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Authors: Lolita Lopez

BOOK: Swap Meet
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weren’t separated by so many miles.”

“You know what they say.” Chris kissed him tenderly. “Absence makes the heart

grow fonder.”

Max smiled at that. He claimed Chris’ mouth one last time. “You’d better leave

now. My resolve is slipping.”

Chris nodded and snuck a final lingering kiss. He turned and left the suite, his heart

already sinking. As he rode the elevator, Chris marveled at the depth of his feelings for

Max. He’d never expected it to happen so quickly—and it terrified him. This was new

territory for Chris and he wasn’t quite sure how to navigate. He found some comfort in

the knowledge Max was in the same boat. It seemed a little less daunting to share the

unknown with his lover.

* * * * *

“Hey, man, where were you this weekend?” Jack, a fellow firefighter, asked as

Chris strolled into the station.

His heart skipped. “Around.”

“Don’t they have cell service in ‘around’?”


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Chris realized he hadn’t given his cell phone a second thought since arriving at

Max’s suite. He’d need to check his messages later. “I just needed a weekend to myself.

Turned off the phone. Watched some DVDs. Had a few beers. Recharged.”

Even as he spoke, Chris hated himself for lying. Resentment flared deep within as

he experienced the sting of shame. Why couldn’t he sac up and be honest about where

he’d been? About what an amazing weekend he’d had? The other guys wouldn’t have

thought twice about bragging about the hot piece of ass they’d tagged and yet here he

was, being deliberately obtuse.

“I hear ya, man,” Jack said, leading the way to the day room. “You still coming

deep-sea fishing with us?”

“Next month?” Chris shook his head. “I’ve got other plans.”



Jack waited a few seconds for details but when it was clear there weren’t any

coming he shrugged. “So what are you making for breakfast?”

Chris smiled, relieved for the subject change. This was the reality he was used to

sharing with his fellow firefighters. With each passing minute of separation from Max,

Chris found it easier to play the part expected of him.

But today it felt even emptier than usual.

* * * * *

Max paced anxiously. His footsteps echoed off the stone walls of the old chateau’s

foyer. His fingers trembled slightly. His belly quivered with anticipation. All the phone

calls and emails and text messages in the world didn’t compare to the real thing. He

craved the sensation of Chris’ skin beneath his fingertips. He needed to taste his man

again, needed to hear him crying out with passion.

And then he heard the unmistakable chopping whir of an approaching helicopter.

Like a madman, he rushed out the double doors and down the cobblestone walkway


Swap Meet

edging his home. He burst onto the side lawn just in time to see the helicopter set down

on the helipad. Members of his staff made their way to the helicopter’s side as the

blades slowed to a stop.

His gut clenched as one of the doors opened and Chris came into sight. All breath

left his body as Chris stepped onto the concrete slab and stretched his arms high

overhead. He looked a little scruffy after his transatlantic flight, with a shadow of a

beard on his jaw and wrinkles in his gray t-shirt. He whipped off his aviator-style

sunglasses and cast a curious gaze at his surroundings. The moment their eyes met

across the wide expanse of manicured lawn, the world seemed to stop. It took every

fiber of Max’s self-control not to race to his lover and claim him right there in front of


Marshalling his willpower, Max strode toward Chris. They met halfway. Their

gazes clashed and held. Longing stretched heavy between them. Max’s fingers twitched

at his sides. He yearned to reach and brush his knuckles against Chris’ stubbled cheeks.

Only the fact Chris remained skittish about sharing those little intimacies in public held

him at bay. Instead he offered a restrained greeting. “

Chris grinned ever so sexily. “Hey.”

Max swallowed hard. “How was your flight?”

“Long.” He gestured toward the helicopter with a bob of his head. “That was quite

a ride.”

“Faster than a car,” Max said, his gaze shifting to the staff members carting Chris’

suitcases into the chateau. “Come inside?”

Chris nodded and slid into step beside him. Every few steps, their hands touched

briefly. Max steered Chris toward the unlocked French doors leading into the library.

As he stepped inside the chateau, Max reached behind and grasped Chris’ hand,

dragging his lover into the library. The smell of old paper and leather filled the air.

Sunlight streamed through the windows, highlighting the smallest particles of floating


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dust. The room had always been a place of escape for Max, a space he sought out for a

few hours of relaxation and utter silence.

Today, however, his needs were different.

His self-control suddenly vanished as hunger took hold. Max grasped a handful of

Chris’ t-shirt and shoved him up against the nearest bookcase. Chris grunted softly as

his back hit the shelves but made no other protest. Max cupped his lover’s face and

captured his mouth in a ravenous kiss. The mating of their mouths filled him with the

strongest sensation of coming home, of belonging. It shook him to the very core.

Lost in the lust-induced fever of the moment, Max lapsed into his mother tongue.

Je pense tout le temps a toi

“I don’t—”

Max silenced Chris with another kiss and then attacked his neck. He sucked hard

and scraped his teeth over the sensitive skin. “
Je t’aime a la folie. J’ai besoin de toi

“Oh God!” Chris moaned as Max groped his hard cock through his jeans. He shook

his head and peppered breathless kisses along Max’s jaw. “I can’t understand what the

hell you’re saying and I really don’t care. I just want you. I need you.”

Max smiled and dropped to his knees. He shoved up the front of Chris’ shirt, baring

a delicious stripe of tanned skin. He nibbled at the chiseled abs and licked around the

other man’s navel. His nose brushed side to side along the trail of hair leading south.

Max wasted little time unbuttoning and lowering the zip on Chris’ jeans. He tugged

down the tight-fitting boxer briefs, freeing that gorgeous cock. On impulse, he pressed

his face against Chris’ body, his nose nestling in the wiry hair there, and inhaled the

earthen scent of his man. A thrill of delight rippled through him.

