Soul Catcher (12 page)

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Authors: Vivi Dumas

Tags: #Dueling With The Devil Series

BOOK: Soul Catcher
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Chapter Thirteen

Satisfaction and sorrow existed in a single heartbeat.

Angel’s breath weighed heavily in her lungs as she flung open the French doors and relished the sanctuary of the gardens. His unexpected kiss gave her the opportunity to remove herself from the situation. The longer she stayed in his arms, the more her defenses yielded. Every time she was close to him, her survival instincts went faulty. His lips could make her forgive any transgression. She couldn’t afford to make any more mistakes when it came to Jacque.

“Angel, what’s going on?” Marie asked, as she stepped on to the veranda.

,” she answered, wiping the tears from her face. “Jacque said Antione is here. Freaked me out.”

“So all the fuss was about Antione?”

“Not all of it. Some of it is Jacque being an asshole.”

Marie peered back into the house through the French doors. “Which one is he?”

Angel spotted him at the bar. “Oh, there he is.” She pointed to the dangerously handsome stranger. He looked as if he should be in leather with a crotch-rocket between his legs—the quintessential bad boy.

“Oh, he’s different, isn’t he?” Marie voiced her admiration. “I wonder what brought him out? I heard he’s been discreet for centuries.”

“Jacque said I was the reason he was here. He came for me.”

“Why? Do you think he knows you’re after him?”

Angel sucked her teeth and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t think so. He claims he needs a new conquest. I guess I’m it.”

Marie shook her head. “Men and their games.”

Antione’s gaze met Angel’s. She diverted her eyes, embarrassed to be caught staring. “Let’s go in.” She took Marie’s arm and opened the doors.

At the bar, Angel squeezed between Antione and a cute blond. She flagged the bartender, brushing her breasts against Antione’s arm. He gave her a sideways grin, which crinkled the scar along his jaw. Angel cringed, remembering the damage that once adorned her own face.

“Hello, lovely.” His syrupy-sweet voice was like candy.

“Hi, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” She extended her hand to him.

Antione covered her small hand with both of his and speaking in the same singsong voice announced, “You’re as heavenly as your name.”

She gave him her pageant smile, bright and wide. “It’s not fair you know my name, but I don’t know yours.”

“I’m sorry, my sweet. I’m Antione.” He dropped his head until his eyes met her cleavage.

“Nice to meet you, Antione.” She gave a slight curtsey and pressed closer into him when the blond behind her rested his hand on her ass. Everyone at this party was a bit touchy-feely.

Reaching around Angel, Antione tapped Blondie on his shoulder. “I think the lady would like you to take your hand off her.”

“Let her tell me herself.” The blond jerked Angel to him by the strings on the back of her corset.

Antione’s fist flew by the right side of her face and connected to Mr. Grab-ass’s chin. Blondie shook off the punch and lunged at Antione. Angel spun to get out the way. Before she could remove herself from the scuffle, Blondie’s shoulder clipped her and threw her on the floor. Her head slammed into the marble floor. Before she could move, several guys were by her side assisting her up. Accepting Laurent’s and Etienne’s hand, she smoothed her skirt as she got on her feet, trying to hide the gun in her boot.

The room spun. Angel tightened her grip on Laurent to steady herself. As she regained her focus, she looked up in time to watch Antione ram a silver spike into Blondie’s heart. Mr. Grab-ass dissipated in a puff of black smoke before he could hit the ground. Dusting off his jacket, Antione ran a hand through his hair and searched the crowd to find his prize. He would be dazzling, if he weren’t a homicidal maniac.

Antione slid close to Angel, placing his hand at the small of her back. “I’m sorry about the disturbance, Etienne.”

“Not a problem. I would’ve done the same if I were with Angel.”

Antione tilted her chin to search her face. “Are you okay, my sweet?”

“I’m fine. My head hurts a bit. I’m tough. I’ll survive.” She smiled at him. “I think I’ll have Laurent bring me home. But I owe you one. Can we do dinner tomorrow or I guess it’s actually tonight?”

“Dinner sounds lovely. May I pick you up at nine when the sun is completely down?”

