Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series) (35 page)

BOOK: Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)
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“Oh, Katherine.” Mercedes sobbed. She took her sister’s hand, lifted it to her cheek and kissed the palm. Kat’s eyes closed and her chest stopped moving.

Mercedes’ heart ached with sorrow, and she sobbed, her cries echoing in the night. William kneeled beside her and slipped his arm around her shoulders. Across from her, the man

holding the still smoking pistol knelt, too.

She gasped. “Gabriel?”

He placed the weapon on the ground. Tears glistened in his eyes. “Please forgive me, Mercedes, but I could not have your sister killing my friend.”

Her breaths were ragged as she calmed her cries. “There is nothing to forgive. You did what needed to be done.” She glanced down at Kat and tenderly touched her cheek. “My sister is well now.” Her voice cracked with emotion. “No longer will she be able to hurt people.”

William grasped his friend’s shoulder. “How did you escape?”

Gabriel wiped his wet eyes. “The soldiers were searching for Captain Wilkes and left me unattended. Some of the Sons of Liberty came to my rescue.” He shook his head. “If you can believe this – the soldiers did not take the keys.”

Men’s shouts rose from a distance. Mercedes gasped and looked toward the trees where the voices came. “The fire.” She turned to William. “We need to get Gabe out of here.”

Her husband’s attention dropped to Kat. “What should we do with her? If the soldiers see her, they will think she is you.”

Mercedes jumped up and glanced toward the burning barn. There was only one course of action. Her heart wrenched. This was no way for her sister to end her life on earth, no matter how evil Kat was. But the fact remained there could not be two Mercedes
. And Kat was already dead.

“We must place her body inside the barn.”

William touched her shoulder. “Are you certain?”

Her throat tightened with a sob and she nodded. While William and Gabriel rose to their feet and lifted Kat’s body, Mercedes picked up the saber and turned to follow.

“Stay back,” William instructed. “Do not get too close to the flames.”

She held her breath, her hand to her mouth as she witnessed her sister’s body thrown in the fire. Squeezing her eyes closed, she said a silent prayer for her sister. But it had to be done. She only hoped the good Lord would forgive her.

William and Gabriel ran back to her. Her husband grasped her arm. “We must hurry and get out of here.”

“Let us head toward the docks,” Gabriel said. “A boat awaits to take me away.”

Voices coming from the wooded area grew closer. She clutched William’s arm as he led them away from danger. She ran and her limbs throbbed with each step. William circled his arm around her waist and held her tightly to his side. Burning streaks of pain shot up her legs, reminding her she hadn’t run like this in ages. But they were running for their lives. For Gabriel’s life.

She stepped on the hem of her dress and stumbled. William grasped her with both hands.

“William, my legs...they are not strong enough. You go on without me.”

“I will never leave your side again.” He lifted her in his arms and winced, his right shoulder sagging.

“Put me down. You cannot carry me.”

Gabriel stepped to them. His breaths came fast. “We are close enough to the docks. I shall go by myself.”

“No.” William grasped his friend’s hand. “We will go with you.”

“All will be well now.” Gabriel stepped closer and wrapped his arms around William. The two men embraced, then drew apart. Gabriel leaned in and kissed Mercedes’ cheek. He smiled. “Make him happy.”

Tears collected in her eyes once again. She nodded. “I intend to.”

“I love you...both of you. Now hurry. Return home before you are caught. William, the soldiers do not know about you. Only Captain Wilkes and Kat had this planned. Please, be safe.” Gabriel lifted a hand in farewell, then turned and ran down the hill toward the water.

Mercedes tightened her arms around her husband’s waist. “Will we ever see him again?” She looked up at the wonderful, brave man beside her.

“Yes. After all the conflict with Britain is over, we shall see him.”

“I will miss him.”

“As will I.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “But Gabe is not safe here. The soldiers will be looking for him not only because he was rescued from jail, but they will suspect he killed Captain Wilkes.”

“What if they do not? What if they suspect you?”

“There is no proof.”

She touched his chest, and pleaded with her eyes. “But what if they do?”

“Only Captain Wilkes suspected me, and that, of course, was because of your sister. The Sons of Liberty will be more cautious from now on, and liberty will prevail.”

She leaned her head against him. The tender look in his soft gaze made her heart melt. “You are my life, Mr. Braxton, and I want to be right by your side while the Sons of Liberty triumph over Britain.”

He tightened his arms around her. “You are my life, also, and I live for you and my children.”

Tears of joy stung her eyes and she buried her face in his chest. Her love for this man grew, making her heart swell.

“William, do you know how happy you have made me?”

He withdrew only inches away, gazing down into her eyes. His smile stretched across his face. “And you have completed my life, and the lives of my children. What more could I ask for?”

She chuckled and traced her finger across his bottom lip. “How about another child?”

With a growl, he pulled her to him and kissed her lips for only a moment before he pulled her after him toward the safety of their house. “How soon can we get started?”



Mercedes nodded to Lady Burwell as they stood inside the ballroom. The other woman lifted a glass of wine to her lips and sipped. Due to her pregnancy, Mercedes did not want to drink any wine. Although she had just barely discovered she was pregnant a week ago, she didn’t want to harm the child in any way.

