Swap Meet (8 page)

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Authors: Lolita Lopez

BOOK: Swap Meet
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pitch high and needy. Chris ate at his ass with hungry licks and nibbles. His man tasted

of the sea and was soft as velvet. He continued to work Max’s shaft as he teased him

with his tongue. There was nothing that made Chris hotter than hearing Max moan

with pleasure. He’d always taken pride in a job well done and rocking his lover’s world

was no different.

Chris smeared a dollop of lube between Max’s cheeks. His lips and tongue found

their way to Max’s balls again as he slipped one finger into his man’s tight passage.

After a few searching thrusts, Chris located the walnut-sized pleasure button secreted

away in Max’s channel. Chris moved his finger against it and Max groaned and

swiveled his hips. Smiling indulgently, Chris committed the spot to memory and made

sure to give it a little bump every time his fingers slid inside and out of Max’s ass.

Chris took his time probing the tight pucker, adding another finger and another

until he had three buried to the knuckle in his writhing lover. Max made the most

enthusiastic noises. Chris felt a bit lightheaded with anticipation and excitement. All the

blood seemed to be rushing from his head to his throbbing cock.

Max leaked cum onto Chris’ hand, the constant prostate massage and cock strokes

milking him ever so slowly. He seemed transported to a higher place, that tummy-

quivering, breath-stealing precipice just before orgasm. He keened loudly and fisted the

covers. French flowed from his lips, the words undecipherable to Chris but their

meaning easily conveyed by the desperate tone.


Swap Meet

He wanted to be fucked. Badly. Now.

Knowing Max was exactly where he needed to be, Chris pulled away long enough

to sheath his raging hard-on with a condom. He stood and situated himself between

Max’s thighs. His cock in one hand, the other grasping Max’s trim waist, Chris pressed

the purpling head of his penis against Max’s hole. Max stilled just as Chris pushed

inside, the blunt tip of his cock sliding into the passage with just the slightest of resistance. With the most tender of strokes, Chris pushed in and pulled out a little

farther each time. Finally he sat completely sheathed in his man.

“Oh God! Chris!” Max’s voice carried the evidence of his absolute ecstasy.

Chris trembled with the enormity of the moment. He would forever be this man’s

first. No matter what happened between them, Max would always remember this

experience. Chris was struck by the need to brand himself on Max, to leave his mark for

all eternity. He craved closeness with his man, an intimacy their current position didn’t


His hand between Max’s shoulder blades, Chris pushed him toward the mattress.

As Max’s chest met the duvet, Chris’ cock slipped from his backside. Max whimpered

at the sudden emptiness. Chris hastily remedied the situation by climbing onto the

mattress and pulling Max onto his side, facing away from him. Chris sidled up to his

back and shifted Max’s top leg a little forward. With a little shimmying, Chris managed

to shove his fat cock right back inside his lover. They both moaned as Chris slid home,

Max from being filled and Chris from being squeezed by the tightest, warmest sleeve


Joined again, they rocked slowly. Chris cupped Max’s jaw and turned his face until

their lips met. The angle was awkward, to be sure, but there was nothing like darting

his tongue inside Max’s mouth at the same pace as his cock inside Max’s ass. He

worked his lower arm underneath Max’s body and clamped it across his chest, holding

him tight. Their shared body heat had their skin glistening with sweat. The scent of raw

sex filled the air and spurred them on in their erotic interlude.


Lolita Lopez

Max reached back and grasped Chris’ hip as his own hand moved south and

gripped Max’s slick cock. They panted as they fucked a bit more vigorously now, each

chasing the freefall of orgasm. Max erupted first, his cream spurting all over Chris’

hand. The warm sensation coupled with Max’s cries rocketed Chris over the edge. His

balls drew up tight against his body. His toes curled and calves tensed. He came hard,

his thrusts a bit rough as he sank as deep as possible into the unbelievable heat of his

man’s ass.

