Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)
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He stopped in front of her. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Braxton.” He tipped his hat and gave a small bow.

She quickly studied his uniform to determine his status. “Good afternoon...Captain.”

“Soon to be Colonel, remember?” He took her hand and placed a small kiss on her knuckle.

“Of course I remember.” She wanted to withdraw, but the kiss wasn’t out of line...yet.

He glanced up and down the street, and when his eyes met hers, a mischievous grin touched his mouth. His grip tightened as his fingers softly caressed the skin.

“Have you any more information for me, my dear, Mrs. Braxton?”

She moaned inwardly
. Oh, no, not him, too.
What had Kat done this time? Mercedes shook her head. “None whatsoever.”

“And why not?” His brows creased. “Have your husband and his associates suddenly fallen off the face of the earth? I am certain you have stumbled across some little tidbit about your husband’s dealings.”

Silently, she studied him. Could he be after what she was after—information that would prove William a traitor? Although this Captain worked in the King’s army, she hesitated to tell him of her mission. After all, she didn’t want him to get the credit.

But it was more than that. Something in this man’s eyes told her she couldn’t trust him.

She pulled her hand away. “If you have not heard by now, Captain, I have recently returned from New York. What sort of information could I have gathered being gone?”

The corner of his mouth twitched into a half smirk. Again, he took her hand and brought it to his lips, brushing a soft kiss across her knuckles. She shuddered and yanked her hand away.

“Are you toying with me again, Kat? Or are you waiting for a kiss before you hand over what I want?”

Her stomach lurched. Instinct told her she had to act like Kat, but she couldn’t bring herself to play this part.

She stepped back. “No, Captain. I am not waiting for any sort of kiss from you. As I told you before, I have no information. Now, if you will let me by.”

When she attempted to pass, he stopped her with a grip to her elbow. Pain shot up her arm and she whimpered. Fear tried to make her succumb, but after everything that had happened today, anger took over.

“Madame Braxton, I warn you—”

“You warn me? I think not, sir. In fact, I am warning you.” She pulled her arm out of his grasp, hopefully for the last time. “I would appreciate it if you would cease jostling me in public. Moreover, you had better display a more accurate job of your patience, my dear Captain, or you will receive nothing further from me. Information or...or other gifts.” She marched back to her horse and quickly mounted, Timothy right behind her, glaring at the inane soldier as any protector would.

Before riding away, she witnessed the captain’s wide-eyed expression and inwardly she said a prayer of thanks for being able to control the conversation. From what she’d gathered being in Kat’s role, her sister had easily fallen for men’s charms. But these men would soon learn this particular Mrs. Braxton comported herself with restraint.

It crushed Mercedes to know her sister had been this kind of woman. Had the melancholy of their father passed to Kat and made her act this way?

On the ride home Mercedes juggled a million thoughts, trying not to ponder too long on any one subject. But she couldn’t stop thinking about the life her sister had led, and especially about the way it had damaged William and his children.

Eventually she’d tell William the truth. By now, she had hoped to find some evidence to support her sister’s theory about William being a traitor, but Mercedes couldn’t. Little by little she saw the kind of man he truly was—which was completely opposite from what Kat had told her.

Another problem bothered her. The nosy captain was seeking the same outcome as she when it came to William. Apparently, Kat had been giving the soldier secret information about her husband.

Mercedes shuddered. How could Kat have behaved so lowly? Yet loyalty didn’t run strong here across the sea from her own beloved King, which made Mercedes wonder what Kat had really been doing.

Confusion clouded her mind, and she wanted the pounding in her head to disappear. She must discover what secrets William hid, and soon. If William were a traitor, she’d turn him in. If he wasn’t…she prayed she’d have the strength not to give her heart to this man!

Chapter Six


Mercedes hesitated to leave her bath of luxury that evening, but the cold water threatened to turn her skin to prunes. Towel drying herself, the lilac-scented soap assailed her senses, reminding her of home. Right after her father’s death, she’d boarded up his cottage in England, and prayed all would be fine when she returned. She missed the neighboring cottages and yearned for the closeness she had with the families living nearby—families she considered part of her life.

She pushed away the disheartening thoughts and changed into an evening dress. Although no guests had been invited to the supper meal, she wanted to look her best. Of course, the selection of dresses in her sister’s closet didn’t leave many suitable options. Mercedes had only brought a few from home, but wearing them made everyone suspicious, and she couldn’t have that.

One of Kat’s gowns had sleeves to cover most of Mercedes’ arms, but unfortunately the square bodice was cut very low. If only she could find that handkerchief she’d used the other evening. The fichu accenting the bodice wasn’t enough covering. After a half hour, she gave up when she couldn’t locate it.

Beth’s absence, tonight of all nights, had Mercedes sighing in frustration as she sat at the dressing table trying to style her own hair. She twisted the length in a knot, leaving a few tendrils around her ears, then found some of Kat’s jewelry that didn’t make her look too decorative.

Mercedes made her way down the stairs toward the parlor where the playful voices of William and his children resounded through the hallway. Although she’d yet to hear
speak, the little girl’s laughter lifted with merriment through the air. Mercedes smiled.

The threesome didn’t see her when she stepped into the room. What a heartwarming scene with
and James perched on William’s lap as he read them a nursery rhyme. Mercedes had memorized the story when she was young, but it amazed her to hear William tell it. He added excitement, made the characters come to life, entertaining his children—and her—beyond belief. Warmth spread through her heart toward the man who might be a spy. His ability to love his children and servants unconditionally made her question those doubts about him. Could someone so caring really be mean, and a spy?

