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Authors: Lolita Lopez

BOOK: Swap Meet
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Chris smiled and brushed his lips side to side along Max’s jaw. He teethed Max’s

earlobe and then dragged his tongue down the side of his neck. He took nibbling bites

of Max’s collarbone and shoulder before tracing the tattooed image on Max’s chest.

Max closed his eyes and enjoyed every decadent second of Chris’ sensual assault.

The knowledge that he would share a lifetime of nights just like this with Chris filled

him with immeasurable happiness. The realities and compromises required to join their

lives as one could wait until tomorrow. Tonight Max was determined to simply enjoy

their shared pleasure.

Chris positioned himself and pushed forward slowly. Max coaxed his body to

accept his lover’s hard girth. He bit his lower lip as his ringed muscle relaxed and

allowed Chris to sink to the hilt. He rested there, fully sheathed, as if savoring the tight

sensation. Chris lowered his head and kissed the spot where Max’s pulse jumped, low

on his neck. Max slid his arms around Chris’ shoulders and held him close. He filled his

nose with the smell of Chris’ hair, his lips moving lower and finding the man’s ear.

“Make love to me.”

He didn’t have to be told twice. Chris pulled back until just the head of his cock

remained in Max’s passage and then thrust deep. Max gasped and arched his shoulders

off the bed. Chris varied his strokes, keeping Max on the edge. He stroked himself in

time with Chris’ thrusts.


Swap Meet

There were no words spoken as they clutched and bucked atop the bed. Heavy

pants and loud moans punctuated their eager movements. Max was close. His sac drew

tight against his body. A white-hot arrow of bliss pierced his lower belly. His asshole

fluttered. Any second now he would explode.

“Come for me, baby.” Chris pounded him into the mattress, the steely length of his

cock slamming in and out with enough force to shake the bed.

“Chris!” Max yelled as he shot his cum in ropey bursts onto Chris’ stomach. Chris

took a few more strokes, each one more forceful than the last, before slamming deep

and jerking wildly. He collapsed on top of Max, his gasping breaths ruffling his lover’s


“Unnhh!” Max groaned as Chris pulled out and rolled off the bed. He made his

way to the bathroom and returned with a warm, damp washcloth. Gently, he wiped

away the semen clinging to their skin before climbing into bed with Max and pulling

him close. Max tucked his head beneath Chris’ chin and listened to the steady thump of

his lover’s heart.

“We’ll have to move,” Chris said eventually, his fingertips sweeping up and down

Max’s back. “I doubt Texas is likely to recognize our marriage or even a civil union

anytime soon.”

Max agreed with an annoyed humph. “But move where?”

“No idea,” Chris admitted with a little laugh. He squeezed Max’s shoulders. “But as

long as you’re with me, I don’t care where we go.”


Lolita Lopez

Eight Years Later

“Come here, Julie. Let’s put on your boots.” Max gestured for their two-year-old

daughter to join him on the couch. He couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she

looked in her tiny hot pink snowsuit. He tried not to laugh as she waddled a bit, unused

to the thickness of her pants. When she attempted unsuccessfully to climb onto the

couch, Max lifted her up beside him and started to tug on the matching boots.

Julie kicked her feet. “No!”

Max marshaled his patience. “
Mon poulet
, if you don’t wear your boots, you can’t

play in the snow with everyone else.”

“No!” She stubbornly pouted and kicked her feet again.

It always amazed Max how very like Chris she was. If ever there was an argument

for nature versus nurture, Julie was it.

“Why not? Do they hurt your feet?” She shook her head. He searched for another

possibility and remembered the baby blue boots with snowflakes she’d just received.

“Do you want to wear the boots Aunt Mac sent you?”

Julie broke into a smile and bobbed her head. She made a move to slide off the

couch but he stopped her. Chris and the kids would finish the snowman before she ever

found them. “Wait for Papa.”

Max quickly located the boots and returned to the living room. It took a little

finagling to get the boots on his squirming daughter’s feet. He tugged her gloves onto

her tiny hands and fastened her hood in place. While she waited impatiently by the

front door, Max slipped on his gloves and pulled a knitted hat down low over his ears.

He swung Julie onto his hip and headed outside. The crisp, cold air of a Connecticut


Swap Meet

winter morning burned his cheeks. He checked Julie’s hood to make sure it shielded her

sweet little face from the cold.

“Daddy!” Julie beamed at the sight of Chris.

