Stoned (The Stone Series) (50 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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“Sydney, oh, Jesus. Get dressed, both of you. I’ll give you five minutes then I’m coming back in here and ripping you out of that fucking bed and kicking his ass” my father threatens.


Damian and I look at each other confused. Damian moans and holds his head. He leans over and kisses me, looks down at his erection and jokes, “So I’m guessing this will have to wait?”


We climb out of bed and use the bathroom, throw water on our faces and brush our teeth. Damian swallows a large number of pills for his hangover. We rush back into the bedroom and throw on our clothes from last night as they are the first thing we can find in a hurry.


My father is pacing the floor in the living space and when he sees me he rushes to me, hugs and scolds me at the same time, “You have a lot of explaining to do. Sit.” I listen obediently and then he turns to Damian, “You too. Sit.” To my utter surprise Damian obeys as well. Hmm, even he can be submissive when he needs to be. That’s good to know, maybe I can give being dominant a shot, but now is not the time for my brain to be thinking about Damian laying in a bed tied by the arms and ankles begging for the relief of an orgasm while I tease and torment him with my naked body.


“Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on? I called a buddy of mine who’s on the job here in the city to check up on you” he points to Damian. “And he tells me that you shot her step brother? Then when I get here I find the two of you in bed together, naked. Are you living here now? I went to your apartment first but you weren’t there. Parker and your boss told me I’d find you up here” my father says as he runs his hands over his head.


“Daddy, Damian didn’t have a choice when he shot Ryan. He was protecting me.”


“I was told that you got him with a perfect shot while my daughter was in his grip?” my father interrogates Damian.


“Yes sir, I did.”


“You know most people would call that being cocky and unnecessarily risking my daughter’s life?” my father continues.


“Not if they knew they’d never miss, sir” Damian responds.


“Mmm” my father growls. “What is this all about, I don’t understand and I couldn’t get any more information out of my buddy.”


“Daddy, sit down. This is not easy for me to discuss. I was going to cal you but you beat me to it” I begin.


My father sits down across from Damian and I. Damian takes my hand, entwines our fingers and places them in his lap, my father stares at us both.  I clear my throat to compose myself before I can begin.


“Daddy, Ryan started raping me when I was thirteen and it didn’t stop until I left for New York. Mom doesn’t know but Robert does. He gave me money to keep quiet. I took the money but I never used it. I just wanted to get away and forget all about it but I couldn’t. It haunted me every second of every day. It’s because of him that I didn’t have friends and never had a boyfriend. Until Damian I was afraid of men. I never thought I’d ever feel safe. I never told anyone” I state not meaning to upset my father but doing so just the same.


My father moans with his head in his hands and he falls on his knees in front of the couch where I’m sitting. “It was my job to keep you safe and I failed you. I should have known something was wrong. I’m a detective; it’s my job to know. I should have known. And you should have told me. I would have killed that little prick myself years ago and your fucking mother, what the hell is wrong with her? How do you live in the same fucking house and not know your own daughter is being raped under your nose?”


“No daddy, it’s not your fault or mom’s. I never told anyone, not until I met Damian.”


“Damian. It seems I owe you an apology. You apparently have done what I failed to do. You’ve kept her safe and killed the motherfucker who hurt my baby” my father says as he starts to cry. “I wish now that I had the chance to kill him myself.”


“I love her, sir. I would die for her; killing for her was an automatic response. He was about to rape her again when I found them. I got into it with him first but then he grabbed her and he went to reach for a gun, I thought he was going to shoot her so I shot him first. Believe me, I knew I wouldn’t miss. I would never put your daughter in any kind of danger. Keeping her safe is my top priority.”


I bend down to my father; lift him so he’s standing and I can hug him. We cry until there are no more tears left while Damian rubs my back. Once we have composed ourselves I tell my father the whole story from the beginning. The memories are painful and it’s only with these two strong men in my presence that I’m able to relive them. Damian tries his best not to show his anger and disgust over the details, my father cries for my lost youth.


When I’m done with my story and emotionally exhausted beyond words my father is ready to leave. He turns to Damian and says, “I’m still not loving the idea of my little girl naked in bed with any man but if it has to happen I’m glad it’s you. You keep taking good care of my little girl, you hear?” my dad warns Damian as he clasps him on the back.


“I will, sir” Damian says as he pulls me into his side careful not to hurt me and he kisses my forehead and inhales my hair as he shakes my father’s hand.


My father turns to me, “I’m sorry for everything that happened to you Huggy Bear and for not being there. I hope you can forgive me and let me be here for you now.”


“I’d like that daddy. I never blamed you, it wasn’t your fault.”


I promise to call him and let him know how things go with my mother. He wanted to kill Robert himself but I think Damian and I talked him into letting the police in Connecticut handle Robert, at least I hope we did. I’ll have to deal with the aftermath of my mother either way soon.


Damian offers to ride down to the lobby with my dad but he shrugs him off. Damian sits on a stool at the kitchen island and pulls me between his legs and kisses me.


“Having a girl’s dad walk in on you in bed with their daughter is every guy’s worst nightmare but all in all I think it went okay. I mean I’m still alive and he carries a gun so I guess it went pretty well” he teases me.


I run my hands through his hair and start to kiss him softly. Damian deepens the kiss and plunges his hands into my hair just as Mac and Drea come out of her room.


