Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)
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She massaged her forehead. “Everything I was taught as a child, and everything I believe contradicts your beliefs.”

“I know.”

Her eyes closed as she continued to dig her fingers into her head. He took hold of her shoulders and pulled her down to him, resting her head on his chest. “I love you, Mercedes, and I do not want to lose you.” He kissed the top of her head. “I have never felt love as strong as I do with you.”

Lifting her head, she stared into his eyes. “What do you want from me?”

“I want your understanding, your support, but especially your silence. Do you know what will happen if I were caught as a traitor?”

She gave a nod. “You will be hanged.”


“And yet you still put your life in danger?”

“If it means a better life for my children—yes, I will.”

Her hand moved up to his hair and brushed back a lock that hung over his forehead. The softness of her gentle touch gave him hope, but he dared not voice his thoughts yet. It was her decision now.

“I have never known a man like you, William. You care deeply for your family, and you will do anything to please them. In London men like you are rare.”

Her attention strayed to her fingers as they weaved through his hair. The expression on her face remained hard to decipher, and it worried him. But she hadn’t denounced him yet, and that was a good sign.

“Mercedes?” Her gaze locked with his. “How did you know where to find me?”

“I did not know at first. I knew when you left the bed, I heard you and I followed. You are a sneaky man, but I figured you would be in the colonel’s study.” She shrugged. “Where else would you be?”

He smiled. “You had guessed about my treachery?”

“I had suspected, yes, but I’d hoped I was wrong.” She shook her head. “What if Colonel Burwell or Captain Wilkes discovers this information?”

“Then I shall have to put on a grand performance to throw them off my trail.”

She narrowed her eyes. “William, this is not a game.”

“No, it’s not.”

“What is it that you want? Do you want me to choose between the man I love and the country I hold dear to my heart?”

He didn’t answer. He couldn’t.

She lowered her head and sighed. “I have so much to think about. A headache is sneaking up on me and I must rest.”

He scooted over in the bed and pulled her beside him. “Take all the time you need to think, my love. I’ll not pressure you into making a decision.” He kissed her forehead then folded her in his embrace.

The few hours remaining before sunlight would be filled with confusion and worry for both of them, he was certain.

* * * *

Happiness and gaiety filled William’s home upon their return. The children ran into their father’s arms and greeted him with kisses, then turned and rained the same affection on Mercedes. Her chest expanded with happiness.

For the rest of the day, she stayed by William’s side as he sat on the couch and played with the children. He touched her often with gentle caresses. Was this all a wonderful, beautiful dream?

But all dreams had to end, and William’s treachery made her heart sink. When she first decided to play her sister’s role, she was out to prove him a traitor. Yet now that she loved him, she didn’t want his secret discovered.

William wanted her to choose. Her head pounded with indecision. When she thought about being in William’s strong arms, the special feeling of happiness that burst within her chest let her know there was no other choice. England would never make her feel this loved, this needed. She had to choose William.

Yet, choosing him didn’t erase her fear. Would he get caught and hanged? Or when she finally gathered the courage to confess her true identity, would that tear them apart? Her hopes of living happily ever after with William and his children faded quickly, and she couldn’t stand the suffocation tightening in her chest.

The day’s end drew near, and she wondered if he’d invite her to share his bed. They hadn’t made love yet, for which she was relieved, but she still enjoyed holding him while she fell asleep.

In the parlor William finished his nightly reading of bedtime stories to James and
, and Mercedes joined the trio on the sofa. The more time she spent with his family, the softer her heart grew toward them. This was now her family, and nothing and nobody would take it away from her...except her lies.

Tonight, she decided to tell him of her decision about his secret. From now on, she would be his support.

Jane stepped into the room to collect the children. James and
gave Mercedes a kiss and a hug before leaving with their nanny to retire for the night. Once the children were gone, William wrapped Mercedes in his arms. She cuddled against him, loving the perfect way they fit together.

“Today was wonderful.” She stroked her hand across his wide chest. “Was it not?”

“Wonderful is certainly the correct word. I do not think I have had a better day.” He lifted her chin so she looked into his eyes. “And, I want tonight to be just as special.”

She smiled, her heart beating an irregular rhythm. “That thought had crossed my mind, as well.”

“And what, pray tell, were you thinking?”

Heat rushed to her cheeks. “I think I quite enjoy being held by you, but—”

“No buts.” A low rumble started in his chest from his laugh and he touched his finger to her nose. “Would you think it improper of me if I suggested retiring to our room?”

room? Have you forgotten in this house we have separate chambers?”

“I want you in my bed from this day forth.”

Excitement flowed through her and she wanted the same thing. It was right, she convinced herself… After all, according to the marriage certificate, they were married. “I do like the sound of that.”

He leaned down and covered her mouth with his. The kiss was brief, yet blissfully wonderful. That would never change as long as she loved him with all her heart. She pulled away and stood, reaching out her hands for him to take. Behind her, footsteps rushed into the room, causing her and William to swing their heads toward the intruder.

Gabe doffed his hat and nodded to her, then turned his attention to William. “Forgive me for this rude intrusion, but I must speak with you.”

William struggled to stand, and when he did, he leaned against Mercedes. “Can it not wait until tomorrow?”

Gabe twisted his hat against his stomach. “Nay, it cannot.”

