Read Still the One Online

Authors: Lena Matthews

Still the One (12 page)

BOOK: Still the One
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is I want and for you to like it.”

“Oh I forgot.”

“See that you don‟t again. This is my party.” Dean squeezed her breasts once

more and didn‟t let go until she released a choppy breath. One he recognized as a

sign of sheer pleasure. “And I‟m in charge of the party games. Capisce?”


“Whose way?”

“Your way.”

“Damn straight.” And his way meant a little more time playing with his second

favorite part of her body, her breasts. He toyed with them until his cock began to

leak precum and Creigh was moaning loudly and squirming between his legs. When

both of them were completely worked up, he decided it was time to move on to the

next brand of torture. “Now to the cleaning.”

“Uh.” Creigh made a noise of complaint, but that was it. She lay still in front of

him as he soaped up his hands again. Dean took his time to wash her shoulders,

down her arms, even her fingers. He did it slowly and thoroughly, because if there

was anyone deserving of a bit of pampering, it was the sexy, sassy woman who was

melting like butter in his hands.

When her upper body was clean, he added more soap to his hands and then

began to work them past her breasts to the sweet treasure that lay between her

Still the One


legs. Instead of fingering her as he had before, he simply washed her, then moved

on until he had soaped up every inch of her he could reach with her in the position

she was.

“Turn around.” Creigh immediately did as he requested. “Now move back a


When she was in the position he wanted, Dean added more soap to his hands

then washed the lower parts of her body. He took his time not only cleaning but

massaging her long limbs as well. He did one leg at a time, paying special attention

to her calves—an area he knew pained her thanks to the many hours she spent on

her feet all day. After he was finished, he dipped his hands into the water to rinse

them, then lifted her legs, placing one on either side of his hips before he scooted

forward a bit and pulled her onto his lap.

“Whoa.” Creigh laughed as she wrapped her legs around his waist and placed

her arms around his neck. “Wasn‟t expecting that.”

“You know me. I like to keep you on your toes.”

“Technically…” She wiggled from side to side. “I‟m on your lap.”

Dean grinned. “I like keeping you there as well.”

Creigh reached down and took his erect shaft in her hand. “From the feel of

this,” she said as she began to fist his cock, “I‟d say you like keeping me here, a lot.”

He certainly did. Creigh wasn‟t the only one worked up from having his hands

on her. His cock was so hard it damn near hurt. “Feel it some more,” he encouraged,

craving the relief only Creigh could give him. “And let me know if you can figure out

what else I like.”

“Hmm…” She let the word trail off as she worked her hand up and down his

thick rod with sure and firms strokes, touching and teasing him the way she knew

he preferred. “I see you like me.”

Dean closed his eyes for a second and simply enjoyed the feel of her hand on

him. “Correct.”


Lena Matthews

“My pussy and ass.”

He smiled and opened his eyes. “Without a doubt.”

“My…” Creigh paused to lick her lips seductively. “Mouth.”

Dean‟s gaze followed the trail her tongue made, wishing it was the crown of his

cock highlighting her sensual, plump mouth. “Yes, and do you know what else I


“No. What?”

“Fucking you.”
Payback is only fair
. Dean put his hand between them and

zeroed in on her clit, bypassing her bare nether lips, to place his thumb against the

erect bundle of nerves and slide two fingers knuckle-deep inside her hot core. “With

my fingers and my dick.”

Creigh arched into him and gasped. “Oh yeah, I love that too.”

“I can tell.” He gritted his teeth against the urge to plunge balls-deep inside

her. There was no rush for that. They had all night, and he planned to take her

every which way he could before the sun rose. They might as well get the first one

done and over with quickly so he could take his time later. Because at this rate, he‟d

come the second he slipped his cock into her sweet pussy. He would have to make do

with her hand, although the skilled way she fisted his meat was no consolation

prize. Creigh gave a wicked hand job, and he was only too happy to have her finish

him off this way. But he was ready to come. And he was ready to come now.

“Don‟t stop until I spill in your hands,” he warned in a gravelly voice. “Do you

understand me?”

“Yes,” she gasped as she pumped his shaft.

“Good.” Done with the playful banter and the frustrating foreplay, Dean

concentrated on getting Creigh off. He moved his fingers in a blur of motion inside

her as he pressed and rubbed his thumb firmly on her clit. All the while he worked

on her, Creigh stroked his cock. She stroked his heated flesh, pumping him with

Still the One


long, firm caresses. Her rhythm was off, but it didn‟t detract from the pleasure of it

all. He was too close to care.

He moved his hand faster and she squeezed hers tighter as they both skated

closer to the edge. The frantic motions caused the water to slosh around them and

splash onto the tiled floor as they rocked into one another at a fast and maddening


“Dean.” Creigh‟s moan was as telling as the quivering walls of her sex.

“I love you, cara.” Dean curled his free hand in her hair and forcefully pulled

her head back, causing her back to bend and thrust her breasts toward his mouth.

That was all the invitation he needed to clamp his lips around her nipple.

Creigh cried out his name as he sucked hard and fast on first one nipple, then

the other. He paid no mind to the warm, sweet milk that began to flow from her

erect peaks. His attention was too focused on the wet pussy that clamped down

around his fingers.

“I want you to come for me, cara,” he said, releasing his grip on her hair and

pulling her closer to him.

“Oh. Yes…God yes,” she gasped.

Her words were jumbled, but Dean didn‟t need an interpreter. Her pussy

clenching around his fingers when she came was all the interpretation he needed.

