Read Still the One Online

Authors: Lena Matthews

Still the One (11 page)

BOOK: Still the One
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“If you ever needed proof I love you, this would be it.”

“I assure you, I don‟t need proof. Although I would kill for a camera.”

Dean sent her a look that would have set water on fire. “Halla is far too young

to be without a mother.”

“Duly noted, Captain Bubbles.”

Dean spread his legs and then shook his hand, sending suds flying every which

way. “Get in here, woman.”

“Yes, sir.” She saluted him with a smile and then took his hand in hers.

Carefully she stepped into the tub and hissed a bit at the heat of the water. “Good

Lord! I thought you said it was getting cold.”

Still the One


“It is. Slowly.”

“A little too slow if you ask me.”

“You‟ll thank me once you sit. Not that I‟m complaining about the view,” he

said, sounding a little too pleased for her peace of mind. “Take all the time you


Creigh glanced behind her to see what had caused the change of his voice. She

knew instantly as soon as she saw where his gaze was centered. “Stop staring at my


“Never,” he said emphatically.

“Pervert.” Turning back around, Creigh sank her teeth into her bottom lip and

lowered herself into the hot water. Once she was submerged up to her breasts, she

leaned back against Dean‟s chest and made herself at home between his legs. “This

is the life.”

“You haven‟t seen anything yet.”

The water began to bubble, giving credence to his claim. “A hot tub,” she

exclaimed with delight.

“Uh-huh.” Dean wrapped his arms around her. “Like it?”

“Love it! I may never go home again.”

“Why don‟t I believe that? Penny bet you‟ll be calling home before the night is


“Yes, but only to make sure they don‟t have A-mei tied up in a closet

somewhere. Not because I‟d rather be home.”

“Wouldn‟t you?”

“Can we take the room with us?”

“No.” Even though he was sitting behind her and she couldn‟t see his face, she

could definitely hear the amusement in his voice.

“Then I‟m good here. For the night.”


Lena Matthews

“Sure you‟re going to make it all night? This will be the first time you‟ve been

away from Halla for more than a few hours. Think you‟ll survive?”

“I will; not sure they will though.” Creigh glanced down at her breasts. They

were a bit swollen but not much. It was a good thing she was beginning to wean

Halla or it might have been worse. The last time she‟d pumped was two hours ago,

during a quick break at work. She‟d have to do it at least once more before she slept

or she‟d pay in the morning. “I‟m going to have to find away to pump before the

night is over.”

Palming her heavy mounds, Dean squeezed her taut nipples between his

fingers. “I‟m sure we‟ll figure something out.”

“I‟m sure we will.”

“So…” She sat up a bit and reached behind her to take his hard cock in her

hand. ”Are we going to play hide the submarine?” The warm, soapy water made for

great lube.

Not one to be outdone, Dean released his hold on her breasts and worked his

fingers past her stomach and down between her legs. To her immense pleasure, he

slipped a finger between her nether lips and into her warm core. “If we do, I know

exactly where to hide it.”

Creigh released his cock and leaned back against him again. She parted her

legs even more to give him better access, forgoing his pleasure to focus solely on her

own. She knew it was selfish, but the feelings he was awakening inside her were far

too good to bypass. “Excellent choice.”

“Always my first.”


Dean chuckled. “Okay maybe not
, but a good portion of the time, for


“That‟s what I
.” The last word came out on a moan as he slipped

another finger inside her. “Ohhh.”

Still the One



She whimpered. “Yeess.”

“Have I ever told you how much I love how wet you get for me?” With his free

hand, Dean cupped one of her breasts while he teased her sex unmercifully with the

other. “Just love it.”

“No.” She pumped her hips to the rhythm of his thrusts and squeezed her eyes

shut, almost unable to bear the pleasure he was giving her. “I don‟t believe you


“Well I do.” His fingers dipped farther into her tight sheath. “Nothings gets me

harder faster than the sight and feel of your wet pussy.”

Was there nothing about this man she didn‟t love? From his dirty words to his

talented digits, Dean knew just what to do to drive her wild. If wet was how he liked

her, all he had to do to keep her that way was never change. Everything about him

made her quiver and throb with desire.

“I‟m willing to bet if we weren‟t in this tub, you‟d have a river between your

legs. Am I wrong?”

“No. No, you‟re not.” Creigh moaned as he strummed her clit with his thumb,

unafraid for the first time in a long time of waking anyone. The freedom to be as

loud as she wanted increased her pleasure tenfold, as did the way he pressed his

palm against her clit as he thrust deeper within her.

“I didn‟t think so.”

“Oh God.” She could come just from hearing him speak.

Creigh arched her back and gasped, digging her fingernails into his thighs as

she rocked her hips. “I‟m so close.” She could barely hear her voice because of the

rush of blood ringing in her ears. “So fucking close.”

“We don‟t want that, now do we?” Dean whispered, then to her utter dismay

instantly stilled his hand. His abrupt movement caused her eyelids to fly open.


Lena Matthews

“This part of we does.” She grabbed his wrist, holding his hand right where it

was. “I could have sworn you promised me orgasms. Many of them, if memory


“I did, didn‟t I?” He strummed his thumb across her clit. Lulled into a false

sense of security, Creigh eased her grip on him, only to have Dean pull free of her

hold. “But I didn‟t say here, and I didn‟t say when.”

Creigh elbowed him in the stomach. His gasp only made her feel marginally

better. If she didn‟t love the big bully, she‟d kill him. Offering her a glimpse of the

Promised Land, then only delivering Candy Land was just evil. “You‟re mean.”

“But you love me.”

“That doesn‟t say much about me, now does it,” she complained, still too

worked up to forgive him just yet.

