Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire) (2 page)

BOOK: Taming Graeme (Taming the Billionaire)
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So out of her realm.

So her ideal man, since the moment she’d laid eyes on him back on January 2
. He reminded her of the hero in every romantic book she’d enjoyed, especially the genre she was hooked on now, and she didn’t quite know why. 

He always made her quiver.

He seemed to look right through you, right into your mind.

Surely she was imagining his hand moving lower now along her spine, sending tingles throughout her. His palm was on her bum now, and her knees were turning to water. But, she’d had three glasses of wine, and since she never drank, she was filled with liquid courage.

She swallowed. Then, her cheeks flushed, she boldly tilted her head up and to the side and smiled up at him.

“Do you think so, Mr. Browning?”

Oh my, his lips were inches from hers, only inches.
Her lips parted…

“Graeme. We’re not at work tonight, Olivia.”

“Gregg wants to take advantage of me?”

“Definitely. But I didn’t come over to talk about him, Olivia. I came over to talk about your new position.”

That hand was stroking her bum now, squeezing it gently. No one could see, he was right behind her. Oh…


“I suggested it myself, Olivia. I think you will do very well down in Currency Trading. Amanda, Linda and Rose were telling you it was a bad move, weren’t they? Don’t listen to them, they don’t understand the position, and they’ve been listening to young Gordon Reece, haven’t they? He went out with Linda a few times, didn’t he?

“I’ve never seen such sloppy work as that young man does. If he hadn’t asked for a transfer when he did, I would have moved him myself.  In fact, if his father wasn’t the Head of the Stock Trading Department, he wouldn’t still have a job with us. He cost me at least two fines from Compliance, both Ten Thousand Pounds!

“You on the other hand, have a good eye for detail, and some elementary math skills. I want you to computerize the position, Olivia, use those computer courses the Bank paid for you to take.  I have every confidence you can revamp the job and do it well. In fact, I may help with your training myself. Your new Department Head, John Taylor is entirely too easy going.

“Oh…well…thank you, Mr. Browning.”

His other hand was on her waist now, his fingers splayed across her midriff, pulling her closer to his hard body.

“I told you to call me Graeme tonight, Olivia.”

“Yes, Sir, you did.”

Graeme smiled. Now to get rid of Greg.

“You asked me if I thought Greg was trying to take advantage of you.”

“Yes, Sir, I did.”

“I saw him peering down the front of your dress at your tits, Olivia. I think that tells both of us he plans to use you tonight, don’t you?”

“I…I…I imagine it does, Sir,” said Olivia in a small voice. Oh dear, everyone was bursting her happy balloons tonight. She’d thought perhaps the young man actually liked her.

“I’d rather take advantage of you myself, Olivia. You are a sexy little thing tonight you know. You have fabulous legs. I plan to see those legs wrapped around my neck, shortly.” Graeme’s voice was husky, filled with desire.

“Oh…” Olivia was shocked and flattered. The
of the Bank was making a move on her.

“In those stiletto heels, Olivia. You’ll be naked except for those stiletto heels.”

“I didn’t think I was your type,
. I’m not high society.”

“Oh, I think you’re very much my type for tonight, Olivia. You remind me of a Hollywood sex-kitten. Your hair is almost platinum and that messy bun is quite adorable… your eyes are the color of lapis and they have hidden promise, Olivia, tonight. And you have claws, don’t you? You have quite the reputation for using those claws.”

Olivia was tipsy enough to feel very bold. “I promise not to scratch too much, Sir.”

“Ah ha, a lady who understands me. You call me
, good girl. Come on, let’s go. It will be fun taming you, you little hell cat.”

Olivia was just drunk enough to enjoy Graeme’s seductive voice, but not drunk enough to miss his words. She stood still, tantalized, but scared at the same time.

“What do you mean, tame me?”

“You’ll see, kitten. You’ll be purring all night as I stroke you and you please me. If you don’t please me, I may have to train you in my ways, but I think you’ll enjoy that as well, won’t you, pet?”

Olivia was sobering up a little. Sobering up enough to pay heed, not enough to lose her nerve.

, you make that sound very…interesting. I read a book recently about a man who called his…submissive…
, and...Eh...Trained her.”

“And did you see yourself as his pet, Olivia, as you read the book?”

“I’d have to admit a curiosity, about some of the milder aspects I read, but not the heavy punishment.”

“Well, Olivia, my little
as long as you behave yourself and do as I tell you, we’ll keep it mild. If you’re a bad pet, I may have to get a little heavier…take you into my training room, and teach you how to behave.”

“Do you call anyone else your pet?” Olivia was mesmerized by the sensual voice in her ear, the hard body pressing into her back. She could feel every inch of him
. She could feel every inch of him!
She’d never felt a man’s cock pressed against her before. Oh my, he was

Graeme laughed. “The last pet I had was in Geneva, Olivia. Her name was Francine.”

“Do you miss it, having a pet?”

“I do. But, I think I may have found a new one, don’t you? At least for tonight…maybe for the weekend, if you’re a good little kitten, Olivia.”

