Stoned (The Stone Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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Sated enough to survive the next few minutes we manage to keep our hands to ourselves after that to actually get clean in the shower. I condition my hair and Damian washes the rest of his body. We dry off and when Damian heads to his bedroom to get dressed but I remember then that I don’t have any clean clothes.


“I’ll have to go downstairs to get dressed. I’ll wait for you then we can go down together.”


“You’re not planning on going down in the elevator in a towel are you?” he asks.


“Sure, why not? You’re coming with me, right?”


“Yeah, part of the problem baby. Elevator sex is even better than shower sex and with you in a towel I can guarantee you we will be stopping between floors.”


“Won’t Mac be with us?”


“Not with you in a towel he won’t. It’s bad enough he was banging my sister before she left, I’m not going to have him looking at you and getting any ideas.”


“Your sister? He was having sex with your sister? How do you know?”


“I caught him coming out of her room half naked.”


“Ah. Well, she’s a big girl, right? And he seems like a great guy.”


“Yeah, that’s the only reason I didn’t kill him. Honestly, my sister is a tough ass. I often wonder if this dominant side of me is hereditary, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out she was also into it. I wouldn’t want to know about it, but I wouldn’t be surprised.”


Damian gets dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and an expensive looking tight black t-shirt while I sit and watch. I rub my hands over his chest to feel how soft the material is and how hard he is underneath it. He places his hands on top of mine. “We’ll never leave this room today if you keep that up” he warns. “I love the way your hands feel on me.”


From the top of his dresser he grabs his wallet and a pair of sunglasses in polished chrome that he hooks into the front of his shirt. Oh, he’s going to look super hot in those. He opens his dresser and hands me a pair of his tight boxer briefs, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. As I am putting them on he is fishing around for something in a bag and when he comes closer he has a fairly thick rope that he ties around my waist to hold his shorts on my body. When I look at him his only response is, “Always prepared baby, always prepared.”


We find Mac dressed and ready to go, waiting for us in the main living space and I blush instantly wondering if he heard what’s been going on in Damian’s bedroom for the past twelve or so hours. Damian unfazed by Mac’s possible knowledge of our love making takes me by the hand and the three of us head out to my apartment.


“Mac, we won’t be long. Make yourself at home” Damian says as we enter my apartment.


I’m not sure what he has planned for my bedroom but my apartment is much smaller than his and surely Mac would hear us if we were to do anything. Damian leads me to my room by the hand and when we walk through the door he spins me, kicks the door closed and entraps me against the back of the door. His lips are on mine and I can’t wait to be in his mouth. I use my tongue to open his lips and after a fast dance of our tongues I bite his bottom lip like he does to me and now I know why. I suck on it then lick it as it swells from the abuse, the whole time listening to Damian’s moans of pleasure. He slides his hands up my sides and lets his thumbs brush over my nipples making them hard. He stands back to look at his handy work.


“You look so fucking hot in my clothes without a bra but take the t-shirt off for me, really slow. I want to suck your nipples” he orders and I morph into Cinnamon Stick seductively removing his t-shirt and tossing it to the floor. He slams me up against the wall just hard enough to make my sex vibrate. He cups both breasts in his hands and pushes them up and into each other so he can easily lick them both in fast succession. I run my hands through his hair and his sunglasses fall to the floor. Damian is working on the rope he tied around his shorts when we hear Mac knocking on the door.


“I’m sorry to bother you but there’s something you’ll want to see” Mac calls through the door.


“Get dressed; meet me in the living room. We’ll finish this later” Damian says as he replaces his sunglasses this time on his head and tries to shift his erection in his shorts before heading out to Mac.


Just as I am deciding on my teal back-tie halter dress all hell breaks loose in my apartment. I rush out in Damian’s boxers and t-shirt held in front of my body, having already removed the shirt for Damian. I find Damian, a man crazy who has lost his mind; there is no other explanation for the behavior I witness.




Things are just heating up again with Sydney; I have her tits in my hands and mouth when Mac knocks on her door.


“I’m sorry to bother you but there’s something you’ll want to see” Mac calls through the door.


I tell Sydney to get dressed and meet me in the living room and I head out to see what’s got Mac’s panties in a bunch. I know it must be important for him to disturb me in the condition I’m in. When I reach the living room he hands me an envelope addressed to Sydney. He says it was left at the front desk but no one saw who left it or when. I open it and slide out the pictures inside. Each one is of Sydney, Sydney going into S&S, Sydney coming out of Stone’s with Megan, Sydney leaving our building, Sydney looking sexier than I’ve ever seen her but I can’t tell where she is in the shot.


“This note was also in the envelope. You should sit down, you are not going to like it” Mac says as he hands me a typed note.



You can’t hide from me you stupid bitch, I warned you of that. You should have listened to me because now I am mad and you know how you don’t like what happens when I’m mad. I know where you are and what you do, I’m watching you always. I hope that boyfriend of yours hasn’t been having fun playing with
your sweet pussy; it is still mine and always will be. Does he know what a dirty slut you are?

Until I can have what is mine again
sleep tight!


I feel my blood pressure go through the roof and I know I am going to explode but there is nothing I can do to avoid it. Ryan, Sydney’s step brother who spent years raping her has been following her or having someone else follow her and take pictures of her. They have been close enough to take these pictures of her. He is threatening her, he called her a stupid bitch and he had the fucking nerve to call her pussy his. I pick up the first thing I see which happens to be a vase of flowers on Sydney’s kitchen island and I slam it into the door that I then punch before I hurl a chair across the room. Mac finally grabs me into a bear hug but it’s not until I see the scared look on Sydney’s face as she comes out of her bedroom that I breathe and try to relax. Mac lets me go when he feels me calm and Sydney falls to the floor to look at the pictures and note that I dropped.


