Stoned (The Stone Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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“Syd, answer me” Damian asks and I just shake my head yes. I can’t take my eyes off of the scene playing out in front of me. My heart rate has increased and my mind was trying to wrap itself around the sights and sounds surrounding me.


The man on the bed sits up and I can see the glistening around his lips from his partner. He once again spreads her open and I can see how moist she has grown, as moist as I suspect I am at the moment. He uses his index and middle fingers from his left hand to expose her clitoris then he uses those same fingers from his other hand to make small circles around it. Within minutes she is thrashing on the bed but instantly stills upon her partners warning, “Keep still now or I’ll have to cuff you.”


Just when it looks as if she’s going to fly off of the bed he stops and her eyes fly open to look at him, pleading with him but he looks at her and says, “Who decides when you come?” and her answer is simply, “You, sir, you decide.” “Good girl” he says.


He continues playing with her in that same manner stopping just when she seems to be in a frenzy over and over until finally he utters the words, “Come for me now”  as he reaches up and unclamps first one and then the other nipple. The girl begins to arch her back off of the bed as she writhers under his touch. With one last flick of his fingers her body convulses in spasms.


Damian, back to standing behind me, licks my neck and kisses me behind my ear, whispering to me, “I want to make you come like that only I’m so much better than he is and I would make you wait so much longer for it, I’d make you say my name.” I feel a pooling of liquid from my core release from my body.


He leads me to the next area. I was so enthralled with what I was watching I’m not sure if he’s just spoken to me or not. I see the room is filled with couples and small groups of people each waiting for Damian to signal their turn, they’re waiting for us to approach them so we can watch each scene.   


The next couple starts to have straight up missionary sex when they see us approaching. The man is on top and the woman below him is clearly enjoying herself already. Damian immediately asks me if I’m okay and I nod yes again. He entwines his fingers with mine but he still keeps me in front of him pressed close to his body. When the man looks at Damian, Damian nods and the man begins to cuff the woman’s arms to the bed. He then rises from the bed and I see his wet erection. He’s long but not very thick and I look away. He places the woman’s ankles in the other cuffs and now she is spread out with her arms above her head and her legs wide open, she’s unable to move. The man once again climbs on top of her and begins to pump into her. The cuffs have seemed to heighten her excitement somehow. The man reaches for a black satin blindfold that he places over her eyes then a leather gag is placed in her mouth followed by a set of headphones over her ears. “Sensory deprivation” Damian explains, “One of my favorite experiences to create for my subs. It’s an easy way for some to slip into subspace.”


I notice a movement out of the corner of my eye and when I glance over I see that it’s Andrea with Megan and Jim. When Damian sees where my gaze has gone he pulls me in their direction. I was doing okay watching people I didn’t know and may never see again but watching Megan and her husband who I will see tomorrow and numerous times while completing Megan’s designs makes me uncomfortable. Seeing Andrea like this pisses me off and I wonder if Damian is looking at her remembering her body and what he must have done to it. I don’t know if I can watch this but I promised him I’d try this experience and I will remain true to my word for as long as I can.


Megan who is dressed in a leather suit places Andrea on what looks like a gynecologist’s table with stirrups. Andrea is naked and has a very nice body. I look back at Damian to check the look on his face but he’s not looking at Andrea, he’s watching me…intently watching me.


“I don’t care about her. I never did. I’ve explained that to you. Don’t look at her as an ex-girlfriend of mine for you to be jealous of, that’s not what it was and you’ve no reason to be jealous of her or anybody. Just watch them. Watch the trust and the exchange of power, watch how beautiful it is as it happens. That’s what this lifestyle is about Syd, the trust.”


I nod my head and try my best to watch this scene more objectively.


Andrea is completely shaven and smooth everywhere. Megan places her feet in the stirrups and orders Jim who is naked and very well built and endowed to open them up wide. Andrea gives a little moan as Jim starts to crank her legs apart and Megan warns her to be silent.


“Now hold her open for me, expose her clit” Megan orders her husband and he quickly obeys his wife’s orders by slipping a silver ring over it, holding her blood filled clitoris in place and unable to hide under its protective hood. Megan takes a riding crop from her pocket and shows it to Andrea who moans from deep in her throat, Megan makes her kiss the toy then suck on it.


I sneak a glance at Damian and once again instead of watching the scene he is intent on me. His eyes are shinning with control and excitement. I know if I would let him he would take me right here, right now.


Megan pulls the crop from Andrea’s mouth and begins to subject her to fast and hard slaps of it on her sex. Andrea’s hands are free but she never tries to cover herself from the beating or run from the scene and hide. She stays still and barely flinches with each blow. I would have never thought it possible had I not witnessed it myself but Andrea has an orgasm from the riding crop slapping at her sex. When her body starts thrashing violently on the table, her eyes look right at Damian and clearly without thinking she says, “Master” to him.


At the same time as I am pulling out of Damian’s grasp and heading for the door I hear Megan order Jim to take Andrea away. I pick up my pace knowing that Damian is right behind me. I can hear him calling my name so I stop, turn to him and say the only thing I can think to say, “Stones” and then I keep on walking. Damian has me by the shoulders turning me around to face him within seconds.


“Do not fucking safe word me over this. Do you understand me? You can safe word me if you’re scared, or I’m pushing you too far but you will not safe word me because Andrea called to me when she came and it pissed you off. It should piss you off but being pissed off is not the time to safe word.”


“Why? Why did she say your name? Think about it, Day. She’s clearly in love with you. I can’t compete with her and I won’t even try. I have to go, I can’t stay here, this was a mistake. I don’t know what I was thinking”, I cry.