“Perfect. Again, thank you.” She reached over and kissed Antione’s cheek. “Laurent, have you seen Marie?”

“She left about an hour ago. The car took her home,” Laurent replied.

“Oh. Okay. Can we leave then? My head is killing me.”

“Of course.”

Etienne escorted them to the door.

Angel reached over and kissed him on each cheek. “Thanks for inviting me. You have a lovely home.”

“I apologize for the rudeness of my guests. It seems you bring out the animal in men. I can understand the attraction and the need to be territorial. Please don’t let tonight stop you from coming back.” Etienne’s sincerity rang true.

“I’ll be back anytime you’ll have me. Just call.”


Angel jumped into the limo. Jacque grabbed her, securing Angel to his side. Laurent slid in after her, shutting the door, blocking out the nosey onlookers. Angel moved to the seat on the other side of the car, her brown eyes glimmering with rage. As Jacque broke away from her glare, he thought,
I’m in deep shit

Some things aren’t as simple as they seem when you first think of them. He should’ve thought through his plan a little better. Even though Bell knew the situation, he still had to listen to her shit after kissing Angel on the dance floor.
Women! They’re more trouble than they’re worth sometimes
. The situation with Bell was easy. He didn’t care if she was pissed. But he had to figure out a way to make it right with Angel.

The ride to Angel’s was quieter than a monastery full of monks who had taken a vow of silence. Jacque kept his mouth shut. There was no need for Laurent to witness his begging. His friend would snatch his man card. When the limo stopped, Angel hopped out before the driver could open the door. Jacque jumped out after her.

Laurent wedged out the car door as though he was dodging bullets in a war zone. “Do you want me to wait for you?” he asked cautiously.

“No need to wait. He’s leaving with you,” Angel spat out, fumbling with her keys.

“I’m not leaving until we talk,” Jacque answered, taking the keys from her and opening the door. “Don’t worry about me, man. I’ll see you later. Come by around noon.”

“All right. I’ll make the sofa for you just in case. You know where the spare key is.” Laurent got back in the car, shaking his head.


She ran into the house; the rage welled inside of her, consuming her. Salty tears fell to her lips. She knew a life with Jacque would end in misery and pain. Opening herself up to him had been a mistake. Angel’s downfall was she needed him, needed love, and needed to live the lie even if it only lasted for a moment. The undeniable passion Jacque evoked clouded her judgment.

Weariness weighed her down like an anchor as she climbed the stairs to the bedroom. She didn’t have the energy to fight vampires, Lucifer, and Jacque. She prayed he would leave. Instead of leaving, Jacque silently followed her up the stairs. His silence drove her insane.

Once inside the bedroom, she turned to face him. “What do you want?” she asked as she plopped on the bed.

“I want to explain. I know how it looks. I wasn’t
Bell.” His eyes pleaded for her to understand.

“Then what do
call it when someone shows up to a party with their ex, or is it current girlfriend, on their arm?” Her head pounded as she waited for the answer.


His brows furrowed as if deep in thought.
What was there to think about? It was a simple question.

Finally he spoke. “I needed a way into the party. I knew Bell had a standing invite. I asked to come along. She knew I was there for you. She’s just an ass. You know how Bell is. She wanted you to think we were together.” He rattled out the statement so fast even Angel had to take a breath.

Sitting on the bed with her elbows propped on her knees, she held her head in her hands. Jacque knelt on the floor beside her, nervously playing with the bottom of her skirt. Her heart tore in two. Only logic kept her from falling apart.

If their relationship or lack thereof was this difficult now, what would happen if she lost her fight with Lucifer? What’ll happen when the beautiful face he loved so much reverted to the monster she used to be? Or when age stole her beauty? Would he still want her then?

Unconsciously, she ran her fingers through Jacque’s dark curls. His hand slipped under her skirt, massaging her leather-clad calf. He rolled his eyes as he reached the top of her boot and found her gun. Placing it on the floor, he pulled the boot from her foot and then the other. He held her foot in his hand, working miracles with his fingers. Her shields slipped as he massaged. This was what every girl needed after a night in five-inch heels.

