Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (51 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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The tall fair man in buckskin pants and vest came up the steps and stood in front of the kneeling girl. Graeme placed the collar in her waiting hands and wordlessly, anxiously, she lifted it and offered it to Dom Jameson.

He smiled broadly and took the collar from her. He held it up for the audience to admire.

“I am honoured and blessed to accept this collar and the care and love of this beautiful woman,” Jameson said clearly and proudly.

Graeme smiled at them. “Mariah, rise and take your Dom’s hand and stand over there. We will call the second graduate up, and if her wishes are also granted, both couples will exchange their vows together. I now call Linda to the Stage.”

Linda came slowly up the stairs and knelt before Graeme.

“Linda, do you wish to present your collar?”

“I...I...I do, Master Graeme.” She was shaking. Her fear was evident.

Graeme opened a black leather case and removed the gold collar studded with tigers’ eyes, topaz, amber and diamonds, with an intricate Celtic knot shaped lock.

Olivia’s heart went out to her friend. She shared her trepidation, even though she knew Michael could hardly wait for his name to be called.

“Linda, to whom do you wish to offer this collar?”

“To Dom Michael, if it pleases him, Sir.”

“Dom Michael, will you come to the stage and stand in front of Linda.”

Michael was up the steps before Graeme had finished speaking, looking down at Linda with love burning in his eyes. Graeme placed the collar in Linda’s hands and she lifted it and offered it to Michael. He turned and addressed the crowd, holding her collar so that all could appreciate its beauty.

“I have wanted this since the moment I met Linda. I am overjoyed that she will offer me this collar and I will strive to make her life perfection.”

Michael turned back to Linda, and stroked her cheek gently. Olivia’s eyes filled with tears.

Graeme addressed the two couples. “Will each of you kneel under these two spotlights, facing each other?” He waited until they were in position, kneeling facing each other so that the audience would see both.

“Now, we will start the vows. Jameson and Michael, Stand in front of your submissive and speak your first vow.

Jameson and Michael both looked down tenderly at their women and spoke in unison:

I accept that you belong to me from this day forward. I will always protect you and care for you and keep you with me, safe from all dangers as we journey through life together.

Graeme then instructed the men to put the collar on their submissive and speak their next affirmation.             

This collar is the symbol of our bond, of my ownership of you, of my commitment to you as my own.

Graeme then address Mariah and Linda. “Submissives, speak your acceptance.”

Mariah and Linda spoke in clear true tones: 

I accept this symbol of your ownership and control of my life, and I will wear it proudly as an outward sign of the great love and respect I have for you, my Sir

raeme then nodded to the two girls and they presented their Doms with the keys to the collars.

Michael and Jameson needed no prompting. They recited:

And I shall wear this key proudly as an outward sign of the great love and respect I have for you, my lady. I promise to guide you and care for you, testing your limits but never exceeding them, striving to be the best I can for you, always putting your welfare above my pleasure. I am now committing to meet all your needs, physical, emotional and spiritual, and keep you from want in all ways. You now belong to me.

Mariah and Linda replied:

I now belong to my Master. I commit to obey you, care for your needs, physical, emotional and spiritual, and cherish you in all ways. I now truly belong to you, Sir.

Jameson and Michael affirmed:

You are now a part of me and I will put your needs and safety above all else as we journey together through this life.

Mariah and Linda vowed:

My Master, I will honour and love you as I do your bidding to the best of my abilities. I submit to you freely. I now belong solely to you, and accept your domination over me as our lives become one.

Then, Mariah and Linda kissed both feet of their Doms as a sign of their submission to their Masters.

Graeme spoke again:

Stand, both of you, and demonstrate to us your true affection for each other.

He grinned at them. “In other words, vanilla words, gentlemen, you may kiss the bride!

Jameson and Michael did not need telling twice. They swept Mariah and Linda into their arms and the kisses and went on and on to great applause.

Graeme turned to the audience. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please join us in the Lounge to toast these two happy couples and our three other graduates with champagne. At Ten O’clock, our entertainment will begin. Master Livingstone will be your Master of Ceremonies. We will have displays of the outstanding talents of our membership demonstrating such arts as rope, bullwhip, caning, flogging, and the creation of a wax masterpiece. The displays will take place here on this stage. Thank you all for joining us on this happy occasion.”

Olivia smiled up at Ragna
. “Wasn’t that beautiful?” Her eyes were full of happy tears.

Ragnar looked down at her. “I hope someday to meet a woman I can design a collar for and give it to her myself, Olivia, with the depth of love that is between Linda and Michael and Graeme and yourself.”

Oh, Ragnar, you have it so wrong. The love between Graeme and I flows one way only, from me to him.

Olivia blinked her eyes, trying to keep her now sad tears at bay.

Graeme went down the steps and held his hand out to Olivia. Tears trickled down her cheeks. He thought it was from the emotion of the ceremony.