“In that book, the man belonged to a very private club…members only. In fact, I’ve read about those clubs in several books.”

“Ah, and you’re curious about those clubs aren’t you?”

Olivia blushed. “Very curious.”

Graeme smiled, took her elbow and led her to the door. “Well, let’s go home now, and if you please me tonight, perhaps tomorrow evening I may satisfy your curiosity, kitten. I happen to belong to such a club. It’s called
The Hedonist’s Pleasure

“Oh…Are you a Dom, Sir? That’s what the men are called in the books, Doms.”

“I think you might use that word to describe me, little pet.”

“Should I be afraid of you?”

“Not at all, as long as you behave yourself and do exactly as I say. If you don’t, then yes, you should be afraid of me. Now, are you coming with me?”

“Will I enjoy it?”

“I promise you, you’ll enjoy yourself, kitten, once you get into it…”

“I think I will. I’ve been a very bad girl sometimes, Graeme. Sometimes I’m quite rude. I don’t mean to be, I just speak before I think. Will you spank me?”

“Do you think you deserve to be spanked?”

“Oh….yes, Sir, yes, sometimes I do.”

“Have you ever had a partner who spanked you?”

“No, no, not yet…but I’ve thought about it ever since I read one book, a bestselling book….I’ve been thinking about it for weeks now.”

“Well, kitten, perhaps now you’ve found a man who will spank you, when you deserve it.”



Olivia didn’t know whether to be elated or afrai
. Surely he wouldn‘t hurt her too much, would he? They were both very quiet during the taxi ride to Graeme’s townhouse. When they arrived, and he had locked the door behind her and set the alarm, he smiled down at her. He spoke kindly to her.

“Don’t be afraid, Olivia. I’ll be quite gentle with you tonight. Before we enter into any serious commitments, we have to find out if we’re compatible, don’t we? Especially since you’ve never done anything like this before. So, for tonight, all I expect of you is that you’ll do exactly as I tell you, with no hesitation. If you can manage that, and I find you pleasing, as a reward, I’ll take you to my club and you can satisfy your curiosity, and find out a little more of what I will demand of you if I keep you as my pet.”

“If I don’t please you, it will cost me my job at the Bank, won’t it?”

“Not if you’re discreet and keep tonight between the two of us. And I think you are discreet, aren’t you, kitten?”

Graeme was lying of course. He wouldn’t want her at the Bank now she knew his secret. But she’d blow up at John Taylor one day soon, and he’d have Personnel use that as cause to sack her. After all, she’d been written up twice before for telling Department Head off.

“In all the books, because I’ve read three or four now, the pet calls her Dom
. Would you want me to do that?”

“I will, and you’ve been calling me Sir quite nicely, so we’ll stick with that, shall we?”

“Yes, Sir. And the girls all keep their eyes down as a sign of respect, and kneel.”

Graeme smiled. This was going well. It was easier than he’d imagined it would be, thanks to Olivia’s reading habits.

“Tonight, I want to look into your eyes, Olivia. They are very pretty eyes, and look quite scared at the moment. I will have you on your knees shortly, but for now, I think we’ll go into the study, and have a drink, and sit down on the sofa, shall we? I need to talk to you before we begin.”

Olivia followed Graeme into a room filled with built in bookcases around a large fireplace, maroon leather furniture, plush oriental rugs, exquisite paintings, antique occasional tables and a large mahogany desk. The large leather sofa faced the fireplace. It was a lovely room.

She sat primly on the edge of the sofa while he poured them each a brandy. Olivia noticed he had not asked what she wanted. But he wouldn’t would he? The men in the books never asked the woman what she wanted, and Graeme Browning never asked at work, either. He told his staff what he wanted and expected to be obeyed.

She looked up at him, and said, “Thank you, Sir, for this brandy.”

“You’re welcome, pet. Now, I want you to take your hair down from that charming bun.”

Olivia pulled the pins out of her hair, and shook her head.  Her pale blonde hair had been shampooed that morning, and floated down around her shoulder.

Graeme ran his fingers though it and smiled.   “Lovely, Olivia, just lovely. But so badly cut. Never mind, that can be attended to very quickly.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Graeme wrapped his hands in her hair, pulled her face to his, and covered her lips with his. There was nothing soft about the kiss, nothing romantic. It was a kiss of possession.

“A man marking his woman,”
she thought as his tongue parted her willing lips, invaded her mouth and duelled with hers, owning it as if it was an extension of his. She’d never been kissed like that, hell, she’d never been kissed, but she wasn’t going to tell that to Graeme Browning.

He pulled away and looked down at her. He smiled.

“That was nice, pet, very nice.” He still captured her head between his hands.

He lowered his lips to hers again, but this time the kiss was different, sensuous. His tongue followed the outline of her lips, and then softly found entry, and stroked hers, caressing it, exploring every surface of her mouth. Her hands came up and gripped his shoulders and she pressed against him, so aroused. She didn’t know it felt like this to kiss a man. She almost sobbed when he pulled away from her and released her from his grasp.

He sat back, assessing her, sipping his brandy. He liked the way she responded to his kisses, both of them.

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