“You are not going anywhere without me” he orders as he pulls me back into his private room. “Now sit down and listen to me” he orders me harshly. “Here’s the deal, Andrea was my sub until December at which time our contract was up and I was over her. I was never really that into her in the first place. I allowed her to remain in The Society and Megan was interested in training Jim to be her Dominant so they could flop roles from time to time so she took Andrea on for Jim’s training. It’s been over between us for months now.”


“It may be over for you but Andrea clearly still has feelings for you. I felt it the first time I met her. Why did you give her up in December?”


“Our contract was up; I told you it was over.”


“So when will our contract expire? How do you think I can be with you if I know there’s a planned expiration date? I was crazy to even consider this. I’m leaving” I say as I turn to leave the room but Damian is between me and the door before I can even reach for the door knob.


“Things are different with you, Sydney. I’ve been trying to tell you that. I don’t want us to have an expiration date.”


“Well, I’m sure Andrea didn’t want one either but that didn’t stop you did it? What was it she did want, huh, Damian, what?”


He sighs and hangs his head as he replies, “She wanted to be with me out of a contract, not my sub, as my girlfriend and I said no.” 


“She wanted what you’re offering me? Is that what you’re offering me?”


“Sydney, please this is hard for me.”


I interrupt, “Oh, and this is easy for me?”


“I know. I know it’s not. And you are amazing. I watched you the whole time in there. I almost came in my fucking pants just watching you. You have this innocence about you but I could tell how turned on you were at the same time. The internal struggle you’re having over this is exactly what I knew it would be and what it’s doing to me is not of this world.”


He lunges at me and covers my mouth with his. As Damian begins kissing me I start to soften in his embrace, my body betraying my mind. I feel his lips meet mine and I feel the groan run through his entire body. His tongue opens my mouth and I allow it to explore me.


“You’re very cute when you’re jealous and feisty” he teases me as I soften in his embrace.


“It scares me, the way I feel about you. I don’t want to become Andrea. I don’t want to be someone you can just replace when our “contract” is up” I admit.


“Fuck the god damn contract. No contract, just us if that’s what I have to do, I’ll do it. I just want you to be mine, I don’t need a contract for that. I know what you need and what you don’t want. But Sydney, right now I need to fuck you. I want to fuck you more than I’ve ever wanted it before in my life. Please, I’m dying every second I’m not inside of you” he says as he goes to unzip my dress and I freeze.


“No!” I yell as I push him backwards, “Not here, not like this for the first time, please, you said it wouldn’t be like this the first time. Damian, there’s something you have to know. I’m not a virgin because of Ryan but I am in every other sense of the word. I have never been kissed by anyone other than you. I have never had a boyfriend or held a boy’s hand. No one has ever touched me…there; I’ve never touched myself. After Ryan, I just couldn’t, I never wanted any of it until I met you. So please not here, not the first time” I plead.


Damian surprises me when he lifts me into his arms and carries me from the room through the large playroom where couples are still having sex and out to the car. At some point Mac and Dominick must have seen us and followed because they are right at our side and opening the backdoor of the Bentley for us to climb in.


“What are you doing?” I ask.


“I’m taking you home to my bed and I’m going to make love to you softly and slowly like I promised until you beg me to fuck you hard and even then Sydney, make no mistake I will be making love to you” he says with sincerity.


We pull up in front of our apartment building and Damian doesn’t bother to wait for Mac or Dominick to open the door. He opens his door, comes around to my side of the car and escorts me into the building. Mac catches up with us and when he tries to get into the elevator Damian raises a hand and he freezes. He clearly doesn’t like the idea of allowing us to be alone but he’s not about to express his complaints with his boss. The elevator doors close and Damian traps me between the wall and his body, the hard slab of muscle on his abdomen covers me, presses into my torso. His scent fills my nostrils, a woodsy aroma mixed with pure male adrenaline and a hint of spice. This man is genuine testosterone. His left hand is on the wall near my head as his right grabs my left leg, bends it at the knee and lifts it up. He notches his pulsing erection into the crook between my legs where it belongs, home. His hand starts making its way over my thigh climbing higher and higher, dragging my dress up with his hand to expose my overheated flesh. His lips are inches from mine but he isn’t kissing me. His mouth is slightly open and he licks his lips while looking at mine. His breath is minty and strained as he struggles to remain calm. After a minute he can’t resist and he bites my bottom lip as he presses his hips harder into me. He can feel my resistance waning but still existing.


“Are you
scared with where this is going? I’m I frightening you?”


“No, I’m okay. A little…I don’t know. Don’t have the words for this.”


“Try, what’s the problem? You’re resisting me; I need you to give yourself to me completely” 


“I like that you possess me, I like that you take over but I feel like it’s wrong, like I shouldn’t want this especially after what I’ve been through.”


“It’s not wrong. You can submit to me sexually and still be strong. You need me to guide you, Sydney, because of what happened to you. It’s not wrong to want this, we’re consenting adults and what we do in our private life is our business alone. No one has to know what we do; it’s none of their business.”


The elevator arrives at the penthouse and Damian picks me up in his arms once again and carries me to his bedroom. He places me on the bed so that I am sitting on the edge; he kneels in front of me and raises my foot. He removes my right shoe then switches to my other foot to remove the shoe on my left. He takes me by my hands and stands me up pulling me towards his hard body again. I place my hands on his firm chest and raise my eyes to look up at him. He smiles and asks, “You okay so far?”

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