His hands traveled higher up her leg, almost to his target, before she stopped him. “Please stop. Sex’ll just complicate things right now. I’m still not sure how I want to move forward with you.”

“Maybe it’ll help you make up your mind,” he answered, his voice dark with lust.

“I like you,” she said, downplaying her emotions. “Right now, I like me more. I have to focus on Antione. I don’t have time to worry about you and ex-girlfriends or anything else. I have to focus on staying alive. Don’t pressure me to commit to anything. If you do, you’ll lose.” The words struggled from her mouth. She craved to have him inside of her, their bodies fusing as one. She could taste him on her lips.

“I can understand. I won’t pressure you, but I’m not leaving. I need to make sure you’re safe. Please allow me to stay.” Next to her on the bed, the heat of his body transferred to the pit of her stomach, enticing her to retract her request.

“I won’t say no to your help. I won’t even force you to leave tonight. You have to promise no more sex or relationship talk for now.”

His smile didn’t match the sadness in his eyes. “Thanks.”

“What’re you thanking me for?”

He lay still on the bed, holding her hand. “Being you, being honest, and not saying no.”

She released his hand, stood and turned her back to him. “Now, help me out of this contraption so I can breathe.” Jacque unlaced the cinched ties of the corset. Clutching the dress to her, she disappeared into the bathroom. Reappearing with sweat shorts and a tank top, she climbed under the covers, trying to create as much separation between her and Jacque as possible. She had to find a way to let him go.

Chapter Fourteen

His brick-hard body wrapped around her like a security blanket. The morning light cascaded through the windows, warming her face. Squirming from underneath Jacque’s arm, she sat up in the bed and gazed down at his sleeping face. Still wearing his tuxedo pants and undershirt, he slept soundly, his expression like an innocent child. The rays of sun created highlights in his dark curls and cast a soft glow against his skin. In this light, he resembled an angel. How ironic.

She wanted to give into Jacque, hand over her heart, except she didn’t have the strength. When Jackson left, it nearly destroyed her. Agreeing to marry a man who used “I guess you’ve put in your time” as a line in his proposal, may not have been the smartest thing she had ever done.
Hindsight is twenty-twenty

It would be different this time. She was different this time. She refused to be someone’s arm candy again. Jacque would have to prove his love to her before she relinquished her heart to him. Unfortunately, Angel’s love life was on hold until she staked Antione and delivered him to Lucifer.

Angel scooted off the bed in an attempt not to wake him. She hated to be seen before her morning beauty ritual.

With her hair and makeup done, she quietly stood next to the bed, listening to the even pace of Jacque’s breathing and resisted the urge to climb back under the covers. Angel forced herself out of the room, sneaking downstairs to the kitchen to find some Vamp Juice. Her head throbbed like someone hit her with a hammer. Guess a marble floor worked just as good.

She straddled the kitchen chair, downing thick acidic liquid when Marie came into the room.

“I heard there was a lot excitement last night after I left.” Marie leaned over and kissed Angel on the cheek.

“Too much for my taste, but I got what I wanted—Antione’s attention.” The Vamp Juice worked its mojo, making her head feel better and her body stronger. A few extra doses might not be such a bad idea today.

“You must be careful, darling. He is very dangerous. Are Jacque and Laurent here?”

“Jacque’s here. Laurent should be on his way.” She grabbed another bottle of V-Juice out the fridge.

“Good. Then we can discuss a plan to defeat this Antione. I hope you’re able to take him tonight. I’ll have to leave tomorrow night and will not be able to assist you.” Marie’s eyes glistened with moisture as she hugged Angel tight.

“I’ll miss you.” She hid her face for fear of her own tears falling.

“Cher, I’ll always be watching over you, even when you do not see me. And Faith will be here for you like always. Trust her. She’ll never guide you wrong.” Marie reached over and squeezed Angel’s hand. “Now come. We have work to do.” Angel smiled through her tears.

The light bounced off the bottles and crystals in the dining room, creating small rainbows around the room. This was magic. She pulled the bottles she needed for the protection spell and lit the incenses and candles. Marie stood behind her, watching like a dutiful teacher.