She starts shaking as she’s reading it and when she looks at the pictures she gasps and drops them to the floor. I rush to her and bundle her in my arms and hold her on my lap. She rests her head on my shoulder and I inhale her hair. Her smell calms me and I can feel my embrace do the same to her.


“Shh, baby, it’s okay. You’re with me and you’re always safe with me. I will never let anyone hurt you. I promise. You know that, right?”


“Yes, it’s just he was so close to me. I never saw him when he took these pictures. How could that be? How did I not sense him near me? I should have felt it somehow. Don’t I have any self preservation skills?” Sydney asks but I don’t answer, I just wrap her in my arms and hold her.


“I’ll call Megan and cancel, you don’t need to go there today” I offer but she tells me that she’d rather we went, that it will help get her mind off of Ryan. I ask Mac to call a quick meeting with Jonesie and Dominick before we leave for Megan’s.




Mac and Dominick come to Megan’s with Damian and I. They are deep in conversation in the front seat about the new Ryan development so we have all the privacy we need for our conversation in the backseat.


“Want to talk?” Damian asks.


“Sure” I say as I put my head on his shoulder again. He takes my hand in his and gives it a little squeeze.


“I know where you were in all the pictures but this one” he says when he shows me the picture of me on the street on my way to Hard as Stone. I have my make up done heavy, the way Cinnamon Stick wears it. I don’t want to lie to him but after the destruction he left Jonesie dealing with in my apartment I don’t think now would be a good time to tell him about my side job striping.


“It was the night I went out to your club I think” I lie and hate myself for it.


“You look gorgeous” he says then growls.




“He said your pussy was his, would always be his. Sydney I could kill him for that sentence alone.”


“Damian, you know I was never his and will never be. I have only given myself to you. He took what wasn’t his; I never gave it to him, I never offered myself to him. I’ve only offered myself to you.”


“I know baby, I’m sorry. Please don’t explain, this isn’t your fault and I’m so sorry about your apartment. Jonesie will have it fixed by the time we get back. I didn’t scare you too bad did I? You know I would never take my anger out on you, don’t you?” he asks.


I’ve never been scared of him; it’s Ryan that has me pissing in my pants right now even though Damian tells me that I will have even tighter security 24/7. I have no idea what I am going to do about getting to Hard as Stone tonight. Maybe I can talk Mac into bringing me but not telling Damian where I am. I doubt he’ll like that too much but it’s worth a try.


“Let’s change the subject, I don’t want to talk about this anymore” I say. “How am I doing in my training so far?” I ask, drastically changing the subject.


“Very well, but I wouldn’t say your training has begun yet. What we’ve done has been awesome but it’s all been pretty straight up vanilla. We’ll start your real training tonight unless you’re too sore. How do you feel?”


“Good, I feel a little pinch when I move a certain way but I kind of like it. It reminds me of it, of you.”


“Mmm…good, that’s what I want and I plan to keep you sore so you won’t forget me.”


“Can I ask you about something?”


“You can ask me anything.”


“Will you tell me about the other girls? I can’t stop picturing you with them and it’s driving me crazy. Maybe I won’t be so jealous if I know what happened instead of picturing things in my head.”


“What do you want to know?”


“I don’t know, start at the beginning. How did you get into all of this? You said something once about one of your teachers?”




I knew this would come sooner or later but I was hoping to put this off until I had taken her through some of her training that way I would feel more control over her. Telling her about this now makes me concerned that she might want to run. I guess it’s a chance I have to take because I know if I don’t talk to her about this I’m running the risk of her bolting anyway.


“Freshman year on 9/11 one of my professors became my Dominant. She was young and hot and so sexy. She would wear these outfits to class that would have Alex and I trying to hold our books over our boners. She knew exactly what she was doing; she loved knowing that she was driving us wild. I was in her class when the towers were hit. I thought my dad was at work that day. I ran out of her class and she was worried about me so after her classes were done she came to my dorm to make sure I was alright. When she got there I was destroying my room, way worse then what I just did to your apartment. I guess I have a little problem with anger management sometimes.” I smile and put our clasped hands in my lap before I continue on with my story.


“She took over and I let her, I needed someone to be in control because I certainly was not. I was so scared that my dad was dead, maybe my sister and mother. I couldn’t reach my cousin who is like a brother to me or his wife; I was out of my mind with fear that everyone I loved was dead. I had no way of finding out if any of them were in the towers. I knew some of my friends must have been. So when she told me to go with her I listened. The whole ride we were silent, she never spoke to me or asked if I’d be interested in what she wanted from me. She took me to a hotel room. When she opened the door I saw “toys” on the bed. She had a paddle, a flogger and a riding crop laying there for me to see. When I walked in she closed and locked the door behind us and told me to listen to her very carefully. She made me sign a paper stating that I wouldn’t tell anyone about us or what we’d soon be doing together. It was a contract of sorts but nothing like what I used, noting like the one I showed you. It wasn’t for my good; it was to keep her secret safe from the school and her family. She never asked me what my limits were; my limits would be what she said they were. She told me that she wanted me to be her submissive, that I was falling hard and needed her guidance and I had no idea what that really meant. At the time I was a horny eighteen year old. When an older women offers you sex you take it any way she’s willing to give it to you, you don’t ask questions.”

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