He loved to watch her come apart in his arms, to lose control and just feel. The

primalness of it rocked him to his soul.

In the thrall of her release, she squeezed his cock tight in her fist. The extra

pressure sent him soaring to his own release. With a guttural groan, he came,

spurting jet after jet of creamy seed across their stomachs and into the rippling


“Jesus.” Dean removed his hand from her sweet warmth and buried his face in

the curve of her neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her to him,

trembling a bit from the aftermath of his powerful release.


Lena Matthews

Neither of them said anything for a bit. The harsh sounds of their breathing

were words enough. After a few minutes of postcoital bliss, he raised his head and

pulled back a bit so he could see Creigh‟s face. She was flushed, her eyes were a bit

wild, and a few stray hairs had fallen down and framed her face. She looked like a

woman who‟d been well loved. Never had she been more beautiful. “I think,” he

paused to catch his breath before continuing, “we need a shower. We‟re a bit dirty


Creigh laughed and dropped her head gently on his shoulder. “You‟re mad.”

“Only about you,” he said with a smile. “Only about you.”

Still the One


Chapter Seven

Satisfied to her core, Creigh leaned on her side and watched Dean, nude as the

day he was born, walk around the room, confident and bold. There was absolutely

no shame in his game. His boldness had attracted her from the very beginning.

When they were kids, he was always the one the other boys looked up to. If Dean

said it had to go this way, it went that way. He was a natural born leader. A

dominant that didn‟t make excuses and didn‟t feel the need to lord his might about.

In her eyes, he was as close to perfection as a man could be.

Creigh didn‟t know when she fell in love with him. It wasn‟t one of those made-

for-celluloid-only moments. Birds didn‟t sing, and enchanted animals didn‟t

suddenly appear out of nowhere and start braiding her hair like something out of a

wacky Disney movie. It just happened. She‟d been well aware of his interest in her.

That developed around the same time her breasts did, but her feelings for him took

a bit longer. But when they‟d hit, they‟d hit hard, and she‟d been a goner ever since.

Their relationship would never be perfect. They were both stubborn as the day

was long, but Creigh knew that was part of what was going to keep them together,

even through the rough spots. Neither of them would back down this time. They‟d

already figured out that being apart was not an option. Now they just had to keep

working at being together. It wasn‟t going to be easy, but nothing ever worth

fighting for was.

“What are you thinking about?” Dean strolled into the room with a tray of

edible goodies. He laid it down on the bed in front of her before going back to the bar

and picking up another tray. This one held two wineglasses, the bottle they‟d

opened earlier, and, much to her amusement, a bottle of beer.


Lena Matthews

This tray he laid down on the nightstand next to the bed. He poured her

another glass of wine, then poured his beer in the other glass.

“Beer, huh?” She couldn‟t help but tease. “So romantic.”

He held out the glass to her. “I‟m smooth like that.”

She took it with a smile. “That you are. Besides”—she reached down with her

free hand and picked up a strawberry—“everything is delicious.”

“There‟s more food in there, but I figure you didn‟t want to get too full. We can

snack now, then fuck, then snack some more.”

Fuck romance. Creigh would take passion any day over flowers and poetry.

“Snack, fuck, snack again.” Creigh bit into the juicy berry. “Sounds like my idea of


“I had a feeling it would be.” Dean climbed up on the bed and lay behind her.

He snuggled against her, placing one of his hands on her bare hip while leaning his

head against his other one. Reaching over her, he pulled a grape off the vine, then

offered it to her. Charmed by his gesture, she leaned forward and took the fruit

from between his fingers with her teeth. She chewed for a few seconds, enjoying the

crisp flavor of the green fruit. “That‟s good too. You should try it.”

“Maybe I will.” Dean went to pluck another one, but Creigh gently popped his

hand and waved her finger no at him.

With a seductive smile, she picked a grape from the bunch and put it in her

mouth. She turned with the grape held between her teeth and lay back on the bed.

With a crook of her index finger, she gestured for him to come and get it.

Laughing, Dean did just that. He leaned forward and covered her mouth with

his, not only taking the grape but also her lips under his at the same time. The

added flavor of the fruit made their kiss sweeter than ever before.

With a little moan, Creigh turned her head to break the kiss. Breathing

heavily, she ran her tongue over her love-thickened lips, tasting Dean, tasting the

grape. Just eating it all in. When she was done savoring the moment, she turned

Still the One


her head so she was looking at him once more. Smiling, she reached up and cupped

his cheek in her hand. “This is the best date ever.”

“This is just the beginning.”

“I thought the tub was the beginning?”

“Well yes.” He smiled. “But no. The bath was the beginning of the night, but us

being together is the beginning of us starting anew and hopefully doing it right this

time.” Dean looked down at her breasts and drew a heart with his fingertip on the

right side. He looked up but kept his hands there, over both the heart he drew and

her heart, which had begun to speed up under his touch. “From now on out, we

make time for us. No matter what.”

Creigh nodded in complete agreement. “No matter what. I swear.”

“This is also a night where I have complete control over you body.”

“I seem to recall something like that being discussed.”

“I‟m glad you do. I‟d hate to have to explain it to you twice. Especially when I

can use my time more wisely.” Dean dropped a quick kiss on her upturned lips, then

slipped off the bed. “I have a present for you.”

“I like presents.” Creigh sat up and took a square block of cheese from the tray

and plopped it into her mouth.

Dean disappeared into the living room area of the suite as she snacked on

more fruit and cheese. In less than a minute, he was back, holding a gift basket in

his hands.

BOOK: Still the One
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