Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3)

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Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #paranormal erotic romance

BOOK: Once Upon a Fiery Christmas (Return to Avalore Book 3)
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Table of Contents

Once Upon a Fiery Christmas

Copyright © 2014 by Élianne Adams


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Follow Élianne Adams

About the Author




Once Upon a Fiery Christmas

Book 2.5 in the Return to Avalore Series




Élianne Adams

© 2014 by Élianne Adams

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Cover Art by
Fantasia Frog Designs




I’d like to send out a big thank you to all the people who have supported me and this series. The journey has been wonderful so far, and it’s all because of you, the reader.


I hope 2015 brings you joy, love and laughter, peace, health and prosperity. May you reach for your own stars and find them all within reach.


~ Élianne ~





Chapter 1

“A jolly old man, in a red suit and hat, slides down a chimney to bring presents to the children?” Chantelle sipped her drink and fought to keep a giggle from slipping past her lips. Rhia’s energy vibrated all around, and as silly as the tale was, she could tell it meant a lot to her.

“Well, no, not really. It’s the parents who give the gifts, but the tale is what makes the season magical. Santa lives at the North Pole and goes to each child’s home on the night of December 24
to deliver his brightly wrapped toys to all the good boys and girls.” Rhia smiled wide, her eyes bright.

Whether it was the Wister juice or the tale she was spinning, Chantelle didn’t know, but the infectious excitement had her smiling right along with Rhia.

“And the carols. Oh, Chantelle, you would love that part. There are songs that are sung specifically at this time of year.” Her energy dimmed a little. “What I wouldn’t give for an old Bing Crosby or Dean Martin record.”

“It’s such a fantastical tale. I’m amazed the children believe it at all.” Stretching, Chantelle got to her feet. “Just the idea that a single man, an old one at that, can get to all their homes in one night is more than fantasy. Surely they don’t truly believe.”

Rhia uncurled her legs from beneath her before standing and going to the fireplace. “That’s the beauty of it. It’s not supposed to make sense. Believing is half the fun. Besides, he doesn’t do it on his own. His eight flying reindeer take him. Oh, and they hang stockings on the mantle for Santa to fill while the children sleep.”

Laughter bubbled up before she could stop it. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” The moment the words slipped from her mouth, she regretted them. Rhia’s eyes dimmed a little more, and her smile faltered. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sure it is wonderful and the children love it.” Before she could utter another word, Drake came into the sitting room, crossing the expanse of glistening tile to stand next to his mate. At once, the room seemed smaller with his imposing presence filling the entire space. It never ceased to amaze her how different he and his sister Katie were. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had practically grown up at their house, she might have found him intimidating.

He took one look at Rhia and scowled. “What’s wrong?” He glanced at Chantelle before wrapping an arm around Rhia’s waist and pulling her close.

“Nothing.” Rhia smiled up at him, eyes a little too bright. “I was just telling Chantelle about Christmas in the lands of men. I guess I got a little homesick.”

“But you are home, sweetheart.” His soft words squeezed at Chantelle’s heart. Drake didn’t bother looking up before continuing, “Sebastian has offered to escort you to your house if you like, Chantelle.”

“You’re right,” Rhia said. “I am home, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

Heart heavy, Chantelle closed the door to her friend’s suite with a soft click. How could she have been so callous about Rhia’s feelings? Everyone knew something had been bothering her of late, yet Chantelle had poked fun at the one thing that had made Rhia’s energy soar in weeks.

“Ready to go?” Sebastian’s deep voice made Chantelle’s heart skip a beat. It didn’t matter how often she saw him, or how close they’d become, the mere sight of the man had her palms growing damp and her cheeks flushing. It was bad enough that she’d kissed him full on the lips several months back, but now, wherever she went, he insisted on being her bodyguard. Not that she minded. She just wished she knew what was going on in that gorgeous head of his. He hadn’t pushed her away when she’d locked her lips to his, but he’d never tried to kiss her again. And if she were being completely honest, it was a little irritating that he hadn’t.

“I’m ready. Thanks for bringing me home.” What would he do if she tried kissing him again? Heat crept up her neck, setting her cheeks aflame.

As though reading her thoughts, the dimple in his left cheek peeked out as he grinned. “It’s always a pleasure.”

That’s what drove her crazy. She’d have to be a fool to miss seeing the heat in his eyes when he looked at her. She’d seen him with Katie and other unmated females, and although he was polite and friendly, his pupils didn’t dilate and his gaze didn’t linger like it did on her. So why wouldn’t he take the next step? And his words…
it’s always a pleasure…
he made them sound sensual, lustful, yet he never tried to get closer. Well, she’d had enough.

His hand on the small of her back heated her skin and made her want to lean into it—into him. Didn’t he know what havoc he wreaked with his innocent touches? No more. She waited until they reached the castle grounds before spinning to face him. Hands on hips, she glared at him. His eyes widened, a hint of laughter shining in them, which only served to irk her further. “Is it me? Is something wrong with me?”

