Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series) (28 page)

BOOK: Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)
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“And how do you know this?”

“Because I found the notes on his desk the day before they were published.”

His gaze narrowed on her, evil glinting his eyes. “Tell me the name, woman. I grow weary of your games.”

“How badly do you seek a name?” she asked in husky tones.

He groaned and clasped her shoulders roughly. “May the devil take you for torturing me so. A name, please, I beg you.”

Katherine laughed, moving closer to him. She watched his mouth, eager to kiss him again. Her time away from Philadelphia had robbed her of what she wanted most, but it was necessary to led Mercedes into believing she’d died in the asylum. Thank heavens Mr. McClain, the physician, had been part of her plans even going as far as to make a coffin for her. Without his assistance, Kat would not have been able to pull any of this off.

She brushed her lips across Henry’s before murmuring, “Gabriel Lawrence. William’s servant and best friend is the unknown writer.”

* * * *

When William entered the dining area the next morning, Gabe waited for him, just as they’d planned. William’s breakfast of eggs and fruit were on a plate, ready for him.

“Top of the morning, Gabe,” William greeted.

His friend chuckled and shook his head. “I envy you. I do not think I will ever find a special woman to share my life with.”

William sat and picked up his fork. “Do not say such things. You are a strapping young man. Any woman would feel privileged to be on your arm.”

Picking up the napkin, Gabe wiped his mouth. “My arm is not the only place I would like her to be.”

William threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, my dear friend, do not hurry love, it will come in its own sweet time.” He picked up the Philadelphia Gazette and opened to the first page. “Any important news this morning?”


“I was in hopes another article would rile Captain Wilkes again.”

Gabe chuckled. “Give it time. That man cannot stay satisfied for very long.”

“Have you more information on the mysterious writer?”

Gabe leaned forward, linking his fingers together on the table. “I have heard,” he whispered, “the writer is indeed a woman.”

William lifted his brows, his heart picked up speed. “Are you certain?”

“From the gossip dispersing through the streets, it is. Rumor has it a woman was spotted in the middle of the night sneaking away from Mr. Parker’s printing shop. She wore a deep violet cloak.”

William’s heart caught in his throat and he gripped his fork. Mercedes had a deep violet cloak. “Did the person who spotted her say anything about the color of hair, her build, perhaps?”

“No. They said she had the hood pulled over her head, the cloak closed around her body.” Gabe pushed away from the table and over by William. His friend narrowed his eyes. “Your wife has a cloak that color.”

William gritted his teeth. He breathed deep, trying to calm his overzealous heart rate. “As I’m certain do many other women in this town.”

“But have you confronted her about it? Have you come right out and asked her if she is the one writing these letters?” Gabe placed his hand on William’s shoulder. “I do not want to see her arrested, and you know what Captain Wilkes will do if she’s caught.”

William stood. Clenching his own hands, he paced the floor. “
not Mercedes. She was with me all night!”

Gabe blew out a breath that stirred the curly auburn hair on his forehead. “I do not want to think it is her either. But we have to consider the possibilities.”

William turned and glared at his friend. “And what do you suppose we do? Have you planned a way to trap this mysterious writer?”

“No, not as of yet.”

“Then I do not want to discuss this until we have a plan formulated. In the meantime, I shall drop suggestions to my wife, and hopefully I will get an answer.” He breathed slower, deeper. “But Gabe, I honestly do not think it is her. She would have told me by now. I do not believe she would keep something this important from me.”

Gabe lifted from his chair. “I will see what other information I can collect and let you know if I find anything.”

“Thank you. And I will make it a point to talk to Mercedes.”

A growing ache built in the base of William’s skull when Gabe left the room. William massaged his neck, but the pain wouldn’t relent. He needed to talk to Mercedes no matter how difficult it might be. He wanted her to believe he trusted her, yet if he brought this up...

He growled and walked to the window. If she thought he doubted her, what would it do to their relationship? Worse yet, if she were the mysterious writer, that meant she’d hidden the truth from him.

He slammed his fist against the wall, shaking the window. His chest ached with questions. Why did love have to hurt so much? And why was it so hard to completely trust her?

* * * *

Mercedes pulled open the door to her husband’s office and entered. The chiming of the bell announced her. Mr. Kennedy jumped to his feet and rushed to greet her.

“What a pleasant surprise, Mrs. Braxton.” He took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

She allowed his attention, but kept a close eye on him. “Good afternoon, Mr. Kennedy. I have come to see my husband. Is he about?”

“No. He stepped out of the office. Would you care to sit and wait?”

“Do you know how long he will be gone?”

“He has been gone for a good thirty minutes now. I’m certain he will return momentarily.”

Inwardly, she cringed. She really didn’t want to sit in the same room with Mr. Kennedy, especially alone. But what other choice did she have? She feared waiting outside in her buggy in case the loathsome Captain Wilkes made an appearance.

“I suppose I can wait, but only for a moment.”

He pulled out a chair for her and she sat. “What brings you to our office on this fine afternoon?”

“I had Horace pack a picnic basket, and I thought to surprise my husband with a meal. The day is too beautiful to be indoors.”

He smiled and nodded. “I am certain William will be surprised. He has been moping about the office, acting as if something weighs heavily on his mind.”

She arched a brow. “Indeed? I wonder what it is.”

“I had hoped you could shed some light on the problem. Whatever it is makes him quite irritable.”

“I wish I knew.”

