ALIEN ROMANCE: Cream for Alien (Sci-Fi Alien Romance, Abduction Erotica, BBW, Alpha Male, Interracial, Alien Invasion, Fantasy, Short Story)

BOOK: ALIEN ROMANCE: Cream for Alien (Sci-Fi Alien Romance, Abduction Erotica, BBW, Alpha Male, Interracial, Alien Invasion, Fantasy, Short Story)
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Copyright@2015 by Celia Styles

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Cream for Alien

By Celia Styles














The fog swirled like sparkly glitter out the window. The stars seemed so close that I could touch them. I was pretty sure I was still dreaming, but if I wasn’t, I was sure I had been drinking way too much at the party last night and ended up here. Either way, I was a bit curious about where I was, yet I was a bit scared.

I was twenty-two years old, and the only fascination in my life was the fact I was in college. Most of the time I ended up doing odd jobs just to make ends meet. Never had I been in a place that seemed so upscale and futuristic, and I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to know what happened the night before. I was sure things would pan out.

I pushed the black faux-minx comforter off myself, revealing that I was naked. Whatever happened last night was a bit interesting, although I couldn’t recall a single moment of it. I was pretty sure I probably didn’t want to know what happened, anyway.

I needed to get away for a while to think. Everything in my life seemed to be chaotic, as I was always drowning in either my work or in schoolwork. Lately, I just wanted to pack everything up and run away from my problems, but this wasn’t what I was expecting.

I looked out the window in the bedroom. The glittery fog only revealed a darkish sky that was lined with stars.

I realized suddenly as I looked at the blue bouncy ball with the grayish swirls, that I was no longer on Earth.

I didn’t even know where I was, but I knew I was somewhere out of space. In the midst of confusion, I had never seen anything as spectacular as the view from where I was.

Noises pierced my ears as I tried hard to figure out where my clothes were. I finally found them near a chair. Although the bedroom seemed prestigious, I already wasn’t sure if I wanted to be here, even though I didn’t know where I was.

The language in the hallways wasn’t that I was used to hearing. I knew I wasn’t in the circus or even a zoo, but it felt as if I was in the middle of Comic-Con. Everyone here was dressed up as an alien. They all stopped talking and glanced at me. I guessed I wasn’t welcome.

“Don’t let them get to you. We often don’t see humans on the ship. Usually, they are sold off immediately. The last trip, we had a blond who seemed quite wild and destructive. My name is Zion, by the way.” a man said, coming over to talk to me.

The man was dressed in black reptile-skinned pants and scales that seemed to radiate down to his arms, neither tattoo, true scales nor a birthmark. They were odd and almost translucent. His personality was warm, although he seemed to be more of a broker for humans being slaves to other worlds than anything. His smile made me wonder what he was up to.

Although he was nice, he said they sold humans off, and I didn’t want a part of that. I felt timid and scared even being here.

I had read the books and the comics, and watched the movies. Aliens were known to trap humans and sell them off to something similar to their black market, if they didn’t kill them first. Was that my fate? Was I going to be sold off to the black market where I could be showcased like an upscale trophy, or was I going to be killed?

“I have to admit that it is a cruel world out there. It is either you or it is whoever is attacking you. You have to get away to think clearly sometimes before you kill or be killed.”

I looked out at the galaxy and it seemed as though I was stuck in a movie, it was so surreal. The group of aliens seemed to go back talking to one another. I was stuck talking to one man, who seemed to have kidnapped me from Earth. Even the glimpse of Earth was making me feel homesick, although in the same breath, it was incredibly remarkable.

“Where am I? Who are you?” I asked as the man continued to step closer, and I began to back away.

“Now listen to me, there is nothing to worry about. It might be different up here, but I promise that this experience will be out of this world.”

“I don’t understand. You didn’t answer a single thing.”

“Oh, Red, you just aren’t listening. Bid Earth goodbye and enjoy your stay.”

I hated being reminded I had fire engine red hair, and by some strange alien, that wasn’t helping.

“My name isn’t Red,” I finally replied, scowling at him.

“It really doesn’t matter what your name is, but your stay with us will be quite intriguing to you. I can reassure you that. It really doesn’t matter where you came from, because where you are at the moment is here on the spacecraft

“Zyrgon? I don’t understand this at all. Am I dreaming?”

The alien shook his head and started laughing. “You aren’t dreaming at all. You really are on Zyrgon.”

I could already tell that this alien was going to give me the bare minimum for an answer. I opened my mouth to try to question him again, but nothing seemed to come out. My mind was working at top speed, and I was beyond scared of being there.

“I sense you are scared about being here. I can reassure on that we aren’t going to kill you. You are worth way too much alive. I can tell that you are unsure of me. Here, why don’t we return to your suite so we can talk in private?” he said as he opened up the door to the very room I found myself in.

“How did you find me?”

“Find? Oh no, we didn’t find you. We hunted for you. You seemed to be the perfect specimen of a human. With as many species that are out there, you seem to be quiet, yet at times, you can be as fiery as your hair. For a long time, we have been watching you.”

“You stalked me, as well as hunted me? What type of sick jerk are you?”

The alien laughed. “I am pretty sure you can understand that, like many instincts, the sex drive overrules. It has provoked us, and we will worship you and your body as long as you don’t give us much trouble. I'd hate to see you sold off.”

I didn't understand any of this, and I felt as if I was slapped in the middle of some sort of sci-fi movie. This sure the heck couldn’t be a reality. I wasn’t expecting any of this, and I was unsure how to handle it. The way the alien stared at me gave me an uneasy feeling, yet it sexually thrilled me as though I couldn’t control myself. I didn’t understand any of this.

“What about Earth? How did you get me here?”

“Well, sweetheart, I hate to tell you this, but while you were drunk, we brought you here.”

