Soul Catcher (8 page)

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Authors: Vivi Dumas

Tags: #Dueling With The Devil Series

BOOK: Soul Catcher
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Angel escorted Laurent out to his car, a Lamborghini Murcielargo. It suited him.

She couldn’t help but ask, “How’s Jacque?”

Laurent shrugged. “Doing what he does best, being a soldier.”

“Great.” Her tone betrayed the excitement of her words. “I was just concerned. Lucifer was really mad the last time I saw Jacque.”

“Hell. Jac and Luc fight every few decades. It’s usually over a girl and eventually they get over it. It’s just what they do.” Laurent shook his head, an amused smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

“Oh,” was all Angel could manage to say.

“Look. I’ll come back around eleven to get you. I hope you’re a night owl. If not, get some 5-Hour Energy or something. You’ll need it for this job.”

Angel waved goodbye and went back into the house. She wondered if she was just a conquest to Jacque. After she left, he most likely went back to Isabella and his old life. She had hoped he would try to reach out to her. She refused to chase after him. If he meant what he said, he knew where find her.

Chapter Nine

“Are you catching souls or a date?” Marie winked as Angel came down the stairs.

“I’m not trying to catch anything tonight, but it’s nice to feel like a woman again. All the training and fighting kills all sense of femininity.” Angel mused as she checked to make sure all the pertinent body parts were hidden in the dress. “Almost didn’t get into this thing. If it wasn’t for the last few weeks of training, I would’ve split it in two.”

She straightened the edges of the deep V of her neckline and pressed them against the double-sided tape. The burnt-orange Baby Phat dress boasted a neckline which plunged to her waistline, disappearing under the belt. The dangling pave, diamond heart called attention to the swells of her breast. The dress was a little risqué, but not trashy.

“You’ll definitely turn some heads tonight. What I would give to be young and alive again. I miss Earth and all its pleasures. I’ll just have to enjoy the time I have now.” Marie sighed wistfully.

Angel turned and met Marie’s gaze. “You’ll come back again.”

Marie smiled reluctantly at Angel. “Maybe, you will find a way for me to be here with you.”

“Were you able to find anything in the books to break this craziness I’ve brought on myself?”

“No, child. Nothing. Faith and I will keep looking. We have other books, but they were split amongst the family. She’s going to try to retrieve them.”

, will I go back to what I looked like before, if we break the deal?” Angel glanced at her reflection in the mirrored wall of the living room, not knowing if she was willing to give up her beauty.
Wonder if vanity’s one of the deadly sins? If it is, I might be in trouble. Hell, I made a deal with the Devil. I’m already in trouble.

Marie clasped her hands behind her back and studied the painting on the wall. “Most likely, if we find a way out, all you get back is your soul.”

“Oh....” The doorbell rang. “Laurent’s here. Wish me luck.”

“You’ll do fine,
mon cher
.” Holding her face, Marie kissed her cheeks.

The heels of Angel’s Blahniks clicked on the tile floor, sliding a little as she made her way down the hall. When she opened the door, a well-dressed Laurent greeted her. His blue eyes twinkled as they skimmed down the length of her body, and he let out a slow whistle. Color flushed her face at his compliment.

glad Luc kept Jac in the Underworld! We’re going to have some fun tonight.” Laurent took her hand and gave her a twirl.

“Laurent, you’re gonna pull my arm off.”

“Oh, sorry. Keep forgetting you’re human.”

“Not you too with this whole human thing?” She rolled her eyes at him. The fixation with her being human was getting old. Jacque struggled with her humanity, as if repelled by it. The thought of him caused her stomach to tense and the image of drowning in the deep green pools of his eyes surged at her with liquid fire.

“Not really. Humans are so fragile. We have to watch ourselves around you.” Laurent shrugged.

“Makes sense. I don’t know. With Jacque it seems like something more. Where are we going anyway?”

“Jac’s complicated. He has his own issues with humans.”

Angel was tempted to question further, but Laurent’s tone discouraged her. “We’re hitting a Supe club. It’ll be fun. I’ll introduce you to some people. People need to get used to you so the targets you’ll be going after won’t get suspicious when you start hanging around.”

“Is it far?” she asked as she slid into the passenger seat of the small car.

“No. It’s here in the French Quarter. You humans always think you have the monopoly on Earth.” Laurent’s toothy grin gleamed in the darkness.

It was a short drive to the club, but maneuvering the Bourbon Street crowd was tricky. People hung from the balconies, shouting to the street below, the beautiful architecture of the historic buildings littered with half-naked bodies. The hordes of drunken partygoers meandered through the street, ignorant to the hidden monsters lurking amongst them. Angel cringed when she remembered she used to be one of those people.

