Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (17 page)

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He’d watched Francine dancing with Michael and a few other men for nearly half an hour before she realized he was there, and had come over to him, full of kisses and smiles. He looked at her and felt affection, and appreciation for her beauty. But his cock wasn’t twitching at the sight of her, the way it used to.

He didn’t really want to be there. He wanted to be home, with Olivia curled up at his side, reading, or watching a film, or listening to music, just as they had been in Belfast for the previous two evenings.

Graeme shook his head and led Francine to the dance floor. Michael was dancing with Linda now, and he could tell from the look on Linda’s face that she was still mad about Michael. He’d been training her for over a fortnight now, daily by the sound of it, and she was becoming very attached to him, in a sweet way. She seemed softer, less abrasive already. Yes, Michael was doing a good job with Linda.

Hmmm...His friend seemed fond of his young trainee as well. Why, his smiles into Linda’s eyes as they waltzed were very tender, and Michael didn’t do tender.

Graeme caught the fact that his focus  was  not on the woman in his arms. He smiled down at her, and forced himself to concentrate on Francine alone.

He shouldn’t have to do that, she used to captivate his attention.

“So, Francine, have you been enjoying yourself with Michael?”

“Oui, we’ve been to dinner, and the theatre, and of course, his playroom. Very enjoyable, but it isn’t the same as with you, Cherie. Not the same at all…and I thought Michael and I would be alone in his house, but no, he’s had the young Linda there with us most of the time.”

“Linda is very new to our lifestyle, Francine. How do you think she is adjusting?”

“I think she is very happy to have found this way of life, my Sir. She hopes that after Michael finishes her training, he will choose to keep her as his pet. He has started her in the classes he runs for new submissives, and I understand he is going to use her in his Master Classes, for his would-be Doms to practice with. She will learn quickly. And she likes pain, that one.”

“So do you, Francine. You like pain as well…”

“Oui, I do. And you give such good pain, Sir….”

“I think Michael gives pain with more finesse and so does Johan…. they both relish giving pain. I don’t.”

“Oui, but you are better.”

Graeme grimaced above her head

It had been a mistake, coming here to see Francine.

Why had he, anyway?

Why hadn’t he just taken his little kitten home with him, and had her curled up beside him, stroking her fair hair, enjoying her company, as he had last night and the night before…they’d had such a great three days and nights together in Belfast.

That was why

The time in Belfast had been so good, and he didn’t want her getting ideas.

He didn’t, if he was perfectly honest, want to get ideas himself

He didn’t want to admit he’d enjoyed passing her off as his wife to woo the two brothers at the Bank, the old Catholic buggers who believed in marriage to the point they’d mentioned they’d never sell to an unmarried man living in sin…

He didn’t want a full time pet
, did he?

Even Francine had not been a full time pet.

Only Carrie and she’d been killed by that damned stolen van.

He didn’t want to become dependent on Olivia’s company, the way he’d relied on Carrie, only to be devastated when she died. And Olivia would go away, leave him, eventually.

Why, the girl was almost half his age! Younger than his daughters, though she didn’t seem so. His daughters had been cosseted and spoiled all their lives, well most of their lives, since Carrie and he had married, a direct contrast to Olivia’s less ideal upbringing. Olivia was so innocent in some ways and old beyond her years in others.

He danced some more with Jane, the blushing bride, Francine, and Linda.

“How did you get on with Francine, Linda?” he asked as they waltzed around the dance floor.

“She’s very attractive, and polite. Cool. Francine is a very accomplished sub, isn’t she, Sir? She was fun to play with, but she’ll never be a close friend. I’m not grand enough or rich enough for her…” said Linda.

“Rich enough? You think she’s a snob?”
Funny, his two daughters thought Francine a gold digger.

“Graeme, she mentioned your fortune at least five times when we went shopping. How you used to give her a credit card with no limit to her spending, and how she misses it. Apparently Johan isn’t as generous as you were. How she misses driving your Mercedes convertible in the summer, and the trips you took. I am speaking out of turn, I know, and probably it’s the wine I’ve been drinking loosening my tongue, but seriously, Sir, I think she loves your money as much as she says she loves you.”

“Linda, all you are saying is what my daughters tell me. They think she’s just after my money. I was going bring her to England with me, perhaps to marry her, and I told Julia, my oldest daughter. Well, she hit the roof and then Louisa started on me, and I realized that marrying Francine would cause a serious rift with my daughters, so I never did propose.”

“You’ve been back in London now for over eight months, Graeme. Are you still missing Francine? Because Michael and you have both mentioned that you have a new pet, and Michael says she is lovely.”

“Kitten? She is lovely, and she isn’t after my money. I’ve given her small gifts, just some nipple clamps and she was thrilled. I bought her one dress, not an expensive one, to wear here to The Club, because her wardrobe wasn’t suitable, and she was so grateful. I’ve taken her to Belfast with me where we stayed in my home, not a six star hotel and you’d think I’d given her a world tour. So, she’s had nothing from me, compared to the gifts and trips I showered on Francine, yet you’d think I’d given her so much.

“Well, I did turn her loose with my American Express card in Belfast, but that was only because I needed her dressed appropriately for dinner with business associates. She didn’t disappoint me, looked marvellous, and was terrified she’d overspent.”

