Stoned (The Stone Series) (53 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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Drea tried her best to get your mother off the topic of sex and blurted out that Mac is half black…well, that was a BIG mistake. Do I need to tell you why or do you see where this is headed? Oh, yeah…that’s where this is going alright. Your mother than preceded to ask Drea if the stereotype is true about black men!

We have also heard about an aging man’s lack of ability to…again wait for it…”expel his seed”, their lack of interest in performing oral sex on women and their overall lack of sexual desire causing the aging woman to be forced to find (this is the worst one yet) “young hard cock!” I kid you not, dude! Right out of her mouth was that little nugget.

She then inquired about you…it seems that she hasn’t seen you naked in some time and she was just wondering if you turned out as well endowed as your father. It seems you were quite “hung”
(her word not mine)when you were younger.



PS- Your mother just went to get your baby picture books!


The horrified Sydney Cooper, S&S Design Inc.







I grab Mac from the lounge chair, throw him my phone and tell him to read while he follows me. I rush to find the women and save Sydney before my mother says another word but when I arrive at the scene of the crime it’s obvious by the looks on my sister’s and Sydney’s faces that I am too late. My mother has my baby book spread out and she’s showing pictures to Sydney of me when I was a baby until she sees Mac. “Oh, Mac darling, we were just talking about you. I was wondering…”


I cut her off, “Mother, please. This is so wrong on so many levels. Why don’t you go inside and check on the cook’s progress. I heard the help talking about a problem with tonight’s dinner.”


When my mother heads inside Mac and I grab Syd and my sister and run for our rooms.


“Do not tell me another word of what she said, I’m warning you. I cannot hear another word of it and I am sorry that you had to endure that but please spare me” I warn her. We break into a fit of giggles and collapse on the bed together where we make out like teenagers.


Later Saturday night Sydney and I head down to the pool again to try to have an evening swim. I am longing to feel the water on my naked body while I have hers pressed up against me but it’s just not meant to be. Tonight when we arrive at the pool we see the pool house is dark except for the candles that are illuminating the glass walled sunroom. Sydney notices what is happening first and tries to spare me the sight but she’s too late. I discover why Tanner has spent so much time in the pool house. I see him and my mother. He has her bent over a table and he’s plowing into her from behind. “That’s it, we’re done here. Let’s get Drea and Mac and go home, please” I beg Sydney but she won’t let me wake them; she makes me wait until the morning to leave.


“See how fucked up my family is? Is it any surprise I’m the way I am?”


“You are not fucked up, you’re kinky as hell but you’re not fucked up.”


“Speaking of that, I can’t wait to use our playroom.”


“How can you think about that after what I heard today and what we just saw? Maybe you are fucked up” she teases me.


“Only for you, I am baby, only for you.”  


We head back to the city first thing Sunday morning after doing our best to look my parent’s in the face when we say our good-byes. Sydney and I spend the late afternoon and early evening in companionable silence. I work from my home office while she reads on the couch; we watch TV together and share a meal. We’re both glad to be back in our bed at the penthouse and we slip under the covers naked and curl around each other.




The following week passes without incident, Damian and I slip into a routine. We shower and get ready for work together each day. I am now working on the design for the new Society site. I spend most of my time working from home but occasionally go into S&S or on site where Pete and his team are hard at work. I’m glad I’ve been able to spend time with Pete; he’s a great guy and one of Damian’s close friends. Pete, a member at The Society has agreed to take over Damian’s position as a much sought after Dom. Damian tries to spend as much time at home or at The Society with me but this new hotel deal is taking up a lot of his time.


I ask Drea and Parker to lunch at Stone’s the day before my doctor’s appointment. Damian and I shower together; he’s going into his office today while I’m out with the girls. After I do some light makeup and my hair I put on my cute white halter top and a pair of short yellow shorts. I have almost forgotten how hot it makes me to see Damian in his three piece suit. He’s wearing black Armani today and I want to rip it off him with my teeth. With him working from home this is a sight I haven’t seen in much too long.


“I see that look on your face, you’re thinking about ripping my clothes off again aren’t you?” he jokes with me.


