Surrendering (26 page)

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Authors: Ahren Sanders

Tags: #Romance, #Musicians, #adult, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Surrendering
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“I didn’t know we had a ‘

“Oh yeah, I think if I can get inside you, I can change your mind. You’re full of sass tonight.”

A throat clears behind us and I realize we’re in an extremely compromising position. He turns his head and I see his sisters in my bathroom doorway watching us. They heard our conversation. I try to shift, but he cages me in. He’s not embarrassed in the least. I, on the other hand, want to crawl under my covers.

“Girls, can y’all give us a second alone.”

They head towards the door, but Ella turns to say, “Guess that whole virginity thing is out the window.”

Even though I’m mortified, I’m completely turned on. I’ll change, but he’s gonna go ape-shit with my new outfit. “Okay, baby, I’ll change for you, but don’t think you can dictate me. I’m only considering this because I don’t want to bail you out tonight.”

He blows out a breath and kisses me lightly, jumping up and taking me with him. “Thanks, babe, I’ll meet you in the living room.” He walks out and leaves me to face my closet and figure out what to wear now.

I know I’m going to be in trouble, but a part of me can’t wait to see his reaction. I put on my black denim mini skirt that has a few tears across the front and a pair of mid-calf black leather boots with a four inch block heel. Once I’m satisfied with the arrangement, I join the party in my living room.

I walk between Blake and Nate and they start whistling. Then Finn and the others join in. Declan freezes mid-sip and his eyes bulge. I ignore everyone while I roll my eyes and laugh.

“Declan, man you must be crazy to let your girl outta the house in that get up. You’ll have to beat the guys away. If she were mine, I wouldn’t even let her go to the bathroom alone.”

I roll my eyes and laugh at the thought of having an escort to the bathroom. “Shut up, Tripp. You’ve been to tons of concerts with me. You’ve never had to beat anyone away.”

“Baby Girl, we never had to beat them away because we shielded you. Besides, no one was going to mess with a guy like Finn standing as bodyguard. You have a guy now so we’re handing the job off to him.”

This is not going well. Declan hasn’t said anything yet, but he’s still staring at me. He finally says, “No need to worry, Tripp. Rave’s going to change into something you can’t see her ass in.”

Nope, not gonna happen. “I’m not changing
.” I turn and go towards the kitchen to get a drink and I feel him right behind me. I don’t even get the refrigerator door open before he wraps his arms around me and cages me in.

“You are going to go back to your room and put on something cute and frilly with enough fabric to cover your ass when you bend over.”

“No, Declan, I’m not. You didn’t like my pants so I decided on a skirt. Get over it.”

“You do realize you’re wearing fuck-me boots?”

I shrug; I’m not getting into this with him again.

He gets so close that I can lick his lips. I can practically taste him and it’s a complete turn on. “Okay, Sparkle, we can play this game. You wear this outfit and I stand guard all night knowing that guys are staring and imagining you naked. But when we get home, I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll feel it tomorrow. Is that what you want?”

I turn into a complete wanton. “Why wait until we get home? One of the reasons I wore this skirt is easy access.”

His eyes light up and he seems to understand what I’m saying. “Fucking shit! I’m fucking whipped. Let’s get out of here before I get my ass kicked by your brother for taking you on the kitchen counter.”


The Ryman Auditorium is wild when we arrive. The guys opening for The Wilde Ones are pretty good. I recognize them because they currently have a song on the radio, but they haven’t been around for long. Declan told me he was acquainted with the band’s bassist from years of playing his music. Their style reminds me a lot of Sayge. Even their appearance is similar, but their lead singer is nowhere as hot as Declan. He has shaggy brown hair and blue eyes, but he’s not as built or tall.

I feel arms slinking around my middle and his breath at my ear. “Are you checking him out? Do you have a thing for lead singers?”

I can’t believe I got caught! I thought he was behind me. “Just one lead singer for me.”

“Good answer.” He plants a sweet kiss on my cheek. “Do you enjoy this?”

“What, concerts?”

“Yeah, but more than the music. Do you enjoy being backstage watching the action? Do you like the inside look at what goes on behind the scenes?”