“And do you trust me?”

She didn‟t even bother to give his question much thought. She just answered

automatically as she weighed the pros and cons of reaching for the shower nozzle

and putting herself out of her misery. “Of course.”

“With your life?” he whispered against her temple.

She gave the nozzle one more longing look, then let out a heavy sigh. “Yes.”

“Your heart?”

Creigh smiled softly. Even as frustrated as he was leaving her at the moment,

he was the love of her life. “Oh yeah,” she said with feeling.


Creigh opened her mouth to respond, but then thought better of it. She turned

a bit in his arms and tilted her head to look up at him. “What are you getting at?”

“You said you owed me a present, right?” he reminded her, not that she needed


“Yesss,” she said hesitantly, wondering where he was going with this.

“Then I know what I want.”

Still the One


Creigh narrowed her eyes. Something told her it wasn‟t a pornographic Spider-

Man card. “Which is?”


“Of space and time,” she asked hopefully. “Not sure I can give that to you.”

“Then how about you just give me control over you? For the next twenty-two

hours, your body is mine to do with as I please.”

Creigh rolled her eyes. “And how is that any different from any other night we

make love?”

“Because any other night you can say no.”

His words took her aback, as did his intense gaze. “And I can‟t tonight?”


For a second, Creigh was dumbstruck.
He had to be joking. Right
? “Are you


“As a heart attack.”

Heat pooled in her belly, and it had nothing to do with the scalding water.


“Only if you don‟t trust me.”

Well since he put it that way. “Okay, I‟m in. On one condition.”

Dean cocked a brow. “Which is?”

“Next Valentine‟s Day, it‟s my turn.”

Dean smiled. “You have yourself a deal.”

“Then let the fun begin.”

Dean was pleasantly surprised by Creigh‟s response. There wasn‟t a doubt in

his mind she‟d be interested in giving up control. He just didn‟t think she‟d give in

so fast. He‟d been prepared to wear her down. But since she‟d agreed so readily, the


Lena Matthews

only thing he had left to do was wear her out. A thought that made his already erect

cock throb in anticipation.

“First things first.” Dean glanced around the lavish room. “We need you to be

nice and clean so I can get you nice and dirty.”

“That‟s a little too complicated for me to follow.”

“Well remember you don‟t have to understand it. You just have to do as I say.”

“Rules, rules, rules. All right, lord and master, what shall I do first?”

Dean frowned. That sounded way wrong coming from his headstrong beauty.

“First, don‟t call me that again. Despite the rules, I‟m still me and you‟re still you,

none of that master and sub shit for us. But…if you‟re dying for something new to

call me tonight, feel free to use my other names: Stud, the Hammer, King Ding-a-

ling maybe.”

“Dean it is.” She laughed.

“That‟s what I thought,” he said as he spotted several small bottles on the

ledge above them. “Ease up a bit.”

Without saying a word, she leaned away from him, giving Dean the room he

needed to reach the bottle he wanted. Taking it off the shelf, he twisted the top off

and tossed it carelessly across the room. “Perfect.” He looked around the tub again.

“Well almost.”

Creigh glanced over her shoulder at him. “What‟s wrong?”

“I see soap, but no washcloth or scrunchie. I guess I‟ll have to go all barbaric

and use my hands.” A much more appealing idea.

Creigh let out a fake put-out sigh. “If you must.”

“Oh. I must.” Dean poured a good portion of strawberry-scented soap on his

hands. After setting the bottle on the ledge behind him, he rubbed his hands

together until they were slick and soapy, then raised them above his head. “Lean

back on me.”

Still the One


“Gladly,” she said with a smile before turning around and doing as he asked.

“You know this whole pamper me thing? I can get used to it.”

She wasn‟t the only one. “See that you do.” Having his sexy wife within fucking

distance without a kid in shouting distance was a cock-hardening experience that

bared repeating again and again and again. Not that he needed to escape from the

kids to get an erection. Sometimes he grew heavy with need just from watching her

walk across the room.

“So are you going to sit there all day or what?”

Dean pulled his impatient diva in closer to him, trapping his randy cock

between his abs and her lower back. “Definitely or what. Now what should I clean

first?” Without waiting for her to reply, he cupped her full breasts in his hands. “Oh

I know.”

She laughed, causing the bundles of joy in his hands to jiggle a bit. Damn, he

loved her tits.

Creigh tilted her head to the side and looked back at him. “Why did I know you

were going to start there?”

That was a no-brainer. “Because you know me so well.” Dean rubbed his

thumbs simultaneously over her nipples and watched with pride as they puckered

up like two dark blackberries. Her nipples were so responsive. So damn sexy he

could play with them for hours.

Dean took her pebbled peaks between his fingers and applied just enough

pressure to cause Creigh to gasp and wiggle her ass against him. His wife was no

shrinking violet. Under the right circumstances she was a fan of a little pain if it

was applied in the right area the right way. The way Dean had familiarized himself

with many, many years ago.

“If you keep that up,” she whimpered. “You‟ll get my milk going again.”

He squeezed one of her erect tips, then smiled when a bead of pearly white

liquid appeared. “And your point is what?”


Lena Matthews

“It‟ll be messy,” she said as if her reply was obvious.

“And I say again. Your point is what?” Try as he might, Dean couldn‟t get her

to understand how sexy he found her. He knew there were some men in the world

who didn‟t find motherhood to be attractive. He wasn‟t one of them. Everything

about her body fascinated him, aroused him. Even things that probably weren‟t

supposed to.

“I thought the purpose was to get me clean.”

She was missing the point once again. “The purpose is for me to do whatever it

BOOK: Still the One
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