“Yes I am, Mr. Perfection. I can’t stand this anymore. I’m fine. I’ll cancel my lunch and you call the office and tell them you won’t be in then we can do it in every room of the penthouse, multiple times.”


“Mmm” he purrs as he pulls me into his arms. “As wonderful as that sounds we are not having sex until after the doctor clears you for action. I will not have you injured any worse than you already were. Now have fun with the girls today because after tomorrow you might not be able to get out of bed for a very long time.”


“I hate you; you do know that, right? I’m serious. I hate you” I tease him as I stand on tiptoe to kiss him. Damian pays me back with a fast and harsh slap on my ass.


“Aww” I yell.


“Wait till tomorrow” he smirks and winks at me as he strolls from the bedroom.


Drea and I meet Parker at my apartment and head to Stone’s. Damian wanted Mac to drive us but we all refused saying it was a girl’s only day so instead we are taking my car, the car I have only driven once since Damian bought it for me.


We are greeted by Andrea when we walk through the door, she can barely make eye contact with me. Drea is being downright rude to her making me wonder if she knows about her past with Damian. Andrea moves us into Damian’s private room as quickly as she can and leaves us. I use this as a perfect opportunity to see what Drea knows.


“You weren’t very nice to Andrea, Dre” I scold.


“You shouldn’t be either. She’s had lady wood for Day since the second she met him. They were…” she trails off.


“They were what?” I demand.


“Oh, come on Sydney. Stop torturing me. Do you know about my brother’s shall we say sexually appetite or am I going to be letting the cat out of the bag here?”


“He asked me to be his submissive when we met but before he had a chance to start my training he fell in love with me. I’m only submissive to him in bed when we play and that new room I designed for him is his sex room.” I spill it all in one breathe. Parker is speechless after learning the details of my sex life.


“Does he know that I know?”


“No. How do you know?”


“Oh, God he’s going to fucking kill me for this.”


“Tell me Drea” I order.


“Every few months he would always have a new girl moving into the apartment. I got suspicious and finally got lucky with one of them. She had a big mouth and was not happy when he ended things, she told me everything.”


“Wait, what apartment? The penthouse? Wait, my apartment?”


“Fuck, I thought you knew.”


“No, I mean he moved me in there so fast I couldn’t say no and it was before he asked me to be his submissive. Oh, God, how many others lived there?”


“I don’t know, he had like three a year and he’s lived in this building for two years give or take so I’d say maybe six.”


“Was Andrea one of them? I already know they were together.”


“Yeah, she was one. She had it bad for him. She got clingy and needy from what I saw then it was over.”


“Are you okay, Sydney. You look pale” Parker states.


“I’m fine. Who else do you know about, Dre? Do you know any of the other’s names?”


“Oh, he’s going to go nuts over this Syd. Just leave it, please. You don’t need to know, it’s over. He’s head over heels in love with you. He’s so in love with you that’s he’s having an actual normal relationship with you. Don’t ruin it over his past” Drea warns.


“You’re right. I knew all about his past when I agreed to be his submissive and then I knew even more by the time I agreed to be his girlfriend. I just can’t stand to think of him doing all this kinky shit with these girls who he might still see every day.”


“Yeah knowing about this freaks me out too, believe me. And now I’ve got Mac trying to talk me into going to The Society party but I would have to claw my eyes out if I saw my brother having sex with some…I’m sorry, Syd. I didn’t mean to imply that he would. I mean I don’t know what you two agreed…Maybe we should talk about something else.”


I explain that Damian and I have an agreement that we will remain faithful to one another which includes while at The Society. We may watch others and Damian as a Head Master may direct someone in a scene but neither of us will touch or be touched by anyone else. If they are at the party they wouldn’t see Damian and I having sex, we’d make sure of it.


Drea clears her throat and suggests we change the subject again when the waiter approaches with our meals. We all ordered salads. Parker gets the country cob; Drea orders the crab with romaine, spinach, peppers, tomato, egg and onions and I choose the Japanese salad. The waiter dresses our salads and adds our croutons before filling our glasses with fresh cool lemonade and excusing himself.