The past six weeks had seemed a dream. A wonderful dream where only William and his children resided. After helping Gabriel escape, she and William remained on their best behavior in front of the soldiers so as not to draw suspicion. It must have worked, because they were treated like royalty after that. They’d even gone to the Burwell’s on a few occasions for dinner parties.

Mercedes glanced around the crowded room and smiled. The women now treated her as their equal instead of the loathsome creature who’d attended the Burwell’s weekend party. Mercedes had impressed them all. Mainly her own husband.

And speaking of William...

She spotted him with a group of men. The smile he wore was fixed upon his face as if he struggled to keep it there. The poor man still had to endure the talk and ridicule about his people. Their people. Their religion. Their freedom.

Within minutes, William lifted his gaze to hers. Even from across the room his eyes sparkled with love. He motioned his head toward the side doors and she nodded.

“Excuse me, Lady Burwell,” Mercedes cut the older woman off in mid-sentence, “but I need to step outside for a moment. The heat in the room is smothering me and I feel I might have the vapors.”

Lady Burwell gasped and touched Mercedes’ arm. “Oh dear. Will you need help?”

“No need to fear. My kind husband will attend me.”

The other women in the circle nodded and smiled. Mercedes tried to walk with a calm reserve, but her heartbeat pounded a fast rhythm and she quickened her step. She narrowed her eyes and looked through the shadows. A few couples stood along the white picket fence along the shrubbery, but none had ventured further into the yard since it wasn’t lit properly.

Then she saw him. The moonlight outlined his masculine shoulders and the curves of his face as he peeked around a section of shrubbery. She grinned and casually strolled toward him. As she neared, he reached out and grabbed her waist, quickly pulling her inside a darkened cove.

“I missed you, my love.”

She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his waiting lips. She met his demanding kiss with an urgency of her own, until he pulled away and smiled down at her.

“Why, you scandalous devil.” She chuckled. “If we are caught, our names will be ruined.”

“No. The men will be jealous, and the ladies will wish they were here with a man, too.”

She slapped his shoulder. “You are terrible.”

He tilted his head. “I am quite certain I can change your mind, love.”

“And exactly how do you propose to do that, sir?”

“Marry me. Tomorrow.”

She blinked and her mouth hung open. “Wh...what? Marry you? But we are married.”

“I was told of a minister a couple hours away who will marry us. Since our first marriage was done without the woman I love present, I want us to be married again before our baby is born.” He rubbed her belly not yet large with child. “God led you to me, Mercedes, and God will continue to bless us in our life.”

“Yes, He has.”

“So? Will you marry me in a church so that God will be with us always?”

If she hadn’t loved this man before, she definitely loved him now. Her heart burst and tears gathered in her eyes.

“Oh, William.” Her voice broke. She swiped her hand across his cheek before weaving her fingers through his hair. “You continue to surprise me at every turn. There is no way I can say no to you.”

“Good. Because I will have plenty of surprises throughout our marriage. I cannot stop loving you, my beautiful woman.”

He kissed her lips again, and she clung to him, answering back with all the emotion built inside her. It was hard to believe, but she’d found happiness. Finally.

She need not pretend any longer. In William’s arms was where she wanted to be.

~The End~



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Falling In Love Again

Book Two in the “Patriots’ Saga”

© 2011 Marie Higgins


Deceit, switching roles, and the pursuit of freedom come together in the hunt to discover who can be trusted – and who is really the traitor.
Marcus Thorne is set on discovering secrets from the Royal Navy as he hides himself behind the mask of highwayman known as once a fearsome pirate, Captain Hawk. But when he takes over a stagecoach and his enemy’s daughter, Marcus plans on taking more than just spy’s secrets.


When he discovers the lovely Isabelle Stanhope is also a spy, he sends her to land to get rid of her. Fortune is not on his side when his twin brother is killed and Marcus steps into the role of Viscount…and finds he’s now betrothed to Isabelle. Keeping his highwayman identity a secret, more surprises are thrown his way as he struggles to help the Patriots fight for their freedom, and keep from giving his new wife his heart.


Through colorful and engaging characters,
Falling In Love Again,
brings adventure and suspense to life. With revenge, arranged marriages, and evil fathers, can Marcus and Isabelle really find love?




Chapter One


New York, 1766


The pops of gunfire all around Isabelle Stanhope sounded like she stood on a battlefield, instead of riding in a stagecoach. The few other passengers screamed, sliding down into their seats. Fear of the worst kind surged through Isabelle as she bent over and clutched her trembling legs.

Her life may end today.

“Everyone stay low,” the driver yelled. “Highwaymen are swarming around us.”

His words caused panic to grow inside her. A gang of highwaymen had killed her father over a year ago and she feared the same fate would befall her.

Another pistol fired, closer this time. Mrs. Winters, Isabelle’s companion, screamed then slumped against her. Tears filled Isabelle’s eyes and a sob rose to her throat. She didn’t dare look to see if her companion had been shot or if the frightened woman just swooned, since Mrs. Winters had been known to do that. Isabelle had never been able to handle the sight of blood, especially from someone she cared so deeply about.

As the fast-moving stagecoach rocked to and fro, small satchels fell to the floor. The other passengers had been holding these at one time. Looking at them now, Isabelle didn’t know which one belonged to whom.

One of the satchels was slightly opened, and the gleam of the golden handle dagger caught her attention. Without a second thought she snatched the weapon and held it close. She wouldn’t bat an eye if she had to kill a highwayman in order to save her own life.

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