Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf (41 page)

BOOK: Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf
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Then it happened, Corax used his large wings to flick some snow in Red Ferret’s eyes. As the Fox warlord paused briefly to clear his eyes, Black Arrow attacked with his large beak and razor sharp talons. Latching onto Red Ferret’s shoulder with his beak, he raked Red Ferret’s stomach with his talons causing large gashes to open up. Blood began to pour onto the already stained snow covered ground. Howling in pain and fury, Red Ferret did the one thing Corax didn’t expect. He shifted fully into his fox form. Red Ferret’s shift caught Corax off guard, causing him to loosen his hold on the slippery warlord. Red Ferret didn’t miss his chance and he sprinted off into the nearby brush.

With a loud squawk, Corax gave chase. To Tatianna, who watched from a slight distance, it was almost comical. A six-foot half-man half-bird chasing a small red fox around a snow covered clearing. That’s when the tide of the battle shifted.

Black Arrow was so intent in his rage to catch the slippery fox that he had not shifted to either of his two more mobile forms. His large talons, while great for rending flesh, weren’t the best for traction. As he chased Red Ferret toward a large pine tree, flapping his wings and squawking the whole way, Corax tripped. The disgraced fox chieftain had led him right toward a large root that stuck out of the ground. In his rage, Corax had failed to see it and stumbled over it. Falling face first into the snow, he slid until he ran into the base of the tree. Red Ferret didn’t pass up this opportunity. Leaping from the trunk of the tree, about fifteen feet up, he shifted into his full human form about halfway down. Landing on Corax’s back with all of his weight, a resounding snap echoed through the quiet forest. Corax screamed once and then fell silent forever.

Calmly stepping off of the dead warlord, Red Ferret looked around the quiet battleground. Blood still flowing from his wounds, yet he didn’t seem to notice. He was searching for something. When his eyes spied Tatianna, they froze. A slight grin crossing his face, he began to move toward her.

Drawing out her dagger, she knew it was her only hope. She was too weak to use her sword and in too much pain for the concentration needed for the use of magic.

Mustering as strong a voice as possible, Tatianna shouted, “Stay away! I don’t want to kill you but I will if you force me too!”

Red Ferret just laughed as he slowly closed the ten yards between them. His hands slowly came up into a threatening position. “Give it up witch. You cannot win. I’ll make it as quick and painless as possible. It is my destiny to kill you. I will become a hero for killing the Emissary of Evil. The one foretold those many years ago.”

Five yards away.

Three yards.

One yard.

Tatianna attacked. Throwing her dagger with all of the force she could muster, it flew end over end, racing towards its target with deadly accuracy. Right before it reached Red Ferret’s throat, a mere inch away, he reacted. Moving his head to the side, he batted the deadly projectile to the side with his hand.

Red Ferret laughed. “Very good. I wasn’t expecting that from you. Good, but futile. Now you will die!” Reaching down, he grabbed her once more by the throat and began to squeeze.

Tatianna felt the blackness coming back once again. This time there would be no one to save her. She was about to pass out when that soothing voice came back.

‘It seems that I will have to interfere after all. You are too important for the future of Terreth to let you perish now.’ 

Tatianna didn’t understand what the voice meant or who it was, all she knew was the crushing grip, the strain of trying to breathe without the use of her throat, the intense pain in her arm, neck and ribs and the fast closing in darkness.

Suddenly she could breathe as the crushing grip relaxed and the strong hands fell away. Looking up, she noticed something odd about Red Ferret. There was a two-foot horn sticking out of the front of his chest. She didn’t remember him having a horn. Shaking her head to clear it, she looked back. Sure enough, there was a large ivory horn sticking out of his chest.

The spiral horn was covered in blood, yet even that couldn’t mar its beauty. Red Ferret’s hands weakly pulled at the protrusion and his mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. Trembling, Tatianna watched in fascination as Red Ferret went flying through the air to land in a heap several yards away. But she never saw where he landed; her eyes were transfixed on the beautiful creature standing in front of her.

Tatianna had heard legends of these creatures, everyone had but no one she had ever known or heard of had ever seen one. Her savior was a beautiful snow white unicorn!

