Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf (48 page)

BOOK: Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf
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Blackfang yelled at his guards. “Get him! Bring me his head on a spear or I’m going to put yours in its place!” 

A large raven dove at his face. Almost as an afterthought, Blackfang lashed out with his sword, cutting the raven in two.

“Stop him!” 

Ignoring the attacking birds, the warriors of the Dark Alliance fanned out around the pool and waited. And waited.

Hawkeye never surfaced.

*   *   *   *   *

From the safety of the cave, Anasazi and Tatianna watched in silence. After several minutes, the old shaman motioned for her to come deeper into the cave. “It is time for us to leave.” 

“But what about Hawkeye? He cannot hold his breath that long. Blackfang and his warriors will be waiting for him when he comes up.”

Anasazi shook his head. “Then they will be waiting a long time. Hawkeye won’t be coming up, at least not there.”

Furrowing her eyebrows, Tatianna cocked her head slightly to the right. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, Hawkeye will not surface in the Pool of Luna. By now he is either dead or in the lava tunnels.”

“What? Explain yourself.”

“We don’t have time. Come.”

Tatianna stopped moving. Crossing her arms, she fixed the old shaman in a steely glare. “I’m not moving until you explain.”

Anasazi studied the beautiful elf. She was standing still with enemy’s right around the corner, yet she wouldn’t budge until she got her way. A brief image out of the past flashed through his mind. “Has anyone told you how stubborn you are? You are very much like you mother.” 

Tatianna was about to say something when Anasazi raised his hand.

“Forget it. Hawkeye is fine. There is an opening at the bottom of the pool which leads to the lava tunnels of this extinct volcano. Not many know about it and even fewer have made the passage. I’m sure that is why he chose the clearing as his battleground.”

“Can he make the passage?”

Turning, the old shaman walked toward the back of the cave where a beam of pure moonlight rested on the altar of Luna. “Well, he’s done it before. Of course he was only fifteen at the time but we must trust his judgment. Besides, he is beyond our aid at this time anyway.”

Taking once last glance at the valley floor, she could see that several warriors were still searching the pool for Hawkeye while the rest of the Dark Alliance fanned out across the cavern searching for survivors. She noted a small contingent of goblins were heading this way. With a deep sigh, Tatianna joined the old shaman at the back of the cave. “Now, how are we going to join them?”

Anasazi tapped the wall with his staff and spoke several words in the language of magic. A portal of shimmering white light appeared. His glanced at her over his shoulder. “One thing that experience has taught me, always have a way out.”

“What is this?”

“I am sure this spell has many names but it is most commonly referred to as a dimension door. It creates a magical portal that connects any two locations.” Pointing at the white light, Anasazi continued. “This one will take us to the outskirts of Sikya where we can prepare for those which survive the long trek in the snow. I fear many of the villagers and warriors that fled Itasca will not reach the safety of the walled city.”

“We are not joining with the villagers?”

Anasazi shook his head. “No. Our responsibility is to prepare for their arrival and to safeguard the Chosen One.”

Tatianna cocked her head to the side and frowned. “So, I’m to run away because I’m pregnant?”

“No. You are to be spared the hardship of walking nearly one hundred leagues in the snow. There is no telling what that journey would do to you and your child. This is safer for all concerned.”

Seeing the logic in his argument, Tatianna nodded her agreement. “Only on one condition.”

The sounds of footsteps moving up the rocky slopes echoed in the cave.

Anasazi leaned heavily on his staff. “And what would that be?”

Tatianna flashed him a crooked grin. “That you teach me this spell while we wait in safety.”

Anasazi gestured at the waiting portal. “I will do that and more once we are safe. Do not think the next few months will be easy. We have much work ahead of us.”

When the goblins entered the once sacred room a moment later, all they found was a fading ball of light and an empty cave.

*   *   *   *   *

Grunk watched the battle for Itasca from the rim of the valley. The screams of the dead and dying mixed with the clash of weapons as they echoed on the canyon walls; for the ‘warrior-born’ it was a bitter-sweet sound. Hearing his father’s challenge echo off the canyon walls, Grunk tried to peer through the heavy mists that covered the valley but he could only make out shadows.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Grunk moved down the valley, stepping over numerous bodies before stopping at the back of the crowd to watch the single combat between the barbarian leader and his father. Having never crossed blades with a Highlander before, Grunk watched the barbarian intensely and was impressed by the level of skill he displayed. The fluid movements and lightning fast strikes were a sharp contrast to his father’s lumbering attacks. Thantos relied on his overwhelming strength while his opponent relied on skill.

