Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (59 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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“I enquired about an Irish gang who robbed the Birmingham Art Gallery. The answer came back that they suspected a Dave Flannigan of being involved. He’d done time for art robbery before. I identified the mug shot they emailed me...

“Flannigan is Gavin’s last name as well. This Dave is a cousin of his, and known to Tim. Apparently they’re drinking buddies...”

They pulled up at the townhouse. There were two Bank security officers in front. They told Gideon that the only activity had been the paparazzi arriving at about six, and sure enough, they were there, across the street, snapping pictures.

Olivia and Graeme went in. Two more security officers were inside, keeping watch.

Graeme looked at Olivia. “Darling, this isn’t a usual wedding day, is it?”

She smiled. “Oh well, we’ll have quite a story to tell our grandchildren, won’t we?”

They both laughed, and went into the kitchen to find some real breakfast.

Graeme went out to have his hair trimme
and have lunch with his uncle and the Department Heads at the Bank, and give them instructions for the next week, when they all thought he would be in Australia. All but John, Gideon and Sir David, that is. Then he went to a meeting at Police Headquarters with Gideon and the detail assigned to investigate last night’s happenings.

The police told them more about Dave Flannigan. He was the black sheep of the Flannigan family, had turned to crime as his vocation when he was about fourteen. He’d met Tim through his cousin Gavin and the two had become drinking pals. He was a prime suspect in the Birmingham Art Gallery robbery, but there wasn’t enough evidence to arrest him.

According to Tim, who had sung like a canary, Dave had given him the idea of kidnapping Olivia to recoup the two million plus that the police had frozen in the dummy account. He seemed convinced his solicitor was going to get him off with a light rap on the knuckles and a suspended sentence for the trading thefts.

So when Dave had suggested grabbing Olivia and holding her for ransom after a night of drinking Guinness with whiskey chasers, it had seemed like a very good idea. They’d met up with Peter, a mate of Dave’s, rented a car and caught the ferry to England... Tim freely admitted his plan was to pay Dave and Peter off and then take the ransom money and hightail it to Brazil.

The police in Belfast had asked Gavin to visit the
and share what he knew about his cousin and Tim’s relationship.

Gavin had sighed, and told the authorities his carefully prepared story.

Dave was the black sheep of the family, he’d confirmed. A career criminal. He was sorry he’d ever introduced him to Tim. He wasn’t surprised to learn Dave had escaped. Dave was a keen mixed martial arts student and very fit.

No, he told them, he’d known nothing of the plan, would have told Tim not to go ahead with it. Tim was in enough trouble with trading irregularities, let alone adding a kidnapping charge to the mix.

He doubted very much that Tim was telling the truth about the whole caper being Dave’s idea. To the best of Gavin’s knowledge, Dave was never the brains of a job, but the brawn

  Rose was at the house most of the da
, supervising the florist, the decorator, the cleaning crew, the chairs being set up in the large reception room, the small stage for the jazz quintet, riding herd on the catering crew who were doing the canapé’s and the bartender, making sure the champagne was properly chilled.

She thought to herself that Graeme was being a little extreme, having security officers at the door, checking everybody’s identification before they could enter the house...surely he didn’t think the florist would let a paparazzi in? Oh well, it was his house and his wedding...

Linda and Olivia dragged her away from her chores and got Raoul the hair stylist to give Rose the same love and attention he gave to the Bride and Bridesmaid. Olivia did Rose’s makeup as well as Linda’s and her own, and both of them were amazed at how sexy she made them look.

“You know, Olivia, the bride is supposed to be pampered, not pamper her friends on her wedding day,” giggled Rose. “But I do look fabulous, don’t I? Too bad it’s going to be wasted on Brian.”

“Things still not going well, Rose?” asked Linda.

“Mother-in-law again,” said Rose ruefully. “She was here all week, and that was tense. She wants us to move to Liverpool. No way. I explained about my promotion. But that doesn’t matter to her. I earn more than Brian does now, and I think that she doesn’t like that. He doesn’t mind, all the more for him to spend...”

“Have a glass of champagne, Rose, and forget about her,” smiled Linda.

“Aren’t you having one, Olivia?” asked Rose.

“No, Rose, I’m pregnant...”

“What????? Congratulations! Graeme must be over the moon!”

“He is, and Sir David and Lady Christine...we haven’t told Graeme’s daughters yet, though...”

“Quite a surprise.”

“Not to Graeme,” laughed Olivia. “He’s been working at it very diligently since day one.”

Rose held up her glass of champagne. “Here’s to the baby and you too, of course!”




  It was seven o’clock

“Showtime,” said Graeme to Michael. “Where’s Ragnar? He’s bringing the wedding rings.”

“Relax, he’ll be here. I’ll just go get some more ice for the barman, Graeme, and then I’ll man the door.” Michael strode off toward the kitchen.

Amanda was the first to arrive. Graeme opened the door. “Hello, Amanda, where’s the boyfriend?”

“He’s just parking the car. Where’s Olivia?”

“I need your mobile phone, Amanda.”

“Still think I was the leak, don’t you?”

“No, it was William, but I want your mobile anyway. This is a private dinner party, not a tweeting opportunity…”

Growling, Amanda handed her mobile to Graeme. He turned it off.