“Yes, I guess. It’s fun and exciting, but I’m spoiled. Since my dad has a great security business, he’s gotten lots of security jobs for concerts all over the southeast. I rarely sit in the seats though.” I can see he is hesitating with his response so I push him. “Why do you ask?”

“We heard back from Jay this week. He has lined up a few performances for us. Almost all are within driving distance– for now. The first show is a street festival in Atlanta in two weeks. I had to work with The Steamroom to rearrange some dates, but they were really cool about it. The pay isn’t that great, but it covers us. The hardest thing is going to be the traveling. We’ll be home for the holidays, but we’ll be traveling most weekends up through New Year’s. I wanted to see if you were happy being backstage because I want you with me.”

“Sweetheart, that’s great news. I’m not sure if I can go to all the shows, but I can go to the one in Atlanta. What do the guys think?”

“They’re happy about it, but they also don’t have serious girlfriends either.”

“You can’t be serious; you’re worried about me? Aren’t you excited?”

“Yeah, I’m psyched and nervous at the same time. This could be the start of something big, but it could also be nothing.”

I reach up and take his face in both my hands so he has to look straight at me. “This is a really great thing, Declan, for you and the guys. I don’t know how this works, but if you succeed, your future could include places like this- The Ryman. I’ll look at my schedule tomorrow and see which shows I can go to with you. Where else are you going besides Atlanta?”

“So far, Memphis and somewhere in Florida.”

“Atlanta and Memphis should be easy for me; we’ll have to see about Florida. I have some projects due in a few weeks.”

“I know, baby, and we’ll work around that. I need you with me.”

“Afraid of the temptation on the road?” I tease him.

“No, smartass, I need a roommate that doesn’t snore and who doesn’t leave shit in the toilet when he’s done.” He teases me back.

I smack his arm because that’s crass. “That’s not really a convincing invite babe.”

He leans down and says very seriously, “I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, you don’t have to worry about me and any temptation. I’ve become completely enchanted with a certain brunette with blues eyes and a killer body.”

I smile and melt into him. I give him a long, slow, and very wet kiss. I feel a hand on my shoulder pulling me away.

“What the fu…” I stop when I see Robbie’s face. He’s not amused at all. He gives Declan an evil glance and turns back to me.

“You need to stop sucking face. Did you forget Dad’s guys are all over the place? One of the leads just told me some guy had backed my sister in a corner with his mouth to her ear. Do you want Dad to have a heart attack? It’s bad enough he saw Declan’s hickey and called me about it hyperventilating. How do you think he’ll handle it if his staff tells him about you making out at the Ryman?”

Declan laughs behind me, but I don’t think this is funny. “Robbie, you’re a hypocrite! How many times have you been caught in an empty room with some random girl at these things? I’ll tell you- too many. Dad never said shit to you. You were practically a legend at the John Mayer concert. So get off my case.”

“No can do, RJ. Number one, I’m a guy so it’s much more acceptable among other guys. Number two, you’re my sister so please keep your tongue in your mouth for a few hours.”

“You’re infuriating! Are you always this bossy?”

“To you, yes. Now for the other reason I came over. John has asked that we stay back after the concert until they can get the band to their bus. Even though this is a charity event, they expect it to be pandemonium back here when the meet and greet starts. There’s a room in the back we can hang in for a while. Dad made sure it was available.”

I know John is one of my dad’s top security guys and he’s worked with Robbie and Finn. I hope he isn’t the one who reported my public make out session to Robbie.

We join everyone else and watch the roadies change out the stage equipment to get ready. There’s loud movement behind us and I turn to see all the members of
The Wilde Ones
making their way to the stage. Oh my- River Wilde is even hotter in person than I could’ve imagined. I discreetly take out my phone and snap a few pictures. I guess I wasn’t so discreet because he looks directly at me and smiles. My face flares with embarrassment; I’m busted.

Declan laughs beside me; he knows I’m caught too. “Do you want me to ask him to take a picture with you?”

“That would be a no; I learned a long time ago not to take advantage. I’m fine with just my snapshots.”

“Okay, babe, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You could show your children pictures of you and a hot lead singer for a famous band one day.”

“I already have pictures of you and me, honey.”

