some of those silver balls, in the chest in the training room. Perhaps we’ll have to come up before dinner and put them in. We’ll have guests for dinner. John and Gideon will be joining us, and having a debriefing before the plane flies them home after our meeting. Yes, it might be amusing for me to watch you dealing with those silver balls while you’re also trying to converse with John and Gideon...”

“As long as you spank me over your knee, Graeme, after...”

“Pet, you’re trying to top from the bottom, and that doesn’t please me.”


“Never mind, I’ll deal with you, and your luscious bottom later.”

They went down the staircase together, side by side, laughing at nothing in particular.

  John was already at the breakfast table when they arrived, and Graeme had soon filled two plates with scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon from the sideboard and placed one in front of Olivia. The smell of the bacon hit her, and she turned white.

“Excuse me,” she gasped and pushed her chair back and rushed for the utility room past the kitchen, and its adjacent loo.

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