Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)
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“I would, too, but I cannot play with you unless you talk to me.”

lowered her eyes as she gobbled down the remainder of her roll.

Once again, Mercedes’ heart ached. With a deep sigh she admitted defeat for now. She wouldn’t give up on the poor girl, just like she hadn’t given up on William.

She opened her reticule and pulled out an embroidered handkerchief. She dabbed the end to her tongue to moisten the cloth, then wiped
messy face and hands, administering the same treatment on the boy afterward. Before putting the cloth away, she wiped her own hands and face.

“I think we should head back home now.” She stood and helped the children up, but just as she turned the ferocious bark of a dog made her jump. The beast bounded toward them from across the street.

James and
screamed and ducked behind Mercedes, hiding in the folds of her skirt. This must be the dog that had attacked them before.

Mercedes scanned the area looking for an object to use as a weapon. She spied a rock, grabbed it up and aimed for the oncoming animal. He bared his teeth and growled.

“Shoo,” she shouted, but the animal didn’t stop.

When he reached them he slowed. His growl moved deep in his chest as he padded around them, his intent gaze never leaving their faces. The hackles on his back rose.

and James cried, burying their faces further into her dress. The dog continued to taunt. Then the animal lunged. Mercedes threw the rock, hitting the beast between the eyes. The dog gave a sharp yelp before tucking his tail and running away.

Mercedes released a gush of pent-up air. She turned and gathered the two frightened children in her arms and held them tight. “It is all right now. Do not fret. The dog is gone.”

James wiped his nose on the sleeve of his jacket and looked up at her with wide, wet eyes. “You made the doggie go away and you wasn’t afraid.”

“I was afraid, but I was more afraid of him hurting you or
, and I would not let that happen.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

chin in her hands she lifted the little girl’s face and met her teary eyes. “Are you all right?”

nodded, then swallowed. She cleared her throat and opened her mouth to speak, but snapped it closed.

Excitement pounded in Mercedes’ heart.
again struggled for words and Mercedes waited.

With the back of her hand,
wiped her wet eyes. She looked back at Mercedes. “
you,” she mumbled in a barely audible voice.

A small cry escaped Mercedes’ throat and she hugged the child against her bosom. “No, thank you, my darling

From behind, a woman called out. Mercedes turned just as the woman stopped before them.

“Excuse me, Madam,” the woman said breathless.

Mercedes eyed the well-dressed woman, perhaps in her late forties. The older woman looked to be very wealthy. Mercedes wouldn’t doubt this woman was prominent in town as well.

The woman placed her hand over her heart and sighed. “Oh, good heavens, child. Are you all right?”

“Yes. We are just still a little shaken from the ordeal, but we are fine.”

“My husband’s dog got away from my servants, again, the horrible animal. I wish he would get rid of the beast, but my husband loves
.” She sighed. “I am impressed with how brave you were when you stood against him.”

“I could not let the dog attack us.”

The woman shook her head, a light of admiration gleaming in her eyes. “Well, I must say how happy I am to see that animal finally lose a battle. He breaks away from my servants much too often, and I hear about all the children he attacks.”

“Well, I am in hopes the dog will think twice before coming my way again.”

The woman laughed. “Can I put a name to such a brave young lady?”

“I am Mercedes Braxton.” She returned the woman’s warm smile. “My husband is William Braxton and these are his children.”

The lady held out her right hand in greeting. “And I am Lady Burwell. Colonel George Burwell is my husband.”

Mercedes’ eyes widened.
The colonel’s wife?
The same colonel who William sought an invitation from?

She offered her hand to the older woman. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you. My husband speaks highly of the colonel.”

Lady Burwell’s forehead creased. “Your husband knows my George?”

“Yes. Colonel Burwell asked my husband to draw plans for the King’s new ships, and Mr. Kennedy is going to build them for him.”

A light of awareness shone on the woman’s face and she laughed. “Oh, yes, I know who your husband is now. Quite charming, he is, and very handsome, if I might add.”

“Thank you. I think he is, as well.”

“If you are friends of Mr. Kennedy, then my husband has invited you to come to my party this weekend has he not?”

“I am sorry to say no. I do not believe we have received an invitation, Lady Burwell.”

“You must be jesting.” The woman gasped. “Why, Mr. Kennedy is coming so it is only proper you and your husband also attend. In fact, although it is late notice, I will send over an invitation this afternoon.”

Mercedes’ heart leapt to renewed life. She couldn’t wait to see William’s reaction. What would he say? What would he do? Perhaps he’d reward her with a kiss? Just the thought made a different kind of thrill course through her body, moistening the palms of her hands.

As soon as she realized how excited the thought made her, she squashed the idea. She could
be feeling this way! Even if she was legally his wife.

“It will be a pleasure to get to know you and your dear husband,” Lady Burwell said. “I cannot wait to tell my guests what a brave lady you are. They will love to hear how you wounded that horrible dog.”

“Do not make me out to be more than I am.” Mercedes laughed. “The reason I reacted that way was to protect my children.” She reached down and drew them against her side.

Lady Burwell crouched to the children’s level and smiled. “You two are very lucky to have such a loving mother.” She patted their heads before standing. “I will see you this weekend, then?”

“Yes, you will. And thank you for the generous invitation.”

After the woman left Mercedes held in the bubble of joyous laughter threatening to escape her throat. She grabbed James and
hands and hurried toward their coach. The day had been more productive than she could have ever imagined and now she couldn’t wait to see William.

