Stoned (The Stone Series) (31 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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She rolls her eyes at me and I know telling her about this is not a good idea so I go with the fastest version I can come up with. “Each submissive spent one semester with me then we both moved on, some of them were friends with each other before me and many have remained close after being with me. Some fled the city after me for marriages and life in the suburbs and others I still see from time to time at The Society. Once the semester ended and our contract expired I was never with them again sexually or otherwise.”


“I hate knowing that these girls are walking around with such intimate knowledge of you and your body, what you did with them, what you like. I want to know who every single one who still frequents The Society is, if I’m ever to go back there again. I don’t want to be there and find out some girl we’re watching was yours.”


Her comment and tone piss me off. “None of them are mine. None of them were ever mine in the sense that you are mine. And know that I belong to you, Sydney. You have had me since you fell on your knees in Alex’s office. You are all that I want. And you are mine, no one else.” Then I process what else she said and ask, “Wait, you might want to go back there with me?”


She agrees to go back to The Society if and only if I tell her every woman there that I’ve fucked. Veronica is not going to go over well with her, I can tell. I’ll have to make sure she’s never there when Sydney is that way I won’t have to tell her that she subbed for me. She’s too good at her job for me to lose.




By the time Damian is winding down with his story the traffic has started to move and we are close to the city. We ride the rest of the way in companionable silence, me thinking about my plan to sneak away to Hard as Stone tonight. Damian takes a call from someone and when he hangs up we are at our building. We follow close between Mac and Dominick as the paparazzi snaps pictures and calls out to Damian. We head to my apartment to check on the mess that we left earlier. Jonesie has worked wonders or brought someone in who did. You would never know what had happened here earlier today. The vase of flowers has been replaced, the chair is either new or fixed to perfection and the door is dent free.


Damian asks if it would be okay if we ate in tonight and I tell him I’m not even hungry. He has to go check on one of his establishments around nine and he’d rather I stayed home with Mac or Dominick where I’d be safer and I agree. It’s perfect timing as my first set starts at nine. I spend the next hour sitting on the couch with him watching reruns on TV. We must look like every other normal couple in America on a cozy Saturday night. The thought makes me laugh. Normal. I’m about to talk my body guard into sneaking off with me to the strip club I work at so my Dominant, Head Master of a sex club boyfriend won’t know I work there. Yeah, just like every other couple in America, so normal.


At around eight Damian gets up to head to his apartment then turns to head out. He asks if I’ll be alright for a couple of hours with Dominick and I assure him that I’ll be fine. He said he’ll be back shortly after midnight. He makes me promise to call him if I’m scared or anything happens. At one point he even changes his mind and says he’s not going to leave me that he’ll stay with me and deal with work another night. Then he says he’ll just take me with him. Each time he does this I get sick to my stomach. I talk him into going to work, that I’m in excellent hands with Dominick. He finally agrees to my relief and kisses me good-bye before calling up to the penthouse for Dominick.



“We’ll pick up where we left off this morning when I get back
, then if you’re up for it we can start your training” he offers as he leaves with a wiggle of his eyebrows.


I rush to my bedroom, pack my bag with Cinnamon Stick’s costume and do my hair and makeup. When I walk out I find Dominick on my couch watching TV with his cell phone on one leg and his gun next to him.


“Ms. Cooper, I didn’t realize you’d be joining Mr. Stone this evening. Let me just get my things and we can go” Dominick says.


“Um, Dominick? I need your help. Can you keep a secret?”


“That depends” he warns.


I tell him about my job and that I don’t want Damian to know yet. I explain that I’ll own up to it soon but that I want us to be more stable and secure in our relationship before I tell him. Dominick seems to buy the whole thing and we head out for Hard as Stone. It was way easier than I thought. I hope I don’t get Dominick into too much trouble. If Damian gets back before us, Dominick and I are both going to be over his knee.


We go in the back entrance and I head to my dressing room while Dominick finds a seat at the bar promising he won’t look anywhere near the stage while I’m performing. As I walk away I notice he’s on his cell. I hope he’s not on the phone with Damian telling on me.


Clark comes to tell me it’s time for my first set and he warns me that the owner just arrived to watch me. He tells me to break a leg and escorts me to the stage, my music starts and the curtain goes up.


I begin at the back of the stage with my back to the audience. As my music begins I roll my hips with my hands above my head. My right hip is jutting out to the side and my left knee is bent. When the beat of the drums enter into the song I begin to strut to the front of the stage with my hands calling to the crowd, begging them to come to me. A bunch of guys who are regulars take this to mean they should come to the foot of the stage as they always do. Two bouncers are always at the foot of the stage so I know none of them will jump up and get close enough to touch me. It still makes me nervous after that night with Mark so I quickly scan their faces to be sure none are his. When I get to the stripper pole that is in the middle of the stage I twirl around it a few times then continue to the front of the stage. Thirty seconds into the song when the lyrics begin I rip open my white men’s button down dress shirt to reveal my black lace push up bra. Then I pull my pigtails out and shake my hair loose before I take the whip that I have at my waist and snap it on the floor. I snap the whip a few times, let my shirt fall off my arms then I follow the whip’s path to the floor with my hand at the base of the striper pole and I reach for the hand cuffs. I cuff myself to the pole by my right wrist, raise and place my right leg on the pole then spin around it allowing the audience the first sight of my black G-string. One minute into the song when the chorus begins and I’m done spinning on the pole I look out into the audience again and right into Damian’s eyes. His eyes that are usually warm are cold but flaming with heat at the same time. He effortlessly jumps onto the stage and the bouncers let him, I’m not sure what the hell they’re thinking. He looks like a pissed off lunatic, why would they let him get near me? He rips his shirt off, flinging buttons all over the stage and throws it around me. The other guys in the audience are booing him and starting to get crazy.