They shuddered and clutched. Chris found he had no desire to let go of Max’s

slowly deflating erection. He barely managed enough energy to pull out, roll away and

deal with the condom. Max had rolled onto his back by the time Chris rolled back onto

his side. An expression of the deepest wonderment played on Max’s face and a ripple of

satisfaction infiltrated Chris’ belly.

Chris brushed his fingertips over Max’s cheeks and kissed him tenderly. “All


Max grinned, his face flushed and breaths still heavy. “Fantastic.”

“Not too sore?” Chris was concerned he’d gone too fast or too hard.

Max shook his head. “Just sleepy. Very, very sleepy.”

“Come here.” Chris pulled him close and tucked Max’s head beneath his chin. He

pressed a kiss to his forehead. “A little nap wouldn’t hurt.”

* * * * *

Max watched Chris sleep. Sometimes he couldn’t quite believe things had turned

out as they had. He’d never been one to believe in fate or destiny but the odds of

finding complete happiness with a Houston firefighter had to be astronomical. For their

lives to intersect just so on the night of the swap meet was surely a thing of utter

improbability. And yet here they were.

This rough-and-tumble Texan made Max feel so deeply and in ways he’d never

imagined possible. He’d awakened a hope inside Max, a desire for all those things Max


Swap Meet

had never before wanted. His fascination with his lover’s rugged face had yet to fade.

He couldn’t control the impulse to reach out and trail his fingertips over the faint scars

on his jaw.
Beautiful. Virile. Mine.

But was he? Did Chris even want to belong to Max? It was a subject Max was afraid

to broach. An illicit tryst had turned into a sexy weekend holed up in a Houston

penthouse and now a weeklong escape to the south of France. What next?

Max honestly didn’t know. What he wanted seemed impossible. They lived such

extraordinarily different lives. Max skipped from country to country, increasing his

business empire one buyout at a time. Chris risked his life serving his fellow

Houstonians when they were experiencing their very worst moments. Was it even

possible to mesh their lives? Who would be the one to make the necessary sacrifices?

Chris’ eyelids fluttered. He inhaled deeply and stretched. Abandoning his troubling

thoughts, Max pressed a kiss to his Adam’s apple, eliciting a low chuckle from Chris’


“Sleep okay?” Chris ran his fingers through Max’s hair.

“Yes.” Max kissed Chris’ chin. “You?”

Chris nodded. He shifted Max in his arms and gazed down at him. The concern

reflected there floored Max. “Are you okay?”

Max smiled reassuringly. “I’m fine. Truly.”

Chris relaxed a bit and drew Max closer. “I’m glad.”

“What was it like for you? That first time,” Max clarified.

Chris exhaled and made a throaty sound of annoyance. “Not good. We rushed it.”

He laughed derisively. “My ass was on fire for days.”

Max frowned and pressed a soothing kiss to his man’s cheek. “I’m sorry.”

Chris shrugged. “Live and learn.”

Max doubted he’d be so casual after such a painful experience. “You astound me

sometimes with your cavalier attitude.”


Lolita Lopez

“Is that a bad thing?” Chris seemed uncertain how to take his remark.

“Not at all,” Max said. “It’s simply one of your quirks.” He pecked Chris’ temple

and rose up on one elbow to peer at the alarm clock. “We should shower and dress.

We’re expected on shore for dinner soon.”

“Oh. Right.”

There was no mistaking Chris’ unenthusiastic tone. Max regarded him carefully. “Is

something wrong?”

“No.” Chris slid from bed, presenting his taut buttocks for Max’s slow perusal. He

reached out and wiggled his fingers. “Shower with me?”

“As if you have to ask.” Max took his hand and allowed Chris to haul him off the

mattress. They slipped into the shower. Despite his best intentions, Max couldn’t keep

his hands to himself. The sight of Chris’ sudsy, slippery skin sent his libido into overdrive. By the time they finished their shower antics, they were running short on

time. A sleek, smaller craft ferried them to shore. A private car waited near the docks to

whisk them to Leon and Margot’s seaside villa for the dinner party.