Chanting the spell over her favorite necklace from Tiffany’s, Angel focused her energies. If she was going to make a protection talisman, why shouldn’t it be from Tiffany’s? Angel wasn’t a costume jewelry kind of girl. She finished the spell and thanked the spirits. Lifting the platinum Tiffany’s Petal Key pendant out of the circle of candles, she went to place it back around her neck.

Strong hands took the delicate strands of platinum from her hands and latched the necklace. She hadn’t heard Jacque enter the room. The warmth of his breath licked the back of her neck, making the hairs stand on end. He smelled of soap and mint. Yearning the strength of his body, she leaned back into his arms, desperately needing the support.

“Uh hum,” Marie coughed.

“Good morning, Marie.” Jacque stepped away, breaking the electric current passing through them.

“We have a lot to do before tonight. You two will have plenty of time to enjoy each other once Antione is dead.”

,” Angel mumbled under her breath and blushed. She forgot they were not alone. Jacque had that effect on her.

“Jacque, will you be sparring with Angel? She needs to practice. We’re done with our rituals here.” There was no beating around the bush for the Voodoo Queen.

“I guess I can. I haven’t spared with Angel since we were in Hades. You sure you don’t want to wait for Laurent?”

“What? You afraid I’ll kick your ass?” Angel cut her eyes at him, smiling a wicked grin.

“No, I’m afraid I’ll hurt you before Antione gets a chance.” He gave her a lopsided grin and slapped her hard on the ass.

“Oh, no you didn’t! It’s
” She marched toward the back patio doors.


Jacque followed Angel to the backyard. As soon as he shut the patio door, the bottom of a sneaker caught him in his chest. He stumbled back a couple of steps from the impact. Before he could regain his composure, another blow snapped his right knee backward. Shit. She was faster than he remembered and stronger. Oddly, his pain brought him some comfort. Maybe she could hold her own if she got into trouble.

He refused to let someone half his size get the best of him, even if it was the woman he loved.
Love? Did I just admit to loving her? Shit. I did
. Another kick flew toward his ribs. Grabbing her foot, he shoved her backward. She landed in the pool and emerged from the water fuming. He was in trouble—again.

He limped to the side of the pool and jerked Angel up by the back of her T-shirt. Bad idea. Rule number one: Never underestimate your opponent.

When she cleared the side of the pool, she rammed her fist into the base of his throat and brought him to the ground gasping for air.

She screamed as she kicked him in the rib cage. He curled into the fetal position, on the ground, to protect himself. “You son-of-a-bitch! Now, my hair is ruined! Do you know how long it’s going to take to straighten it?”

“You are sooooo going to pay for this!” he threatened as the bottom of her shoe met its target. She stopped kicking and straddled him, pummeling his head with her small fists. She was like an angry gnat, unleashing all its wrath. Twisting under her, he locked her arms to her side. With one fling, she landed in the pool for the second time.

Angel surfaced from the crystal blue water. She swam to the edge of the pool and pushed herself up. He tossed her a towel.

“Are we done fighting?” he asked.


“Eventually, you have to stop being mad. I’m the one who should be pissed. You damn near snapped my leg in two.” She diverted her gaze and hid her smirk behind the towel. A burning urge smoldered inside of her. Humans and their emotions, sometimes the empath thing worked to his advantage.

“You deserved it,” she said as he took the towel from her and helped dry her hair.

“I deserve a lot of things. Your anger about last night is misguided. I care a lot about you and would never intentionally hurt you.”

“Only crazies and psychopaths intentionally hurt others. The rest of us get caught up in unintentional bullshit or friendly fire, if you will. We both have a lot of baggage. Let’s take things slow and figure out what we’re both willing to give.” Her voice trailed off.

Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he gathered her close to him, smelling the mixture of her shampoo and chlorine. He kissed the crook of her neck, causing her to shiver in his arms. He wanted to keep her there forever. He would have to break through her defenses first. It might be less work if he could stop making mistakes. Thinking about the consequences of his actions was not at the top of his radar. It was something he had to work on.

