Soul Catcher (11 page)

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Authors: Vivi Dumas

Tags: #Dueling With The Devil Series

BOOK: Soul Catcher
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He wrapped his arm around her waist, much too close for a waltz, and spun her across the room. As they glided over the floor, the coolness of his body transferred to her, causing her to quiver. She raised her voice above the music and said, “I didn’t catch your name.”

“Forgive my rudeness. It’s Fabian Macion.”

“Nice to meet you, Fabian. I’m Angelique Dias. Most people call me Angel.”

His arm tightened around her. “Everyone knows who you are. You’re the hottest thing on the streets right now.”

Trying to adjust her body into a proper waltz hold, she countered, “I wasn’t this popular even when I made the cover of

They were on their third song when she begged him to stop. As Fabian spun her around, Angel recognized the cackle behind her.
Who the hell invited Isabella?
When she turned to see Isabella, she stumbled back into Fabian.

“What the fuck?” Fabian looked down at her as the words slipped from her lips. “Sorry.” She gave him a half-grin, more of a grimace really.

On the dance floor, Isabella clung so close to Jacque, Static Guard wouldn’t have released her. With Angel’s fingers digging into Fabian’s arm, she dragged him from the dance floor.

Jacque’s gaze followed her as she hurried out the room. She had to get away to fight the instinct to scratch out Isabella’s eyes. Poor Fabian shuffled alongside her, oblivious to the madness seeping into Angel’s mind. In the hall, she thanked him for his company and excused herself to the ladies’ room.

Her breaths came in irregular gasps. The pounding in her heart rushed blood to her head. She fanned back the water welling in her eyes, reminding her she had a job to do. She didn’t have time to worry about Jacque and his tramp. Jacque was such an asshole. She couldn’t believe he had the audacity to bring that bitch with him. She knew this afternoon was a mistake. She was weak, should’ve listened to her instincts.

Too late to cry over spilled milk, especially if you’re giving it away for free as Gran used to say. If Jacque’s going to parade his skanky ho in my face, I’m going to have as much fun as I can tonight. Game on!

Chapter Twelve

The bathroom door swung open and slammed into the wall. Marie jumped out of the way to avoid getting smashed by the dark mahogany panel. As soon as Angel saw Marie, the tears threatened to fall again. She inhaled a deep sigh and faked a smile instead. Her acting classes hadn’t helped her land any commercials when she was modeling. Maybe they’ll be useful in this career.

Marie watched Angel with concern in her light brown eyes. “I was looking for you, dear. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Just needed a moment. All’s good.” Angel’s smile showed too much teeth. The same smile she used many years ago when she only dreamed of being a supermodel. Amazing how far reality drifted from the dream.

“I saw Jacque and Bell. I’m sure there’s a good explanation. But now is not the time to discuss it.”

“I could care less why he brought her. I’m here to do a job. I don’t have the energy to waste on his bullshit. Excuse my language.” Angel’s chest tightened as she tried to convince herself of her own lie. “Anyway, I told him earlier, I’m out at the first signs of problems. Bringing some floozy with him to a party is about as much trouble as I need. Angel has left the building, and Jacque is free to do as he pleases.”

Marie eyes twinkled as she spoke. “My, my, don’t we have a temper? You remind me of me, during a younger time in my life. And like you, it was usually a man who brought it to the surface.” She looped her arm through Angel’s and headed back toward the ballroom. The silk of their skirts made a calming swishing noise as they walked.

Jacque and Isabella floated around the dance floor like feathers caught in the wind. Laurent hurried over to Angel, sweat beading on his forehead. His moist hand grabbed hers when he reached her side.

“Don’t worry. There’ll be no bloodshed tonight. I’m on my best behavior. See....” She forced a tight grin across her face, so tight it hurt her cheeks.

“I’m going to talk to him to see what’s going on.” He struggled to hold his voice steady, nervously watching his friend and his sister on the dance floor.

“No, there’s no need to talk to him. We know what we came to do tonight. What he’s doing really doesn’t matter. We’ve got to find out about Antione. Have you heard anything?” She tore her eyes from Jacque, feeling the pain of rejection. She wanted so much to believe his words, to hold on to the hope of him truly caring about her. Like every other man in her life, he failed her.

“No, nothing yet.”

“Okay. Let’s spread out and work the room.” Her blank face projected a mask of indifference.

Before they could leave, Etienne stopped them. “How’s everyone enjoying the party?” he asked, placing a frigid hand on Angel’s elbow.

“It’s a wonderful party. However, some of your guests are questionable.” She glanced in Jacque’s direction. “I won’t hold it against you though.” Etienne followed her gaze.

“Oh. I’m sorry, my dear. I planned this party months ago, before I knew about you. Isabella and I go back a long time. She always shows for my parties. This is the first time she’s brought Jacque in decades.” He studied the couple on the other side of the ballroom.

