Soul Catcher (5 page)

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Authors: Vivi Dumas

Tags: #Dueling With The Devil Series

BOOK: Soul Catcher
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Chapter Five

Angel bounded down the stairs. She was in the best shape she’d ever been. Four weeks gone and only two more to go. This past week she focused on building her strength and practicing her newfound power. She was happy with her progress. Her only disappointment was Jacque’s aloofness. Angel stopped and cringed at the bottom of the steps when Noel stepped out of the cafeteria.

He flashed her a crooked smile. “Hey, Dias. How’s it hanging?”

“Luckily nothing’s hanging today. It’s still early though.” She already suffered two cracked ribs and an assortment of other injuries the last few weeks. Thank God for the Vamp Juice—a mixture of V8 and vampire blood. It helped her bounce back. Taken in higher doses, it also provided more strength.

“You’re getting pretty scrappy. I didn’t know humans had it in them, much less a female.”

“I’ll take you down any time. Just bring it.” Angel’s nails dug into her hand.

“I’d hate to jack up your pretty little face. It would ruin my fantasies.” Noel’s tongue darted along his bottom lip.

“Fuck you!”

“Stop by any time. I’d be happy to oblige.”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Two more weeks in this Godforsaken place. I’m so glad this shit is almost over. I’m ready to be done with your dumb ass.”

“We’ll all miss you. It’s been a long time since Hades has seen such a prime piece of ass. You should let me tap that before you leave,” Noel mocked, raising a hand to slap Angel’s ass. He froze in mid-swing when she glared at him.

“Fuck you, asshole. I wouldn’t let you touch me if you paid for it.” Today, she wished she could switch out the wooden practice sword for the real thing.

“I bet Jacque could hit it for free.”

“I’ll see you in the ring. Fucking prick.”


Jacque observed Angel as she went through the breakfast line. The impact of her smile knocked him over like a blow from Thor’s hammer. She had surprised him these past few weeks. He hadn’t expected her to last this long. He already lost two of the regular recruits and expected another to drop out in the next couple of days.

Angel took a beating and kept on going. No one would’ve guessed an ex-supermodel, who showed up to training in her pink sweat pants with “Juicy” written across her ass, could survive the abuse. Something drove her to keep going, although Jacque had no clue to what it was.

He swiped an apple from the bowl of fruit on the salad bar and started in her direction. He flipped a chair backward and straddled the seat. Winking at her, he bit into the apple.

“Morning, Jacque.” She smiled as she glanced back at her plate..

“Good morning, Ms. Angel. Ready for another day of combat?” Her lips twitched into a grin when he mentioned battle.

She reached over, wiping the apple’s juice dribbling down his chin. “Yeah. It should be good. I plan to whip Noel’s ass today.” She crossed her arms across her chest and curled her lips back slightly to bite her bottom lip.

“I’d like to see that, since he has you by a good hundred pounds. A Level Three demon is still stronger than a human, especially a female.”

Angel furrowed her brows and pouted. “I don’t care. I’m gonna bring him down today. And what’s with y’all and the whole female thing? It’s becoming offensive. I might have to file discrimination charges against you.”

Jacque avoided the urge to play with a strand of her hair. “Sorry. I just speak the truth as I see it.”

“We’ll see today, won’t we?” She stood with her empty tray.

He took the tray from her and proceeded toward the exit. She strolled beside him, making small talk. They chatted about the various combat moves she should use. Jacque enjoyed Angel’s company; she was easy to talk to. After getting to know her, he was even more confused about why she made the pact with Luc.

As they rounded the corner, a laugh crackled through the hall. Jacque caught Angel’s arm and guided her toward the door. Bell leaned against the wall, talking to a large man with red hair. He had on dark brown fatigues, a red sash with gold stars, and a red beret. He was one of Jacque’s soldiers home on leave. Bell twirled away from the guy when she caught a glimpse of him and Angel. Blowing her suitor a kiss, she headed toward them.

“You two look chipper this morning,” Bell spat.

“Good morning to you, too, Isabella.” Angel rolled her eyes.

“I see you have a new plaything,” Jacque teased.