His eyes take on a soft glow. He reaches around and squeezes my ass as he plants a short kiss on my nose.

“When we get home tonight, you’ll be rewarded for that.” He says softly in my ear.

I feel the moisture between my legs. I’m not going to be able to wait until we get home tonight.

The music starts and we all make our way to the side stage watch the show. Abbi, Ella, and I dance and sing to the lyrics we know. The guys hang back and watch. I need to find the bathroom so I excuse myself and head down the hallway. I’m not paying attention to anything when I feel a strong hand grab my arm.

“Hey, baby, where you going?” He slurs at me. I try to remove my arm from his grasp, but he holds tight.

“It’s none of your business where I’m going. Let go of me.”

He drops my arm, but slides his hands around my hips trapping me against a wall. “We’re all alone back here. I think we should take advantage of that, don’t you?” He leans in closer to kiss me.

I push against his chest. “You asshole! I’m here with my boyfriend. I’m not some groupie. Get away from me!”

“Playing hard to get, I like that. Tell me, where is this boyfriend of yours?” He slides his hand around and cups my ass.

“He’s right here, you fucking prick! I suggest you remove yourself now before I remove you.” Declan growls from behind him. His voice is full of rage.

The guy turns around and straightens his stance. He snarls, “This is a private conversation; I suggest you find another girl for awhile.” He turns back to me and tries to put his hands on my hips again. I push against him and he stumbles back. I’m just about to kick him in the balls, but I don’t get the chance.

Declan grabs him by the throat and pushes him against the opposite wall. “I don’t think you understand; that’s my girl and I don’t share. So don’t fucking touch her, talk to her, or look at her again tonight. Or I will lay your ass out.”

The guy is struggling, but Declan just slams him back against the wall. I see two security guards coming our way. By the time they reach us, Declan has let the guy go, but he’s gasping for air.

“What’s going on here?” One of them asks. I think his name is Bob.

“This fucking, crazy son of a bitch just attacked me.”

Bob looks around and sees me against the wall and the expression on Declan’s face. He puts the situation together.

“You’re one fucking idiot Jones. Did you just try to hit on the Head of Security’s daughter? Not only are you an idiot, but you’re looking for a death wish. Besides the band, this girl is the most protected person in this auditorium. I suggest you go back to your bus until the show is over and you break down the stage.”

Jones looks between Declan and me and he looks embarrassed. I guess getting scolded and being told you’re an idiot can do a number on your ego. “I’m sorry,” he mutters as he rushes away.

Declan spins me around by my shoulders and forces me to look at him. “You know that reward you were going to get tonight? It just turned into punishment.”

“Dec, I was just going to the bathroom.”

“Well, come on. I’ll escort you there and back. You don’t leave my sight again tonight.”

He drags me down the dimly lit hallway to the bathrooms and waits outside for me. He seems mad at me. The thought of him punishing me is a little bit of a turn on and I tingle all over. When I’m finished, I join him in the hall and he still looks angry. I slide my body against his and slowly kiss my way up his neck, jawline, and finally, his lip ring. “Baby, are you mad at me?”

He sighs against my lips, but doesn’t pull back. “You realize I almost broke that guy’s nose? All I could think about was the image of his filthy hand on your ass.”

“Well, let’s replace that image with your hands on my ass.” I reach down and place his hands on me. I feel him getting hard against my denim skirt.

“Baby, what’re you doing? We are in the middle of a hallway. Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

“Are you saying you’ve never had sex in the hallway at a concert?”

“No, I have, but you haven’t. I didn’t care about those girls, but I do care about you. I’m serious; I don’t share you, with anybody.”

I’m so hot that I can’t handle it. I grab his hand and pull him behind me until I locate the door I’m looking for. I lead him into the room and lock the door. It’s a sparsely furnished room with just a table and couch. He looks at me confused.

“You see, Declan; I want the reward portion of the evening to start now. We can get to the punishment portion at home. I want you now.” I hop up and wrap my legs around him. He grins and holds me while he balances us. My skirt is so short, his hands are holding my ass. He takes advantage of the position and slides his fingers under the hem of the lace of my panties. He hits my slick entrance immediately.

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