Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (19 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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“Is it like the books, using butt plugs, from small to large?” Olivia’s lips twitched. The more questions she asked, the less Linda would think Olivia knew.

“Exactly. He thinks it will be a week or two before I can take him there, but he’s looking forward to it a lot, and so am I!”

“Did he say that’s the usual time it takes?”

“Hmm, no…but I think he likes the training part so he’s stretching it out.”

Linda giggled at her own joke. “Stretching, Olivia, get it?”

Olivia’s lips quirked.  “Oh, Linda…”was all she said, but she smiled broadly.

“His business partner has a new pet, and apparently she trained very quickly and is so good at it,” Linda continued.

“Michael says his friend loves anal sex and is over the moon that his little kitten took to it like a duck to water. Michael says he hopes his friend will share her one day, because G…his friend is walking around with a permanent smile, and Michael doesn’t think it’s because he was able to complete his latest merger so easily. He thinks his friend is falling for kitten, and doesn’t even know it.”

“Oh...oh…his kitten must be happy she pleases her master so well.”

“Michael says he’s sure his kitten doesn’t know, because Gr…the friend would never tell her how much she pleases him, he’s very self contained and rarely praises his pets. He’s very strict.”

“Perhaps your Michael just has a very active imagination, Linda.”

“Oh, Olivia, he has
an imagination! The things he devises to make me writhe with pleasure. He says I’m a pain slut, and perhaps I am, a little, but I like the loving after as much as the pain before. He says I only like the pain because my body produces so much of those endo…endo...morphrins or whatever they’re called. You know, the stuff that gives athletes a runner’s high.”

Olivia laughed. “Whatever turns you on, Linda. I’m so glad to see you happy. You deserve far better than Gordon Reece.”

“I do, don’t I? I mean, he’s nice enough, but he’s not very bright…”

They ate some more salad.

  “What did your boyfriend have to say about those great pictures you took, Olivia?”

“Oh…nothing much. He said they were nice.”

“Did he miss you while you were away?”

very self contained, Linda.”

“Did you have a night full of mad pash when you got back?”

“No. He hasn’t seen me since I got back. I guess he was busy.”

“Maybe he had his children for the weekend. You said they don’t live with him.”

“Oh. Yes. Maybe. Or a friend from out of town. I know his old girlfriend was in town, so maybe he was with her. I think he was. I hope I hear from him soon…”

“You really like him, don’t you, Olivia?”

“I really like him.”

“Well, if it falls apart now the old girlfriend is back in the picture, now that you know you have a taste for controlling men, I can always get you an invitation to The Club…”

“Thanks for the offer, Linda, but no…I couldn’t go there….”

“Try it, you might like it, the kinky sex anyway. I can appreciate you‘ve had enough of the strap from your grandfather to last your lifetime, but there are other facets to the scene, you know.”

“Is the kinky sex good?”

“Well, don’t be shocked, but Michael and I had a threesome with this beautiful woman from Geneva last week. She came into town for a wedding, and stayed at Michael’s house and Friday the three of us just played all night long. It was eye opening, to say the least.”

“That’s pretty kinky, all right.”

“It was fun, Olivia, very liberating. I never thought I would like to be with another woman, but Michael wanted it, so of course there was no option to refuse. Francine is very beautiful and oh, her tongue is so clever!”

“Very beautiful, you say?”

“Very beautiful, and charming, and I thought she was after Michael, but then her old boyfriend, well old Dom really, came to the wedding reception late, and she just concentrated on him.”

“Did they go home together?” Olivia tried to keep her voice calm.

“No, he left alone about eleven. I think she was pissed off, but of course she didn’t show it openly, but I saw the look on her face when he walked out the door. And I know he didn’t see her Sunday, because we both stayed at Michael’s. That night though, she was in the guest room by herself, and I had Michael all to myself in his four poster bed. It was the first night we had vanilla sex, and it was as good as the kinky version! Michael and I took her to the airport at noon.”

Olivia smiled. At least now she knew that while she’d been trying to sleep in that uncomfortable bus seat, Graeme was not in bed with Francine, though he had seen her and held her in his arms, dancing…

Aloud she said, “Vanilla sex? That’s just ordinary sex isn’t it? No kink?”

“Nothing ordinary about it with Michael, he’s fantastic!”

  Olivia neither saw nor heard from Graeme all afternoo
. She worked late, to reduce the pile of reports waiting to be done. She heated some soup when she got home, and looked at her funds.

“Not too much left in the kitty till payday,” she said to herself. “Good thing I’ve got the bus pass, and if I take my lunch each day, I should be alright. And soup or baked beans for dinner. I need to lose a couple of pounds anyway. I’ve got enough shampoo and all that, so I’ll manage. Good thing I don’t smoke or drink. The rent isn’t due till the end of the month. I’ll survive. I’ve survived on less before now. I don’t need to go out anywhere, and I’ve got plenty of tea, so, yes, I’m all set. I’ll only have to buy bread and milk, I can do without butter.