Mercedes looked into William’s eyes and smiled. “Do not be too long. I will be waiting for you.” She winked then pulled away. She walked past William’s friend and nodded. “Good evening, Gabe. Please try not to keep Mr. Braxton on his leg too long. I fear the swelling will return.”

“Yes, Mrs. Braxton.”

She stepped out of the parlor and pulled the double doors closed behind her. The seriousness on Gabe’s face worried her. Would William trust her enough to share what he learned tonight?

* * * *

“What do you mean they suspect me?” William pushed his fingers through his hair in irritation. “What cause do they have?”

Gabe paced the floor. “I believe Brandon Kennedy is behind all of this, but I have no proof.”

“Then let us find the proof. I will not be blamed for an act I did not do.” When his leg began to throb, he hobbled to the couch and fell upon it, then lifted his leg up on the stool. “I read the article in the newsletter, and I can see why it has Britain hopping mad. Although I agree with every word, I am not the one responsible.”

“I hate to admit,” Gabe said, “but ever since your wife turned away Kennedy’s attentions, strange occurrences have pointed the King’s Army in your direction.”

“Yes, I know, but I would rather have my marriage this way than the way it was before.”

Gabe shook his head. “I still cannot believe it. When you told me earlier today, I was in complete shock.”

William chuckled. “Imagine my surprise when I admitted I was in love with her.”

“Unfortunately we don’t know if it is your wife or the sister in the asylum. In a way I wish she were still the old Kat. Then Kennedy would be occupied and not have to worry about you.”

William shook his head. “There has got to be another way.”

“I shall talk to Thomas Paine tomorrow and see what he suggests.”

“Good thinking, Gabe. Perhaps Paine will write another article that will help this latest one blow over.”

“Do you think Paine wrote this one?”

“No.” William adjusted his leg. “It isn’t the same writing.”

“The article talks about seeing the different sides. I get the impression the author has lived in England.”

“I, too, get that impression.”

“You know, this article also points to your wife.”

William scowled. “Or any other person who has lived in England.”

“You are correct. Forgive me for suggesting such a thing.”

Irritated, William blew out a gush of air. It couldn’t be his wife. Her views were different from his…weren’t they? Then again, she’d doubted England’s authority lately. During their stay at the
, she gave signs of leaning toward his cause. Could she have changed her way of thinking?

He struggled to stand. Gabe hurried to help, but William motioned him away. “This will have to wait until morning. Hopefully, my leg will feel better because I have many errands to run.”

“Is there anything you would like me to do?”

“If I do, I shall let you know in the morning.”

Putting all his weight on the cane, he walked toward the door. “Now if you will excuse me, my wife is upstairs in my bed. And I am not foolish enough to keep her waiting any longer.”

Gabe laughed and clapped William on the shoulder as he passed. “I am happy to see you have found someone to love.”

William threw him a grin. “You are not the only one happy.” He winked.

It took him a while longer than he wanted, but he finally made it up the stairs to his room. He walked in and stopped. Only a single candle was lit, illuminating his wife on his bed.


He chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. It looks like he wouldn’t fully make her his wife tonight. Then again, Gabe had given him a lot to think about. Perhaps he needed to do some serious contemplating before making the plunge with Mercedes.

He didn’t know what this woman had done to him, but whatever it was, he liked it. He also couldn’t let her distract him from his fight for freedom. He only hoped she’d feel the same and want to remain by his side.

But a nagging thought in the back of his mind told him something was not right. At this particular time, why would a strange article appear in the newsletter?

And why did he suspect his wife was behind it?

Chapter Fourteen


Truth gives me light to see.

Hope makes me thirst for Freedom.

Knowledge creates a sorrow in my heart

For I was once on the other side; legs shackled, vision blinded from reality.

No more will I hide. No more.

I am a Patriot, and I will spread my wings and freely soar.


“It was written by a woman.” Gabe nodded to the article in the Gazette.

William stared dumbfounded at the newsletter, absorbing the information Gabe had just given him. It couldn’t possibly be a woman. Yet, the article had passion behind every word. Then again, so did Thomas Paine’s writing.

“Is that all you know? Do you know this person’s identity?”

“I have heard rumors, that is all.” Gabe scratched his chin. “The article is on everyone’s tongue, and I hear them whispering of a woman writer.”

William pushed away from his drawing board and limped to the window in his office. He was thankful Brandon Kennedy hadn’t arrived yet this morning. It gave William more time to think of the new patriot. More time to suspect his wife. When he imagined her changing her mind about England, an exciting chill ran up his spine. It also frightened him. If she were caught... He shook off the thought. He wouldn’t let that happen.

“Gabe? Gather all the information you can before week’s end. If possible, I want this new patriot to meet the Sons of Liberty at our next meeting.”

“But what if nobody knows her?”

“Someone has to.”

Sitting on the edge of the desk, Gabe gently swung his leg. “I hope she does not get caught.”

“Me either. I rather like seeing the flustered looks on the soldier’s faces, especially Captain Wilkes.” William chuckled.

“The pompous man thinks he can control what is going on in Philadelphia, and his cheeks and earlobes turn red as turnips when events do not go his way.”

William laughed. “And I bet you are right there, dripping lemon on the opened wound.”

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