Stoned (The Stone Series) (52 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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hot want 2 fuck?

hot 2…but have BF
so promise u won’t tell him


want u 2 lick me

you taste sweet?

been told so

BF is lucky guy then…is he good @ it


that’s me, baby and i’m huge

? me


Damian manages to get his phone into his pants and snaps a picture that arrives with his next text…

i am…told you…huge

when can we fuck




We are interrupted when Mac finally yells at us, “What the fuck are you two doing back there? If you’re sexting knock it the fuck off. The beeping of your phones is pissing me off; I’d rather just hear you two fucking.”


Damian and I laugh and he starts kissing me, climbs on top of me and pretends to be fucking me. He moans, “Ohh, ahh yeah that so good…give it to me, baby.”


“Cute, Stone” Mac laughs at him.


We arrive on Friday night just before dinner with our bags and a cooler full of beer and wine. I also bring along a little gift for each of Damian’s parents, a luxury cigar for Damian’s father and a vase from a New York boutique I have been frequenting for his mother.


When we pull into the driveway my eyes lock on the stunning modern
compound located five acres above the shoreline with spectacular ocean views and located directly on the beach. I can tell it was custom built to the highest of standards. The main home as well as the guest and pool houses are genius combinations of luxurious materials. A private path leads to a sandy beach known for excellent surfing, no detail has been overlooked. The back of the house is floor to ceiling glass on all sides offering stunning views of the ocean and the amazing patio, pool and expansive lawn. Carrie Stone offers to give me a tour after dinner so I can give her some decorating points.




When we arrive my mother greets us at the front door of the main house. She has a staff of people at the house working on dinner for her. I know something’s afoot when she leads us to the patio at the back of the house and I see the tables set up down on the beach with linens and china. There are settings for twelve leading me to believe my mother has invited other guests to join us. Before I can ask who they are I hear her voice.


“Hello Damian. Isn’t this a surprise?” Tory asks as she puts her hands on my chest, stands on her toes and kisses my cheek. I can feel the hatred already coming from Sydney’s now ridged body. I pull Sydney tighter into my side and introduce her. “Tory, this is my girlfriend, Sydney Cooper. Syd, this is an old family friend, Tory Lake. Our parents have been friends for years.”


Sydney realizes something is being left out of that introduction but she plasters a smile on her face and extends her hand. The tension around us is at a fever pitch.


“So, old family friend? I guess you must have a lot of catching up to do then?” Sydney asks.


“Not really, Damian and I still see each other often. Isn’t that right, Damian? Especially now with our new endeavor” Tory oozes.


“New endeavor?” Sydney looks to me for answers.


“If you’ll all excuse us, we need to go and get unpacked, we’ll be back down for dinner” I say as I take Sydney by the hand and pull her away. She’s not walking with me as willingly as she usually does and I’m bracing myself for the fallout. As soon as we are out of sight from the guests Sydney pulls out of my hand and picks up her pace heading to the house.


“Syd, wait” I demand but she ignores me and walks faster. I jog to catch her and pull her into my arms. Her body grows tight and the feeling of her in my arms ridged like this kills me, she usually melts into my touch.


“Let me go. I’m not staying here with you all weekend with her” she spits out at me pointing in the direction we’ve just come from.


“What are you talking about? What’s the problem?”


“Fuck you, Damian. Seriously? Do you think I’m that naive? She just fucked you with her eyes and yes, I’ll admit most women do that when they see you but it’s different. I can tell when the women on the street look at you that they are trying to picture fucking you, Tory, she was remembering!”


“Okay, look, yes I fucked her but it was a long time ago. She was my third sub. I ran into her shortly after I got back from college and we exchanged numbers. I never called her, she never called me then a few weeks later I saw her at a club. We hung out and when I was leaving for another club, the club I used to frequent before The Society I asked her if she wanted to tag along. She did and then one thing led to another and when my second sub’s contract ended Tory took her place. But it was like all the others, she had a contract, when it ended so did we.”


“Oh, and let me guess? She didn’t want it to end. She wanted more from you. Am I right?”


“Yes, but that was years ago. We’ve kept in touch as friends, nothing else.”


“Friends and now secret business partners from the sounds of it. If you’re such good friends why have I never heard about her or met her? And I’m guessing this business deal is what you’ve been so secretive about?”


“I have not been secretive. With everything else happening in your life right now I choose to not burden you with my work affairs. Closing on a deal like this is not without issues and I didn’t want to upset you. And I was not hiding Tory. Honestly, I never gave her or our past situation a second thought. If she does that’s her problem, not ours.”


I tell her about Tory’s plans to run the Seattle restaurant I am opening; this seems to settle Sydney a little. Knowing that she’ll be far away from me has calmed her down a bit for the time being.


“I hate thinking about you with her. I hate knowing you’ve been with all these other women. She knows what you look like naked, the sounds you make when you have sex. You’ve been inside her” Sydney starts to cry.


“Don’t cry. I hate when you cry. Everything I did with her and the rest of them was completely different from you. The whole experience, it’s not the same. I can’t change what I’ve done but you have to believe me it’s different with you.”