Laurent parked at the corner of Bourbon and Conti. The club was a block up Conti Street. The booming base of the music hit her before she reached the doors of Utopia. A long line of people slithered down the sidewalk, like a snake, waiting to get into the club. Angel surveyed the crowd, trying to differentiate the humans from the Supes without success. Hell, Laurent passed for human, but was all demon. He reminded her of Brad Pitt in Fight Club, just a bit bulkier—smoking hot. Too bad she preferred brunettes.

She and Laurent ignored the line and skipped straight to the bouncer. Laurent whispered something in his ear and pressed some bills into his hand. The rope fell and the bouncer let them pass, never taking his eyes from Angel’s sparkling heart nestled between her breasts.
Works every time. Laurent could’ve saved his money

The music vibrated throughout her, causing her to sway to the beat. The club throbbed with people. Bodies writhed on the dance floor to the rhythm of the pulsating beat. Others lounged in the booths, performing acts better left to the bedroom. The strobe lights and hazy smoke gave the scene a hedonistic frenzy. Angel pushed through the crowd to the bar. Finding two seats at the corner, she slid onto the stool, crossing her legs. Laurent plopped down next to her, taking inventory of the dance floor. He swirled around when the bartender approach them.

“What you want to drink?” he yelled over the blaring music.

“Grey Goose Cosmo,” Angel answered and then leaned back.

“Chivas on the rocks,” Laurent called over his shoulder.

Laurent struggled to speak over the music. “What you think?”

“Looks like any other club I’ve been to, except with no ugly people. Can give a girl a complex.” Her tone was hollow as the memory of her prior face flashed in her mind.

“What did you expect? We would be in here with our fangs out, tails wagging, and horns on blast? We have to blend in. It’s the only way we can stay Topside without starting an all out war.”

“What’s the percentage of people verses Supes?”

“I’d say 75/25. Maybe, a little less Supes. Some of the humans know what we are. They come as dates. Others are just attracted by all the hotties in here.”

“What’s up with all the fabulousness anyway?
in here is beautiful. It’s a little intimidating.”

“Beauty attracts beauty. Less attractive people would feel uncomfortable in here. No one wants to be the ugly friend, especially if they’re pretty in normal circumstances. Everything is so superficial in your world.”

“I know about being the ugly friend, and I don’t want to go back there.” No one in this world or hers would’ve given her a second glance a couple of months ago, especially someone as gorgeous as Jacque.

“You humans tend to forget beauty is only surface paint. In my world, everyone’s born to beauty so you have to look for other qualities when seeking someone special. Physical attraction is a given to Supes. Do you think Jac would care two shits about you if he didn’t like you on some other level?”

Her heart wanted to believe his words. Her mind told her if Jacque cared so much for her, he would’ve called by now. “First of all, Jacque and I hardly know each other. Secondly, who said Jacque liked me? Jacque does what men do best, try to get some.”

“You’re both stubborn. I’ll let you two play your games. Anyway, if you’re not interested in him, I want a shot. You snooze, you lose.” Laurent’s words faded into the sounds of “Bedrock” by Young Money and Lloyd. “Come dance with me,” he said, pulling her to the dance floor.

As they danced, Laurent pointed out various creatures. The club contained a diversity of immigrants from the Underworld. Most of the clubbers were Demons and Vampires. Laurent spotted some Shifters and a couple of Ghouls. He also pointed out some Witches in the corner, although technically considered humans. With her family powers, Angel fell into the same category as the Witches.

Her feet throbbed in her five-inch stilettos as another song began to play. She and Laurent stumbled back to the bar exhausted. The bartender sat a drink in front of Angel, nodding to the opposite end of the counter. Someone had the nerve to send her a drink even though she was clearly with Laurent. She glanced at Laurent with an arched brow. She peeked down to the breathtaking guy at the end of the bar. His dark features set off his amber- colored eyes. Talk about
The Bold and the Beautiful
, he fit the mold perfectly.

“I think you have an admirer,” Laurent teased.

“It doesn’t bother you he sent me a drink? He doesn’t know you’re not my date.”

“It would offend me if no one else wanted you. Why be with someone others find undesirable?”

“I swear, you Supes are strange people. I guess you’re not people. What should I do?” It was her job to submerge herself into this world, make herself desirable.

“It’s your choice. It would be beneficial for you to make friends in the Vamp society. They have strong connections and limitless resources. Etienne is one of the aristocracy in this area.” Laurent downed the last swallow of whiskey in his glass.

