Staying on Course (37 page)

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Authors: Ahren Sanders

BOOK: Staying on Course
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“When I was in a coma, I remember you mentioning three kids and a Victorian home.”

“You heard that?”

“I’d like to think I heard everything.”

“But if you’re right, this is only baby number two.”

“What if it’s twins?”

Her face pales, and she runs to the bathroom, slamming the door. I set the table and wait for her to return. Emma babbles and shoves the small pieces of the toast I just gave her into her mouth, clearly loving it as much as her mom.

“So how exactly can we explain that you managed to get me pregnant while I’ve been on birth control?” Devon states, holding the white stick between her fingers. The two bright pink lines are visible from across the room.

My heart and stomach flip with the confirmation, and I stalk to her, picking her up so she’s forced to wrap her arms and legs around me.

“Not that it’s anyone’s business, but we can say it’s planned.”

“Quinn will know I’m lying. She knows everything.”

“Can’t a husband and wife have any privacy?”

She gives me a pointed glare and raises her eyebrows.

“Babe, you forgot your birth control pills when you went to Alaska. We know we want more children. Fate decided on the timing. Well, fate and the fact that I can’t keep my hands off you.” I squeeze her ass to emphasize my point.

“What about my assignment in Japan?”

“We’ll see if it’s safe to go. If so, you and Quinn can still cover the story.”

“Nate’s going to think we did this because you’re jealous of Tyler.” She refers to our newborn nephew.

“I’m not jealous of Tyler, but what’s wrong with wanting a little boy? However, I’d be thrilled with another little girl.” I nuzzle into her neck and inhale, smelling the faint hint of her perfume.

She relaxes into me and then leans away, positioning our faces to watch Emma, who happily waves at us chanting, “Ma-ma-ma-ma.”

“We’re going to have another baby.” Her voice softens.

I back us up until her ass hits the counter and then I slide my hands to her stomach, placing soft kisses all over her face.

“The very first time I heard the words ‘I’m pregnant,’ every single thought that ran through my head terrified me. There wasn’t one ounce of excitement or joy. Once the shock wore off, I knew I’d love that baby with all my heart and bust my ass so he or she would have anything they desired. I could only hope to always do the right thing. When the baby didn’t make it, a part of me has always held on to guilt because of my lack of enthusiasm.

“But when you uttered the words to me with Emma, a thrill shot through me so deep I knew I’d never recover. Knowing you and I created a life together filled me up to the point of bursting. I’ve lived with that happiness for almost three years. Give it to me again.”

She threads her hands through my hair and lays her lips on mine. “Bryce, I’m pregnant.”

Tingling sensations fire off inside, and I swallow back the urge to shout to the top of my lungs and beat my chest at the same time.

“Thank you, baby. I’m living the same fairytale, right by your side. And as far as I’m concerned, we’ll live it forever.”

Emma squeals loudly, Devon cries softly, and I hold on tight, listening to my girls. In this moment, I know the best decision I’ve ever made was to get on that plane all those years ago and go after the love of my life.


A huge thank you goes to my family for once again allowing me to pursue this job. It was quite a shock when my novella turned into a full-blown novel, but no one blinked an eye and instead encouraged me to keep the story flowing. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the endless support.

There’s a team of ladies that deserves enormous recognition for all they do to keep my spirits alive, keep me laughing, and over-all, keep me sane during crazy times. Sloan, Amy, Vi, Cory, Emily, KK, Evette, Leigh Ann, Christine, Stephanie, Kathy, and Gina- thank you doesn’t seem nearly enough to say. My gratitude runs deep.

Lisa, thank you for answering my pleas for help and getting me on track. I’m sure there were moments you wanted to pull your hair out, but I think we’ve got this now- promise.

FTN Chicks, you are all over-the-top, crazy as hell, and insane in the best way. I’m honored to be a part of it.

This never would be where it is without the work of Amber, Rosanna, Amy, Leigh Ann, Rebecca, and Evette. Thank you for the time you invested in reading the raw edition and assisting me.

Evette, your professional knowledge is a life-saver!

Ahren’s Angels, Love you ladies.

There have been a lot of early morning and late night calls, texts, and messages that have grounded me. You know who you are, and I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart.

Kendra, thank you for the patience you always show me. I know you cringe when you see my messages, but I appreciate your work.

For anyone I missed, I suck. Please forgive me.

To all the bloggers who have been supportive and promoted my work, you are greatly appreciated. I know how hard it is to manage a blog and all the social media that goes with it. You all handle it with ease and professionalism with endless support to Indie Authors. Thank you!

Meet The Author

Ahren spent her formative years living in an active volcano. There her family made collectible lava art. She studied rock collecting at the Sorbonne in France. There she met the love of her life-her pet pig Sybil. She returned to the states and started writing. She is happily married to a guy who used to live under a bridge and she met while pole-dancing. They have one amazing daughter.

Now, meet the real me. I grew up in the south and consider myself a true “Southerner”. Most of the special locations mentioned in my books are reflections of my favorite places. Living on the Florida coast, my family spends a lot of time at the beach, which is where I usually can be found with a book in my hand. I started writing my Surrender Series, in the spring of 2013 and have received incredible support from the Indie community. Throughout this year, I have been privileged to meet some amazing people that I am thankful to have in my life.

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