Staying on Course (24 page)

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Authors: Ahren Sanders

BOOK: Staying on Course
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Once the guys are gone, my mom takes the opportunity to load me down with everything wedding. I ‘virtually’ meet my wedding planner in Florida, and we agree on a Plan A, if it’s perfect weather, and Plan B, if it rains. Then I pick the tuxes for the guys, and we finalize the guest list. My mom looks at me with a questioning glare when I add Liza’s name, but I explain it’s the right thing to do. Unfortunately, she’s a part of the crew in Norfolk. It would be immature and callous to leave her off and then have to face her the next few years.

My dad, on the other hand, avoids the wedding planning at all costs. The night before the Music City Bowl, after I get home from practice downtown, he insists on a night out, just the two of us. Mom doesn’t object, and I get the feeling she knows what he wants to talk about.

As we drive to the restaurant, he keeps the conversation casual, talking about the game. But after we’re seated and the waitress takes our orders, he turns serious.

“Dev, tell me about the internship you’re taking and how this will impact your future.”

“I’m actually going to miss the first two weeks because of the wedding and honeymoon, but Shana is cool with it. I’ll be working with every area of the news station, including a special emphasis on the production.

“I’m not sure of all the details yet, but we will miss school while in Brazil for the Olympics. From what I’ve been told, we’ll be given our assignments virtually.”

“Is this what you want?”

“Of course, Daddy. Why wouldn’t it be?”

His face strains as different emotions wash over him. He looks at me with concern, and my skin starts to prickle.

“I’m trying to understand this new age stuff. In my day, when you married someone, you moved in with them and started a life. You and Bryce are doing things completely different. I’m trying to wrap my head around it.”


“I guess, what I’m saying is, why the rush to get married if you still plan to live apart?”

His face is mixed with more concern and complete confusion. I take a deep breath and reach across the table to hold his hand. “I love him, Dad, and don’t want to wait.”

“Then why not go to him?”

“Because, as much as I love him, I want to follow my dreams, too.”

He nods, but the uncertainty is still there.

“Dad, Bryce wants me to do this. I know the Navy life may be hard, but he’s doing everything he can to give me what I want. If I even mentioned pulling back from the program and moving to Norfolk, he’d have a shit fit.”

Dad’s face visibly relaxes. “I know. I may not understand why two people would choose to get married and live apart for two years, but I do know Bryce loves you.”

“It’ll be fine, Daddy. You’ll see.”

“Your mom keeps telling me the same, but I have to say one thing. You ever need me, Devon, you call me. I may be protective and a bit old-fashioned, but I’m still here for you. I saw the way you reacted to Liza’s call, and without too much information, I get the feeling she’s a wild card.”

“What aren’t you telling me? What do you know?”

“Nothing. I know nothing, but I’ve spent my life observing people. Without knowing her personally, she strikes me as sneaky and determined. I have no doubt Bryce would sever any ties if she forced his hand. He wants you happy. She, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to see his loyalty.”

“What should I do, Dad? They work together. I hope I made my point clear about their relationship outside of work.”

“You shouldn’t do anything, but if you need to talk, you call me.”

I nod slowly, hating the direction the conversation has taken.

“Now that the heavy stuff is out of the way, let’s talk about the wedding. Give me the most non-sissified, least detailed version possible. I don’t care about colors and shit. I care about food, drinks, dancing, and where my baby girl will spend her honeymoon.”

He claps his hands together and looks at me with nothing but love. I let go of the heaviness and tell him all we have planned.

By the time he drops me off at the hotel with the team, I’ve forgotten my earlier anxiety. But one thing is for certain; this has become obnoxious. I’m done holding back at the risk of sounding jealous. It’s time Bryce knows exactly why I feel the way I do when it comes to Liza.

Chapter 26

“So what’s the plan tonight?” I ask Nate when I jump in his truck.

He looks at me sheepishly and then pulls away from the curb, remaining quiet.

“Uh oh, what’s the silence for? Did you mess up and let it slip I am here?” I hope to God the answer is no.

“Nope.” He gives me a one word response.

“So why so quiet?”

He turns on his blinker, reaches for the radio, and does everything possible to avoid my question.

“Nate, what’s going on?”

He blows out a breath and looks at me, blushing. “I don’t know what
plans are, but I have a date.”