“Oh, Sir, that was so beautiful.”

“You wrote the words, baby, that made it beautiful.” He wiped her tears away.

“You delivered the ceremony perfectly.”

They smiled at each other.

Ragnar grinned at both of them “Hey you two, let’s go drink Champagne.”

The three of them went into the lounge. They found a break in the crowd around Michael, Linda, James and Mariah and hugged all four.

Then Graeme pulled Olivia aside and stood behind her, holding her close to him, for a long, long time. He watched as Francine watched them, then finally turned away, walked over to Glen and stroked his arm, and only then Graeme relaxed. They mingled for a while, until it was time to go back into the theatre for the entertainment. The crowd surged forward, but Graeme held Olivia back.

“Come on, baby, I’m taking you home. We need a bath.”

“You don’t want to stay?”

“No, Olivia, I don’t. I’m not into displays of whips tonight. You’re certainly not into whips anytime. Why would we stay and watch Glen lash Francine? No, baby. That part of the lifestyle isn’t ours. Let’s go home and love each other.”

Graeme had only to look at Olivia’s shining eyes to know he’d said exactly the right thing.

Love each other? Why did I say that? Why not just say enjoy each other? Is that what we do now, make love, not have sex? Is that why I enjoy vanilla so much, don’t need the toys as much? Because she makes love to me….and now, finally, I make love to my woman?

Nah...I’m spouting nonsense...




They were at the Harley Street specialist’s offic
by ten to nine. Graeme helped her to fill in the forms that the receptionist handed them, and came into the examination room with her. She’d been instructed to strip and don a flimsy blue paper gown. Graeme had solicitously tied the back up for her.

He stayed while the doctor was examining her, and had many more questions than she did. Graeme collected all the information the doctor handed her, and made the next appointment for four weeks hence, at which point the doctor assured him they could determine the sex of the baby.

“Do you want to know, kitten?” he’d asked her.

Olivia was surprised he asked. She was sure Graeme wanted to know if he’d been successful in siring a son.

“It...Eh...doesn’t matter to me,” she told him. “I’ll love it anyway.”

“Me too, baby, me too. Any child of yours will be perfect...but I would like to know so we’ll find out. Or I’ll find out. I won’t tell you, so you can be surprised.”

She smiled shyly at him. “That’s so nice of you to say, Graeme. I would like to be surprised.”

The doctor beamed at both of them. “What a considerate husband you have, Mrs. Browning.”

“She won’t be Mrs. Browning until two weeks today,” said Graeme, “but I’m counting every minute until she is.”

“It’s lovely to see a couple as much in love as the two of you,” remarked the doctor as he walked them out.

They must be putting a very good display on, first Ragnar last night and now the doctor this morning...

Graeme’s mobile rang as h
sat down at his desk.

“Morning, Graeme. You didn’t stick around to see my demonstration. Francine loved my whip technique. So did Natalie. I ended up with both of them on stage... We had quite a night, after. They both came back to the hotel with me, and won’t be going home now until I leave tomorrow.”

“So Francine and Natalie both pleased you?”

“Francine pleased me more. I will be taking her to Paris on our way home to Geneva. Natalie has a lot to learn. I will enjoy teaching her on my return to London.”

“Glen, neither woman is welcome at my wedding. Don’t even think of bringing either.”

“I wouldn’t do that to the lovely Olivia, Graeme. I hope to share a ménage with the two of you soon?”

“I’m afraid not, Glen. ‘Livi and I are monogamous.”

“You, Graeme, monogamous? I never thought I’d hear those words from your lips.”

“Oh well, things change, don’t they, as life progresses?”

“They do, Graeme, and I can see why you’d keep the lovely Olivia to yourself, though I do regret it. I’d love to warm her under my whip.”

“Never going to happen, Glen. Enjoy Francine and Natalie.”

“And Hailie, I’m sure to enjoy Hailie also.”

“I’m sure you will, cousin. That’s why I chose her for you as your P.A. I thought you’d enjoy her.”

At eleven, Graeme’s mobile ran

“Graeme, you didn’t stay to see me take Glen’s whip?”

“No, Francine. I just wanted to take ‘Livi home. We were tired.”

“Ah.” There was a long pause. “She wears your collar.”

“And my ring, Francine. We’re getting married.”

“Oh…so there really is no chance for me, for us anymore? Surely you’ve made this decision in haste, in loneliness? I ‘ave said many times I will come and live in London, Cherie.”

“You know we parted on New Year’s Eve, Francine. You should enjoy Glen. He loves to give you pain, and he is in Geneva for another three months.”

“’E is wealthy, your cousin, like you?”

“What do you think, Francine? He’s a member of my family. Of course he’s wealthy.”

“Ah…good luck with the pallid little English girl, Graeme. When you tire of her and want a real woman, you know where to find me, if I’m still available.”

“Good bye, and good luck, Francine.” Graeme hung up. He paused, and then blocked her number.

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