“She sounds like a genuine person.”

“She is, and she really tries hard to be the little kitten I love to pet.”

“Did Francine try hard, when you were together?”

“Francine was an experienced submissive when we met. She knew what was expected of her. She didn’t have to try hard.”

“But your new pet?”

“Kitten? She’s almost as new to this, as you are, Linda. And I see you as eager to please Michael as she is to please me. Michael is a good choice for you as your first Master, Linda. He’s very experienced, and he knows just how to push you to your limits.”

“I think he’s wonderful,” sighed Linda. “I just wish I could talk to one of my girlfriends about him.”

“Which girlfriend?”

“Olivia, she really listens when I talk. You know, the other day, I nearly blew it at tea time, and she covered my butt. She saved me from real embarrassment. And when we went shopping, and shared a dressing room, she saw the cane welts, and she didn’t judge, and she didn’t tell the other girls anything either. I think we all underestimate Olivia.

“I realize now, now that she’s got the new boyfriend who is showing her how to behave, what a lovely person she really is. Her grandparents resented her, you know.

“It would be awful to be a small child and not have somebody love you, wouldn’t it? And have your only role models really critical, nasty people? That was Olivia’s childhood.

“When she said she had a new boyfriend and he was so obviously controlling, I thought it was unhealthy, but now, now I’m involved here, I can see that some women, and some men too, grow and improve when they have clear rules to live by, and somebody who cares enough to enforce those rules, and guide them. I grew up in a pretty lax household, and I’m finding Michael’s rules are improving my life. It’s only been two weeks, but already I’m calmer and kinder, I think.”

“I think, Linda, that as long as you don’t mention I am involved in The Club, you could talk to Olivia about your activities and Michael. You know the need for discretion at the Bank.

“I realize you need somebody to confide in, and I think you’re right. She won’t tell.”

Thank heavens she wants to talk to Olivia, not Rose.

“Thank you for letting me talk to her, Graeme. You know, when she breaks up with this man, I may see if she’d like to come here as my guest.”

“Why do you think she’ll break up with him?” Graeme’s voice was sharper than he’d meant it to be.

“Oh, I don’t think
break up with
. She’s crazy about him although she tries to play it cool. You can see her eyes shine and she gets soft when she thinks about him. But from the sound of him, he’s just playing with her. She’s a project to him, a plaything, a toy and when he’s finished playing Pygmalion with her, he’ll discard her and look for his next Eliza Doolittle to transform.”

Graeme smiled thinly. “That’s pretty harsh, Linda. You may be misjudging the man.”

“I bet I’m right. You watch, he’s got her being nice, choosing more professional outfits for work, advancing her career. His work is almost done. She’ll be on her own again, lonely in that depressing bed sitter, which is all she can afford, because she helps her grandparents with every penny she can spare.”

“I just gave her a raise, for sorting out those god awful reports.”

“And that money will go straight to her grandfather. I don’t know what he does with it, the home provides all their meals and such, but he grabs every spare penny Olivia has. He makes her show him her pay stub every month, and he has her on such a strict budget.

“He leaves her with barely enough for rent, food and the bus pass. He takes everything else. She says she owes it to them, for raising her. You know, twice a week she goes without lunch and saves the money toward a new work outfit at the sales every six months or so. Her winter coat is a worn out mackintosh, and does nothing anymore to keep out the cold, but the old bugger doesn’t care about her comfort or safety or health. He just wants her wages.”

Graeme raised his eyebrows and said nothing. The music ended and they went back to Michael and Francine. Francine put her hand possessively on Graeme’s arm.

“You two look like you were having a serious conversation, Cherie, for such a joyous occasion as a wedding.”

“We were talking of a mutual friend,” said Graeme smoothly, and changed the conversation. “Where are the newlyweds going for their honeymoon?”

“Italy, I think Capri,” said Francine.  “Personally, I would like to go to Tahiti for a honeymoon, or Rio de Janeiro, if I was ever lucky enough for a man to want to marry me.” She gave Graeme a meaningful look.

Michael grinned at Graeme. “Well, don’t look at Graeme or me, Francine. We’ve both been married before, and I don’t think either one of us are eager to do it again. Right, Graeme?”

Eh, right, Michael. Marriage is the last thing on my mind

So why am I picturing my little kitten looking up at me, wearing my collar and me slipping a ring onto her finger?

  I must be mad. I’m not going to call her tonight, or tomorrow. I’ll see her at work on Monday.

  Yes, I will take Francine home with me tonight. 

No I won’t
I don’t mind fucking the girl, but I don’t want her there after, with ‘Mon Cherie’ and how much she misses me and how she wouldn’t mind moving to London to spend more time with me…

No, Linda just confirmed what my daughters instinctively saw. The woman, as beautiful and as obliging as she is, is not in love with me, but with my money.

Graeme left an hour later, alon
. He read until three, and then slept until noon on Sunday.

By six, he was mad at Olivia for getting under his skin, and he went to The Club. Michael wasn’t there, but he never was on Sunday nights, so Graeme found himself in one of the private rooms, with two of the unattached submissives who belonged to The Club. He teased and tantalized them, and gave them both great satisfaction, but neither of them brought him close to release.

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