I manage to get Sydney to our room and we organize our things and get changed for dinner. Sydney reluctantly agrees to join the group, not wanting to upset my mother. When we reach the beach I introduce her to Tory’s parents, Dan and Elaine who I learn are staying in the guest house for the weekend while Tory and her younger brother, Tanner will use the pool house.


Someone is preparing all kinds of seafood over an open fire while a waiter passes around appetizers. We take our time through our meal and Sydney seems well at ease with my family but she refuses to look at or speak to Tory unless she can’t avoid it. Tory picks up on Sydney’s less than friendly behavior and excuses herself as soon as she can.


Once dinner is done and everyone has retired to their own rooms I talk Sydney into going for a swim with me, enticing her with the possibility of a gentle fuck in the water. I throw on a pair of shorts and Sydney slides on the red bikini I bought her for the weekend. She puts her hair up into those pigtails that drive me wild and I warn her that I might just have to ravish her in the water. She finally laughs for the first time since we arrived and it couldn’t be a sweeter sound. Once we reach the patio I grab Sydney and throw her on my back for a piggyback ride to the pool. As we approach the pool we hear faint sounds of water splashing and soft giggles. “If that is my sister and Mac getting it on in my parent’s pool I am going to have to have my retinas burned” I warn.


“Oh? But it was okay for you to have the same idea?”


“Different” is my only explanation.


When we reach the pool the sight we see might possibly be worse than if it were my sister and Mac. It’s my father and Tory, naked in the pool. My father is sitting on the steps in the shallow water, the water barely coming up to his waist and Tory is straddling and clearly riding him. Tory’s hands are tied with the bottoms of her bikini behind her back. “Fuck me hard, give it to me deep” she begs.


“Yeah, you like it hard and deep, you’re a bad girl. Where did you learn to be such a bad girl?” my father asks through grunts.


“From the best.” At her answer Sydney glares at me.


“Impossible, I’m the best, baby” my father says as Tory is forced to throw her head back as he cups her breasts and when he catches a nipple in his mouth she is flung into an orgasm. Her nipples were always her trigger point.


I pull Sydney away from the scene. “Now do you see why I keep an eye on him with you? Believe me now that he’d take you to his bed if you’d allow him to?” I whisper to Sydney as I pull her back to the house.


“Are we good now with the Tory thing? I had no interest in her before what I just witnessed but do you at least believe me now that I have less than any interest in her now?”


“Ah, duh? I don’t think I can swim in that pool ever again.”


“I’d call the pool guy in the morning but I’m afraid if he came here we’d see a repeat performance only with him and my mother in the starring roles. My psyche can’t handle it. I’ll add extra chlorine to the pool in the morning myself.”


The next morning when we wake and head down for breakfast Elaine tells us that Tory was called away on business which I know is untrue. Sydney catches my eye and raises her eyebrows at me. Later she asks me if I sent her away, making up a problem with the restaurant or if she left because of my father. I admit to thinking about sending her away but confess that I didn’t have anything to do with it. My best guess is my father once finished with her last night told her it would be best if she left. I douse the pool with chlorine as Mac and my sister look at me like I’m nuts.


“Why don’t you just call the pool guy?” my sister asks.


I shoot her a look and that’s all that it takes, she understands.


“Oh, fuck. So let me guess you’re not dousing the pool with chemicals this morning because you and Syd got it on in there last night are you? You’re doing it because mom or dad did.”


“Mmm, hmmm. Take one guess which one and let me give you a hint, Tory left already.”


“Eww, gross. She’s not much older than me and didn’t you and her…?”


“Drea, please. Don’t bring that up, Sydney is finally speaking to me again” I say as I smile in Sydney’s direction.


“Oh, man. I don’t envy you sometimes” Mac admits with a chuckle.


Once I feel the pool is thoroughly disinfected we are able to spend the rest of the weekend laying in the sun and swimming. Sydney and I spend our time with Mac and my sister, Tory’s brother Tanner barely leaves the pool house to join us for meals. I don’t figure out why until later.


Sydney gives my mother some pointers on the house and they spend some time together getting to know each other while I avoid my father. I make Drea hang out with Syd and my mother to keep an eye on our mother and monitor her intensions.


I send Sydney an email while she’s with my mother and sister…


From: Damian Stone, CEO, Stone Empire, Inc.

ubject: My Mother

July 7, 2012 4:22pm

Sydney Cooper, S&S Design Inc.


Hey Baby,

I miss you…is Drea keeping you safe from my mother?


Damian Stone

CEO, Stone Empire, Inc.



Sydney Cooper, S&S Design Inc.

Impotence 101

July 7, 2012 4:39pm

Damian Stone, CEO, Stone Empire, Inc.


I am so thankful that your sister is here, I can’t begin to tell you. You see, because she is with us and trying her best (bless her heart) to deflect your mother’s attention from me (as I am sure you forced her to do) we are being treated to your mother lecturing your sister (and me for that matter) on dating older men. I’m sorry, no not dating older men really…it’s more a lecture on how when men reach a certain age their…wait let me try to remember the word your mother used…ah, yes… cocks (I am serious, she used the word cocks!) no longer work. She then asked Drea if Mac’s “cock” goes all limp while your sister is…wait for it again…working it! When Drea yelled at her she looked at me, I politely looked away! Dear, God, what have you gotten me in to?

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