“No need to explain. It’s your party, you can invite whoever you want.”

Isabella’s curvy hips swayed to the rhythm of the music, drawing the attention of the men she passed. With her blonde hair swept up into a French twist, Angel could see the full extent of her beauty. The low-cut, navy, sequined dress sparked a fire in her blue eyes. The thigh-high split on the right side of the dress exposed her creamy white leg and sparkling silver and rhinestone shoe. If Angel were a guy, she’d want her, too.

Jacque towered above the crowd as they traveled toward her. His white jacket stood out in the sea of black, but he didn’t need the jacket to be noticeable. His black pants boasted a crisp crease and his black shirt welded so much starch it could stand on its own. Angel’s mind drifted to what lay underneath, and then she shut her eyes for a moment as she pulled herself out of the distraction. She had to stay focused.

Etienne greeted his old friends. “Good evening, Isabella. Jacque.”

“Evening, Etienne. Good to see you again. It’s been a while,” Isabella answered. “Good to see you, too, Angelique. You left in such a hurry, you forgot to say goodbye.”

The urge to slap the sappy smile from her face pulsed in Angel’s hand. “Next time I’ll be sure to leave you a note. Nice to see
again, Jacque. I see you’re doing well.”

“Thanks. You look like you’re having fun tonight. I’m surprised Laurent allowed you to leave the house barely dressed. I’m not sure if I could’ve let Bell out of the house with such a revealing dress on.” Her name on his lips made Angel feel nauseous.

“Luckily, I’m not attached to an overbearing asshole. I can wear whatever I want. No one else has complained about my attire. Etienne, what do you think?” Her voice dripped as sweet as honey as she made a small circle, showcasing her goods.

Etienne winked at her. “I think you look good enough to eat.”

“Now you’re just teasing me.” She giggled. “I think it’s getting a bit crowded in here. Come dance with me, Etienne. I promised you one earlier. Jacque, Isabella, good to see you both.” Taking Etienne’s arm, she pushed past Jacque’s disapproving stare.


Jacque snatched Laurent by the arm and stormed out of the ballroom, leaving Bell behind. The room faded red as he fought to contain his rage. It was killing him to see Angel in another man’s arms. Watching Fabian hold her close and sensing the attraction in her fueled his jealousy.

And the way she looked in that dress.

Except for the night in Hades when they had made love, he always saw Angel dressed down. He never witnessed her in her full glory. She was magnificent in her gown and every man wanted her.

“What the hell are you doing?” Laurent asked.

“I should ask you the same question. You let her come out here flirting and flaunting herself to every man! Her breasts are damn near popping out of the dress.” His hands shook with anger. Placing them in his pockets, he tried to calm himself.

“Look, man. She dressed herself—not my problem. Like I peeped you earlier, she has a job to do, and you need to let her do it. Anyway, she’s damn good at it. If you can’t handle it, go home. The way she’s dressed is the least of your worries anyway.”

“What do you mean?”

“Man, for someone who reads as much as you do, you’re dumber than road kill when it comes to women. You’re in deep shit. I’ll make sure to make the sofa for you tonight, because you’ll be bunking with me.”

“Why the hell would I stay with you? I’ll be at Angel’s.”

“She’s pissed at you. So pissed, she’s gone into calm-before-the-storm mode. You’re an idiot. Why would you bring Bell, your
The one person Angel can’t stand?”

“Because I needed a way in. Bell knows it doesn’t mean anything.” Jacque raised a brow in question.

“Did you tell Angel you were coming with Bell?”

“No. Shit. It didn’t even cross my mind. I just needed a way in. Fuck!” He slammed a fist into the marble column, fracturing the stone.

“Look. You got some serious beggin’ to do. Bring your knee pads and a big diamond when you go over there.”

“I’ve got to explain to her what’s going on.”

“Not right now. We all got to play this out the way you dealt it. She’s already pissed, so no use making a scene here. Talk to her after the party.”

“I’m a fuck up. I should’ve known to talk to Angel or just not come with Bell. Then Bell doesn’t help with the smart-ass comments. I guess they’ll never get along.” He shook his head at his lack of forethought. It was going to take some groveling to get himself out of this one.

Jacque lingered in the hall after Laurent left, thinking about how to make this go away. As he leaned against the wall, a new guest came through the front door.

Antione was the last person he expected to see tonight, however, Jacque was happy for the lucky break. A smile pulled at his lips as he watched the maid trip as she was checking out Antione. It astonished him that women found Antione so attractive. His long lean build was frail compared to Jacque’s thickness. The tussled sandy-brown hair looked as if he just rolled from the bed and a scar trailed along his jaw, a gift from the last person who tried to bring him in. Silver left a lasting impression on vamps. Unfortunately, the silver dagger ended up in the heart of the guy who gave Antione the scar.

“What’s up, man?” Antione gave him a nod.

