Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf (42 page)

BOOK: Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf
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Aquilo started walking down one of the corridors. Tatianna followed.

*Eldath was different from any elf I have ever met. To most elves, he was an outcast, a renegade. The royalty especially didn’t like him. His politics and his methods made them nervous. Eldath was a man of extremes. He was quick to smile or laugh but just as quick to attack. He was gracious in friendship and merciless in combat. He was known to consort with dwarves and halflings, he was a friend to the highlanders and centaurs, but he was highly respected by his friends and enemies alike.* 

Aquilo stopped in mid-stride as his voice took on a far away quality, as if he was reliving the past. Tatianna just waited and watched.

*Eldath was a good friend, I miss him dearly. He was one of the few elves who truly understood the secret of the universe.*

“Red Ferret mentioned the secret of the universe earlier. But something didn’t seem right in his explanation, like he was missing something vital or important.” 

Aquilo turned his head to stare at her; she could see a sparkle in his eyes. Was it amusement, astonishment, or just a trick of the light? Tatianna couldn’t tell.

*You are right. Red Ferret was limited in his understanding of the universe. Therefore it clouded his understanding of its secrets. Would you like to know the true secret?*

Tatianna nodded. “Yes. Yes, I would.” 

Aquilo pointed with his horn to a dark portal at the end of the hall. *The answers you seek lie in there. If you would know the truth, enter and seek it. For truth has seen you but you have not seen it. But remember, what you seek and what you find are not always the same. Enter and seek the truth.*

Looking at the dark portal, it seemed so out of place in Aquilo’s castle of ice. Everything was graceful and filled with light but this portal was dark and foreboding. Although the walls of the castle were made of ice and were cold to the touch, the castle itself made her feel warm. However, not this portal; it radiated a bone numbing cold that sent chills down her spine. 

“What is beyond the portal?”

*Knowledge or oblivion. Which do you wish to find?*


*Then step through and seek that what you must know.*

Biting her lower lip, Tatianna stepped forward. Just before she plunged into the dark portal, she glanced back at the majestic unicorn. It might’ve been her imagination but she could swear that she saw concern filling Aquilo’s dark eyes. Steeling herself for the unknown, she stepped through the dark portal.

Tatianna felt a cold tingling sensation as the world around her went black. It was almost as if her skin was being caressed by thousands of butterflies with wings of ice. A scant few seconds later, the tingling stopped and Tatianna found herself in the center of a large round room. The walls were covered with shelves upon shelves of books. Looking up, the shelves and the ceiling were lost into the darkness. Glancing down, she noticed she was standing in the center of a large mosaic of the Dhyana, where the three teardrops intersect. In the middle of the larger part of each teardrop was an immense obelisk, each being carved from a different stone that blended with the color of the Dhyana.

Moving to the white obelisk, she studied its simplistic design. Although simple, it was breathtakingly beautiful. Running her hand over its smooth surface, it was warm to the touch and she felt a wave of emotions rush over her as she touched it. The feelings of sadness and loss nearly overwhelmed her. Removing her hand quickly, only the memories of the feelings stayed with her. Touching it again, the feelings washed over her a second time. This time she didn’t remove her hand but closed her eyes and let the empathic feelings flow through her. Along with the strong feelings of loss and sadness, she felt love and hope buried deep inside the obelisk. Removing her hand and opening her eyes, Tatianna slowly wiped a stray tear away from her eye.

Speaking out loud to the darkness, “Alright Aquilo, what is it that you want me do? What is it that I’m supposed to discover?” 

Wandering around the room, she glanced at the books. Most were covered in a thick layer of dust. Some of them seemed to be written in elvish but most weren’t. They were written in a language she didn’t recognize. Pulling down a book at random, she flipped though its pages. The letters were written in a strong bold script, while several drawings of griffins, dragons and gargoyles decorated the pages.

Placing the book back on the shelf, Tatianna moved to the gray obelisk. When she touched it, the same feelings of sadness and loss came over her. Studying the gray stone, she noticed the carving of a four-headed dragon, the symbol of Terra the Earth Mother.

