Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf (19 page)

BOOK: Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf
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“I was selected to cast our escape spell while my brothers moved to flank me as I started my spell. It was then that a terrible smell assaulted me; like a cross between burning flesh and a slaughterhouse during the hottest part of summer. We could see something dark and shadowy moving down the hall toward us as the goblins pulled back to allow it some room. I remember watching Stamm and my father step boldly into the corridor. The old dwarf was singing and my father was chanting. Then my spell took effect and there was a flash of white and we were up on the ridge overlooking the fortress. Turning west, we made for the camp where we had left our horses and our reserve warriors. That’s when we first encountered some of Blackfang’s men. Ten of them were feeding on the remains of the warriors we left behind.”

Looking up, she stared at each of the gathered warriors in turn. Her eyes flashed at the memory of her rage and her voice took on a hard edge. “The rage we felt at abandoning my family was greater than anything I have ever felt before.” She looked straight at Red Crow tears filling her eyes. “My anger got the better part of my judgment. Calling on all the magic we had left, we blasted them over and over and over! We continued until there was nothing left but ashes.”

Looking around again, her voice returned to its normal musical tone as her shoulders slumped slightly. “Now that I look back, that’s how Blackfang and his men must have found us. If we had just left them alone, we might have escaped unnoticed.” 

“But they did find us and we were jumped as we were searching for our horses and gathering supplies. I was in the forest when the attack came. Khlekluëllin and Mortharona were quickly surrounded. When I saw those Highlanders shapeshift into their wolf forms, I couldn’t help but flee.”

Tatianna lowered her head in shame. “They finally ran me down at an ancient shrine deep in the forest, where they attacked and raped me. Blackfang would have killed me if not for the intervention of Hawkeye.”

Keeping her head bowed, Tatianna folded her hands in her lap as her tears began flowing like raindrops.

Hawkeye watched in silence as his rage began to build inside him, this was just one more reason for his revenge against Blackfang, just one more reason for his death. Moving over to Tatianna, he wrapped his arms around her. Cradling her head in the nook of his shoulder, he whispered, “It’s over now. Everything will be all right, I promise.”  

Tatianna continued crying for several minutes before she noticed the conversation between all of the warriors and the Great Council. Wiping away her tears, she looked up at Hawkeye. “What are they talking about?”

Hawkeye glanced down at her before gently wiping away a few stray tears. “You of course. You have earned the respect and admiration of the whole tribe. Especially, Red Crow and that is quite a feat. He’s the oldest member of the Great Council and does not give praise lightly. When the bid for my becoming the Wolflord came up for a vote, the other members of the council waited until he cast his vote before casting theirs. I’m sure if he had voted against me, then I would have been cast out.” 

The conversation between the Council of Elders and the warriors finally ended. Red Crow said something to Hawkeye in their native tongue. Bowing his head, Hawkeye released Tatianna and walked over to stand behind the old chieftain. When Red Crow spoke again, his tone was gentle but still held an edge of command in it. “Tatianna Amarth, please come forward.”

Wiping away her remaining tears, Tatianna stood up. The pain in her leg made her wince slightly but she held her head high and moved forward slowly.      

Pointing at the ground in front of him, Red Crow said, “Please, sit.” 

Sitting down where she was bidden to, she crossed her legs as was the Highland custom wincing with pain but not making a sound. Anasazi moved forward and sat down next to her.

Red Crow gestured at all those gathered. “We have heard your story of bravery and death. You have won many friends this night with the courage you have shown in your flight from danger and in the retelling of it to us, a group of strangers.”

Picking up a small bundle of furs, he unwrapped it to reveal a beautiful pipe. Looking like a bronze tomahawk, its handle was wrapped with a red cord. In the center of the stem were an eagle’s head and nine feathers hung from the head of the tomahawk. There was a slight murmur from several of the younger braves as Red Crow pulled forth the ancient pipe. However, a stern glare from the elderly chieftain silenced them.