* * * *

William climbed into his coach and tapped on the roof, then braced himself when the vehicle lurched into motion. Today had been as bad as yesterday—worse, in fact, because he couldn’t stop thinking about this morning’s kiss. Undoubtedly, his wife’s charms had bewitched him, because she was certainly a witch. How else could he explain the sudden yearnings he experienced whenever she was around?

Exhaling a deep sigh, he relaxed in the seat and stared out the window. The sun descended over the horizon, pink and red shades highlighted the sky. Another day without an invitation to Colonel Burwell’s weekend party. His plans to collect information were slowly fading from his grasp, and he feared he’d never be able to help the Sons of Liberty in their cause.

Why hadn’t the insufferable colonel invited him? Did the man suspect whom he secretly worked for? Had Kat told him? Why else would he invite Brandon and not himself?

Different thoughts floated through his mind during the rest of the journey home, but he couldn’t help but focus on his wife’s different attitude lately. She was charming him with her fake sweetness and warming smile. In a way he anticipated his surrender. Yet he couldn’t lose control. He couldn’t give his heart to that woman. No matter how much she talked of transforming herself, she’d always be the same deceitful person he’d married.

The coach stopped and he climbed out, storming into the house. After closing the door, he detected a change in the atmosphere. Servants chatted happily amongst themselves, and his butler and groomsman whistled. Certainly out of the ordinary.

When Mercedes’ personal maid scurried past him toward the next room he stopped her. “Excuse me, Beth.”

She turned his way. “Aye, sir?”

“Have you seen my wife and children?”

“Oh, yes. They are upstairs in the nursery.”

“Good.” He paused, then inquired, “But where is my wife?”

“In the nursery with them.”

A confused throb made a dull ache in his skull and he rubbed his forehead. Sighing heavily, he took two stairs at a time toward the nursery to see what Mercedes was doing this time. Just before reaching the door, laughter echoed through the room. Not only James and Mercedes’ voices, but a little girl’s voice, too.

He stopped inches from the door. Mercedes and James sang a silly song as they clapped their hands together while
laughed. He leaned forward and peeked around the corner. His daughter’s face lit up as bright as sunshine. When the song stopped she giggled and clapped her tiny hands.

“More, more,” she cheered.

William choked on a gasp and his heart jumped to his throat. She’d spoken? When had this happened? He hurried into the room and their laughter stopped.

“Papa,” James shouted and ran to him.
lifted herself off the floor and grinned.

William gave James a quick hug, then turned to his daughter. “
? Did I hear you speak?”

She nodded, her full head of curls bouncing together. “Uh-huh.”

His throat tightened, and tears of joy sprang to his eyes. He swooped his daughter into his arms and hugged her to his chest.

“Papa.” James pulled on his pant leg. “Guess what? Mercy saved us from that mean dog.”

William glanced down at Mercedes who remained sitting on the floor, her smile relaxed and her eyes twinkled like stars glimmering in a serene ocean. Good heavens, he’d turned into a poetic fool, but he didn’t mind this time.

“What is James talking about?” he asked her.

“While we were in town this afternoon a dog broke away from his owner and charged us, giving the children a terrible fright. I could not think of any way to keep him from attacking us, so I picked up a rock and hit him in the head.”

Another jolt of surprise pierced through William’s body.

“And Papa,” James continued, “it was so wonderful, ‘cause the doggie yelped and ran home with his tail ‘tween his legs.” He laughed. “You should’ve
him, Papa.”

“Mercy scared him, Papa.”

William’s heart melted the longer he gazed at his wife, and like the forbidden fruit, she tempted him to sample her kiss one more time. He moved by her side, kneeled and reached to caress her cheek. Her skin was tinted pink and warm beneath his fingers.

“Is this true?” he asked. “Did you save my children?”

“I…I did not want the dog to harm them.”

jumped out of his arms and ran to Mercedes. His daughter threw her arms around Mercedes’ neck. “Papa? Mercy loves us,” she cheered.

His legs weakened and he sat on the floor beside his wife. He touched her cheek again and she snuggled her face against his hand. “How can I thank you?”

She smiled. “You do not need to thank me. I did what any good mother would do.”

His heart twisted in confused pain again. He wanted to take her in his arms and smother her with his appreciation, yet doubt stopped any form of action. It wasn’t like Kat to be kind toward another.
Good mother?
That didn’t fit the Kat he knew.

Her green eyes glittered as if sprinkled with diamonds, and the gentle beckoning of her delicate lips pulled him closer. He pushed all negative thoughts from his mind, wanting to feel her mouth against his again. He didn’t even care that the children were present.

He leaned forward and she sucked in her breath but didn’t pull away. His heart sang. Emotions he wanted kept hidden surfaced, convincing him she’d changed into the woman he’d always dreamed about.

She tilted toward him and he pressed his lips to hers. Energy ignited inside him and he wanted more. He moved to wrap his arms around her, but his laughing children jumped on them both, knocking them to the floor. Keeping the children in his arms, he pulled Mercedes against him. Her wide smile and glowing eyes held a tender emotion as she looked at him, and he realized he loved seeing her like this.

“Mercy,” James asked, “were you going to give Papa his gift now?”

“What?” William sat up.

Nodding, Mercedes stood. “Yes, James, if you think your father is ready for it.”

said, tugging on William’s waistcoat. “You ready?”

William laughed. “I am always ready for gifts.”

Mercedes went to the bookshelf and lifted the wrapped package on top. She brought it to him, her eyes never leaving his.

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