Surrendering (30 page)

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Authors: Ahren Sanders

Tags: #Romance, #Musicians, #adult, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Surrendering
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“You know I was a man-whore too, but now I have you. I can see he wants you too.” He looks down at his feet nervously.

I rub my hands over his cheeks and move in closer. “You were, but now you’re mine. No going back Dec. Remember, it’s just us and I love you. This’ll be over soon.” I lean up to kiss him and he takes my mouth furiously. He corners me into the counter and I lose all sense of my surroundings.

A series of throats clearing comes from behind Declan. I look over his shoulder and see everyone, including Jimi and Gabe, standing there watching us. Declan grins proudly and I slink back into the counter. He steps back to greet the newcomers and I go back to preparing dinner. There are a few snide comments, but Declan just laughs it off. Abbi tells me I need to wipe my mouth because my lipstick is everywhere. This starts a round of giggles and my embarrassment lessens.

When dinner is ready, David carves the turkey and I set out the buffet and everyone to goes through the line. We only have enough seating for six at the table, but Robbie brought a card table and chairs. It’s set up in the middle of the living room area. Abbi helped me with the table décor and it looks like something out of a magazine. My parents sent a cornucopia arrangement for the middle of the table to honor my first Thanksgiving living on my own.

Once we’re all seated, David gives a sweet toast and thanks us for inviting him over and the work we’ve put into making Thanksgiving dinner. He also thanks the boys for their service and his children for being wonderful to him. He concludes with a little note that his wife would be a very proud lady if she were with us today and then winks at me. I tear up again, wondering if every holiday reminds him of the love he lost and has never replaced. Declan caresses my hand under the table and kisses me lightly on the forehead.

Dinner was excellent. Each table had equally animated conversations and I was trying hard to keep up. David told stories of his children growing up. They interrupted many times to object to any wrong-doings being mentioned. I looked at Robbie several times throughout the stories and he smiled back at me every time. We silently agreed; this was a great idea.

When dessert was being served, Will took the opportunity to talk to me directly about this weekend.

“RJ, I need to know your schedule for the next few days as soon as possible. I also need to know what classes you have on Monday and where they’re located. I’ll be shadowing your every move but I’ll be unnoticeable. I would prefer it if you laid low. I don’t want to have to fight any crowds. Everyone you hang out with will have to be checked out.”

The mood in the room suddenly changes and shifts to silence as everyone looks at anyone but me.

“Will, you can’t be serious. Declan’s band is playing tomorrow night and it’s a special show. I promised I’d be at the bar. I’d like to go shopping at some point and my birthday is Saturday!”

The room continues to stay quiet, but he doesn’t care. To him, I’m protection detail. “Sorry, Raven, no club tomorrow night, too much exposure. I’m sure Finn and Robbie will back me up on this. I can’t keep you one-hundred percent safe in a large crowd like that. As for shopping, we can’t go to a big mall, but I’d be willing to go to a few smaller shops where we can blend in.”

At the word ‘
Declan stills beside me. He doesn’t like the term being used on anyone but him as a ‘

Declan takes our plates and motions to Will with a nod of his head. “Let’s go to the kitchen and talk about this.”

Will gets up and looks around at all the stunned faces because no one has muttered a word. He has no idea how jealous Declan is. David clears his throat to break the ice. “Robbie, son, never been a fan of anything but baked turkey, but you have changed me forever.”

“So glad you enjoyed it.”

Just like that, the room lights up again and things return to normal. David gathers some plates and heads to the kitchen. “Raven, we have a small tradition in our house. Let me bring out a variety of desserts and everyone can have their choice. Since you are the host, you get the first pick.”

I smile at David. “You sure are a charmer, but I’ll give you a hint, I LOVE chocolate.”

“So noted.” He walks to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, all the guys walk out. They have a huge grin on their faces.

“Looks like you are going to the bar tomorrow night, RJ. As for shopping, we’ll see.” Will tells me.

David brings me the most beautiful piece of chocolate pie I’ve ever seen. It’s layered with whipped cream and hazelnuts. The topping has marshmallows, graham crackers crumbs, and melted chocolate sauce. I sigh at the sight and savor every bite. I have my fork midway to my mouth when Declan stops my hand.