“Ewww, please get a room” Drea whines.


“I have a room, a have a whole fucking penthouse. If you don’t want to see me kissing my girlfriend go back and live with mom and dad or shut the fuck up and get ready, I’m taking us all to Stone’s for brunch. Call Parker and Alex and let them know” Damian retorts as he takes my hand and leads me back to the bedroom. “I have a headache and I need food. Now.”


We shower and dress. Damian puts on a pair of casually loose fitting black dress pants and a black Polo shirt. He picks out a cute black dress for me and I add a few bangle bracelets and a cute barrette to my hair. We meet up with Drea and Mac in the lobby. Alex and Parker come sauntering towards us with their arms wrapped around each other looking very friendly. The six of us head out for Sunday Brunch at Stone’s.


We spend a leisurely few hours in Damian’s private room getting to know each other better. I offer for Parker to stay with me and Damian agrees that it’s a great idea but he suggests that I stay with him and let Parker use my apartment. I agree for the time being but try to make Damian understand us moving in together is something we need to discuss further but he just pats my knee and brushes it off.


Alex and Parker seem to be really hitting it off. He pulled her chair out at the table and casually rested his arm around the back. They spent all of brunch giggling and flirting with one another. I even caught Damian staring at Alex in disbelief a few times and when I asked about the look he had on his face Damian said he’s never seen him like this with a girl before. Damian admits Alex can be a bit of a player himself.


“Oh, and you’re one to talk and pass judgment on people’s past relationships?” I ask.


“No, I guess not, point well taken.”


Damian and Mac continue to get along. They’re acting like old buddies, laughing and fooling around with each other. I’m not sure what’s brought on this change but I don’t want to rock the boat so I decide to keep quiet about it, guessing it could be that their bonding occurred after they killed Ryan and Mark to protect the women they love.


Drea and I have a chance to chat a little. We’ve known each other through Parker but now that I’m with her brother we decide to do lunch one day this week, just the two of us to get to know each other better.


“No lies about me as a kid, Dre. I’m serious” Damian says to his sister before turning to me, “She makes shit up all the time. Don’t listen to anything she says.”


“Yeah, well pictures can’t lie big brother.”


“Drea” he warns and it makes me giggle to think of the pictures she might have of him.


After lunch we head back to the apartment building and Damian and I get Parker settled at my place before heading back up to the penthouse. Alex stays with Parker and I promise to have her belongings brought up from storage the following day.


As the next few weeks pass we all seem to settle into our own routines. I work from home on Damian’s room while Damian works from home as much as possible. He is working on a new project that seems to be stressing him out but he won’t talk to me about it, he clearly is trying to not upset me. I know he doesn’t want to worry or bore me over his work but it kind of pisses me off that he’s obviously hiding something from me and I don’t know what it is. I may have sustained injuries but he doesn’t need to shelter me from the world.


Mac and Drea have been together non-stop since her return. Mac still drives Damian everywhere he needs to go but most times Drea tags along too. I thought Damian would have a problem with that but he seems fine with it, he and Mac have really become friends. Parker and Alex have been spending a lot of time together too.


I tell Prker almost everything about Damian and me. As my best friend she promised to keep everything just between us. I felt bad telling her stuff in confidence and not including Drea in on our conversations but I couldn’t talk about sex with Damian in front of his sister. I tell Parker that one of the things I love most about Damian is his passion for me, how he lunges for me like he has to have our lips together or he won’t be able to survive. How he’ll push me up against a wall and kiss me so deeply and with such a strong desire I lose my breath. I show her the n
ecklace from Tiffany’s with the platinum setting and diamonds, but when I show her the note that he included with it she understands why I said it wasn’t the necklace that mattered. I tell her about the first time we made love.


“Damian’s hands were on both sides of my body close to my head. He leaned down and kissed me on the mouth then on my forehead then both of my eyes and I started to cry. He told me I was beautiful, and for the first time I was able to believe that I was. Then he said that he was going to fuck me and it was so hot hearing him say those words I almost died. He’s so good at going from sweet to dirty and making my blood boil with desire. He said he had to be inside of me” I tell Parker as she swoons.


“Wow, he sounds intense in bed, then what happened?” She asks.


“He just kind of hovered over me and stared into my eyes. He kissed away my tears and told me to relax then asked if I was ready. It had been over four years since the last time Ryan, you know? And I’d never been with anyone else so I was petrified. He stared to push into me and then he stopped to ask if I was okay. It hurt but I didn’t want him to stop so I kept telling him I was okay. Every time he pushed deeper he’d ask if I was alright and when he got it all the way in I kind of yelled on accident and he asked if it hurt and asked if I wanted him to stop again.”


“God, how big is he? Did you make him stop?”


“No I didn’t make him stop and he’s big. I don’t have much to base it on but yeah, I’d say he’s big.”


“What do you mean big? Like long big or thick big?”


“Both big!” I say smiling.


“Lucky bitch, wipe that smile off your face.”


“Sorry, it’s just been awhile since I’ve had you to talk to and I missed this, even though it was always you with the stories instead of me. And I’m frustrated right now. He won’t have sex with me until all my bones have healed. He’s too afraid he’ll hurt me but I’m going crazy. I need him, Park!”

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