Beneath the dragon in a flowing script was written: ‘When the Darkness returns from whence it was banished and our children are helpless to act, look to the south for help. My Emissary will come to the aid of the Chosen One and his friends. A warrior by trade, a poet by nature and a rogue reputation, my Emissary will be a true follower of the Dhyana, one who always seeks to balance the many different factors within and around himself. My Emissary will aid the Nine and play a pivotal role in the final battle that will seal the fate of Terreth for all eternity.’

Looking up, Tatianna’s eyes fell on the black obelisk. She almost ran to the black pillar. Walking around it quickly, she spied a carving of a gargoyle. Looking below it, she wasn’t surprised to see another inscription carved into the hard rock.

The script was slightly different: ‘When the Darkness returns from whence it was banished, and our children are helpless to act, beware of the South. For an Emissary of Evil will come in the guise of a friend, stealing itself into the heart of the Chosen One and his people. Part warrior, part wizard and all rogue, the Emissary will be the true offspring of Darkness; fair of sight and foul of soul. My Emissary will betray the Nine and play a pivotal role in the final battle that will seal the fate of Terreth for all eternity.’

Looking up, she pushed several stray strands of her scarlet hair behind her pointy ears. “This is close to what Red Ferret told me shortly before his death. Except, here it’s written as if Nox was saying it.”  Her eyes fell back on the white obelisk. “I wonder what Hyperion’s obelisk has to say.” 

Walking over to the white obelisk, she found the carving of a griffon and the same bold script underneath: ‘When the Darkness falls over the land and our children are helpless to act, look deep inside for help. For buried deep inside all creatures, great or small, lies the true warrior of good. The final battle will not be decided by gods or demons but by one creature’s selfless act. For that one act will seal the fate of Terreth for all eternity.’

Dropping to her knees, Tatianna stared at the obelisk for several minutes. Taking a deep breath, she looked at her stomach. Most people could see the slightest of bulges but to Tatianna who could feel the life inside her growing larger every day, the bulge was enormous.

She rubbed her belly. “My son, I’m almost sorry to bring you into this world. I hope you will at least know peace for your childhood, for it seems that you will have a hard life.”

Looking around, her voice took on a hard tone. “Gods and demons alike may have plans for you but you will be your own master, not a puppet. You will be a great warrior like your father, brave, proud, strong and honorable. You will do what is right. I know it! I can feel it.”

Standing up, she walked back to the center of the room. Not knowing why, she spoke into the darkness. “Aquilo, I’m ready now.” 

A blinding flash of light washed over her and she vanished.

After she was gone, a large creature floated down from the darkness above. Landing lightly on her two padded back legs, she folded her wings behind her back. Walking quietly over to the white obelisk, she placed her right front talon on the same area where Tatianna had touched the obelisk.

 Lowering her beaked head, the mighty griffin closed her eyes. “Yes father, I understand. The child must live at all costs but what of the elf?” 

The griffin shook her head. “Yes, I understand. It shall be done.” 

Launching itself upward with a mighty push from its lion legs, the griffin didn’t begin to flap her wings until she cleared the top of the twenty-foot obelisks. Flying off into the darkness, she left the room to the silence and solitude that were its companions.

*   *   *   *   *

As Hawkeye watched his beloved fly off to the south in fast pursuit of Corax the Black Arrow, his heart ached at the thought of Tatianna in battle without him at her side, even if it was only a ritual battle.

Moving up behind him, Anasazi clapped him on the back. “Don’t worry my nephew. She’ll be all right. The gods have a certain destiny planned for her,” after a brief pause, “and for you. You must do what you can to save our people. Only you have the skills to organize the nine tribes into one effective army.”

Hawkeye looked his uncle in the eyes and could see his own fears for Tatianna mirrored there but there was more. Those same eyes told the story of his failure should he not take command and lead his people to victory.

Anasazi continued. “You have all of the skills you need to complete your destiny, so does Tatianna. Trust in the Gods. They have laid out a path for you to follow but you must make that choice. Will you lead, follow or move out of the way? The choice is yours. For only you can make that decision.”  Turning, he walked out of the village.