I agree on a topic change but then regret it when Parker asks how things are going with my mother. I tried to speak to her shortly after Ryan kidnapped me but she refused to listen to me. My father got into it with her and she still refused to believe me or listen to a word I had to say. Robert was questioned by the police in Connecticut and allowed to go. They are still together, once again my mother pushing me aside for a man. Drea sensing the need for yet another diversion asks if Damian and I have talked to their parents about how they treated me before Ryan kidnapped me.


“We haven’t yet. We maybe would have at the beach house but with all the other things we never got around to it”


“What other things?” Parker asks, “What did I miss?”


Drea and I tell her all about Damian and Drea’s parents each sleeping with the adult children of their long time friends and then about their mother’s completely inappropriate conversation with Drea and I.


“Maybe they’re into some kinky lifestyle too” Parker suggests. “You know like father like son?”


Drea and I laugh and roll our eyes at the idea but upon further thought, Parker might be on to something.


“I know I probably need to talk to them but I want them to like me so I’ve left it alone. I just need a little time. I understand they were just trying to protect their son but accusing me of lying about my past and wanting his money really pressed some buttons for me.” I admit. 


I tell them that my therapy is going well with Dr. Klein and that I am so appreciative of Damian for coming with me to every session and opening up about his own issues. We chat about my work and about Drea and Parker’s upcoming modeling jobs; they are both going to be on the runway for the fall fashion shows.


Later that night I toss and turn in Damian’s arms, anxious to get to the doctor the following day so we can resume our active sex life. I never knew how much I’d miss it. I do miss the sex, a lot, but the connection I feel when we’re having sex, the level of trust I am able to hand over to him is what I am so longing for. And if I’m being honest, I miss my subspace terribly.




Friday morning can’t come fast enough for me. It has been over six weeks since Sydney and I have had sex and I am about to fucking
blow my top. Sure we’ve fooled around a little but a hand job or even a blow job can’t compare to being inside her. She finished our playroom and I can’t wait to get her in there. The minute we get home from the doctor’s office that’s where we are headed and I am locking the door. I already warned Mac that he’d better get my sister out of the penthouse unless they want to hear what’s going to go down in there. Mac hits me on the back, smiles and promises to take Drea out for the night.


I wake Sydney who has no idea where we are going before her doctor’s appointment. We shower and dress. I throw on a pair of loose fitting khaki colored cargo shorts and a tight fitting white v-neck t-shirt. While Sydney is doing her hair and makeup I pull out an outfit for her. I pick a pair of short baby pink shorts and a white ribbed tank top. She gets dressed then returns to the bathroom. When she comes out she has her hair up in adorable pigtails that give me an instant boner. “Those” I say as I point to her hair, “Just made me hard.”


She smiles and says, “Good, that’s the way I need you.”


We share our breakfast in silence. I read the paper and she day dreams, us just being together is enough. We take her car, I drive and when we pull up in front of Smooth as Stone she looks at me questionably. “I scheduled a treatment for you before your doctor’s appointment” I state.


The girls fall all over themselves when we enter the salon. I still question if it’s because I’m the boss or because of how I look. Many days I think it’s fifty/fifty. They usher us to a room immediately and call for Shannon. Sydney asks why I am going in with her and when I smirk she not only knows why but also knows what service she’s here for.


Shannon enters the room. She’s very attractive with long straight blond hair that hangs to the dip in her back where her ass begins. She is thin but has large breasts that are perky and high. She’s wearing a top that shows off her cleavage, I envy the person who gets to fuck those tits. Shannon is moving to California in two weeks and I chose her today to do Sydney’s waxing for that very reason. I want to see if Sydney will let me test her limits a little with Shannon. Shannon has been a regular at The Society for a year or so now, I’ve seen her with other girls and I would love to see her and Sydney together. I’m hopeful that Sydney will agree being that she’ll never have to see her again once she moves away.


“So, Mr. Stone what are we doing today for Miss Cooper?” Shannon asks as if she didn’t know.


“Waxing, you may start with her eyebrows?” I say as I approach Sydney and help her onto the table.


“Now stay very still, no flinching, I am going to keep track of every time you flinch and we’ll use that number later in our new room” I whisper into her ear then nip her lobe with my teeth.