“You do?” I squeal. “With who?”

“Her name’s Jamie.”

“Why are you being so vague? I’m not going to ask you anything embarrassing.”

He gives me a questioning look. “Number one, this is new, and I’ve kept it quiet. Number two, you can be like a dog with a bone when you want to know something. I’d like to keep this to myself until I figure out if it’s going to stick, especially from Mom.”

“I can keep my mouth shut, but can I know more than her name?”

“Really? You expect me to believe you? Mouth of the south and shares everything with Quinn Jackson, who’s equally as big-mouthed? No way. “

“Come on, Nate. I promise. Sibling code. I’ll keep my large mouth shut. Tell me, is she also in the Navy?”

He studies my face and then rolls his eyes. “Don’t make me regret this, Dev. I’m serious. I’ve done a good job keeping her from everyone so far.”

“PROMISE! Now spill.”

“No, she’s not in the Navy. She’s an elementary school teacher. We met through her brother, who is in the Navy.”

“That’s not a lot of information. How old? Where’s she from? What does she look like?”

“Knew this was a mistake.”

“Okay, fine! I won’t pry, but will I get to meet her while I’m here?”

“I’m not sure. We’ll have to see. Bryce is the only one who has met her, and that was briefly.”

His privacy doesn’t surprise me but not meeting the others is a little odd.

“If her brother’s in the Navy, why hasn’t she met the crew? They’re awesome… well, most of them. They’d be welcoming to her.”

His silence makes me uneasy. “Nate, what’s the problem?”

He shrugs and doesn’t say anything else. His phone rings, and he answers, sighing. His side of the conversation is brief with only a few words,
‘yeah’, ‘no thanks’
, and the
’okay, bye’.

“Was that Bryce by any chance?”

He looks at me with confusion. “No, why?”

“I haven’t spoken to him since after the game last night. I texted him that I was going to bed and not out with Quinn and Dean. Never heard back from him. Then, this morning, he never called. I avoided calling him today because he thinks I’m shopping and getting ready to fly here tomorrow. I didn’t want to slip and spoil the surprise. I’m curious to what he’s doing.”

“You haven’t heard from him at all?”

“Nothing, but I knew he had to work second shift today. Figured I’d make us dinner and have it ready when he got home. That’s why I asked you about the plans.”

“Last I knew, Tommy had a party at his place last night. I stayed with Jamie, so I haven’t heard from any of them. Saw Bryce a few minutes this morning, and to be honest, he looked a little pale, almost sick. I didn’t question it because the parties at Tommy’s can get wild.”

“Really? With a baby in the house?”

“Yes, you’d be surprised.”

“How so?”

He changes the subject before I can prod further. “My plans tonight are pretty low key because of my schedule tomorrow. Taking Jamie to a nice dinner and then to a bar for a few drinks. Nothing big or out of control.”

“That sounds romantic.” I tease him and watch his lips fight a grin.

“That’s me, Mr. Romance.”

We pull up to a grocery store for me to run in while he waits in the car. When I get back, his attitude has shifted, and he’s tense. I try to lighten the mood by prying about Jamie, and he deflects every question. By the time we drive up to his place, he’s barely answering me.

Once we unload, he heads to the shower to get ready for his big date, and I prepare everything for dinner. An hour later, he comes out, and I whistle loudly, causing him to blush.

He’s wearing the deep green thermal Mom gave him for Christmas with worn jeans. The black leather jacket completes the whole ‘rugged’ look.

“Is it too much to ask for a picture of the two of you tonight? I swear not to share with Mom or Quinn, but I’m dying to get a visual of this woman.”

“Don’t hold your breath,” he tells me, grabbing his keys.

“Damn,” I mumble. “No fun.”

He leans down to kiss me on the cheek and lifts my chin to his. “Good luck with your big surprise. Call me if you need me for anything.”

“I’ll be fine. Have fun.”

A look of worry crosses his face, but he nods and walks out. I settle in and get ready to see the look on Bryce’s face.


At nine, I’m starting to get nervous. When I finally felt it was safe, I started trying to contact Bryce. There was no answer to my voicemails or text messages. It crossed my mind to call Nicole, but I quickly dismiss the idea. The food in the oven has now been done for an hour. The aroma of Italian fills the townhome.

