Read Still the One Online

Authors: Lena Matthews

Still the One (7 page)

BOOK: Still the One
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It hurt. But it hurt so good. All she could think was, “Oh God, do it again.”

Dean let loose a deep chuckle. And Creigh realized she‟d said the words out

loud and not to herself as she‟d thought.

Still the One


“Do what again? This?” Dean pressed in a littler harder this time and slowly

turned his head from one side to the other, making sure she got not only the

roughness of his cheeks but also the softness of his lips as he turned his head to the

other side to administrate the same teasing sensation.

“Yeah, that. Do that. Again and again and again.” Creigh‟s legs trembled, and

if weren‟t for Dean‟s hands holding strong to her inner thighs still, she might have

bucked him off the bed.

“Getting greedy now, aren‟t we?”

“Not just now. Always for you.”

“Think you could get off that way? With me just rubbing you with my face.”

“Might take a few minutes.” Or seconds if he did it roughly like the last

example. “But probably.”

“We‟ll have to try that sometime.”

“What‟s wrong with now?” Even to her ears she sounded desperate, but Creigh

didn‟t care. It felt too good not to ask for seconds.

“Nothing.” Leaning forward, he ran his tongue from the bottom of her slit to

the top of her clit. “I‟d rather do this instead.”

Creigh moaned and arched her pelvis up to his face. There was good, then

there was
. “Go with your gut.”

“I think I will.” No other words were necessary as Dean went with his gut and

buried his head between Creigh‟s legs.

At the first touch of his tongue, Creigh arched her back and gasped. It was sad

to say, but she couldn‟t remember the last time they had taken time to do this. And

it was a shame, because Dean was so good at it.

The man honestly had talent. He could lick her into a frenzy, and if she wasn‟t

anchored down to something steady, there would be no telling where she‟d end up

before he was done. One night he‟d literally licked her from one side of the floor to

the other—a fact they both laughed at later as they‟d iced his knees and dusted off


Lena Matthews

her back. But this licking was no laughing matter at all. She was too close to coming

to find much humor in anything.

She buried her hands in his thick, dark hair and held on with all her might as

he pulled her even closer to his mouth and plunged his tongue deep into the depths

of her pussy. He lapped, teased, and tormented her pussy with his skillful tongue,

all the while keeping her on edge. Dean knew her body better than she did, and

there was no way he couldn‟t taste that she was close, but the bastard wouldn‟t

finish her off. He continued to toy with her until Creigh thought she‟d go mad from

the pleasure alone.

“Dean, I‟m so close. So close. I…I need…”

He raised his head and looked at her with eyes darkened with desire and lips

slick with her juices. “Me,” he said shortly. “And I‟ll give you all of me that you can

handle, but I want you to do something for me first.”

“Anything,” she promised, not ashamed to barter for her pleasure.

“I want you to fuck my face while I eat your pussy.” His crude words sent

shivers racing across her skin. “Can you do that for me, cara?”

“Yes. God, yes.”

“Prove it.” Before she could reply, he buried his mouth back between her legs

and picked up right where he‟d left off—driving her mad with pleasure. But this

time he added his hands to the mix.

“Dean…yes…don‟t stop…God…”

He didn‟t stop. Not even close. Dean spread her bare nether lips with his

thumbs and sucked her swollen clit into his mouth. His tongue lashed the sensitive

bundle of nerves over and over as he slid two fingers deep into her pussy once more.

Creigh didn‟t need any nudging to keep her end of the bargain. She fisted the sheets

in her hands and began to undulate her hips, moving them to and fro toward his

mouth as she would if she were lying underneath his hips.

Still the One


As commanded, she fucked his face. And he rewarded her by wringing not one

but two soul-searing orgasms from her that left her weak. She was drained, and it

damn near took everything out of her to breathe rhythmically. Her body was racked

with shivers and aftershocks, and all she could say was, “Wow.”

From the way Dean chuckled as he rose over her, “wow” was thanks enough.

“Better than a quickie?”

“God, yes.”

“Good.” Dean made as if he was going to move off the bed. “My work here is


Creigh grabbed hold of his ramrod hard cock. “Far from it.”

Dean arched a brow. “Not done yet with me?”

“No, and I never will be.” She turned her hold into a slow and steady

movement up and down his shaft.

“Where do you want me now?”

“You inside me.” Creigh rose to her knees on the bed so they were staring eye

to eye with one another. “I think we‟ve mastered the foreplay again. Now let‟s aim

for the fucking.”

“So what you‟re saying is”—Dean dropped his hand between them and cupped

her sex—“this greedy little cunt of yours wants more.”

“That‟s exactly what I‟m saying.”

“Then come and ge—” A timid knock on their bedroom door halted Dean‟s

words cold. As if in sync, they both turned their heads and stared at the door. “Was


“Mom.” The soft sound of their son‟s voice rang through the wood despite the

fact that he was speaking in a low tone. “Are you still up?”

Dean glanced down at his penis. “Well, I am.”

“Shhh…” Creigh ordered as she slipped off the bed. “I‟ll be right there.”



Lena Matthews

Startled, Creigh turned back around to stare at her husband, who was making

his way to the head of the bed on his knees. “What‟s wrong?”

Dean turned around and faced her and pointed down to his penis, which was

still in the mood for love. “Right now, my dick.”

“I can‟t just leave him out there,” she said as she picked her nightie from the


“I know.” Dean moved the pillows back, then slipped under the covers. He

pulled the comforter over his lap and tucked a pillow behind his back before placing

another one over his very obvious boner. “That‟s why I‟m barricading my dick, and

you‟re going to open the door to see what‟s wrong. Then fix it quickly.”