I stand back and watch as Shannon rubs the hot wax on Sydney’s eyebrow contouring it perfectly. Sydney lies still and even when the tape is placed over the wax she remains motionless. Shannon pats the tape down, holds it in one hand while she holds Sydney’s skin down with the other then she pulls. Sydney never flinches, she remains as still as a statue, as still as stone.


“Mmm, good girl” I murmur into her ear as Shannon smoothes cooling cream over the area. “Either you’re learning to have a high tolerance for pain” I say as I look at Sydney “or you”, I say as I look at Shannon “you are too good at your job.”


Shannon continues with her eyebrows and Sydney remains still the entire time. When she’s done Shannon asks, “Anything else Mr. Stone?”


“Yes, I think we’ll do her underarms next, Sydney?” I ask. Not waiting for an answer I ask her to raise her arms and I take off her shirt. Sydney’s tits look just as firm and perky as Shannon’s and the cleavage in her bra is making me ach to fuck them. I lay her down and tell her to put her arms above her head then I whisper again into her ear, “Don’t forget, keep very still.”


Shannon rubs the hot wax over her right underarm using what looks like a stick of deodorant. Sydney stays still but her lips start to smile, she’s very sensitive under her arms, I know this is going to be difficult for her to do without moving and I’m counting on it. When Shannon pulls the tape off, Sydney flinches and I lean down and whisper, “That’s one” in her ear. Shannon repeats the process on her left side and once again Sydney flinches.


“Baby, that’s two. You’d better be careful; we still have a long way to go.”


Shannon reaches for the cooling cream; I take it from her hand and squirt some onto my finger tips. I lean down and kiss Sydney on the lips as I rub the cream into her underarms with my fingertips knowing I can get her to squirm. When she flinches again I say, “Three”.


“Oh, that’s not fair.”


“Never said I played fair.”


“Okay, Mr. Stone anything else?” Shannon inquires even though she knows the answer.


“Yes, let’s move on to her legs now. Sydney, pick up your hips so I can slide off your shorts.” Sydney obeys and I remove her shorts exposing her panties.


Shannon works on the back then front of Sydney’s legs, Sydney keeps perfectly still the whole time. I take the cooling cream and begin to rub it into Sydney’s legs from her ankles up. I am between her legs, as I rub up them I move my body up with my hands.


Shannon asks, “Anything else, Mr. Stone?”


I kiss Sydney’s pussy through her panties and I hear a moan escape both her and Shannon simultaneously.


“Yes, Shannon. A full Brazilian, please.” Then I whisper to Sydney, “Be still, remember.”


“You are evil.”


“Wait till later, baby” I warn as I remove her panties.


Shannon starts with the pubic line then looks at me. Sydney didn’t flinch at all. I take Sydney’s leg and hold it bent at the knee so her legs are open allowing Shannon to be able to put the hot wax in the fold between Sydney’s leg and lips. When she goes to put on the tape I take it from her and do it myself. I reach down and kiss Sydney as I pull it off, feeling her flinch. “That’s four, baby.”


Shannon finishes that side then moves on to the other. Sydney flinches three more times before Shannon asks her to roll on her side and I hold her leg up allowing Shannon access to Sydney’s most intimate parts. Shannon puts the hot wax on and Sydney flinches. “Oh, no baby, that makes eight.” When Shannon rips the tape off she flinches again, “Nine” I whisper to her. Shannon finishes with three more runs of the wax and three more rips of tape giving Sydney a total of fifteen flinches. I reach for the cooling cream and Shannon watches as I smooth it into Sydney’s ass and her slick pussy.


“Enjoy yourself?” I whisper into Sydney’s ear as I help her to stand up and put her panties and shorts back on.


“Don’t forget Mr. Stone, no penetration or oral sex for at least ten hours” Shannon reminds me.


“Yes, thank you, I know and Shannon we’ll talk before you leave.”


Shannon exits the room as Sydney slams me up against a wall. She kisses me hard and fierce opening my mouth with her tongue. I return her kiss and cup her right breast in my hand. She begins to rub the bulge of my hard on with her hand then she bends down in front of me and undoes my pants freeing my erection. I brace myself for the touch of her lips on my cock but instead she guides me to the table. I sit and she smirks at me.