By nine-thirty, I’m no longer nervous. I’m totally edgy, and my head is pounding. I pace the living room then get my phone, determined to find him.

The phone rings three times before he finally picks up. But there’s no one on the line but the sound of music and laughter. It dings in my hand, and I see it has changed to Facetime. No one appears on the screen, but there is the blinding glare of strobe lights and then the shrill sound of Liza’s voice.

“Woohoo, girls! Let’s shoot ‘em back!”

I drop the phone on the couch and sit back, so no one can see my face on the screen. On the other end, arms raise with shots and then cheers.

“What exactly are we celebrating?” Dani’s voice fills the line.

“New year, new beginnings, throwing out the old, and embracing the new!” Liza practically sings.

My stomach coils. It’s as if she’s speaking directly to me. I’ve heard this tone before.

“I hate to rain on your parade, but I feel sorry for her. I truly didn’t see this coming,” Nicole says, slurring a bit. “Devon’s a cool chick.”

Bile rises in my throat, and I swallow it back.

“Nicole, not to be a bitch but I told you so. I knew this would be a process. It’s not like he could break up with her easily with Nate being his best friend. I’m a patient person, but after last night and this morning, even he can’t deny anymore…”

My body starts shaking, but I stay glued on the sofa, watching the screen and listening.

“Liza,” Dani says softly, probably unaware the phone is connected. “Think long and hard about this. Bryce loves her, and she loves him. They’re a great couple. Don’t go through with this. You know it’s not right.”

“Oh, Dani! Give your fucking do-gooding a rest. It’s done. And where’s your fucking loyalty? Devon’s a blip on our radar. She’s been around what, a few months? We’ve been friends for years. Forget the little cheerleader and get over it. Bryce seemed to forget her pretty quick when I had my mouth on his dick this morning.”

At this point, I can’t stop the vomit and reach for the trash basket by the recliner. I barely make it, almost throwing up all over myself. Tears sting my eyes and fall down my cheeks. This can’t be happening. She’s lying.

“I’m getting us another round. Be right back. Hope to God you both are in a better mood to celebrate. I plan to be ready when Bryce gets here tonight.” Liza doesn’t end the call but pushes a few buttons, leans directly into the phone and then lays it back down, walking off.

Dings sound from my phone, alerting me to new texts from Bryce’s number. Pictures pop up of Bryce and Liza. Shot after shot with them together.

The last few cause my heart to plummet. He’s laying with a sheet pulled to his hips, wearing nothing. One arm is propped behind his head and the other wrapped around her shoulders. She’s grinning at the screen with an evil gleam in her eye. It’s obvious she is naked. His eyes are lazy and unfocused but directed at her breasts. She’s curved into his body.

“I can’t believe this. This is slimy.” Dani’s voice comes back through the line and actually sounds sad.

“Liza told me they were getting closer and she thought he was starting to have feeling for her. I’m personally sick about it, but Tommy told me this morning it’s none of my business where a man slips his dick. Told me to mind my own business. I saw it with my own eyes. Walked into my living room, both of them naked on the air mattress, and she was on her knees. I backed out quietly, and when I returned to the kitchen thirty minutes later, Liza was sipping coffee and Bryce gone. She was glowing.”

The line is quiet for at least two minutes.

“I’m not sure I can stomach this. I’m leaving.” Dani’s arm reaches across the screen, and I see her haul her purse over the table. “I can’t let this happen to Devon. Someone has to stop Liza. This has gone too far.”

“Ggggiirrrl, you may want to wait to leave. Here comes Bryce, and he doesn’t look good,” Nicole slurs again. “Maybe Liza misjudged the effects of a blow job.”

“Where the FUCK is Liza?” he roars, coming partly into view.

“Right here, babe. What’s up?”

The sweetness in her voice makes me throw up again, this time harder. I’m so shaken, I can’t even move to clean myself up. My eyes and ears remain glued to the phone on the couch.

“Did you switch my fucking phone?”

“What do you mean?”

“This is not my phone.” He reaches out and shakes a phone over the table.

“It’s possible they could have gotten mixed up this morning in the rush to get you to work. Remember, we weren’t exactly wearing a lot of clothes.” She giggles and someone hisses.

“Where’s my damn phone? You’d know it’s mine because it has a picture of Devon on the screen.” He bangs something on the table.

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