Even though Grunk hated what his father had become, he still found his betrayal by Blackfang bitter and felt his blood boil with hatred. Seeing the effect Blackfang’s words had on his father, Grunk knew what the outcome would be long before the final blow and winced in sympathetic pain at the twin strikes delivered by the barbarian to his father’s groin. When the Dark Alliance moved off in pursuit of the barbarian leader, Grunk watched as his kinsmen lifted his father’s limp form and carried him off into the darkness.

After a moment’s hesitation Grunk followed them. He was unsure where his actions would lead him but he felt positive that it was the right thing to do.

*   *   *   *   *

Hawkeye pulled himself out of the water and sucked in a deep breath. Even though the air in the lava tunnels was scented with ash, at this very moment it was the sweetest thing he’d ever inhaled. The distance to the underwater entrance had been further than his memory told him. There were a few moments that he almost turned back in fear of not reaching this passageway. But sitting in the dark tunnel he knew he was alive and that meant there was hope for the future.

Looking around the cavern, it was almost exactly like he remembered, maybe a bit smaller. But then, he was only a kid the last time he was here. The cavern wasn’t really dark. There was some sort of moss which covered the walls giving off a faint greenish glow. It wasn’t brightly illuminated but it was enough to travel by and kept his mind off the fact that he was stuck deep below ground with no true idea how to get out.

He had been lost in these tunnels for nearly a week before he was rescued by Rjurik. He never asked how the old dwarf had found him in these tunnels. He never thought he would be in them again.

Hawkeye was pondering his situation when the sounds of padded footfalls reached his ears. Instantly alert, he drew his weapons and put his back to the cavern wall. He felt his heart drop into his stomach when the voices of a gnome patrol echoed down the tunnel.

Hawkeye was trapped.


Six of the gods stepped back from the scrying pool in silent contemplation. Only Luna continued to gaze down at her champion. It was Bromios who finally broke the silence. “Well, they survived but that’s about it.”

Hecate nodded. “Yes. I fear that this was just the first sortie of a long battle.”

Steropes asked, “But can they survive long enough for the Chosen One to be born? That is the true question.” He pointed at the scrying pool. “That one is cornered underground with my followers nearby. He’s a goner.”

Luna’s voice was soft as she replied. “Do not count Hawkeye out. He is a crafty warrior. He will win through, I have faith in him.”

Hecate laughed. “You have faith in a mere mortal? Why?”

Luna turned to regard her dark haired sister before answering. “He has earned my respect by his actions. Besides, we have no other choice but to continue on our current path.”

Aurora stepped forward, waved her hand over the pool and the image shifted to that of Tatianna and Anasazi. “At least the mother of the Chosen One is safe for the moment. That old shaman is a great asset.”

Luna nodded as she hid a small smile behind her hand. “Yes, he is.”

Before the gods could say anything else, the sound of Minos’ horn echoed in the pavilion. Bromios and Steropes scrambled to gather their weapons while Hecate and Aurora calmly stood up.

When Luna failed to move Aurora asked, “Are you not coming? It sounds as if our brother has found another breech by the Arachne?”

Luna shook her head. “No. You go without me. I will try to reach my faithful once again.”

Hecate shook her head in disgust. “As long as the Spinner is out there and we are stuck in here, we can’t get through to them. Don’t you understand?”

Luna nodded. “Probably. But I must keep trying, just in case.”

Seeing Hecate about to explode, Aurora laid a calming hand on her dark skinned sister. “You keep trying sister, we shall assist our brothers.”

Turning away, the two goddesses followed their more warlike brothers off to battle.

Luna glanced around the pavilion one last time before closing her eyes and reaching out with one hand to the pool. When her fingers dipped into the watery image of Anasazi she spoke. “It is nearly time. I fear the truth must come out soon.”

In the rippling surface of the pool, Anasazi’s image gazed up and she could hear his voice as it echoed through the magic portal. “Only as a last resort….my goddess.”





To be continued in
Enter the Wolf (Tales of the Wolf - Book 2)






Drew, short for Andrew, was born in Munich, Germany while his father was stationed overseas with the US Army. Growing up a military brat, Drew became an avid reader with Fantasy, Science Fiction and Detective Thrillers being his favorite genres.


Drew served in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1982-88 and began training in TaeKwonDo in 1985. In 1994 he moved to Louisville Kentucky to open his own TaeKwonDo studio and taught for 11 wonderful years. He met and married his wife, Felicia, and gained a great step-son, John Michael. In November of 2005, he closed his studio and switched careers.


He currently works as a Corrections Officer with Louisville Metro and writes in his spare time. Unable to live on the beach, he resides on a farm with his wife and animals: 6 cats, 3 dogs and 2 horses.

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