Surrendering (27 page)

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Authors: Ahren Sanders

Tags: #Romance, #Musicians, #adult, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Surrendering
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“You are so fucking wet.”

“I know, and I’ve pretty much been this way all night.”

“You have? Why?”

“Because when I picked out this skirt, it was for this reason. I wanted you to be able to get to me easy.”

“You’re killing me here.”

“Well quit talking.”

That’s all it takes. He crashes his mouth down on mine while working his fingers in and out of me. The first orgasm hits me hard. The adrenaline and excitement has me right on edge. I move back slightly to unbutton his jeans and push them down. His boxers follow and he slams into me. I cry out and feel him all the way in to my stomach. He stops for a minute. The look in his eyes shows the same need and hunger I feel at this moment.

He starts to withdraw and then plows back into me. Over and over he pulls almost all the way out then slams back. I feel the sweat starting to slide down my back. I lift up a little to tease him, but he yanks my ass closer to him. He squeezes hard and moans. I throw my head against the door and arch my back. He continues to move in and out, but slows down. The slower movements intensify the scraping inside of me.

He starts licking and nibbling at my neck and I feel myself getting close again. I tighten my muscles around him and I can tell he feels the pressure. He looks into my eyes and a grin passes over his face.

“You do that again, this will be over. I feel the constriction all the way to my balls.”

“Dec, please, I’m so close.”

He closes his mouth over mine and sucks at my tongue. My nipples are strained against my shirt, absorbing all the friction they can. He grinds into me, hitting my clit at the right spot each time.

“Come on, baby. Let go.” He slams back into me again and I bite his neck to stifle my cry. The waves of pleasure are rolling all over my body. I feel him join me a second later. We just hold onto each other panting.

“That was fucking incredible. I swear I felt every muscle in you.” He says against my head.

“Um hmm,” is the only response I can give.

“Can’t talk?” He chuckles at me.

I shake my head. I loosen my legs and he pulls out of me, putting me on the ground. I rearrange my now soaked panties and run my hands over my clothes to adjust. He grabs my hands and leads me through the door. We stop by the bathroom for me to clean up. When we get back to the group, Abbi comes to me with worry on her face. “What happened to you? You’ve been gone forever.”

Shit, will they figure out what we were doing?

“She had a problem going to the bathroom, but I took care of him. Apparently, Tripp was right; she does need an escort all night.” Declan answers for me. Tripp hears this and punches Declan in the shoulder.

“Told you man. You get in a fight?”

“Nah, security was there before I got my first punch. Motherfucker is lucky.”

Robbie shakes his head and I roll my eyes. I’m not sure, but I think I see Finn smiling. I guess I didn’t pay enough attention all those years I came to the shows with these guys. Maybe they really were protecting me.

The show ends and we go back to the designated room. We meet a few other people from Dad’s company. I see a guy I recognize from one of my classes and walk over to say hello. I think his name is Brent.

“It’s Brent, right? I’m Raven Hayes; I think we have Organizational Development together.”

He grins, “Yeah, its Brent. We do have OD at the same time. I recognized you earlier, but didn’t have a chance to talk to you.”

“Ironic, you and I meeting backstage at a concert when we’ve spent almost a whole semester in the same room.” I laugh. “What’d you think of the show?”

“Awesome. I’m a pretty big fan. The backstage access was a gift from my uncle who works for the security group. Not sure I’ll ever go back to the seats again. You?”

“I know! I love being back here, all the energy and activity makes for a much more enjoyable concert experience. My dad’s in security too so we all got passes tonight.” I swing my arm to indicate our large group. I look back at him and I notice he’s paled and has locked eyes on something. I turn my head to see Declan glowering with his arms crossed. He’s pissed again. I try to diffuse the situation with a small wave, but he doesn’t smile back. Instead, he stalks over to us and possessively puts both hands on my hips.

“Babe, who’s your friend?” He says loud enough for Brent to hear.

“This is Brent. He’s in one of my classes. Brent, this is my boyfriend, Declan Collins.”

Brent’s face falls slightly, but he covers it up and extends his hand towards Declan. “Nice to meet you man.”

Declan shakes his hand silently. I elbow him to be polite, but he doesn’t say another thing.