Quick sounded hella good to her. Creigh slipped her gown on as fast as she

could, then hurried to the door. After unlocking it, she opened it up arm‟s length

wide, then stood in the middle of the doorway.

Hamilton, who normally put his well-earned nickname Hambone to good use,

seemed timid and a little shy. He glanced behind Creigh to Dean, then down to the

floor, leaving her staring at the top of his tightly coiled golden brown hair. “Is

everything okay, son?”

He looked up briefly, long enough for her to notice his lightly tan, freckled

cheeks appeared a bit pale. “Are you feeling okay?” Creigh went automatically into

mom mode and pressed the back of her hand against his forehead to check his


“No”—he moved his head out of the way and frowned—“I‟m fine. I just… Can I

talk to you for a minute?”

“Um…” Creigh glanced over her shoulder at Dean, who seemed just as

confused about Hamilton‟s actions as she was. The kids were still getting used to

Daddy being home. They loved that Dean was around all the time, but she could tell

they sometimes missed when it was just the three of them. Creigh was a lot more

lenient with them than Dean was; when they wanted to get one over on their dad,

she was the one they came to first. Sort of like this. “Sure.”

Still the One


After closing the door behind her, she crossed her arms over her chest in an

attempt to keep from reaching out and babying him. Apparently eight years old was

officially the age when little boys began to think hugging Mom was gross. “What‟s

up, Hambone?”

“I had a bad dream.” Hamilton looked up at her with eyes so like that of his

father‟s that it made her heart smile. “Can‟t go back to sleep.”

“You want me to read you a book?”

He shook his head. “Can I sleep with you two? I promise not to snore.”

“Of course you can,” she replied automatically. “Why don‟t you go to your room

and get your pillow and blanket, and I‟ll let Dad know about the change of plans.”

“Think he‟ll be mad at me?”

Dean hadn‟t been shy at all about how happy he was to get the bed back after

moving Halla to her room. The fact that Hamilton was worried about upsetting

Dean made Creigh think maybe Dean had been a bit too vocal in his jubilation.

“Of course he won‟t be mad.”
At you
, she added silently to herself. “Give me a

couple of minutes, and I‟ll come get you, okay.”

“Thanks, Mom. You‟re the best.” His smile was as wide as an ocean.

“Yes, I am. The best mom around.” But also the worst wife around. “Wait in

your room for me? I‟ll be there in a bit.”

“Okay.” Hamilton turned to leave but stopped and bolted to her to give her a

quick hug. He did it so fast Creigh hardly had time to react, so she missed her

opportunity to hug him to her. But she‟d be more prepared next time. “Thanks,

Mom,” he said before dashing off again.

“It‟s no problem, honey.” Creigh waited until Hamilton went into his bedroom

before going back into hers. After shutting the door behind herself and locking it,

she leaned back against the cool wood for support. She was going to need it. “We

have a problem.”

Dean sat up, concern lining his features. “Is everything okay?”


Lena Matthews

“Bad dream.”

“You tuck him in?”

“Not yet.” She moistened her lips. “He‟s going to his room to get his stuff.”

Dean narrowed his gaze. “And taking it where?”

“Here,” she said a bit meekly. “I told him he could sleep with us.”

Dean swore under his breath. He took hold of the quilt and flung it, pillow and

all, to the side and got out of the bed. His actions alerted her to two new facts: he

was still nude and he was no longer aroused. “This is just great.”

It was far from great, but that didn‟t mean it all had to be in vain. “This

doesn‟t mean we have to stop.”

“It doesn‟t?”

“No.” She glanced over at the closed door to check the lock, then back at him

and smiled. “I told him I‟d come get him in a couple of minutes. If we do it really


“Then it will be like every other time we‟ve had sex in the past seven months.”

Dean‟s face was a combination of weariness and resignation. “And I don‟t know

about you, Creigh, but I‟m a little quickied out.” Without giving her a chance to

defend herself, Dean walked past Creigh into the master bathroom and slammed

the door behind him.

Oh great, now she had two whiny babies on her hands. She might as well wake

up Halla and get this party started right. “You‟re being ridiculous,” she yelled after

him, but the words hit home about herself as well.

His reply, if there even was one, was drowned out by the sound of the shower

starting. Back when they were married before, Dean wouldn‟t have bothered

leaving the room. He would have fought with every breath he had to try to get her

to see his side, even when his side was dead wrong. These days, Dean just walked

away, avoiding the conflict altogether.

Still the One


Instead of being pleased by this, Creigh was beginning to feel nostalgic for the

past. At least then they had angry make-up sex. And at this rate, Creigh would be

happy to have any type of sex, even if it meant having to endure a little loud


“Momma,” Hamilton called out again. “I have my stuff.”

“Coming, baby.” And it looked as if she was the only one who was going to


* * *

As a teenager Dean would never have dreamed that there would come a point

in his life when he ever grew tired of masturbating. Man, would his younger self

have been wrong. His heart wasn‟t in it. His head wasn‟t in it. Hell, his right hand

wasn‟t really in it. His cock—or rather the built-up frustration inside of him—on the

other hand, needed attending to, which only meant one thing. Another night of

cleaning the pipes was in order. Fortunately it didn‟t take long for him to get it back

up, then get it back down. The results were lackluster at best, but at least he came,

and he wouldn‟t have to deal with waking up in the morning with a mean case of

blue balls.

Hopefully tomorrow he wouldn‟t wake up mean either. He‟d lost his temper a

bit there with Creigh, but it wasn‟t her fault. He knew that. But knowing it didn‟t

make him feel better, although it should have made him act like a nicer, kinder

person. Even if it killed him, he would take off his asshole crown and put on his

prince charming one and smile through this evening. He could only hope tomorrow

BOOK: Still the One
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