“Now, where’s Olivia?”

“Ah. The bar’s over there…”

Glen and Hailie were next. Glen winked at Graeme. “Answering the door yourself, cousin? I’d expected a doorman. I see there’s security outside as well as paparazzi.”

“Yes, Michael’s doing the door but he’s just getting ice for the barman. Come, let me get you a drink. Hailie, you look lovely.”

“That you, Mr. Browning.”

“Oh, I think you can call me Graeme tonight. After all, you’re a guest in my house with my cousin as your escort, aren’t you?”

“I thought the tabloids said Olivia is your girlfriend, but I don’t see her?”

“Could I have your mobile, please Hailie?”

Hailie frowned, but handed her mobile over without comment.   Graeme turned it off.

“I don’t see Olivia,” she said again.

“No, you don’t, do you. There’s Amanda, over at the bar…excuse me a minute, will you?” He winked at Glen and went into the study. He texted up to Olivia.


G: Hailie arrived with Glen. Amanda here as well. Both looking for you to confirm you are or are not girlfriend as reported in press. Confiscated both mobile phones at the door myself.


O: Linda and I are giggling over this. Rose will be down to act as hostess in a minute or two. We’re just fixing her makeup. Be nice.


G: Darling pet, I’m always nice, except when am teaching a class and I have a riding crop in my hand.


  Rose came down the stairs. Amanda and Hailie looked at her.

“YOU? You’re the girlfriend? But you’re married,” shrieked Amanda.   “Have you left Brian for Graeme? No wonder he chose you to be his P.A.!”

Rose, Graeme, Glen and Michael, who by now had fetched the ice, all looked at Amanda in amazement. They just shook their heads, and got a glass of champagne for Rose.

The doorbell rang. Both Amanda’s boyfriend and Brian stood there, waiting to come in. Brian kissed his wife on the cheek and asked her if that was a new dress and how much it had cost. He turned puce when she said, “Three thousand five hundred.”

“Not you, eh?” said Hailie.

“No, not me,” smiled Rose. “I just helped Graeme organize this
tonight. And Brian, don’t worry. Graeme bought me the dress for helping make all the arrangements for tonight.”

Amanda stared at her. “Are you sure that’s the only reason Graeme bought you the dress?”

“Well, his fiancée bought me the dress, but Graeme will get the American Express bill, Amanda, so technically Graeme’s bought it.”

Louisa, William, Julia and Nick arrived together.

“Where is she, upstairs in your bedroom?” demanded Julia.

Graeme nodded, and Julia ran up the stairs, Louisa following a little more slowly, carrying a gift. The girls had bought Olivia a diamond heart shaped pendant and a very sexy white lace nightgown for her honeymoon in Bermuda.

Amanda went to follow them. Graeme reached out and grabbed her arm.

“Where do you think you’re going, Amanda?”

“Upstairs with your daughters.”

“No, you’re not. Have a glass of champagne.”

Amanda sighed. “The suspense is killing me, Graeme.”

“Dinner will be served quite soon, Amanda,” he smiled, and turned away.

The barman poured drinks.

“Did you close on the house today, Nick?” asked Graeme, handing him a glass of whiskey.

“Thanks to your solicitor, yes. And that extra hundred grand you offered was enough to entice them to move by next Friday, so of course Julia wants to move in Saturday, even though we both have to be in Oxford for at least another two weeks. But we’ll be settled in for Christmas.”

“That will be nice for you.”

“Yes, and Julia wondered if we could host Christmas dinner this year?  She wants to show off our home. She’s spoken to that decorator and he’s assigned some famous woman who works with him to us, so Julia is over the moon. The decorator has promised to have the dining room and sitting room done in time for Christmas. Julia is already planning the tree. I
hire a chef, because unfortunately, Julia hasn’t quite got the hang of cooking yet. I don‘t want us to serve raw goose or turkey…”

“I’ll give her lessons at Cordon Bleu for Christmas if you like. She and Olivia can go together. I think they share the same skill level in the kitchen, none,” offered Graeme.

“Thanks, Graeme, I’d very much appreciate that.”

“We’ll have Mrs. Green do Christmas dinner at your house. Once you’ve tasted her cooking tonight, you’ll see why I think she’s the best chef I’ve ever encountered.

“Has Julia found a job in London yet?”

“She hasn’t got a teaching position in London yet, and I think she may have stopped looking. Or if the truth is known, not even started looking. She seems focused on the move, getting me to propose and starting a baby. I hope that I can find some good rental properties quickly to start generating enough income to replace her salary.”

“You will, but don’t worry. She gets an allowance, you know. I was planning to give the two of you a nice cash gift for Christmas, because I can see the writing on the wall...no more teaching for Julia, until she’s teaching her own little ones.”

“Graeme, I planned to propose after you and I have a chat…”

“You have my blessing. You make Julia happy, and that’s all that counts.”

“I would like your lawyers to draw up a pre-nup, I want nothing.”

“I appreciate your attitude, Nick. Julia’s wealth is in a trust until she’s forty. So unless
asks me, I see no need for a pre-nup. If you last with her until then, you deserve half. She’s a handful.”

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