Tatianna stared in awe at the majestic creature. Letting her eyes roam across his body, she absorbed the raw power and grace of this creature out of legends. He was larger than any horse Tatianna had ever seen. His heavily muscular frame was covered in a brilliant snow white coat with not a single blemish or scar marring its smooth surface. His mane and tail were silvery white and hung long, almost to the ground. Tatianna couldn’t see a single briar or knot in either mane or tail. His eyes were dark, like that of a typical horse but they held the glint of wisdom. On his chin was a silver-white beard that looked neatly combed. Of course, his most striking feature was his horn. Centered in the middle of his forehead, the two-foot long ivory horn was shaped in a perfect spiral ending in a sharp point. Midway down the spiral, it was stained red with the blood of Red Ferret.

Tatianna’s attention was drawn back to its eyes as his soothing voice echoed once more in her mind. *
Greetings Tatianna Amarth, I am glad you survived.*

Reminding herself to breathe, she quickly nodded her head and said, “Thank you for your assistance great one. I don’t think I would’ve survived without your timely intervention.”

Backing up a few paces, the mighty Unicorn nodded his head.
*I agree.*
Pointing with his horn at the corpse of Red Ferret.
*I just regret having to kill that one. He was not truly evil, just misguided.*

Tatianna could feel the remorse in his tone. Nodding her head in agreement, she moved slightly to the left to get a better view of the magnificent Unicorn. Wincing in pain at the moment of her body, she groaned slightly.

*You are injured. Let me help you. Just relax, it’ll be okay.*  

Taking a step closer, the mighty Unicorn leaned his head down until he touched his long horn to the center of Tatianna’s chest. A brilliant white light slowly flowed out of his horn to encompass her whole body. Tatianna felt a strange warmth flow over her body. There wasn’t any pain but she could feel the broken bones in her arm and ribs realigning themselves. While the cuts, bruises and scrapes she had suffered also began to heal. Even the scar on her face, began to fade. The unicorn held his horn over Tatianna’s chest for several minutes, while the warm glow roamed freely over her body, searching out any injury or disease that she might have suffered. When she was fully healed, the unicorn leaned away and the white light faded, leaving the small clearing to the rapidly darkening skies.

Standing, Tatianna flexed her arm, no pain. She rotated her torso, no pain; she didn’t even feel the fatigue she expected to have after her long flight and fight. Looking incredulously at the beautiful unicorn she said, “Thank you. I don’t know what you did, but thank you!”

The Unicorn bowed his massive head. *
You are welcome*

Walking quickly up to the unicorn, she knelt down in front of him. “Oh great horned one, how can I ever repay my debt to you? First, you save me and then heal me. What can one, such as I, do for you?”

She could hear his laughter in her head. *Your thanks is enough. But if you insist, there is something you can do for me.*

Lifting her head up, she stared into his dark eyes. “Anything, name your price.”

Nickering at her remark, the mighty Unicorn turned his head so she was looking into his left eye.  *

Raising one eyebrow, Tatianna’s tone turned cold. “Anything, within reason.” 

She began the early process of casting a spell, reciting the incantation in her mind and readying the spell component in her right hand. She really didn’t want to fight the beautiful unicorn, by all accounts it was a creature on the side of good but if he wanted her son, then he would be in for the fight of his life.

The mighty Unicorn pranced around slightly at her tone.

*I see the gods have chosen well. You would die before letting anyone take your child. I can see that in your eyes.* Moving back a few steps, he shook his head. *Nay, it’s nothing like that. I would just like for you to spend the night with me. There is much we can learn from each other.*

Tatianna visibly relaxed at the unicorn’s request. “I would be honored to accompany you tonight but first, I must take care of the fallen.”

*I understand and agree but you better hurry. These woods are no longer safe. Trolls and worse prowl them at night. The sun will be behind the mountains within the hour and we need to be long gone from here by then. The smell of blood hangs heavy in the air. Every predator within five miles will be here soon.*

Nodding in understanding, Tatianna set to work. First, she laid out Corax the Black Arrow. Examining his body, she removed a small leather pouch that hung around his neck. She knew this to be his medicine bag which held trinkets and icons that were very personal to him. This she would pass on to his kin.