Max experienced a quiver of anxiety. This was the first time he’d stepped out with

Chris. It was the first time any of his longtime friends had ever seen him with a man.

His gut clenched at their imagined reactions. He wondered if Chris was similarly

nervous. “All right?”


Chris’ clipped reply did little to assuage his concerns. “Everyone speaks English, if

that’s your worry.”

“It’s not but that’s good to know.” Chris looked away from the tinted window and

caught Max’s gaze. The fading sunlight cast shadows on his face. “I’ve never done this.”

Max frowned. “A dinner party?”


“Oh.” Comprehension dawned. “You’ve never been out with a lover.”


Swap Meet

“I’ve never really had a lover, Max. I’ve had one-night stands or a quick romp here

or there with some of my longtime friends. This is all new for me.”

Max grasped his hand. “It’s new for me too.”

The car rolled to a stop outside the villa. Max could see the uncertainty painted on

Chris’ face. “We don’t have to stay. If you want, we can go back to the yacht. I’ll make

up an excuse.”

Chris shook his head. He inhaled a steadying breath. “First time for everything,


Max smiled and kissed Chris. “

With one last reassuring squeeze of Chris’ hand, Max let go and exited the backseat.

Chris stepped out beside him. They were welcomed inside by Leon and Margot and

their guests who had already arrived. Well versed in the ruthless corporate world, Max

knew his first sign of embarrassment or hesitation would doom their first foray into

going public. Max took pride in introducing Chris to his friends and made no move to

give any explanations. He didn’t miss the surprised expressions but they all had

enough tact to keep their opinions private.

Only later, as they shuffled out to the terrace for dinner, did Leon pull Max aside.

He didn’t have to say a word. The arch of his brow communicated it all.

“I know,” Max said. “It’s unexpected.”

“To say the least,” Leon muttered.

Max shot him an annoyed glance. “But it feels right.”

Leon studied him. His lips curved with a grin. “You should know Margot has been

trying to get me to set you up with her brother for ages now. You have no idea how

insufferable she is when she’s right. I expect the gloating to last for a week.”

Max’s unease dissipated. “My apologies.”

Leon laughed and slapped his arm. He took a more serious tone. “You deserve

some happiness, Max. If this man makes you happy, then we’re happy.”


Lolita Lopez

“Thank you.”

“He’s young.”


Leon whistled. “What is that? Eleven years difference?”

Max grimaced at the reminder. “Something like that.”

“Any money?”

Max snorted with amusement. “Always the bottom line with you.”

“Just looking out for your interests,” he said. “It’s difficult to think rationally when

we’re starry-eyed with love.”

Max shook his head and laughed. “I’m touched, truly, by your concern, but I highly

doubt Chris is after my billions. If you’ll excuse me…”

Leon laughed. “Yes, go. We wouldn’t want Karl or Edward to steal him away.”

Even though Leon was joking, Max experienced the tiniest shiver of fear. He hadn’t

thought of losing Chris to someone else. It didn’t sit well with him. He hurried to Chris’

side, a possessive need taking hold. Max interlaced their fingers in a subtle gesture of

This man is mine.

Dinner was delicious as always. Wine flowed heavily. Conversation turned toward

finance. As always, Margot and Karl challenged Max’s views on the ever-expanding

Asian markets. Where they saw the potential for quick saturation and stagnation, he

saw opportunity. Their debate grew louder and more expressive, hands waving and

eyes rolling.

Always the voice of moderation, Leon interjected himself into the conversation and

reined in the others. “What do you think, Chris?”

Chris stiffened beside Max. “I…um…have no real opinion, I guess.”

“You guess?” Joachim, Leon’s brother and a Belgian politician, questioned with

some surprise. “I would think the pillow talk between the two of you is rife with

money, namely making more of it.”


Swap Meet

Realizing Chris was out of his element, Max steered the attention his way. “You

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