Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)
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“Oh, so cruel.” He groaned in mock torture. “You shall pay for that one.”

“Later, my dear.” She moved toward the door. “Now rest.” She walked out of the room.

He relaxed and turned his thoughts to his previous questions. Although he had no solid proof, he actually believed Mercedes was the other sister. She mentioned she and her sister were very different, and since she’d come back from New York, his wife had done a complete turnaround. Now he was almost convinced the woman he was falling in love with was not his wife. Instead of upsetting him, he relished the idea.

Chapter Twelve


William fidgeted with the bed covers and groaned from inactivity. He pulled the sheets tighter across his leg, and the subtle movement caused a sharp pain in his knee. He gnashed his teeth. Thankfully, his head wound healed quicker. He prayed his leg would be as speedy so he could get out of this bed and back home with his family where he belonged.

His nerves had been tight and his temper ready to explode since the accident. Of course, it didn’t help when his wife kept herself from joining him in bed, laying blame to his injured leg. She didn’t want to accidentally bump it, she told him. As much as he protested, she had stuck to what the physician said about not moving him. If he could get his hands around the physician’s throat, he’d strangle him for giving such a command.

The physician allowed William to bathe this morning, although it was only a sponge-bath, and it irritated him that Mercedes hadn’t offered to assist. Instead, the colonel’s servant helped. After the bath, William had slipped on a pair of his breeches, but nothing more. The servant had to rip the pant leg up the side just to get it over the brace strapped to his calf.

With a deep sigh, he prayed this week would pass in a hurry. The Burwell’s other visitors had returned to their homes, and because of this, Lady Burwell occupied Mercedes most of the time. The colonel had other tasks to perform, so the man hadn’t bothered to check on his injured guest. But it was just as well. The old man irked William. Too bad because now would have been the perfect time for him to look for information. Unfortunately, the staff wouldn’t allow him to leave his bed either.

Curse his critical state of health.

The bedroom door opened and Mercedes poked her head inside, interrupting his foul mood. “William? Are you up for a surprise?”

“I know not,” he snapped, shifting his weight on the bed. “What is it?”

She grinned before fully opening the door. James and
rushed into the room, giggling. “Papa,” they shouted in unison.

His heart beat with life again, and he smiled wide. He held out his arms as they ran to his side. His wife rushed behind them, keeping them from bumping his leg.

He laughed as he gathered them close. “What a pleasurable surprise.”

“Look at your leg, Papa,” James exclaimed.

cautiously reached out and touched the brace. “Hurt, Papa?”

“Only once in a while.” He met Mercedes’ cheerful expression with one of his own. “When did they arrive?”

“Only moments ago. I sent a message to Gabriel, informing him of our delay. He and Jane brought them.”

He winked at her. “Thank you. Seeing my children is the best medicine of all.”

“I knew it would be.”

The children sat around him and he listened to their tales of how they’d spent their weekend. It seemed since Mercedes’ heroism with the dog, his children had obtained more friends. William’s heart burst with pride as he listened to them. When he glanced at his wife, his heart twisted in a different emotion. For certain, he was falling in love with her—whether his wife or her sister—he loved the woman standing before him.

Like the dutiful wife, she ordered the afternoon meal brought to the bedroom so the family could share it together. She placed a pillow under his sprained leg, which kept him comfortable. Before she left his side, he took her hand and brushed a kiss upon the delicate knuckles. She privileged him with a brilliant green-eyed gaze, then left to attend the children. He loved watching her help James and
, and he hoped she’d always be the mother they needed.

Soon the day slipped by and the children grew tired. William kissed them goodbye before Mercedes walked them out to the carriage.

“My dear?” he asked before she left.


“Is Gabe still here?”

“I believe so.”

“Would you have him come see me, please? There are some matters I need to discuss with him.”

She nodded and left. A moment later, Gabe knocked at the door then stepped inside. His smile widened with each step he took toward to the bed. “So, what happened, you gawky oaf?”

William laughed. “Yes, I am an oaf. Either that or I had other things on my mind.”

“Your wife said you needed to see me.”

“I would like you to keep a close eye on Brandon Kennedy. I think he was behind my little accident. I cannot go into details, but he is becoming troublesome lately.”

“I will.”

“Also,” he lowered his voice, “have you found out any more information about Mercedes’ sudden departure when she allegedly went to New York to be with her sister?”

“I have talked with several witnesses who said she did indeed travel to New York. Someone mentioned her being with a minister.”

“Perhaps the story about her sister is true?” He lifted his brows. “But why would she be seen with a man of the cloth?”

Gabe shrugged. “For decorum purposes, I am certain.”

“Well, now I want you to look into her sister’s story. From what Mercedes has told me, her sister is in an asylum. I would like for you to arrange for a specialist to take over as her physician. I will pay whatever the cost.”

“What is her sister’s name?”

“You are not going to believe this.” Arching a brow, he stroked his jaw. “Her name is Katherine. Her nickname is Kat.”

Gabe’s eyes widened. “Kat? Is that not what you call your wife when you are upset with her?”

“Yes. Now I know why she gets mad at me.”

“Why did she not tell you this before?”

“I cannot fathom.”

“I will get right on it.”

“Thank you. I need to know everything about her sister, what she looks like, how she acts—everything.”

“What are you searching for, William?”

“I do not know yet.” He shook his head. “Call me insane, but I do not think the woman who came back from New York is the woman I married.”

“Who else could she be?”

“The sister.”

Gabe’s eyes widened. “You think they are twins?”