“You have to stop eating like that.” He says in my ear.

“Like what?”

“The way you’re devouring that pie is a huge turn-on. The way you’re licking your fork, the sucking, the groaning, it reminds me of something else.”

My cheeks grow warm and I look around to make sure no one heard him. Everyone is still wrapped up in their own discussions. I look back at Declan and think about what he said. I wink at him and he smiles back.

After the kitchen is cleaned, David announces his plans to go back home. He doesn’t want to be anywhere near Nashville on Black Friday. I really can’t blame him. He says his goodbyes to everyone. Before he leaves, he embraces me in a big hug and whispers in my ear, “Now I see what all the fuss is about. You really are a spectacular young woman. You take care of yourself. I’ll see you again soon.”

I hug him back tightly. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

When Declan comes back in from walking his dad out, the guys decide to play poker. I sit at the table with the girls to gossip. We toast to a successful dinner and catch up on all that has been going on. Ella’s overloaded schedule at school has allowed her to get into the Nursing program next semester. She is beyond excited.

Abbi is thinking about doing an externship next semester at a museum downtown. At first she wasn’t sure she could handle a full school load, volunteering, and an externship, but her teachers agreed that the time in the museum would count towards extra credit. She has a week to decide, but is pretty sure she will take the opportunity.

I don’t have too much to share since all my time is spent with Declan and school, but I tell them about traveling with Sayge over the next few weeks. The girls decide they are going to Atlanta with us.

“Oh my gosh, Rave, I almost forgot. What do you want to do for your birthday Saturday night?” Abbi asks loudly. I learned from Declan that she loves birthdays.

“Well, I’m not sure. We haven’t really talked about it.” I look back to the groups of guys who are concentrating on the game. “Declan, do we have plans on Saturday night?”

He doesn’t even look at me when he answers, “No, babe, Sayge’s got a show. I figured you would go out to dinner with Robbie and your friends and meet me there.”

Well, that’s disappointing. He didn’t mention having to play both nights. I look at Robbie expectantly and he’s gone pale. He looks at Declan like he’s going to hit him.

“Seriously? You don’t have plans for my baby sister on her birthday? I’ve already got plans, you asshole, and I can’t break them. Not to mention my parents aren’t here either. I thought her fucking
pussy whipped boyfriend
would have planned something!”

I hear the gasp behind me from the girls and the room gets extremely intense. Then Will decides to throw in his two cents.

“I agreed to one night at the fucking bar, not two. No way am I putting up with that.”

Declan glares at Will. He turns to me and I see the regret in his face.

“Raven, I’m sorry. I expected you to meet me at the bar before all this happened. I’ll call TJ at The Steamroom tomorrow and see if we can cancel, or at least cut the show short.”

Finn starts howling from the floor. He lays back and I see his chest rise and fall with laughter. “Are you fucking kidding me? For the two motherfuckers that love her the most, you both left her hanging on her birthday?” He points to Robbie and Declan. “No need to worry. Tripp, Will, and I will take her out to celebrate. We can find somewhere low-key and get her liquored up. She’ll be taken care of.” Declan tenses up and I feel the need to break in.

“Hey, guys, it’s okay. I’ll call all the girls. Maybe we can plan an impromptu NNN. It’s been weeks since we all talked and Abbi and Ella can join in if they want. Dec, please don’t mess up your show for this. We can celebrate on Sunday.”

All eyes are on me. Will’s eyes glimmer and a huge smile breaks out across his face.

“That’s what I’m talking about! Finally, I get in on Naughty Nightie Night! I knew this job wouldn’t suck.”

Oops, I hadn’t thought of that. The whole living room erupts in protest.

“Not fucking fair! I have been waiting for years.”- Jimi

“You’re a lucky son of a bitch.”- Robbie

“I’m coming in as your backup.”- Gabe

“Me too and I’ll even strap that night.”- Finn

“No fucking way that is going to happen!” Declan practically roars. The whole room goes silent except for Ella giggling behind me.