Watching him go, Hawkeye felt alone. The truth of the burden placed on him by Luna was beginning to weigh heavy on his heart. Just then, he felt a slight tug on his belt. Looking down, he saw the teary face of Amani. Kneeling down in the snow, he placed one hand on the young girl’s shoulder. “What’s wrong my dear? Why are you crying?”

Amani spoke in a small voice. “My father is still missing. Red Eagle said she would find him for me but now she is fighting the raven warlord.” With that, she broke down and the tears began to flow uncontrollably.

Seeing the young girl’s pain, he wrapped his arms around her and let her cry on his shoulder. Gently stroking her dark hair he said, “Don’t worry Amani, we will find your father. Besides, I will need his help in the coming days.”

Pushing herself out from the shelter of his arms, she stared into his gray eyes. Her brown eyes were still full of tears but she ignored them. “You promise?”

“I promise. We will find him. Everything will be okay.”

Wiping away the tears, she flashed him a smile. Suddenly, she lunged forward and wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and squeezed him tightly. “Thank you Wolflord. Red Eagle said you would help. I thought you would be too busy to help someone as small as me.”

“I’m never too busy to help those in need, especially such a pretty young girl. Now run back to your duties and I will assign someone to find your father.”

Amani ran off to do his bidding. Smiling, Hawkeye stood up and was suddenly aware that his whole War Council had been watching them. Standing tall, he looked at their faces. Every last one of them returned his smile.

Hawkeye clapped his hands together. “All right! We need to start preparing the village for a siege. There is still a lot to be done. Somehow, in my heart of hearts, I know Blackfang will attack during the Yuletide Festival. That is only a week away and we are nowhere near ready for a full-scale attack.”

The gathered council nodded their agreement.

Hawkeye faced Nilrem. “Would you take a group of men into the forest and cut down hundreds of saplings? I want a palisade of spikes surrounding both entrances into the village.”

“It will be done Wolflord.”  He didn’t even wait for Hawkeye to finish dividing up the jobs before he turned toward the village to organize his group.

Hawkeye continued to select and direct. Chewda was charged with setting as many traps in the nearby forest as possible. They were to be as deadly or as delaying as possible. Odovacar was charged with readying the village interior for a proper defense. That meant rigging many of the lodges to collapse, digging pitfalls and anything else he could think of to delay or harass any invaders once they entered the village.

Owl and Raven Warlords with a constant air patrol of the surrounding area. Hawkeye was not going to be caught by surprise, no matter what. The Puma and Lynx warlords were charged with land patrols and finding Kaoni Bravefoot, his missing kinsman. The new fox warlord was charged with crafting as many arrows as possible in the next week.

Hawkeye spent the rest of the day organizing a retreat. He knew there was going to be a great battle in Itasca and he wanted to send all non-combatants to Sikya. It would be there that they would make their final stand. He knew that when it came to that, they would have the backing of the mountains to hide in, the hundreds of warriors in the west village and hopefully, the support of the dwarves of Darkmoor. 

He made sure that no one tribe or pack felt the brunt of any one job, with the exception of the aerial patrols. Even then, they were always a mixed patrol. Hawkeye had made it clear to the members of his War Council that operating as separate tribes would not be tolerated. They were to divide the jobs equally and fairly. So for the first time in Highlander history, the wolf worked alongside the fox and the bear beside the boar and so on and so on. Soon, the warriors stopped thinking of themselves as members of the Blue Boar Pack or the Red Fox Pack. They began thinking of themselves as members of the Highland Nation, the chosen warriors of Luna the Moon Goddess.

By nightfall, without the return of Tatianna or Black Arrow, Hawkeye was worried. Anasazi counseled him not to worry but that was as useless as asking a rooster not to crow at sunrise. However Hawkeye agreed to wait and watch. He knew that sometimes these challenges took days. He once had a challenge that took seven days to win. Forcing himself to relax, he tried to turn his attention back to his duties. He knew that if he failed now, then many of his people would die. For his mentor had taught him an old saying that he knew was true, ‘Tomorrow’s battle is won in today’s practice.’ 

Tomorrow would be here soon enough and that would put them one day closer to the battle that they weren’t ready for and he knew that the nine days left before Yuletide would pass far too quickly for them to be truly ready.          

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