“Your turn, Mr. Stone” she says as she reaches for the hot wax.


“No fucking way” I say as I start to climb off the table.


“Oh don’t be a baby. I’ll even let you flinch without the threat of God knows what you have up your sleeve for me, you kinky bastard.”


“You’re about to wax my dick and I’m the kinky one? You don’t know what you’re doing with that. What if it’s too hot, you could burn me. The skin there is very sensitive, be careful” I warn her, still amazed I am considering letting her do this to me.


Sydney waxes my pubic area and my balls, it fucking hurts...bad! The only part that is enjoyable is when she starts to rub the cooling cream over the tortured areas. She uses a little extra as a lubricant and starts jerking me off.


“Your tits were making me so hard before. I want to see them when you make me come.”


She removes her bra then climbs on the table between my legs so I can see her tits hanging right over my cock making it twitch and jump. She encloses my dick in her mouth and sucks me off. I grab her hair and guide her up and down my dick as she sucks harder. I love the way she gives me head, she uses her hand to jerk me off as she sucks me and she moans out with pleasure at every response she gets from me. I reach down and play with her nipples, making them instantly hard in my grip. She picks up her speed and I move my hips in time with her. She knows I’m ready to blow in her mouth any second and when she nips at the head of my dick I explode with a growl. “Aghh, baby that was fucking good. Come here, kiss me.” I kiss her long and deep with my hands on her face and my tongue teasing her mouth. I smile as we kiss and she breaks away and kisses my nose. I kiss her forehead and then inhale the sweet smell of Sydney from her hair. We climb off the table and get dressed then head out to her doctor’s appointment.


In the car Sydney squirms and moans from frustration. I smile and waggle my eye brows at her. “You’ll be fine in a few hours” I promise her.


“You said that when to took me to get waxed you would make sure that we were both satisfied before we went so waiting ten hours wouldn’t be like this. That didn’t happen.”


“I know, I’m sorry, babe but it will be well worth it. Trust me.”


We arrive at her doctor’s and are taken right in to a room. The doctor is impressed with her recovery. Sydney’s casts and bandages are removed; she is given X-rays and receives a perfect bill of health.


“Are there any restrictions on her activities?” I ask.


“No, Mr. Stone, she can resume all activities, even strenuous ones” the doctor says with a smile on his face.


I drive us to lunch with my hand on her thigh the whole ride. Her newly waxed legs are silky smooth and giving me a hard on again. I pull up in front of Stone’s and park in my reserved spot. I smile casually at Andrea then put my hand up stopping her approach. Sydney and I walk to my private dining room and make ourselves comfortable at the table. Jerrod is our waiter today and he begins to deliver the items I pre-ordered for our meal. The olives are first and Sydney smiles knowing that I am recreating our first date. Like the first time I feed her the olives and enjoy myself as she sucks my fingers. She’s much bolder this time, sucking my fingers, simulating a blow job. While she does this she kicks off her shoes under the table, stretches her legs and places her feet in my lap. I raise my eyebrows at her and she returns the look. By the time our salad arrives she is rubbing her feet over my hard on, grasping my dick still in my pants between her feet and jerking me off with them. I continue to feed her trying to keep my cool all the while just wanting to come but knowing I’ll need to stop her short of that happening.


“Careful now, if you keep that up I’m going to have to take my pants off or walk out of here with a huge wet spot on them.” She smiles and slowly lowers her feet with a shrug.


We flirt with and fondle each other throughout the meal and by the time we finish our lunch I’m ready to take her right here on top of this table but I resist keeping to my plan of our first time after a six week hiatus in our playroom. After six weeks of not having sex she should be receptive to all of my requests.




Damian is the master of delayed gratification. To his credit he did warn me early on that he was a huge fan but I never thought he’d be able to go six weeks then torture us all day. He drove me insane with desire at the salon then again at lunch. After lunch Damian heads to the FDR and then further north. “Where the hell are we going?” I ask annoyed. All I want to do is go home and get naked with this man.


“We are going to see Tate and Brook. It’s the only way I’m going to be able to keep my hands off of you until eight o’clock tonight” Damian reminds me of the restrictions from my waxing.


“Oh, I forgot about that.”

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