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Authors: Lena Matthews

Still the One (13 page)

BOOK: Still the One
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“Wow.” Creigh picked up her glass and took a sip to clear her throat. “That‟s

some basket.”

“Well when I said I had a present for you, I should have been more clear. Here

is a present for you.”

“Not from you?”

“No.” He shook his head and smiled. “I take no responsibility for what‟s in the



Lena Matthews

Dean set the wicker basket covered in clear cellophane on the bed in front of


“Who does?” Creigh leaned closer to take a better look, and when her gaze

landed on the red heart-shaped handcuffs, she had the answer to her question. “A-


“A-mei.” He grinned. “It would be a shame not to at least open it and see

what‟s inside.”

“I‟m more interested in how we decide who‟s getting tied up.” Dean raised a

brow, putting to bed all doubts of who the bondee and bonder would be. “Your way. I


“See that you don‟t again.” Dean began to unravel the clear wrap. “I will,

however, let you pick one thing you definitely want to experience and one thing you

would prefer not to experience, but know this—at the end of the day, it will be me

making that final call.”

“Talk about pressure.” Creigh took another drink, this time to calm her nerves.

“Okay. Let‟s see what‟s in this baby.” Dean picked up the food tray and took it out of

the room as Creigh dumped the basket upside down, spilling its dirty little secrets

all over the quilt.

She riffled through the usual lineup of sex toys and made three piles. One for

things she wanted to try, one for things she‟d already tried but would be willing to

do again, and one pile—which just consisted of anal beads—of things she didn‟t

want to play with.

By the time he came back in, she was done. Instead of joining her on the bed

right away, Dean picked up the bottle of wine and held it out to her. “Want a refill?”

Creigh held up her glass. “Please and thank you.” She didn‟t know when she‟d

have the time to do this again. She was going to have to throw away all her milk for

the next twenty-four hours anyway, so she might as well live it up.

“You‟re more than welcome.” Dean poured her another glass like the seasoned

bartender he was fast becoming. Moving over to the lamp on the desk, he held the

Still the One


bottle up in front of the light. “You might have enough for one or two glasses more.”

He turned back to look at her. “Do you want to finish it now or wait?”

“Hmmm.” Creigh released a contented sigh and lay back on the propped-up

pillows on the bed. She was careful not to spill her drink or cause the toys to tumble

to the floor. “Probably wait. I might need the liquid courage before the night is


“No, you won‟t,” he said as he nudged her feet out of the way. “You trust me.”

“That I do.” Creigh pulled her legs up so he could get comfortable as he looked

through the naughty toys. Curious to see what his choices would be, she bent her

knees and placed her feet flat on the mattress a few inches away from one another

so she could see what he was doing. “And that trust”—she paused to frown when he

picked up the anal beads—“is why I‟m in the position I‟m in now.”

Dean set down the beads, then looked up at her. He ran his gaze over her

provocative pose and grinned. “And what a position it is.” Dean playfully nudged

her knees farther apart toward the mattress. “That‟s even better. One of my


“Is there a position you‟re not a fan of?”

Dean tilted his head as if he was seriously considering her question. After a

few seconds, he shook his head. “Nope. Can‟t think of one.”

“That‟s what I thought.” Laughing, she went to close her legs but was stopped

by Dean‟s hands on her knees, keeping them apart. The sensual way he gazed at

her when he did it caused butterflies to take flight in her stomach. “What are you

doing?” she asked softly.


“At what?”

“My sexy wife.”

Words to warm a woman‟s heart. “Enjoying the view?”


Lena Matthews

“It‟s a hell of view.” The sincerity in his voice gave her libido a nudge to wake

up, because it was time to play again.

“Hmmm.” Creigh reached over to the table and snagged the bottle of wine. She

placed it between her legs, covering her sex with the green glass and label. Creigh

was feeling feisty, and she wanted to play. “Still enjoying the view?”

“Not only am I enjoying it, I‟m also coming up with a way to combine my love

of pussy with my love of alcohol.”

“You don‟t even like wine.”

“Maybe”—he snagged the bottle from her—“I just haven‟t had it the right way


“Which way would that be?”

“With you as my flute.”

“Come again?”

“And again and again and again.” Dean climbed onto the bed on his knees and

pushed the toys off the mattress as if they were nothing more than bed lint. With a

devilish glimmer in his eyes, he moved between her splayed legs. “Hand me two



“Because I told you to,” he said with all seriousness. “Game on, cara.”

That was all she needed to hear. Creigh downed the rest of her drink in one big

gulp and then set the flute on the table and out of harm‟s way. Sitting up, she

grabbed two pillows from behind her head and handed them over to her husband.

“Good girl. Now lay flat on your back and your raise hips so I can put the

pillows underneath your ass.”

Creigh opened her mouth to question him but thought better of it. The longer

she put it off, the longer it would take for her to come. She didn‟t have a clue what

he was going to do, but she didn‟t doubt for one moment that she was going to enjoy

the hell out of it.

Still the One


Once she was in the exact position he requested, back on the mattress, hips

elevated, she ventured a word. “Dean.”


“What are you doing?”

“Refining my palette.”

“What does tha—” Creigh gasped as a cool circular object was inserted inside

her pussy. “Oh my God!”

“Be still, love. You don‟t want to spill the wine, do you?”

“I‟m not so sure about this.” She shrieked the last word as he angled the bottle

up and poured a bit of the chilled wine into her pussy. “Oh. My. God.” She liked

kink just as much as the next girl, but this went a little beyond the furry handcuffs

and a slap on the butt.

“I‟m feeling more refined by the moment.” Dean jiggled the bottle a bit, then

pulled it free.