She picked up the glass, took a sip, raising it and bestowing her benefactor her most seductive expression. The dark-haired suitor replied with a smile of his own, showed her a bit of fang. As he stood, he displayed the long agility of a swimmer’s build. The Hugo Boss suit was cut to contour his body. He was a sharp contrast to the bulk of Jacque’s brute physique.

“Thank you for the drink.” The thumping bass of the music threatened to drown her out.

“It was my pleasure. Laurent, where have you been hiding this one?”

“It’s good to see you, too, Etienne. Unfortunately, she’s not mine to hide. I was just asked to introduce Angel into society. She’s a friend of Jacque’s.”

“Well, where’s ol’ Jac? He left you alone with this beauty?”

“He’s working as usual. Angel’s Marie’s granddaughter. She’s learning the family business.”

“I see. Are you taking your place as Queen of the New Orleans?” Etienne questioned.

“I like to consider myself as Princess.
will always hold the crown of Queen.” She gazed at him and batted her lashes, glad the conversation moved away from Jacque. She dusted off the skills from her dating days; it was like riding a bike. Men loved the shy, modest act.

“Beautiful and loyal. That’s an admirable combination. Laurent, I’m having a party at my house Friday night. You must bring our Angel here so she can meet my coven.”

“We’d be happy to stop by,” Laurent answered.

Etienne touched the tips of her fingers as if afraid he might be shocked. “Will you be bringing Jacque?”

Angel flashed her brilliant white teeth. Improv wasn’t her strong suit. “Jacque and I are taking a break since he finds his work more amusing than me.” She and Laurent should have practiced their story before they left the house. She wished he had used someone other than Jacque as their cover story. The constant reminder of him was taking its toll.

“Jac has always been a fool when it came to women. Last time I heard, he and your sister were battling through eternity. I enjoy your sister, Laurent, but Jac made a mistake letting Angel go.” The mention of Isabella’s name darkened Angel’s mood even further, drawing out jealousy and rage. She bet Isabella was digging her claws in Jacque at this very moment. Probably did a dance when Angel left.

Laurent nudged her playfully. “That he did. I’ll make sure to relay your message. I’m sure Angel won’t lack company in his absence.” Laurent was good at altering the truth. Angel wondered if it was from practice or a part of his demon nature.

“Okay, guys. I’m standing right here. I wish you wouldn’t speak as if I’m invisible.” Angel pouted.

“I apologize for our rudeness. I hope you’ll be able to make my party. I’m sure you’ll be the talk of the town by then. And I can say I saw you first.” Etienne bowed, kissed her hand, and disappeared into the crowd.

Laurent sat on the stool, shaking his head. “You rocked it. Couldn’t have asked you to do better.”

Angel sipped her Cosmo and shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe next time we’ll leave Jacque out of the playbook. I don’t like making up things about him.”

“What happened between the two of you? He’s really tight-lipped about it.”

“Not much to tell. Girl meets demon, have a fling, gets banished by Lucifer, and here we sit.” It sounded so simple in those terms. Her feelings for Jacque gnawed at her reasoning every day, creating turmoil and conflict.

“This is the first time he ever asked me to look after someone.” Laurent slapped himself in the head. “Shit. Can you act like I didn’t say that?”

“You’re fine.... He probably just feels guilty he played with the fragile human. Nothing serious.” She smiled at his questioning eyes. He didn’t believe her and why should he? She hardly believed it and they were her words.

She danced so much, the five-inch Manolos made her calves clenched like butt cheeks at the county jail. Her watch showed 3:32, time to wrap it up. Angel was out of practice. She’d have to build up her partying stamina or lose her street cred. Tapping her watch, she signaled time to go. Laurent caught her hint and finished-up his conversation with the red-haired Fae who had came in while she danced with Etienne.

Angel dreaded the trip back to Bourbon Street. She debated the lesser of her evils—walk slow or run fast to get there sooner. The throbbing pain in her feet said neither would help. She winced with each step. Laurent stared at her and clucked his tongue. Before she realized what happened, he picked her up, hoisting her in his arms.

“Women and your impractical shoes. Why would you wear those things to a club or at all?” He gave her a little toss to adjust her weight in his arms.

“They’re sexy. Men like to see women in stilettos,” she argued, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Laurent, if my feet didn’t hurt so bad I would demand you put me down. But right now, I have no fight left.”

“Men don’t care what kind of shoes you have on. It’s just one more thing to take off. Women wear those things for other women, not for us.”

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