“If my old one would act right, I wouldn’t need to find a new one. Until then, I have to keep myself occupied.” Bell licked her lips as she stared into his face, ignoring Angel.

“Excuse me. I’ll leave you two to your lovers’ quarrel.” Angel pushed past Bell and left out the front door.

Jacque glared at Bell with contempt.

“Do you always have to be a bitch?” He placed a hand on either side of her, trapping her against the wall.

Her fingers played with the buttons on his shirt. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Bell, you and I are over. And we’re not getting back together. We’re like poison to each other.” Aggravation ground like glass in his voice.

“I’ve changed. I know what I want now and you’re it.” She lowered her voice and her eyes fell to the floor. Jacque almost felt sorry for her, but remembered it was the act she pulled on him so many times before.

“Why now? Because you think someone else wants me? Afraid of a little competition?”

She met his gaze. “I don’t compete with humans. And if I remember correctly, you don’t do them. Or have you changed your mind?”

“No, nothing’s changed. I’m just tired of this thing between you and Angel. Cut it out.”

“Look. I’m me. This is what you get. You never had a problem with me in the past. I’m not changing because your human is sensitive.” Bell traced a finger down his chest.

“This is why we broke up. You exhaust me.”

“I also exhausted you in other ways. Maybe, I can help make your time more enjoyable while you’re here.” She ran a hand across his stomach muscles. “Remember how good we were together?”

“We’re done. Let it go.” He released Bell and stormed out to the courtyard to call the cadets into order.


Angel pushed the food around in her plate. She’d worked hard today, although she lost her appetite. She spotted Jacque heading her way with a tray filled with food. She had become fond of him over the last few weeks. His wit and humor were unexpected. He brightened her day when all she wanted to do was cry. And who could ignore his amazing physique?

She glanced up at him when he reached the table.

“Mind company?” Jacque gestured to the bench opposite her.

“For you, I’m always available.” She flirted. It was a natural reflex when she was in the presence of a sexy man.

He set the tray down and took a seat. “You did great today. I’m sure Noel is going to be pissed for a while.” His eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Aw. He’ll get over it. He shouldn’t talk so much shit.” She smiled, remembering the punch to larynx that caught Noel off guard.

“Ms. Dias, training is almost over. I have to admit, you surprised me. I really didn’t think you’d make it,” Jacque said in between chews.

“To tell you the truth, I didn’t think I was going to make it either. This is the first time I’ve ever did anything like this. The catwalk isn’t quite what I consider dangerous. It felt great to kick that asshole in the balls and watch him fall to the ground.” Angel beamed with pride.

“I can’t believe you used such a low blow.”

She licked the pudding from the back of her spoon and winked. “All’s fair in love and hand-to-hand combat. I’m just a female. I have to use everything I got to win.”

Jacque watched her tongue caress the spoon and wished he could switch places. He realized he was staring and snapped out of his fixation. Her every move screamed “Sex me!”

“What do you have planned for the night? No early morning wake up tomorrow.” Jacque moved his eyes to the other side of the room and regulated his breathing.

“I don’t know. It’s not like y’all have cable down here. I didn’t get much notice to pack so I didn’t bring any books. Anyway, it’s not like I had time for anything other than training before tonight. I’ve been so exhausted. I eat, shower, and go straight to bed.” She scrunched her nose as she scraped the bottom of the pudding cup.

“I have some books in my room. You’re welcome to come by and take a look to see if there’s anything interesting.”
This is a
, Jacque thought after the words came out his mouth.

“Oh? Great. Let me take a shower and I’ll come by. See you in about thirty minutes?” She studied his face, waiting for his answer.

Jacque shrugged. “I’ll see you then.”

Picking up her tray, Angel said goodbye. Jacque stared after her as she left the cafeteria. He shouldn’t have invited her to his room. He promised himself he wouldn’t get involved with a human. His family had enough problems with Bell, and bringing home a human might kill his mother. Or his mother might kill them; it was a tossup. Not many people met his mother’s standards. Anyway, humans complicated things with their need for commitments and relationships.