“I’m certain you can work your charm on him and pull him out of this mood.”

Strange, but Brandon acted different, especially since they were alone. She hoped he’d finally given up on the idea of them being together. “I will certainly try,” she said with a smile.

She stood and walked to the window. The busy street hustled with people, hurrying from one shop to another. Through the crowd, she searched for William. Where could he be?

Behind her, Brandon Kennedy’s footsteps echoed on the hardwood floor as he neared. His image reflected off the glass.

“Mercedes, I—I want to apologize for my behavior of late.”

She held her breath, surprised he’d even say such a thing. She remained silent, hoping he’d continue.

“Your beauty and charm have enchanted me, and when you stopped coming to see me, the wound left a deeper hole in my heart than I was prepared for.”

She swallowed hard, facing the window, afraid to even look at him. “Mr. Kennedy, you must believe I am in love with my husband. I am a completely different person than the woman you knew.”

“So William tells me.”

He stood so near, the heat from his body touched the back of her neck. She shivered in both repulsion and fear.

“Will you forgive me?” His voice laced with sincerity.

She moved away from the window to put distance between them. “I will forgive you, Mr. Kennedy, as long as you make no more overtures toward me.”

“As you wish.”

“I think you are a brilliant man, and I cannot help wonder if your wife even knows this. Have you showed her your passionate side?”

His forehead creased, his lips pulled together. “My wife and I are but strangers.”

“An arranged marriage, I presume?”


She tilted her head. “But the question remains, do you love her?”

He shrugged and pain etched his eyes. “We’ve had only one child in the five years we have been together. I fear love has not even entered our home.”

“Would you like it to?”

His brows raised, his eyes widened. “I never thought about it.”

“Mr. Kennedy, your wife is very lovely, and has been extremely forgiving of your actions. From the little time I have gotten to know her, she seems a knowledgeable woman.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Kat, you know me well enough to know what kind of woman I enjoy.”

“Please do not call me Kat, Mr. Kennedy. I am Mercedes.”

“My apologies.”

“But you were saying—”

He walked away from the window to his desk, and sat on the edge. “You should know I have always enjoyed having an eye-catching woman on my arm.”

“Would you like your wife to be this woman?”

He chuckled. “

“Nothing is impossible.”

His brown eyebrows lifted. “And how can we change it?”

She dared to step closer. “Let me give you a little hint about women. Just like a rose, they do not blossom unless given sunlight.”

“What are you saying?”

“You need to compliment her. Make her feel pretty, Mr. Kennedy.” She touched his arm. “If you really want her to come out of her shell, you will have to help her along.”

The corner of his mouth tugged in a grin. “You are an amazing woman, Mercedes. I cannot believe you are trying to assist me in winning over my wife.”

“Encourage her, Mr. Kennedy, or she has no other reason to blossom. But you will also have to do some serious groveling for your past mistakes. If she loves you, she will forgive you.”

He smiled and his brown eyes twinkled. He grasped her hand and squeezed. “Which is why William forgave you, am I correct?”


The bell from the door chimed, and Mercedes jumped away from Brandon, but not before William’s gaze rested upon her. Her heart plummeted, yet there was no reason to feel guilty. She had done nothing wrong, but would William believe that? From the scowl on his face, she feared the worse. He glared at her with accusing eyes.
Not again.

Brandon moved past her toward William. “Braxton, you have returned just in time. Your wife has a surprise for you.”

William’s brow lifted when he looked at her, but the frown still marred his handsome face. “Indeed?”

Her stomach churned violently and she clasped her hands against her middle to keep the waves of nausea from upturning. She didn’t speak for fear her voice would crack.

“William,” Brandon continued, “I must tell you what an amazing wife you have.”

Inwardly, she cringed.
Wrong comment to make, Mr. Kennedy.

William’s eyes widened. “Do I?”

“Indeed. She is amazing, for she was just now giving me advice on how to woo my wife.”

William’s lips quirked into an unexpected grin. “Woo your wife?”

Mercedes laughed uneasily and walked toward her husband. “Yes, William. Mr. Kennedy knows who holds my heart.” She stopped in front of her husband and touched his cheek. “I tried to tell him how to win over his wife properly.”

William chuckled and shook his head, his smile stretching. “This is, indeed, a surprise.”

“That is not my surprise for you, however.” She linked her arm around his. “I am stealing you away this afternoon for a picnic, if you approve, of course.”

“But of course. How could I turn down such a charming woman?”

Her heart hammered with each step out to the wagon. William took her arm, assisting her up, then climbed in to sit beside her. He gripped the reins and urged the team forward.

Her heart ached to see the distrust in his eyes. Although he smiled, it did not make his eyes sparkle. She slipped her arm around his and cuddled next to him, laying her head on his shoulder. “Should I scold you now or later?”

His head snapped toward her. “Scold me, my dear?”

“You think me blind? You think I did not see the look of distrust when you entered the office?”

He remained silent.

“William, how many times must I defend myself? I am not Kat. I love you completely and would never do anything to hurt you.”

His body relaxed. “I am but a normal man, my love.” He chuckled. “A man who succumbs to jealousy quite easily, I might add.”

She reached up and cupped his chin. He glanced at her. “Why would another man turn my head when you are the most handsome, the most loving person I have ever met?” She trailed her fingers across his bottom lip. “I do not want any other man because I have you.”

He laughed and turned his attention back to the road. “Please forgive me for trying your patience. I fear I do not deserve your love.”

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