“Babe, we can probably go soon. I think we’re going to walk around Broadway for a little while.” He takes my hand possessively and pulls me away before I can properly say good-bye, but I manage to get out, “See you next week, Brent.”

He smirks at me. “I look forward to it.”

I stop suddenly because I run right into Declan’s chest. His eyes are darker than usual and I know he’s still upset. “Dec, I didn’t do anything wrong. I was just talking to a class mate. He was nice.”

He lets out a long sigh and seems to calm down. “Sparkle, you have no idea, do you? That guy was eye-fucking you from the moment we walked in. I pegged his stare and tried to send him the message you were taken. Then you pranced over in your barely-there clothing and he thought he hit the mother lode.”

“I think you may be overreacting a little.”

“No, I’m not. When you weren’t looking at his eyes, he was sizing you up. He gazed a little too long on your tits for my liking. So when he saw my stare, he knew he was caught.”

“Jesus, you’re jealous! How do you think I feel when I watch your shows and every girl in the room is trying to find a way to fuck you?” I say a little too loudly because I see people looking at us.

He leans down to my ear so no one can eavesdrop, “I think your being jealous is a turn on. So don’t think you can win this argument. No more hitting it up with pretty boy. He wants in your pants. And if you haven’t caught on yet, your ass is practically on display.” He shifts so he can kiss my ear before he stands up and grabs my hand again. We join the group and head out for a night on Broadway.



Chapter 28

Lucky Man

Robbie and I decided we would have Thanksgiving at my house since my parents would be gone and I’d cook. Robbie wanted to eat later in the day so that some of our friends could join us after spending time with their families.

While I was at the Veteran’s Day Parade, we discussed our plans with my parents. We decided to do a joint Thanksgiving/birthday celebration the week after the actual holiday. My parents felt terrible for missing the weekend, but my dad needs to help his friend with an investigation over the holiday weekend.

Sunday before the holiday, all three of the Collins are in the kitchen having a hushed conversation. When I walk in the room, they immediately stop talking.

“What’s up, guys?”

“We were just talking about our plans for Thanksgiving.” Ella answers. The tone in her voice alerts me that there is more to the story. She looks away and I see Declan grinning at me out of the corner of my eye. Abbi looks the other direction.

“Why are you all being weird? What are your plans?”

No one answers at first. Declan walks over and settles behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and lowers his mouth to my ear. “We were wondering if you would invite us to your Thanksgiving dinner here.”

“Why would you need an invite? This is your house too?” I point to Abbi and Ella.

“Well, we know your parents are out of town and we didn’t want to crash your plans with Robbie.”

“You guys are my family too; of course we can celebrate together. What about your dad? Won’t he be upset if you guys don’t go home?”

“No, we’ll invite him here. He hasn’t been to town in a while and a change of scenery will be good for him.”

I get a pit in my stomach; I haven’t met their dad yet and I’m not sure what all he knows about me. Declan feels me tense up and holds me tighter. “Babe, my dad is awesome. He knows about you from all of us. He also knows I’m head over heels in love with you. It’s time we introduce you. Besides, he’d love to meet Robbie too.”

I relax my head against his chest. I know their dad has to be incredible because his children are amazing.

Abbi takes out some paper and a pen. “So it’s settled. We’ll have our Thanksgiving here and Ella and I will help cook. Let’s talk about what we’re going to make.”

We start planning our meal with each of our favorite dishes. When it was just going to be a few of us, I had thought about only doing only two side dishes with the turkey. But now that we’re going to have at least six people, the amount of food to be made has increased significantly. And I’m pretty sure we’ll have three or four more guys joining us.

When we finish planning the menu, and everyone has a list of things they need to do, Abbi and Ella go their separate ways. Declan and I head to my bedroom so he can watch football while I call Robbie to let him know our new plans.

Robbie likes the new idea, but takes the opportunity to tease me about meeting Mr. Collins.

“Kinda big step sis, meeting your boyfriend’s dad and cooking for his family. Are you nervous?”

“I wasn’t until you said something, you ass hat! Why did you have to bring it up? You do know I was a roommate before I was a girlfriend. Maybe this would have happened even if Declan and I weren’t together.”

“I don’t think so, Baby Girl. This gathering is
you’re the girlfriend, so just a head’s up.”