Tatianna could feel the tension in the air and realized that this pipe and ceremony was very special to the Highlanders. Glancing at Hawkeye to try and get a hint of what was coming, she couldn’t read anything in his face or eyes. Returning her attention back to Red Crow, she watched as he began a soft chant. Slowly and with the precision of a ceremony long practiced and very important, he filled the pipe full of tobacco. Lighting it with a small coal from the bonfire, he inhaled deeply. Blowing a puff of smoke skyward, he extended the stem toward the heavens, then the ground and then toward the four winds; east, west, south and lastly, north.

Handing the pipe to Anasazi, the old Shaman picked up the chant and raised the pipe toward the moon. After a moment, he lowered the pipe and painted the stem red with some sort of berry juice.

The old shaman offered the pipe to Tatianna and said, “A warrior’s mind should be straight. Accept this pipe but remember that if you smoke, your story must be as sure as the bowl in this pipe and as straight as the hole through this stem. If so, your life shall be long and you will survive but if you have spoken falsely, your days are numbered.”

Casting a quick glance at Hawkeye, she saw no help there. Accepting the pipe with a slight nod, she spoke in a loud and clear voice. “I have spoken the truth.” 

Taking a deep draw on the pipe, she held it for a moment. The warmth of the smoke tickled her throat but she refused to cough. Exhaling deeply, she blew the smoke skyward and pointed the stem toward the heavens. Then the ground before following the same pattern that Red Crow had with the pipe; east, west, south and north before handing it back to Anasazi.

Red Crow looked at those gathered. They all nodded. “By the power granted to me by the Great Council of the Highland Nation, I welcome you into our tribe and I name you Red Eagle; for it was through blood and death that you have brought the clear vision of the eagle to our tribes.” 

Standing slowly, Red Crow’s voice became louder until it boomed like thunder. “For Hawkeye is not the only one who has had visions these last several years. I too have received visions of a great darkness gathering in the south.” 

Moving slowly through the gathering, Red Crow gestured at the southern horizon. “As the great darkness rolls over our homeland, everything it touches dies, the forests, the animals, our children, even our way of life. I foresee the end of the Highland Nation as we know it.” 

A great murmur went through the crowd. Everyone glanced around nervously at the darkness. Some looked as if they expected the shadows to jump out and attack them.

Red Crow raised his voice until he could be heard over the crowd. “My friends listen to me! I have also seen the savior of our race.” 

Everyone quieted down and waited for the old chieftain to continue.

“On the autumn equinox, I traveled to the Shrine of Luna. After praying for three days and nights, I was granted another vision. I saw a gray wolf leading a small party, nine in number into the heart of the darkness to combat the ancient evil.”

Stopping behind Tatianna, Red Crow placed his hands on her shoulders. “The darkness is approaching. In the beginning of our history, our Goddess commanded us to be ready when the darkness returns. It has returned, so we must be ready!” 

Reaching up into his own war bonnet, Red Crow pulled out two red feathers. Leaning down, he gently tied them into Tatianna’s scarlet hair. They hung down on the left side of her face, slightly obscuring the scars on her cheek. The quiet of the night sky was broken by a loud whooping noise, as all of the warriors yelled in celebration.

Tatianna didn’t understand what had just happened but the pleased look on Hawkeye’s face was enough to tell her it was a good thing.  

Anasazi leaned over and whispered into her ear. “Very good, my dear. Your mother would be proud.”

With a worried look, she asked the old shaman, “What does he mean about the darkness and the gray wolf?”

Anasazi just waved his hand slightly. “Don’t worry about it tonight. You have just been made a member of the Highland Nation something that has only happened once before. You are now like the shamans, a member of all tribes but holding no allegiance to any one tribe or pack.  Congratulations, you are the second outsider to ever have that honor. Enjoy this moment for I fear there will not be many celebrations in the near future.”  Standing slowly, he walked out of the firelight and into the cold night.

Still puzzled, Tatianna turned her attention back to the celebration. The young braves had started dancing again while the older warriors went off into the darkness with their mates. Tatianna looked around for Hawkeye planning to get answers to her numerous questions, when two young braves came up from behind her, lifted her and carried her into the circle of dancers. One brave cradled her in his arms as he made his way around the bonfire in an intricate dance before flinging her to the next brave, who caught her gently and repeated the dance. They continued passing her from brave to brave, never letting her touch the ground or jostling her injured leg too much. At first, she was frightened and resisted slightly. As she began to relax and enjoy herself, she began laughing and singing as they spun and danced in circles around the great bonfire.