He told himself to catch her and tell her he changed his mind. Why? It was just a book. Reneging on the invite would be silly, but being alone with her worried him. They hadn’t been alone since the first day he met her. The desire and passion she ignited in him still tormented and haunted him in his dreams. He longed to caress her soft, bronze skin. Every time he rescued her made him feel like the man he craved to be, a protector. He needed to find a way to block her out tonight. No longer hungry, he headed to his room.


Wandering up to her bedroom, Angel contemplated Jacque’s invitation. His motives might have been innocent. Angel, on the other hand, had other plans. It had been almost two years since she felt man’s touch. She missed the warmth of someone in her bed. Her body throbbed for Jacque every time he was near. He was a perfect solution to her dry spell. She was leaving in two weeks and would never see him again. It wasn’t anonymous sex, but close enough.

After showering, she slipped on a royal blue tank-top jersey dress. It highlighted all her attributes. She slid on her DKNY flip-flops and checked her make-up in the mirror. Her hair trailed down her back, wavy and wild. Angel meant to entice him with her charms. She suspected Jacque had the same intentions. If not, she planned to change his mind.

She snuck down the hall, hoping not to run into anyone. A litany of thoughts ran through her mind. She was rusty. It had been too long since she was with a man and technically Jacque wasn’t even a man. She wondered if they were even sexually compatible. She was observant enough to know he had the necessary equipment. And from their first night together, he was definitely interested.

Angel rapped on the dense oak door. No one answered so she knocked a little harder. Leaning against the door, she nearly fell through, as it swung open. She peered around the empty room. A large four-poster bed, much like hers, sat in the middle of the antique Persian rug. Navy blue curtains with gold fringe hung from the wooden frame of the bed. Heavy gold draperies over the windows shut out the world.

She stepped in the room and a deep smooth voice hummed a tune in the bathroom. Just as she went to leave, Jacque entered the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water beaded on his chest and his black hair glistened with moisture. Angel’s jaw went slack as the muscles in his chest tensed when he saw her.

Her eyes roamed from his face, down the thick line of his neck, over the broad expanse of his chest, and down the taunt ripples of his abdomen. Gasping as the water dripped down his body, she followed the trail of dark hair from his navel until it disappeared beneath the towel. Her body responded as warm moisture spread between her legs. She took a step backward and crossed her legs, hoping to stop the heat pulsing between them.

Unable to take her eyes from him, Angel stammered, “Um. Sorry. The door just opened. I didn’t mean to come in.”

“No problem. Just give me a minute.” He grabbed a pair of sweats and shirt out of the bureau, then disappeared back into the bathroom.

She admired the tight fit of his T-shirt as he came into the bedroom. A wicked grin pulled at the corners of her mouth as she remembered what lay underneath his clothes. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing the loose curls to his nape. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he offered her the armchair.

“I see you don’t have much more in this room than I do in mine. I would’ve thought permanent residents would have a bigger suite.” She teetered on the edge of her chair.

“Oh. This isn’t my permanent residence. I’m only staying here to train the class. I have a bungalow on the West End.”

“I thought you stayed here. Huh. I wouldn’t have pegged you for a bungalow type. More mid-town condo guy to me.”

“Unfortunately, there are no mid-town condos down here. I’m one of the few lucky soldiers who live outside the castle walls. Are you a mid-town condo girl?”

Her words choked a bit coming out. “Naw. I lived in one for the last five years. I love New Orleans. I was happy to go back home.” She missed her sister.

“There’s some books on the shelf behind you, mainly theology and mythology. I love to read human versions of the Underworld. I have a lot more at my house. This is what I keep here.” Jacque got up and crossed the room toward Angel.

“This is one of my favorites.” He handed her the book about Hercules. She flipped through the pages as he hovered so close to her she could hear the beating of his heart. She stepped back into him, feeling the solid strength of his body against her back.

The aroma of apricots and vanilla drifted through his senses. Electricity shot through him when he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight to him. He inhaled the headiness of her perfume. Starting to lose control, he broke away from her and stepped back.

He was disregarding every rule he ever made about females. The first rule being—no humans.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice raspy with desire.

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