One long swipe of Max’s tongue along the length of that rigid pole nearly dropped

Chris. His hands flew behind him and he braced his weight on a shelf. Chris groaned

and pushed his hips forward. His jutting cock shoved against Max’s lower lip and he

sucked the ruddy head between his lips and flicked his wet tongue over the tip. Chris

shuddered. The salt of pre-cum exploded on Max’s taste buds. In his over-excitement,


Swap Meet

Chris leaked the shiny juice all over Max’s tongue. The evidence of his lover’s

enthusiasm drove Max wild. Frenzied, he licked at Chris’ cock before taking it deep into

his throat.

Chris growled low and took hold of Max’s face. He pumped his hips, sliding his

cock along Max’s slippery tongue. He relaxed his jaw and accepted Chris’ thrusts,

loving this side of Chris, the dominant that reared his head and took control. Max’s

cock throbbed against his boxers and chinos. He was so hard he knew it wouldn’t take

much to send him flying over the edge. Just the slightest touch and he’d come all over


Chris’ fingers tightened in his hair. Prickling heat spread across Max’s scalp at the

tugging sensation. His own fingers gripped at Chris’ muscular thighs through the

coarse denim fabric. Chris moved faster now. His breath came in little pants. Max

vibrated with anticipation, his mouth practically watering. He hummed loudly around

the thick cock penetrating his mouth again and again. When Chris jerked hard and

spilled his cream all over his tongue, Max took him deep and sucked hard. His tongue

flicked over the slit and along the crown. He swallowed every last drop of his lover’s


They collapsed to the floor, limbs entangled, faces pressed together. Chris kissed

him long and slow, his tongue massaging Max’s. Their eyes met briefly between kisses.

Max didn’t need Chris to speak to understand the depth of the other man’s longing.

There were no words necessary. He could see plainly just how much Chris wanted him.

And then Chris’ lips were on Max’s neck, his hands working at Max’s clothing as he

endeavored to show him exactly how much he’d missed him.


Lolita Lopez

Chapter Five

From his lazy perch on a reclining chair on the sun deck, Chris watched Max

emerge from the sea. With long strokes, he swam to the teak platform trailing the yacht.

He carefully made his way back onto the ship and up to the main deck, water droplets

glistening on his bronzed skin. He looked like some kind of sun-kissed sea god in those

ass-hugging black swim briefs. Chris shifted as his cock swelled against his own swim


Max sauntered across the deck, his bare feet leaving a trail of wet footprints. He

paused for the briefest of seconds at the doorway leading into the yacht and glanced

over his shoulder. There was no mistaking the glint in his eyes. Chris set aside his beer

and pushed off the chair. He made his way below deck, his mind racing with the

dirtiest of thoughts.

But none of the images his oversexed brain conjured could have prepared him for

the sight welcoming him as he entered their cabin. Kneeling on all fours, Max presented

his bare bottom like some kind of virgin sacrifice. Seawater still slicked his skin. Fat

droplets fell from his saturated locks onto the pale blue duvet.

Chris realized he was standing in an open doorway while his lover showed all to

the world. A crew member could walk by at any moment and see something only

meant for Chris’ eyes. He quickly stepped inside their cabin and shut the door. He

leaned against it for a moment and soaked in the heart-stopping tableau before him.

He’d known Max intended to give him this extremely special gift but he’d never

expected it quite like this. From the sound of Max’s heavy breathing, he was obviously

aroused and scared. His entire body trembled. His fingers gripped the bed covering for

dear life.


Swap Meet

Although Chris wanted this more than anything in the world, he wasn’t about to

force it on Max. He knelt on the edge of the mattress and swept his palm gently down

Max’s spine. His skin was cool beneath Chris’ hand, and he bent forward to place soft

kisses along the other man’s shoulders. He nuzzled his nose against Max’s ear. “Are

you sure, baby?”

Nodding, Max turned his head and captured Chris’ mouth. “I’ve been preparing for


“Have you now?” Chris nipped at Max’s earlobe. “Tell me.”

“I bought some toys.”

Chris grazed his teeth along Max’s shoulder. “Toys?”

“Plugs. Dildos.” Max shuddered as Chris bit down and then licked away the hurt.

A hint of sea salt awakened his taste buds. “Different sizes.”

Chris moved behind Max and grasped his hips. He leaned over Max’s back and

peppered the wide expanse of smooth skin with noisy kisses. “Did you think of me

when you used them?”


Chris couldn’t help but smile at Max’s breathless answer. His dick swelled at the

thought of Max riding a dildo, all the while pretending it was Chris’ cock buried deep

in his virgin ass. Chris pumped his hips, jamming the length of his cloth-covered penis

against his lover’s cleft. Max gave a little whimper and pushed back. Oh, he wanted this

all right. And he was going to get it.

Chris slid off the bed just long enough to shuck his swimming trucks and retrieve a

strip of condoms and some lube from a bedside drawer. He dropped them onto the

mattress and knelt on the floor. Max’s hot ass was just inches from him now. With the

gentlest of caresses, Chris warmed Max’s skin and then kneaded the muscles of his

backside until he’d relaxed completely. Chris would be lying if he said he hadn’t

thought about this moment a million times during their separation. He’d considered all


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the different ways he might do things. He knew one thing for certain. He was going to

make this good for Max.

Chris flicked Max’s plump sac with his tongue before sucking it between his lips.

He rolled his tongue over it. Max whispered his name. He sucked a little harder and

reached down to stroke the rigid length of Max’s stiff cock. He kept his strokes light and

slow in an attempt to keep his lover constantly aroused. He released the man’s sac and

allowed his tongue to drift north over the patch of sensitive skin there.

When he circled the rosebud nestled between his lover’s cheeks, Max cried out, his

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