I glared at the alien. He had nothing I wanted to hear.

“I don’t understand what you mean. If I don’t fight you, you will worship me and my body. What am I supposed to do here?”

I knew with each reply I was more likely going to get a vague answer back, but I had to get some answers out of this whole situation. It wasn’t as if I had passed out at my friend’s house, I was in the middle of a spacecraft! I didn’t know if I would get any of the answers that I wanted to hear, but it was worth a try.

“What are you going to do here? Don’t you have sex goddesses on Earth? You will never have work another day in your life. We will worship you and your body.”

“What’s the catch?” I asked.

“You are too quick to judge. Think about people doing everything for you, and to make sure you are spoiled and treated the way a goddess should be treated. You don’t seem to understand what I am saying, but in time, it will all make sense. I am very surprised that Earth does not have sex goddesses. I guess it must be the reason why your species is so violent to one another.”

I started laughing. “People on Earth worship beautiful women.”

“I don’t think they worship them in the same way, or everyone would be at peace. Trust me, I have seen planets avoid war for millions of years,” the alien said as he flipped over my hands to look them over. “You have slight wear on your hands; we will have to soak them. I am assuming you did some sort of laboring job.”

“I don’t want to turn into one of those people that depend on other people for everything! What are you trying to turn me into?” I asked.

“Sweetheart, you are a goddess. There is nothing more valuable to civilization than their goddess.”

“Who are you and why do you care about me, anyway? Aren’t you just going to sell me off after a while? When will I get back to Earth?”

“You will have no need for Earth. Our civilization has picked you. It is a great honor to be here. I don’t understand why you are connected to Earth, when all they want to do is to start fights and wars with one another. Why would you want such hate, discontent and jealousy, when you can be worshiped and loved here? Why don’t you just try to relax and look at what you have been given? It is quite a lot more to life than working yourself to death.

"Look around out there. Do you see any of the problems that are faced in the world that you come from muddying up the view?” the alien asked as he waved his arms in front of the large full-length glass windows.

I shook my head.

“That is because humans believe their problems affect more than just that very moment. They bring their problems to their neighbors and make it their problem as well.”

For the first time since I got here, I realized that the alien was right. Humans often did that, and I was guilty of always going to my friends when something wasn’t going right in my.

“What should we call you, since you don’t like the name Red?”

I let out a sigh. “My name is Kelli.”

“Kelli seems to be a human name. I would rather give you a goddess name, but to humor you, we will address you as Kelli for now. You can call me Dite.”

Music began to play, and I felt as if, for the first time, a part of my soul was being awoken for the very first time. I didn’t understand why, since I was still skeptical and shocked that I was here on Zyrgon. I never heard such music in my life.

I closed my eyes. The song was in the native tongue of the aliens. I wasn’t sure what they were saying, but it reminded me a lot of the big band era of music, which I used to listen to back on Earth.

“They are singing about you. The colony is happy at your presence here. We are very grateful for your existence, and we will begin to worship you. First, we will serenade you, cherish you, feed you, and lastly, we will seduce you. Would you like me to sing it for you in your native tongue?”

“Wait! You are telling me that you are hypnotizing me, only to seduce me?”

“You act as if we want only to have sex with you. We want to cherish and worship you. Here, why don’t you close your eyes and I will sing to you.”

I closed my eyes as instrument played a seductive song that made me feel as though I was being spun around. I wanted to dance to the sound as the drums kept beat with my heart. The music sounded as if though was almost harem music, but it was different. It was seductive and sultry.

I could hear Dite singing in a very distant voice. He was telling me that the aliens were finally coming together as unity in the galaxy. The difference between their faces and worlds no longer mattered, since they have finally found their sex goddess. There was finally hope for tomorrow’s future, since it brought everyone closer, together and into a relaxed realm. The song went on about how my eyes sparkled like cut diamonds and how my fiery hair was thrilling.

Dite continued to tell me that it is within the stars and the moon that the sands of time could finally be released from any prison in which didn’t allow pleasure to be a part of it. The sound of the drums continued in the background as the song made me picture the alien colony dancing, as they waved their hands or tentacles in the air, dancing around.

Being the sex goddess must have been something quite large for their community. It didn’t mean much to me quite yet, because I wasn’t sure if Dite was talking about the song that seduced me, or if the aliens were really going to seduce me.

At the moment, I wasn’t too worried about it. I was too busy listening to the aliens sing. There were no birds or animals crying in the distance. There was nothing but the beauty of the instruments and the voices of the aliens. There was no white noise or any disturbances.

They continued as Dite translated their words , that I must have wished on a star as I looked towards the sky. The aliens made a promise that they would make my dreams of love, and a sex life come true.

I opened my eyes, and I stared into Dite’s as he continued to sing. I had never heard anything like it before. I hated to admit it, but I was mesmerized, as well as speechless.

“I wish I could sing half as good as you,” I whispered in awe, but I suddenly felt as if there were a spell over me.

“It is quite easy; all you have to do is follow your instinct. Your soul will give the song heat and passion that it needs. Your heart will give it a rhythm.”

Dite nodded as he motioned galaxy around us to. “This is now your kingdom. There is no way around saying that you are only worth the land that is connected to your shoes.”

“I don’t understand all this, Dite. I am unsure why you would suggest this when I can’t possibly have the whole galaxy as my own kingdom.”

“This is your kingdom. It is unfathomable only because you are a human. You have never thought of being in control of something that was more than your dwelling. Tonight, we will have a sacred ceremony for you. This will allow us to show you that you are our prized possession, as well as the sex goddess we cherish. From this point on, our colony will protect you. We will risk our life for you, and we will not hurt you. Our whole destiny has changed since you have entered our world.”

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