Placing her hand over his heart, she spoke in a soft voice. “Go to Luna with pride, knowing that your selfless sacrifice has saved another.” 

She performed the same ceremony for Red Ferret. His medicine bag, she placed in a pouch she wore at her waist, while she placed Corax’s around her own neck. Turning back toward the great Unicorn, she found him studying her. Placing her hands on her hips, she returned his stare.

His dark eyes sparkling with amusement, he pointed his horn at the laid out bodies. *
You treat your enemies the same as your friends. Why?*

Flipping aside a stray strand of red hair that the cold winter wind had just blown into her face, she said, “You said it yourself. Red Ferret wasn’t really evil, just misguided. I just want his passage to the other side to go peaceful. Whatever he did in this life, his soul doesn’t deserve to suffer the anguish caused by an improper burial.”

Nodding his head, the Unicorn seemed to like her explanation. Lifting his head, he sniffed the air.
*Come, we must go now. Trolls are approaching from the south.*

“I’m ready.”

*Climb on.*

Hesitating for a brief second, Tatianna vaulted up to land lightly on the mighty unicorn’s back. Grabbing a handful of his mane, she whispered softly in his ear. “I’m ready.”

*Hold on tight.*

With that, the mighty unicorn bolted north. The clearing and the bodies of the dead were left behind. Soon the landscape and trees became a blur as they traveled as fast as the wind, always heading north.

Tatianna couldn’t help but wonder where this magnificent creature out of legends was taking her. At first, Tatianna held on tightly as they bolted out of the forest and headed north. The dizzying speed was frightening but after several minutes, she began to relax. The unicorn’s gait was different than any horse she had ever ridden. It was more like riding in a boat which was floating down a gentle river than on a horse. As they ran for the rest of the night, she tucked her head down and fell asleep. At dawn, the mighty unicorn slowed his pace.

Waking up, Tatianna raised her head to survey the surrounding landscape. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at their obvious destination. It was a castle made entirely of ice with many spiraling towers. It was situated on a lonely, snow-covered hill where it had a commanding view of the plains of ice that lay all around them. The towers and walls of ice captured the morning sun and reflected it in a thousand different directions, giving the castle the appearance of sparkling diamonds. A blue banner with a white unicorn’s head flew from each of the towers.

Finding her voice, Tatianna asked. “What…What is that?”

Chuckling, *Why that is my home. Do you like it?*

“Like it? It is beautiful beyond description.”

*Thank you. It was built it many, many years ago. I have had very few visitors over the years.* He paused. *As a matter of fact, I think you are the first mortal to visit here since the fall of the gods.*

“But that was close to five thousand years ago. Who are you?”

Tatianna heard his laughter in her head.

*Don’t recognize me?* The Unicorn shook his head. *Of course you wouldn’t. There are none alive in the Elven community that knows me. They all moved south to warmer climates.* His tone became softer, almost apologetic. *There was a time when this castle was filled with the song and laughter of elves, halflings and centaurs. Such a long time ago but as you walk the halls of my castle listen closely.*


*You may still hear the echoes of their songs and laughter.*

As they entered the fabulous castle, the mighty unicorn lowered his head. Sliding off, Tatianna landed lightly. Turning to face her savior Tatianna asked once again, “Who are you?”

Kneeling on one knee and lowering his head as if bowing, he said,
*Aquilo, Master of the North Wind at your service.*

Tatianna slapped herself on the forehead. “Of course, Aquilo the eldest son of Hyperion and father of all horses. The Master Weavers spoke of you several times during my training.”

*You mean there are still elves who remember me?* The shock was evident in his tone.

“Not many but when the Master Weavers want to make a point, they always delve into legends and lore; which means the tale of Eldath and the five-hundred trolls always comes up. Is it true that you came to his aid as he stood alone, facing five-hundred trolls?”

Nickering, Aquilo’s voice held the tone of amusement as he listened to her excitement.
*Actually, it was more like fifty trolls but yes I did come to his aid.*

“What was he like? Everything I’ve ever read about him concerns his work but not who he really was.”

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