His gaze finally lifted from the book and fell upon her, his expression softened and a smile touched his mouth. The sentence he’d been reading stopped as he scanned her length.

Fluttering sensations swept through her, and the new emotion turned her mouth dry, but the palms of her hands moistened. Her numb mind wouldn’t allow her to think of a single word to say in greeting.

He closed the book, lifted his son and daughter off his lap, and stood. Like a panther stalking its prey, he slowly came toward her. The beating of her heart slammed against her ribs, but she remained still. A cheerful greeting came from James, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the incredibly handsome man in front of her. His light gray coat blended with his fawn breeches, the color enhancing his eyes, making them sparkle brighter.

He stopped and lifted her hand to his lips, brushing a soft kiss on her knuckles. His eyes held hers. Scents of spice and tobacco drifted around her, and although she wished otherwise, they stirred to life emotions hidden deep inside.

“Good evening, Mercedes. It pleases me that you would join us.”

He said my name
. Her heart soared. The tender sound coming from his lips was like fingers plucking heavenly music from a harp.

“Of course, William. Why would I not want to be a part of such an entertaining group?” She bestowed upon him her best smile. “I do not think I have ever heard a more interesting story than what you were telling James and

James tugged on her skirt, his smile stretched from ear-to-ear. “Mercy? Do you
have Papa read to you, too?”

She nibbled on her lower lip and hesitated before nodding.

“Papa?” James continued. “Mercy wants to read with us.”

William chuckled. “But James, with you and your sister on my lap, I do not think there is any room for Mercedes to sit.”

Her gaze snapped up to meet his smoldering eyes. Just the idea of sitting so close to him, and in that fashion, made her cheeks burn. She cleared her throat. “That is just as well. I will be more comfortable on the sofa.”

William took her hand and linked it around his elbow. “Why do we not all sit on the sofa?”

Did she appear like a love-struck girl when she dreamily stared into his eyes? Yet she couldn’t tear away from him. His charm intoxicated her, and she wanted to lose herself in it. He made her experience tingles she’d never felt before.

James and
climbed back onto their father’s lap, Mercedes sat by his side. Every once in a while, his elbow brushed against her arm, and she forced herself not to sigh aloud from the pleasure rippling through her. Strange how one subtle movement could create such heated explosions. This was far different from the disgusting way her husband used to treat her.

William’s deep voice hypnotized her. Laying her head on the back of the sofa and turning slightly, she stared at his profile and absorbed his words. After three more stories, he had complete control over her whether he wanted to or not.

When the servant announced the children’s bedtime, Mercedes jumped to a sitting position and blinked the daze from her eyes. James gave her a kiss on the cheek, then a hug.
wouldn’t kiss her, but she received a small hug from the little girl.

Mercedes’ heart tugged from their sweet gestures.
and James placed a kiss on their father’s cheek before leaving the room with Jane. Although Mercedes never conceived with her husband, perhaps someday she’d find a man to have children with who would shower such affection on her.

William closed the book and placed it on the table in front of them. He stretched his arms over his head. It fascinated her the way the fabric of his clothes pulled tight across his muscles. He was certainly masculine. Relaxing on the sofa, he laid his arm across the back and turned and looked at her. His hand lay dangerously close to her shoulder and she wanted to cuddle against it, but resisted with every fiber of her being.

A smile touched his lips. “Thank you for coming down to be with the children. They really enjoyed your presence this evening.”

She returned a smile. “It was my pleasure.” She glanced over at the parlor door, then back to him. “But why did they leave before supper?”

“They have already eaten.”

“Why can they not share the meal with us?”

He opened his mouth to answer, but hesitated as his brows drew together. “I have never thought of that.” He shrugged. “I suppose they may join us, if that is what you wish.”

“I think it would be wonderful to have them with us at mealtimes.”

“Why would you find that wonderful?” He turned his body her way. “In fact, why are you here right now? Why did you join us tonight?”

She sighed heavily.
Oh, not again.
“I have not done so lately, and I wished to get to know you and your children better.” She paused. “Does that make me a criminal?”

“No, just different from the Kat I know.”

She tried to swallow the lump caught in her throat. She didn’t dare encourage him, but she must. “Then forget the woman you once knew and look more closely at the Mercedes sitting next to you now. I assure you they are two different people.”

His gaze touched every inch of her face before resting on her lips. Her skin warmed, and she enjoyed the feeling. She waited for him to unleash his anger, but he remained calm and relaxed. Envious of his ability to stay composed, she worried her whole body would come apart at any moment.

“At times you almost have me fooled, Mrs. Braxton. Deep down I want to believe you are different, but I have lived with you long enough to know otherwise.”

His fingers moved to her cheek and stroked her skin. Tingles danced down her spine.

“Outwardly,” he continued, “you are the beautiful woman I thought I had married, but...” His finger trailed down her neck to her collarbone.

She held her breath. Why did she ache for his tender caress, and especially, his kind words?

“Inside this beautiful woman lurks evil, more dark and sinister than I could have imagined. You have plans swimming around in your lovely head that are meant to hurt and destroy people’s lives.”

Inwardly, she cringed. What exactly had her sister done to make him believe such things? She wanted to confess her true identity simply to hear soft, gentle words leave his mouth. Words not etched in hardened pain. Deep down she sensed he was a kindhearted man.

“William,” she whispered, her breaths coming in short gasps. “You should not be so unkind. You do not know what happened to me in New York when I went to be with my sister.”

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