“What if I do this? I reserve the backroom for only us and Raven’s friends. You already know all of them and I’ll tell the guys in the band that for one night, no outsiders. The room will be stocked. The only reason she would have to leave would be if she had to use the bathroom. You can watch out for her and she can celebrate with everyone as normal. Will that work for you,

I know he’s upset, but no need to be rude. “Timeout! It’s not a big deal! I’ll be happy right here, Declan. Just come back here when you’re finished. Don’t make any special arrangements.”

Will ignores and me and answers Declan directly, “Yeah, that’ll work. Just make sure no unknowns get into the room.”

Declan assures him it’ll be safe and they resume their game. I turn to see the girls smiling like this isn’t the most awkward situation ever.

“Are you fucking kidding me? No way. Jimi, you’re a cheat! I want a repeat.” Gabe tosses his hands in the air calling bluff on Jimi. “There’s a highly improbable chance you have a hit up that hand.”

“Sorry, man, the cards love me tonight. Looks like you can go sit with the girls and watch the big boys play.” Jimi smiles and fist pumps Robbie.

Gabe gets a sly grin on his face. “Oh yeah, I’ll go sit with the girls. Hey, ladies, why don’t we go watch a movie and snuggle.” He shimmies over to us seductively.

I play along. I wink at the girls and add, “That sounds fun, but we need to go to my room because the TV in here is stuck on sports. I think we’ll all fit on my bed.” I jump up a little too enthusiastically and turn to see Declan glaring at me and Jimi turning several shades of red. Yep, Gabe got to them.

We all get up to go, but Declan calls over the couch, “You know you’re talking about my sisters and my girl right? I know there are at least two firearms in this house right now that I can get to if you even try to make a move.”

“The way I see it, big guy, you should probably try to lose so I don’t have too much alone time with them. I can be quite persuasive.” Gabe throws back jokingly.

I laugh and break in, “Gabe, pick a movie and we’ll set up a pallet on the floor. Will, I’ll get you some pillows and a blanket as well. The couch is comfortable.”

“Thanks, Baby Girl.”

We all retreat and I get ready for bed. I finish in the bathroom and go into my room; Declan is sitting on my bed waiting for me.

“Did you get knocked out?”

“No, Gabe’s playing this hand for me. I needed to talk to you. I’m so sorry about the weekend. I swear I’ll make it up to you next weekend in Atlanta. Maybe I can get us a room at the Ritz Carlton.”

“Declan, stop it. No one knew this was going to happen and I bet my dad is just being over-the-top. You’re not getting us a room at the Ritz because I want to stay with the whole crew and your sisters are coming. I like the plan for Saturday night and I only have one regret about the whole thing.”

“What’s that?”

I crawl over my bed to him and straddle his lap. “Since Will has to hang the whole weekend, we won’t have a lot of privacy Saturday after the show. I had hoped we could go back to your place and spend the entire Sunday alone and in bed.”

“Sparkle, you can’t talk to me like that when I have to go back into the living room with those guys. The images in my mind are X-rated. And I can promise you, we’ll get that chance soon. We can drag out your birthday until I feel you have fully been given everything you want.”

“Umm, I like that idea. This weekend with you and the band. Next weekend, Atlanta. Then the following weekend, we can conclude the celebration.”

He leans down and kisses me deep. I roll over pulling him on top of me. I want him to come to bed and let Gabe finish his game. Before I can say anything, my door flies open.

“Are you kidding me? That’s twice in one day. Can’t you two refrain for a couple of hours?” Abbi interrupts us.

“Abbi, the door was closed. You could have knocked. But to answer your question, yes, we have refrained for the last several hours.” I laugh at her as Declan moves off me.

The bulge in his pants is obvious and I give him a look to let him know. He curses under his breath and goes to my bathroom.

“You invited us for a movie so we came. How did I know my brother was in here? Last I knew, he was playing poker. So here we are. Where’s Gabe?”

“Gabe’s sitting in for Declan for a sec. He wanted to come back here and apologize about Saturday night. The rest was just my good fortune.”

They crawl up on my bed and Declan walks out of the bathroom.

“Babe, obviously we’re staying here tonight. I’ll be back later.” He kisses my cheek.

“I hope you win.”

“Knowing you are fifteen feet away in bed gives me incentive either way.”

A few minutes later, Gabe comes in and starts
The Hangover
. We can hear the constant cheers and groans coming from the living room, but I still fall asleep in the middle of the movie.

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