He lifted his eyebrows. “I’m sorry?” Sebastian rubbed his chin.

Great, now she’d made him uncomfortable. She was in fine form, two for two. Groaning, she turned her back and took a step away from him again. “Never mind.” She softened her voice. It wasn’t his fault she’d made Rhia sad. “I’m not great company this evening, I’m afraid. Perhaps it would be better if I walked myself home.”

“Don’t be silly.” He reached out, his large hand circling her wrist, stopping her from taking another step. “It’s obvious something is on your mind. Let’s sit and we’ll talk about it?”

When she turned and looked into those deep chocolate eyes of his, she was lost. She couldn’t deny him anything. He led her to a bench deep in the garden, away from the light of the castle and sat, pulling her down next to him. “So, tell me, what has you so upset?”

She took a deep breath, ready to put her feelings on the line, but then her heart began to race. What if he didn’t feel the same way? What if he only tolerated her out of a sense of duty? She was after all one of Queen Rhiannon’s closest friends.

“I upset Rhia tonight.” It wasn’t what she’d intended to say, but at the last moment, she’d been too paralyzed with fear to speak the words screaming from her soul.

His body tensed next to her and he rubbed his jaw again. What she wouldn’t give to be able to caress him that way. Had the moon remained hidden behind the clouds, she would have missed the flash of disappointment in his eyes. Clearing his throat, he looked at a point in the darkness before him. “I find that hard to believe.”

“I did.” And somehow, she was upsetting him too. She reached out, the pads of her fingers barely grazing the skin of his arm. “Sebastian?” When he didn’t pull away from her, she scooted closer, her thigh brushing up against his.

“Yes, Chantelle?” He still wouldn’t look at her.

“Why won’t you kiss me?” She held her breath. She had to know. Even if the answer wasn’t what she yearned for, she couldn’t keep guessing and hoping with nothing more than smiles and casual touches.

His breath hissed out between his teeth, and his Adam’s apple bobbed. “I don’t think it wise for me to kiss you.”

She snatched her hand away from his arm. What kind of answer was that? It told her nothing at all. When would she learn to keep her mouth shut? She took a deep breath, then another. He wasn’t interested after all. “I thought… I mean… I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable.” She stood on shaky legs and paced a few steps away from him, intent on heading home to nurse her wounds in private. When he caught up, he swung her back to face him.

“I haven’t kissed you because once I start, I fear I won’t want to stop.” Sebastian’s gaze dipped to her lips.

He was going to do it. He was going to kiss her. Her heart pounded and her breaths quickened. The one and only time she’d ever had his lips on hers, she’d had a little too much Wister juice. She couldn’t claim to have forgotten the experience, but she didn’t have the vivid details she yearned for.

Heat came off his body, surrounding her as he stepped closer. He slid his hand up her arm to her shoulder, stopping only once he had tangled his fingers through her hair, tugging gently to tilt her face up to his. Leaning forward, he rested his forehead against hers. “Tell me to stop, Chantelle. Tell me to leave you alone.”

His breath teased at her lips, and it was all she could do to keep from closing the distance, but she wouldn’t. Not this time. If he was going to kiss her, he’d have to take it the whole way. She was done second-guessing herself. “I won’t.”

His fingers tightened in her hair, and with a deep groan, he took her mouth. The glide of his lips against hers had her moaning and melting against him. He took, and demanded, and she was more than willing to comply. When his tongue prodded at her lips, she didn’t hesitate to open to him, wanting everything he was willing to give.
She sent the word into his mind, needing a deeper connection.

He stiffened against her for the briefest moment, then pulled her flush against him, sliding his hand up beneath her blouse to the heated skin of her back.

Circling her arms around his waist, she shifted against him. There was no mistaking the hard bulge pressing against her belly. He wanted more than a kiss. Had they been somewhere more private, she wasn’t sure she’d want to put a stop to it, either. Her entire body vibrated and throbbed. There was nothing about him that didn’t appeal to her, from the top of his jet-black hair to his Coalition-issued boots. His smile and wit, even the way he tolerated the million questions little Max Matthews asked him, made her heart melt.

Some men wore their hair a little longer, curling at their napes, or longer still, past their shoulders, but not Sebastian. He kept his short and neat. Unable to resist temptation, she brought her fingers up to his cheek, rubbing at the short stubble darkening his chin, knowing that come morning, it would be clean-shaven again.

His fingers tightened on her hips, digging into the soft flesh as he moaned.
“We have to stop.”
He nipped at her bottom lip before sucking it between his.
“You have to help me, Chantelle. I can’t do it on my own.”

She groaned when he thrust his pelvis against her.
“Why do we need to stop?”

He smiled against her lips, and loosened his grip. Pressing one final kiss to her lips, he bent his head to her neck, inhaling deeply. When he looked at her again, he grinned. “Because we’re in the queen’s gardens and anyone could stumble upon us at any time.” He took another shuddering breath before pulling away.

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