“I’ve got lots of books on kindle to read and reread. Let me find that one about the girl whose Dom was into anal sex…if I can’t have the real thing, at least I can read about it….”

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her telephone.     “Hello?”

“Where did you get those pictures of Newcastle upon Tyne? Very good thinking, by the way.”

“Thank you. I went up overnight Saturday and came back on the bus yesterday afternoon.”

“All to support your alibi in case somebody thought you might be in Belfast with me?”

“Yes, Sir. Since Rose comes from near Newcastle upon Tyne, she’d mentioned she’d like to see some pictures. I thought about trying to pass off the ones I took while James was giving me that tour, but I realized Rose wouldn’t be fooled.”

“That was above and beyond a call to duty.” Graeme voice dripped with sarcasm. “Why didn’t you just print some off the internet?”

“I don’t have a printer.”

“You went to a lot of trouble, Olivia.” His voice was ice now.

“Are you annoyed with me?” Olivia was confused. He’d been amused a minute ago.

“Yes, very. If you’d told me that was what you wanted to do, I’d have had the helicopter fly you up and back.”

“Oh, well, I didn’t decide until about ten Saturday night, and I hadn’t heard from you at all…”

A short silence, then… “How did you get to the station at ten o’clock at night? Did you take a taxi?”

“No, I walked to the tube station and took the underground to the bus station. I couldn’t afford a taxi and the fare up and back.”

“That’s putting yourself at personal risk, walking around late at night in your neighbourhood. I forbid you to do that again.”

“Graeme, Sir, I have no choice but to walk around my neighbourhood. I don’t have money for taxis.”

“How much money do you have in the bank right now?”


“Don’t pardon me. How much money do you have in the bank right now?”

“About forty pounds.”

“How much in your handbag?”

“About thirty pounds.”

“You live in a dump in one of the roughest areas of London, your clothes are cheap, you don’t have a car, and you don’t smoke or drink. What do you spend your money on? With what you earn, living the way you live, you should have a nest egg, a rainy day fund.” Graeme’s anger was growing.

“Eh…I help my grandparents out…”

“Why? They’re in a Government Care Facility, fully paid for, all their meals are provided, and they’re only interested in their television set, you said, so they don’t need the money for entertainment. Why do you give it to them?”

“Because…because my grandfather told me to. I owe them, Graeme. They took me in when my mother abandoned me.”

“That’s what families do, Olivia. Look after their young.”

“They didn’t have to.”

“Yes they did. That’s what families are for, to look after each other. Why didn’t you go to University? I’ve looked at your personnel file. You had excellent marks. You could have had a scholarship.”

“My grandfather said I wasn‘t clever enough and made me leave school to get a job and start paying them back for looking after me for sixteen years.” The tears were streaming down Olivia’s face now. She was so glad Graeme wasn’t there to see her cry. His harsh words and sarcastic tone were cutting her to pieces.

Perhaps she couldn’t do this. She’d have to get a different job, perhaps as a waitress in a bar that paid good tips, and just get away from him. She cared so much and he treated her like she was of no consequence, except when he wanted to fuck her, or spank her.

“Go to bed now, Olivia. You must be tired.” His voice was cold.

“Yes, Sir, I’ll go to bed now.”

But she didn’t. She went on line, and starting looking for a new job. A waitress job in a wine bar. Her tips wouldn’t show up on her pay stub for her Grandfather to take them all, and she could save a bit of money. Graeme was right, she should have a nest egg, and then maybe one day she could move into a better flat.

Graeme sat for a long time in his beautiful living room
surrounded by hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of antiques and millions in art.

She was lying in a lumpy bed, probably freezing cold, while he was in the lap of luxury. 

He walked over to his computer and entered a code. The Bank records opened up to him. He accessed Olivia’s account. She had forty one pounds in the chequing account and sixteen in her savings account. She’d probably forgotten about the savings account, she hadn’t touched it in two years. A few more taps on his keyboard, and her savings balance swelled to ten thousand, sixteen pounds, and his personal chequing account dropped by ten thousand.

Then he went to his Visa account and issued orders for a companion card for
Olivia Browning
. He stared at what he had typed. Laughed at himself, corrected it to
Olivia Stone
, and signed out.

He’d better get her an American Express card as well….

He hit redial on his phone and she answered, “Hello?” He could tell she’d been crying.

“Get dressed, and pack your clothes for tomorrow. I’ll be there in twenty minutes to get you.”

Graeme hung up before she could argue.

He was outside in eighteen minutes. She came out, carrying her little old gym bag. He got out and opened the car door for her. They drove to his townhouse in silence.

In his hall light, he could see her tear stained face.

“Were you crying because I shouted at you over the telephone?”


“Let’s go and have a bath, baby and go to bed.”

“Why did you come and get me?”

“Because I behaved like a shit toward you, and I didn’t know how to say I’m sorry. You might have noticed, I’m not good with sorry.”

Olivia smiled tentatively. “I’ve noticed. But in my books, Masters don’t have to say they’re sorry.”

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