Smiling at her excitement, Max closed a bit of the distance between Chris and their

other three children. He carefully placed Julie on the ground and watched her toddle

through the snow to join her siblings. Pulling a camera from his pocket, Max snapped a

few pictures of Chris building a snowman with the kids.

At times like this, Max was struck by just how lucky he’d been. After meeting Chris,

it seemed as if the entire world had opened up to him and presented its wonders.

They’d chosen Connecticut from a list of favorable states as their main home shortly

after Chris’ impromptu proposal that night in his bathroom. From the beginning, Max

had known Chris would never consider moving to France since he couldn’t firefight

there. They still stole away to his properties there a few times a year. The children loved

the French countryside and were continually improving their French fluency.

Choosing a house had proven even more difficult because of the huge disparity in

their incomes. As much as Chris joked about Max playing the role of sugar daddy, his

upbringing made it hard for him to accept not being the major breadwinner. Eventually

Chris made peace with the issue. They discovered their dream home in a wealthy

enclave just weeks before marrying.

The “twins” had followed almost two years later. Max and Chris had chosen

surrogates and donor eggs to bear their biological children, Sam and Sophie. The pair

had been born just days apart. Seven months ago, the family had welcomed four-year-

old Darren and his little sister Julie into the fold. They’d been adopted from foster care

and were the perfect completion to the Collins-Dantes family.

Having children had required a few more sacrifices on Max’s part. He traveled

much less and delegated much more of his empire’s day-to-day operation to those he

trusted, namely Mac, who had joined the company not long after Max and Chris

married. At first, Max struggled with the change. He’d always been such a control freak


Lolita Lopez

when it came to his company but once the twins arrived, he was grateful he’d made the

decision to cut back. Compounding the exhaustion of caring for two infants with jet

setting would have pushed him into an early grave. It wouldn’t have been fair to Chris

either. His shifts as a firefighter were just as stressful and left him little down time.

While Max had never doubted Chris would be an excellent father, he had never

imagined himself to be much of a nurturing type. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

His uncertainty and lack of confidence in those first few weeks had given way to the

richness and fulfillment of watching his children grow and learn and make their own

discoveries. Sharing the marvels of fatherhood with Chris only sweetened the


“Oof!” Max fell to the snow as Chris tackled him from behind. As he wiped snow

from his face, he wondered how the tricky bastard had sneaked up on him. The rich

peals of laughter from the kids lessened the sting of his embarrassment. Sitting up, he

pocketed the camera after giving it a quick once-over and plotted his revenge.

“God, I got you good.” Still laughing, Chris offered him a hand and hauled him up

off the ground. He brushed away the bits of snow clinging to Max’s face before kissing

him. “Don’t sulk, baby. I’ll warm you up later.”

Chris’ sexy grin washed away any lingering annoyance. Max slid his arms around

his husband’s waist. “Promise?”

“What do you say we tire these kids out with a snowball fight?” Chris wiggled his

eyebrows suggestively. “Dinner, baths and hot cocoa—they’ll sleep like the dead.”

Max laughed and pecked Chris’ cheek. “You’re on.”

“Sophie, Darren and I are going to whip your butts.”

Max protested with a teasing frown. “Figures you’d call dibs on the softball and

baseball players.”

“You can’t win them all,” Chris said, moving away to gather up his team.


Swap Meet

Max wasn’t so sure about that. Taking quick stock of his life, Max figured he’d

definitely managed to win it all.


About the Author

While browsing bookstore shelves as a teenager, Lo discovered the erotic writings

of Anaïs Nin and Anne Roquelaure. Certain her mother would not approve, Lo

smuggled the books home and squirreled them away in the most likely of places—

under her bed. Late at night, she delved into the sensual worlds both writers created.

As a co-ed studying biochemistry and genetics at Texas A&M University, Lo

dabbled in creating naughty tales to entertain her friends. Study for a midterm or pen a

deliciously dirty story to delight her small band of fans? Not surprisingly, Lo is now on

an extended sabbatical from college.

Luckily, Lo stumbled onto the world of erotic romance publishers. She realized

there were other readers and writers who loved and craved breathtaking romance with

the spiciest of love scenes. She took a chance and submitted her first novella. The rest is


Lo lives in Texas with her family and beloved Great Dane, Bosley.

The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and e-mail

address on her
author bio page at

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Also by
Lolita Lopez

English Vice

Illicit Bargain

Nocturnal Obsession

Pressing the Flesh

Ultimate Prize

Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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