“Are you serious? How do you know for certain? Abbi and Ella wanted their dad to do something different this year. They told me so themselves.”

“I’m sure that’s true, but I know for a fact that this was Declan’s idea. He wants his dad to meet you.”

“How do you know?”

“Because he called me a few days ago and asked me if it was okay with me if they crashed and combined Thanksgiving. I told him to talk to you, but I thought it was great idea.”

I look over at Declan who is lying on my bed watching TV. He looks at me and gives me a shit eating grin. I pick up a pillow and throw at him.

“So, Robbie, my dear brother, you’re telling me I was played. This whole thing was a set up?”

“Yep, he asked me to let him approach you with the idea so he could see your reaction.”

“I need to hang up now so I can strangle my ex-boyfriend with both my hands.”

“Go easy on him; he’s crazy for you. He just wanted my permission before he asked you. If he was one of my guys, I would call him pussy whipped. But since you’re my sister, I admire the sentiment. Talk later- love you.”

“Love you too; see you in a few days.” I hang up and turn my body to pounce on Declan. He’s ready for me. Before I know it, I’m on my back and he has me pinned to the bed with my arms over my head. I wiggle beneath him to try and get away, but I accidentally rub against the bulge growing in his pants and I stop.

“You played me this morning, Declan, why?”

“Sparkle, I wanted to spend our first holiday together. I didn’t want to be away from you all day and I knew you wanted to cook here for Robbie. So when the girls and I talked about it, we agreed to approach you about it together to see if you were okay with it. It wasn’t a secret mission. I just wanted to talk to Robbie first to get his thoughts.”

He has a smile on his face that makes my heart melt. I start to squirm under his hold, but he just tightens it.

“Now, let’s talk about the ex-boyfriend you want to strangle.” He lowers himself and starts to nibble on my earlobe. I feel his hard-on through my sweatpants and roll against him. He continues to kiss me lightly down my jawline and neck until he reaches the collar of my shirt. He let’s go of one of my hands and leans up. “This would be a whole lot easier if you had less clothing on.” He whips my shirt over my head and throws it to the floor. I forgot which bra I have on, but he must approve because he inhales sharply.

“Fuck, Raven, I think my zipper just made marks against my dick. I like the blue lace, baby.”

Oh yeah, that’s the one I chose because it matched my shirt. I want to tease him a little. I run my hand over his obvious erection, but don’t move to unzip his jeans. “If you like the bra, you might like the matching panties too.”

He’s instantly on his knees and pushing down my sweats. He throws them to the ground too.

“You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I want to spend the whole afternoon showing you just how beautiful you are.”

“If you can do that then I may not strangle you.” I say amusingly.

“Is that a challenge, Miss Hayes?”

“I guess it is.”

“Well, let’s make a little wager. How many times do you want to come today? Six? Seven?”

I laugh out loud. “You’re kidding, right? There’s no way you can last for that long. I know you have stamina, but I think it’s physically impossible for you in the amount of hours left in the day.”

He doesn’t seem as amused as I am. “Are you questioning my stamina now? I thought I proved to you after the concert how long I can go for. And besides, I didn’t say I would come seven times; I said you would. But since you’ve mocked me, I’m upping the ante to eight.”

I shiver under him as I remember the night after the concert. He made me scream his name until I couldn’t remember mine. He notices my slight twitch and runs his fingers lightly over my panties. I know he can feel the moisture because he laughs at me.

“You have a wet spot on your panties; I think I have my answer.”

He lowers himself back over me and licks my breast through the lace. I feel myself pebble under his hot breath. He hasn’t even made skin contact yet but there’s a spark in my stomach. He pulls down the lace and sucks my nipple in his mouth, then uses his free hand to squeeze my other tightly. The contradiction of the rough touch and soft licks reaches all the way to my core. He stops suddenly and I feel his hands behind my back removing my bra.

“As sexy as this is, it needs to go.” He throws it to the growing pile on the floor. He uses his lips, teeth and tongue all over my chest but grinds his cock against my panties causing friction. I rock my hips into his enjoying the rough denim on the silk. I feel the familiar flutter growing and grip the bedspread. “Let go, baby. As soon as I finish here I’m moving lower.” That does it for me; I clasp his shoulders and hiss as my climax rolls through me.

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