However, she quickly became tired as her head was spinning and her leg was throbbing intensely. She wanted nothing more than to return to the hogan and to fall asleep but all of the braves wanted to dance with her. Finally, it was Hawkeye who saved her…again.

On one of her spins, as they passed her from brave to brave, Hawkeye stepped in and caught her lightly and whisked her away to the lodge and to sleep.

Chapter 14

In the dark hours of the night, the snows began again. Although the village was naturally warmed by the hot springs and sheltered from the bitter winds by the cliff walls, it was still extremely cold. By morning the village was covered in a thick blanket of white that was knee deep.

Amani arrived at daybreak to awaken Tatianna and entered the lodge without rapping. Noticing that she was still sleeping, Amani made herself busy by cooking the morning meal. When it was ready, she went to wake the elven princess and found her covered in sweat yet shivering under a large pile of furs.

Amani called out while shaking her gently. “Mistress, Tatianna! Mistress, Tatianna!” 

Groaning weakly, Tatianna didn’t wake but began to shiver more violently. Placing her hand on Tatianna’s forehead, Amani quickly drew it back at the heat of her brow. She absentmindedly chewed on her lip and studied the feverish elf for a moment. Making her decision, Amani closed her eyes and took several deep breaths and pictured a small silver and black wolf cub in her mind. Letting the natural magic of her heritage come over her, a slight shiver ran up her spine as the shift from human to wolf took place. A moment later, a small silver and black wolf darted out of Hawkeye’s lodge.

Running across the village as fast as her four legs would carry her she arrived at the Medicine Lodge a few minutes later. Barking and yelping loudly, she jumped at the curtain over and over until a young shaman let her in. Once inside, she let the transformation back to human come over her. As soon as it was complete, she latched onto the young shaman’s arm and pulled with all her strength.  “Tatianna is burning up! You must help her!”

Hearing the commotion in the outer chamber, Anasazi came through the curtain. As soon as she saw him Amani released her grip on the younger shaman, only to grab the ancient shaman’s arm and began tugging on it. “Come, you must save her!”

Pulling back his arm sharply, Anasazi barked out. “Silence!” 

Quieting down immediately, Amani dropped her hands to her sides and looked at the floor.

Reaching out, Anasazi lifted her chin gently and asked in a softer tone. “Now, what is the trouble little one?” 

Looking into his dark brown eyes Amani told him of her discovery.

Anasazi commanded the young shaman, “Wake the others and bring them to the Wolflord’s lodge immediately!” The young shaman sprinted off to do his bidding.

Anasazi quickly gathered his bundles and pouches before following Amani to the lodge. By the time they arrived, Hawkeye was already there, kneeling beside her. Holding her hand, he quietly called out her name without getting any response. Lying a hand on Tatianna’s forehead, Anasazi noted how hot she was, too hot. Drawing back the furs, he quickly examined the area of her leg above the wound. There were streaks of red running up her thigh. The infection was spreading. Anasazi barked out several commands.

“Hawkeye fetch Red Crow! Amani summon the shaman! Tell them to prepare the sweat lodge immediately! Hurry or we may lose her!” 

Both sprinted out of the lodge to do as they were commanded. Drawing his knife, Anasazi cut off the bandages on her leg. Calling upon the magical powers at his disposal, he cast a simple spell; one that would allow him to see evil as a black glow. Using his magically enhanced vision, he reexamined the wound more carefully and his worst fears came to life. This was no ordinary wound; it had an evil glow about it. Streaks of black ran up the leg almost reaching her pelvis. Quickly cutting off all remaining bandages and her clothes, Anasazi continued to examine Tatianna from head to toe with the magical sight. The scratches on her face were red but didn’t glow; neither did the cuts on her arm but the sores on her back were darker than her leg. Anasazi just happened to glance at her belly and was surprised as her belly glowed black faintly. He was pondering the implications when the spell expired.

After covering her back up, Anasazi studied Tatianna’s sweat covered face and spoke out loud, hoping that his words would comfort the injured elf. “Well child, it’s obvious that the wounds on your leg and back have some sort of poison in it, one that was generated by a creature of extreme evil.” 

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