“Not much. Haven’t seen you in a while. Where the hell you been hiding?”

“Around. You know how it goes. The women of this time make things so easy I have to make my own challenges. What ‘bout you?”

“Just tryin to stay out of trouble.”

“You still with Bell?”

“It is what it is. We’re here tonight. Doesn’t mean anything tomorrow.” Jacque’s laugh bounced off the stone floors.

“I hear there’s fresh meat in town. I came to check out the new chick. Have you seen Marie’s granddaughter?”

Jacque eyes narrowed at the thought of Antione near Angel. “Yeah. She’s here.”

“What’s the verdict?”

“I wish I would’ve left Bell back home.”

Antione punched him in the arm jokingly. “Then I’ll be seeing you later. I got work to do.”

Jacque followed Antione back to the party. He scanned the room for Angel and found her perched on a stool surrounded by admirers. The light shimmered off her caramel skin, creating a golden aura around her. Antione stopped at the bar, eyeing her as he ordered a drink. Jacque had to warn her.

As he headed in Angel’s direction, Bell grabbed the back of Jacque’s jacket. She was beginning to be more trouble than she was worth. He really should’ve thought this plan through before he asked for Bell’s help. He snatched her arm and started to leave, but she clutched his hand, stopping him a second time. He didn’t have time for her shit right now.

“What’re you doing?” Bell spat under her breath.

“What are you being crazy about now? You know
is why we keep breaking up,” Jacque answered, in an exasperated tone.

“Every time I look up, you’re making goo-goo eyes at her. Do you know how embarrassing it is when people know my date wants someone else?”

“Look. You knew the deal when I asked you to bring me here. I came here for Angel. End. Of. Story.” He growled into her ear and snatched his hand from her.

“It’ll never work. As a human, her emotions will drain you until there’s nothing left of you. And her time with you will always be limited,” Bell challenged.

Pissed, Jacque fired, “A short life with her will be better than a lifetime of bullshit with you.” Then turned and darted away before she could move.

Shifting through the small gathering, he watched Angel work the crowd. She reminded him of a Victorian doll sitting on her stool, delicate and beautiful, but he knew a fierce woman lay underneath the resplendent exterior. Her gaze traveled over Jacque, gracing him with a sultry smile. He couldn’t tell if this was a part of the show or if she forgave him. She gave Antione the same smoldering stare, making him curse under his breath.

A DJ replaced the quartet at some point while Jacque was away. The modern music transformed the ball into a feverish dance club. The DJ slowed the pace down with “Brand New Luv” by Robin Thicke.

Inhaling some courage, he asked, “Can I have this dance? For old times.” Everyone waited for her answer.

Antione nudged him with his elbow. “You beat me to the punch, young.”

“You’re not going to embarrass me in front of all my boys? Are you?” Jacque said half-jokingly.

“What happened to your date? I hate to cause any trouble between you two.” Her words were like daggers of ice piercing his heart.

“There’s always trouble between me and Bell.”

A roar rose from the crowd at Jacque’s statement.

He waited with his hand outstretched, hoping she wouldn’t refuse.

She took his hand and he led her to the middle of the room. “For old times.”

Sweeping Angel onto the parquet floor, he took in the sweetness of her fragrance. Her arms circled his waist and rested on his lower back. Her breast pressed against him, making his temperature rise. They swayed to the rhythm of the music. She floated like a cloud in his arms. He wanted to pick her up and sneak her away to one of the bedrooms upstairs made available for just these situations. Instead, he opened his eyes to remind himself where he was. Maintaining his control was paramount.

He lowered his lips to her ear. “You’re magnificent tonight.”

She pulled away. “Glad you approve. Bell’s pretty, too. You two look good together.”

“You have to let me explain. I just don’t have time now.”

“Whatever, Jacque.”

He felt her body stiffen. “Look, babe, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you about her. It’s not what you think.”

“Is there a reason you asked me to dance? I won’t talk about us here.”

Jacque pulled her tighter, trailing his hand down her spine. “Antione’s here,” he whispered.

“What!” She spun her head searching the crowd filling the dance floor.

“Shhh. He the guy who made the crack about me beating him to the punch. He came to meet you.”

Angel finally met his gaze. “What do you mean?”

“You’re a big attraction. He came to check out the new game in town.” Jacque held her in place even after the song ended. The DJ kept it slow. “Here I Stand” blared through the speakers.

“What should I do?” she asked, trying to break his embrace. His arm gathered her snug to him, not allowing her to leave.

“Our best bet is you making him your new friend. Get close to him.” His wishes contradicted his words. “
be careful. He’s more dangerous than he looks.” Jacque brushed one of her curls out of her face. Instinctively, he bent down and kissed her. Before he could stop her, Angel shoved him and brought a stinging blow across his face. The crowd gasped as she turned on her heels and stomped away, leaving Jacque alone on the dance floor.

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