He kissed the trail from her collarbone to just below her ear. The delicious apricot and pear fragrance of her perfume intoxicated him. A flash of yearning pulsed in her blood. She wanted him as much as he did her. He brushed his lips to the base of her neck and draped the towel around her shoulders. Eventually, the wall she built around her heart would crumble. Until then, he would wait. He sensed her need to be loved. And he was just the guy to do it.

Laurent leaned against the doorway. “Am I interrupting something?”

“Always,” Jacque mocked.

Angel stood, wringing more water from her hair. “Good thing you’re here to save him from the beat down I was about to inflict on him. The asshole threw me in the pool.”

“Yeah. The scene I witnessed looked like you were killing him,” Laurent joked. “Jacque, what’s up with the bruise on your neck?” He nodded toward the damage.

“She’s vicious. What’ve you been teaching her?” Jacque answered as his hand went to the spot just above his collarbone.

Laurent winked at Angel. “I’m an

“And modest, too.” Her giggle was refreshing, like lemonade on a hot day.

Laurent punched Angel in the arm as she passed him to answer the phone. He had a way with women—winning their trust. They opened up to him, felt comfortable with him. Jacque was surprised Laurent hadn’t settled down yet. He wasn’t the player type, yet seemed to go through women like Jacque went through socks. Guess he hadn’t found the “one” yet.


Angel’s giggle echoed off the stone floors. She was entertained by whomever she spoke with. Propping against the kitchen wall, she cradled the phone against her shoulder, twirling a wet strand of hair around her finger, nervous habit.

“No. No. It’s okay. I don’t mind you calling. I should’ve thought to give you the number myself last night. Everything got so crazy. How nice of Etienne to give it to you.” Angel chatted with the other person.

Jacque straddled a stool and watched her charm. With her behavior, it could only be a man on the other end of the line. Every woman knew how to get to a man. It must be something they passed down through the generations like a secret recipe.

“It was a good time until Blondie pawed me. I appreciate how you took care of the problem for me. I guess a girl doesn’t have to worry when she’s with you.” Her voice was light and flirty. Something he wished she saved for him.

“Oh, I can’t wait to go out tonight either. It should be fun.” She hugged the phone closer to her mouth. “You are so bad!” she snickered, causing Jacque to get out of the chair. Jealousy tightened the muscles of his jaw.

He pressed his body close to hers, making her jump. She gasped into the phone as his hand slid under her damp shirt, feeling the quiver in her stomach. As he caressed her breast, he trailed his tongue down the back of her neck. Angel melted into his chest, leaning her head back and closing her eyes for a brief moment. She opened her eyes, slapped Jacque’s hand away, and refocused on her conversation.

“Nothing’s wrong. I just felt a chill. What time again?”

Jacque caught her earlobe between his lips. “It’s heat not a chill,” he whispered.

“Um. I think my grandmother’s calling me. I’ll be ready at nine. Do you know the way to the house?” Jacque was back under her shirt, pinching her nipple, causing her to moan. “No. No. I’m fine. Look. I’ve
to go. See you tonight. Okay.”

When she hung up the phone, he spun her around and ravaged her mouth. His tongue toyed along the line of her luscious lips, beckoning them to invite him in. She sucked in a breath, giving him access to her sweet wetness. As his tongue explored, he relished every crevice of her mouth. She gave in and responded. Her tongue tangled with his. Breaking down her barriers, her body shuddered in response to him as their tongues intertwined in sweet passion.

Circling her arms around his neck, she beckoned him to her. She went limp in his arms when his mouth drifted to the cleavage escaping the low V-neck of her T-shirt. He caught the neckline in his mouth, nudging it down to expose her caramel breast. Then he caught her nipple between his teeth through the red lace of her bra, winning a shuddering gasp from Angel. Lapping at her hardened nipple like a lollipop through the red lace bra, he was rewarded by the raspy call of his name.

“What the hell! Do I have to throw a bucket of water on the two of you?” Laurent yelled as he entered the kitchen. “You’re like dogs in heat. Get a room or something.”

Angel stiffened in Jacque’s arms. He kept a tight hold. His lips gently covered hers, slowly brandishing his mark on her, giving her something to remember him by whenever she was with another man. She belonged to him. Sooner or later, she would accept it. He would make sure of it.

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