“Honey!” Her voice reflected her shock, but she was turned on as hell too.

“Stay still,” he warned as he set the bottle on the floor and moved into position

between her legs. “We can‟t have it all spilling out before I‟ve had my wine tasting.”

The chilled liquid barely had a chance to trickle forth before Dean placed his

mouth on her pussy and drank the sweet nectar. When he‟d quenched his thirst and

wet her appetite for more, he rose from between her legs and leaned over her. His

lips and chin glistened from a combination of the wine and the evidence of her own

excitement, and he wasted no time in sharing the flavor he‟d enjoyed with her.

Dean slipped his hand behind her head to anchor himself, then lowered his

mouth over hers. With a deep moan, she surrendered to the kiss, opening her lips

and meeting his desire with the fierceness of her own. He wasn‟t a gentle lover.

Dean never had been. He always gave as well as he took, never holding back from

his pleasure or from helping her reach her own. Her body was his to do with as he


Lena Matthews

wanted, and his as she wanted. She was just as aggressive as he was, just as

passionate, which was why the sex between them was explosive.

With a groan, Dean broke the kiss but lingered long enough above to lave her

lips with his tongue. “Chardonnay has never tasted sweeter. You‟ll make a wine

drinker of me yet.”

Creigh felt drunk herself. “This is insane.”

“But it‟s fun. So much fun I‟m going to go back for more,” he said as he reached

over and picked up the bottle from the floor.

“Be. My. Guest.” She laid her head back on the pillow and spread her legs

wide. If she couldn‟t be naughty with her husband, then who in the world could she

be naughty with?

As before, Dean took the bottle and slipped it inside her. This time, however,

instead of just tilting it up and pouring the liquid inside, he pulled it out, then

pressed it in again, using the dark green neck of glass as a man-made cock—fucking

it in and out of her pussy.

Creigh was bowled over by his deviant behavior and more turned on than she‟d

ever admit. The feel of the smooth glass was unlike anything she‟d ever


“You like that, love?”

Creigh felt her pussy clenching and chuckled. “Strangely. Yes. Feels good.”

“Good enough to get you off?” Dean smirked with a knowing grin.

“Quicker than any toy in that basket.”

“Then you chose wisely.”

That hadn‟t been her intention, but it worked so well she was more than happy

to take the credit for it. “Just don‟t stop.”

“I don‟t plan on stopping until you flavor this bottle with your sweet essence.”

“You‟re not…going to have long to wait,” she said on baited breath.

Still the One


“However long it takes. I don‟t care. I just want to watch you come.” True to his

words, Dean kept at her. He sank the bottle into her over and over until it became a

kinetic movement of pleasure. Every plunge seemed deeper than the one before.

Instead of questioning why he was doing what he was doing or why she was

enjoying it, Creigh accepted it. It was the norm for them. It was different. Kinky.

Something she would have never considered in a million years, yet her body was

primed and aching for relief.

Taking her breasts in her hands, she squeezed her nipples tight, needing the

extra bit of pressure. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the sensations

robbing her blind. Her body was a taut string of desire, and just when Creigh

thought she would never get off, Dean pressed the bottle into her as far as it would

go, then leaned forward and took her clit between his lips and sucked it hard into

his mouth. The feel of his tongue, stroking and teasing her heated nub, combined

with the chilled glass sent her soaring. The scream that tore from Creigh‟s mouth as

her climax ripped through her was animalistic. It was so powerful it took almost

everything out of her, leaving Creigh whimpering and trembling on the bed.

Dean didn‟t waste a second. Sitting up, he pulled the bottle from her sex and

moved into position between her splayed, trembling thighs. He didn‟t wait for her to

calm down; he didn‟t wait for her to give him an okay. He just centered the crown of

his shaft against her damp opening and thrust inside her.

“Dean,” she gasped.

His entry was intense and swift and, much like the man himself, took her

breath away. “It‟s going to be fast, and it‟s going to be hard,” he warned through

gritted teeth.

That sounded great to her. “That‟s exactly how I want it. Fuck me. Don‟t hold


“Do you know what you‟re asking for?”

“I‟m asking for my husband to love me, his way.”


Lena Matthews

“Then that‟s what you‟re going to get.” Dean pulled his hips back, then

powered forth, pushing her deeper into the mattress. “But don‟t say you weren‟t


If he continued fucking her like this, she wasn‟t going to be able to say much at

all. And Creigh was more than okay with that.

Even though he had her permission to be as rough as he wanted, Dean would

rather die than hurt Creigh. Feeling the last shred of control he had begin to slip

away, Dean gripped his hands in her hair and stared down into the dark pools of

her eyes. He thrust once more inside her just for the thrill of it, then held himself


The wine bottle had definitely opened her a bit. She wasn‟t as fist tight as she

normally was, but Dean wasn‟t complaining at all. The usual heat of her pussy was

cool, almost crisp. It added an extra sensation he hadn‟t been expecting and made

her unbelievably wet. If he stayed in this position for long, not only would he fuck

her into the sheets, he‟d do it at record-breaking speed. He needed to slow down

before he ended things prematurely.

“Change of plans.” He released his hold on her and pulled out of her too-

tempting body.

He quickly moved off the bed and began to rearrange it more to his liking.

Unlike him, though, Creigh didn‟t downshift that fast. She eased up on her

elbows and stared at him; shock colored her face. “What? Wait. There was a plan?”

“There is now,” Dean said as he climbed back on the bed. “Get up.”

“Get up, get down, good Lord,” she muttered as she obeyed. “When do I get

BOOK: Still the One
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