Damian yells to the bouncers, “Shut that fucking shit down now and give me the fucking key for this!”


Drew, the smaller of the two bouncers near the stage gives Damian the key while the other one starts clearing the guys away from the stage. Damian uncuffs me and flings me over his shoulder. He walks down the stairs to the left of the stage and when we pass Clark, Damian asks, “Is the office empty?”


Is the office empty? And then it hits me. Why did I not put this together before? Hard as Stone. Stone! He’s the owner. Fuck!


He punches in a code to the office door, S-T-O-N-E no doubt and puts me down as he kicks the door closed behind us.


“Do you want to tell me what the fuck is going on here, Sydney or is it Cinnamon Stick?” he asks as he rakes his hands one after the other through his hair making him look more like a wild man than he just did when he effortlessly leaped up onto the stage.


“Okay, I can explain” I try to begin but he cuts me off.


“Damn fucking right you’re going to explain. I come in here to see this new girl who works for me, who is bringing in more money after only being here a few nights than some girls who have a following of regulars from years and I find you on the stage half fucking naked fucking a striper pole in a bondage scene.”


“Yeah, kind of ironic isn’t it?” I say trying to lighten the mood but he’s not having any of it.


“Being sassy is not going to help you right now, I can assure you that. You leave me no choice. You’re training is starting right now. Come here. You’ve had your one free pass but this” he points to my costume, “and that sassy mouth has earned you your first punishment and while we’re at it we may talk about a few other past punishable offenses.”


Damian sits down in the chair and I walk over to him knowing full well what’s about to happen.


“What are the safe words, Sydney?” he asks.


“Sticks and Stones.”


“Hmm…isn’t that ironic? Sticks? Cinnamon Stick? And Stones? You are even more cleaver than I thought” he growls. “Over my knee. Now. I am going to spank you until that sweet ass is red.”


I’m too scared to lay across his lap and when I don’t move he opens the desk and takes out a roll of thick tape.


“Did Dominick rat me out?” I ask.


“No, he knew I owned this club and he knew this was where I was going so he didn’t see any harm in bringing you here. He called Mac to let him know what you were up to and when Mac told me I couldn’t believe what I was hearing but then there you were right in front of my eyes on that stage looking like this” he snarls while he points to my outfit.


“Now hold your hands behind your back, wrists together and turn around. Do not hesitate this time Sydney, it’s only pissing me off more and I don’t think I am capable of being much more pissed than I am right now.”


I turn around; put my hands behind my back with my wrists together. I hear Damian pull the tape, it sounds like it’s a very long piece then he rips it with his teeth. I feel the stickiness on my wrists as he orders, “Stay still.”  


When he’s satisfied that my hands are bound he swings me around and onto his lap. I feel his erection under me and I know that he’s enjoying this even if he is pissed off.


“You okay?”


“I…um…I think so. I’m scared it’s going to hurt.”


“You’re safe with me, you’ll be fine. Safe-word if you need to.”


I feel his smooth hands lift my skirt and he has to catch his breath when he sees my G-string. His hands rub over my ass then he bends and kisses both cheeks. He doesn’t make contact with me for a minute then he slaps me on my right buttocks hard. It stings and brings tears to my eyes.


“If you squirm I will not stop until you stay still. Understand?”


I shake my head yes but I know I am not going to be able to cooperate. My skin is already growing warm and pink but my body is surprisingly going loose. I feel his erection bounce under me and then the second slap is to my left then the third and fourth follow on my right in quick succession. I can’t believe how excited this is making me. It hurts more and more with every blow but the moisture between my legs is also rapidly increasing. He is smacking harder now and holding the back of my neck firmly. The grip on my neck feels like what I think mother cats do to their young as they pick them up. The kittens go limp in their grasp as I am limp in Damian’s grasp now. My excitement is growing and I am feeling the need to release my pent up desire. The pain I feel from each slap somehow turns into a feeling of pleasure that runs throughout my body. My need for an orgasm is off the charts.  Damian must also sense my excitement because he leans down and whispers into my ear, “Do not come. You will not come unless you are told, Sydney. Do you understand me?”


“I can’t control it” I try to explain.


He runs his fingertips over the pink skin of my buttocks then hits me again saying, “You getting off on this? You will not come. Do you understand me? You will not come unless you are told.”


“Yes, I understand. I’ll try.”


“Good girl. You’re so fucking perfect.”


Damian gives each cheek a pinch and I try to squirm to avoid the pinches but he holds me firmly in place.


“Are you okay, baby? You with me?”




“Syd? Ah, I think you’re in subspace, darling. Just focus on the sensations. I’m going to spank you harder now. Ready?”



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