“I am starting to believe that, yes.”

“The one with us now was the one in the asylum?”

“That is what I want you to find out. Contact my solicitor, but I want to know every detail about my wife’s sister. Specific details.”

“I will get right on it.”

When Gabe left the room, William stretched his sore muscles as he folded his arms behind his head. Had the sister indeed come back? He surely hoped so.

* * * *

Mercedes couldn’t endure the lazy afternoon by herself, neither could she chance seeing William so soon. His alluring gaze was too powerful, and lately, she didn’t want to fight it. Never having felt this with Frederick, she now wanted to experience the greater joy of being a wife. Being a
wife. Which meant she had to find the courage to tell William the truth.

She wandered back from Lady Burwell’s flower gardens. When she stepped across the patio, her attention snapped to Lady Burwell who sat sipping tea by herself. Mercedes wasn’t in the mood to visit with her, but she smiled in greeting and approached.

“Good afternoon, Lady Burwell.”

The older woman nodded, then placed her teacup on the table in front of her. “How is your husband faring?”

“I believe he is getting stronger by the day. In fact, if the physician will permit, I think Mr. Braxton will be able to travel by tomorrow or even the day after.”

“Would you like to join me?” Lady Burwell motioned to the chair next to her.

Reluctantly, Mercedes sat, but refused the tea Lady Burwell tried to pour her.

“You know, Mrs. Braxton,” Lady Burwell began as she picked up her cup, “I will confess my first impressions of you were wrong. You are nothing like I had thought.”

Mercedes crinkled her brows. “What do you mean?”

“Well, like everyone else, I had heard rumors about you before actually meeting you, so I had formed my own opinion. Now that we have spent time together, I must admit how wrong I was. The gossip circles have judged you unfairly.”

“Thank you.” Mercedes paused. “May I inquire to what they are saying?”

A red tint colored the hostess’ face as she lowered her gaze. “Well, I am certain you have some idea.”

“Does it have to do with my brazen behavior with other men?”

Lady Burwell met Mercedes’ stare and widened her eyes. “Yes.”

“Did you hear how incredibly selfish and underhanded I was?”

Lady Burwell nodded.

“And how I treated my husband and stepchildren with disdain?”

“Yes, to all.”

Mercedes toyed with the lace cuff of her long sleeve. “I am happy to say the gossip circles are wrong. I am not that woman.”

“I know. I have seen firsthand how loving you are toward Mr. Braxton’s children, and especially how attentive you are to your husband.” She chuckled. “In fact, I must say you are a better woman than most of the ladies I am friends with.”

Mercedes smiled. “Thank you.”

Lady Burwell reached over and patted Mercedes’ hand. “And I think your husband is very fortunate to be married to such a woman.”

“I hope he sees me in that same light.”

Lady Burwell laughed. “Oh, I think he does. I have noticed the way he looks at you, and there is a great amount of love in his expression.”

Mercedes’ heart quickened. “You believe he truly loves me?”

“Indeed, as I can see your love for him.”

Lowering her gaze to her sleeve again, Mercedes confessed, “I have never felt this way toward any man. I feel dizzy around him, yet in his arms, I am safe and protected.”

“Does he know?”

Mercedes lifted her attention to Lady Burwell. “I have never told him.”

“What is stopping you?” The older woman lifted her brows and grinned.

Mercedes tried to hide her smile, but her lips stretched on their own accord. Lady Burwell would absolutely die if she knew what stopped her. “I will certainly ponder over your words, Lady Burwell.” She stood. “But I must get back to my husband.”

She turned and entered the house. The truth about her identity had to come out. Now.

* * * *

William sat by the open window and smiled. Since the patio was underneath the bedroom window, he’d heard the conversation between Lady Burwell and his wife.

As he closed the window, his heart beat with unprecedented life, opening a new future. A future he couldn’t wait to pursue.
My wife does love me!

Whether or not Mercedes admitted her love, he planned on telling her his feelings tonight. He still doubted she was the woman he exchanged marriage vows with, and that thought made him happier than he expected. If the woman was not his wife, that meant she hadn’t been intimate with other men.

Just the thought of making her his wife in all sense of the word sent his heart soaring. He wanted to have children with her, to grow old together, and love her for eternity. But…what if he was wrong?

The sudden change of his thoughts wiped away his energetic smile. If she were really the woman he exchanged vows with, could he still love her? Would he still want to make love to her, let her have his children, and grow old together? His heart sank.

When Mercedes walked into the bedroom and closed the door, he tore his gaze from the curtains and focused on her. Her smile radiated, stirring a heat deep inside him. She was too beautiful to be the woman he’d married. He prayed he was right about her identity.

“Good afternoon, William. How do you feel?”

He ran his gaze over her attire and his heart softened. The daffodil dress made her raven hair stand out. He wanted to stroke the curl by her ear so badly his finger itched. Before he went utterly mad, he needed to bring her closer. “I have never felt better.”

“I suggested to Lady Burwell she have their physician check you over again, because I think you are strong enough to go home.”

“As do I.”

“I know the children miss you, as I am certain you miss them.”

“What about you? Do you miss the children?”

Her smile widened. “I am completely lost without them.”

Her words warmed his heart. “Come sit by me.” He motioned to the empty chair next to him. “I would like to have a serious discussion with you.”

She nodded and moved past him, but before she sat, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her beside him. He slipped his arms around her waist and brushed his mouth across her lips. Lifting his head, he gazed into her mesmerizing green eyes, now laced with desire.

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