Soul Catcher (2 page)

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Authors: Vivi Dumas

Tags: #Dueling With The Devil Series

BOOK: Soul Catcher
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Beef Jerky Guy coughed and pressed the seat farther back; his putrid smell of sweat and old tobacco made her want to gag. The gin she consumed sat burning in her chest and belly, waiting for Angel to make the wrong move so it could resurface. She molded her body into the hard foam of her seat and clutched her Louis Vuitton tote, stroking the leather bound book within. Her fingers traced the etched gold letters across the front, which read “Laveau Family Heritage.”
Who would’ve thought I was related to the Voodoo Queen?

Two planes, seven hours of layovers, and six hours in the air later, she arrived in St. Croix, hot, annoyed, drunk, and tired. As Angel deplaned, her demeanor changed. The exquisite beauty of the island robbed her of aggravation. The sun shone like a canary diamond against an aquamarine sky. The warm breeze embraced Angel, enticing her to relax. She waved goodbye to her new confidant. He gave her a nod and slid into his cab.

The driver carried Angel’s bags to the car. They rode twenty minutes to the house near Divi Carina Bay. The white Spanish style house appeared through the palm trees with the crystal blue ocean as its backdrop. The circular driveway wound its way around a Grecian style fountain, which always seemed a bit out of place to Angel. Lush vegetation and colorful blooms dotted the landscape, giving it life.

Angel’s mother begged for the house as a hideaway from Gran. She only managed to come here twice in the last four years. It proved to be a better conversation piece at her mother’s social events than a getaway. Her mother was always more talk than action.

A cool breeze from the open patio doors and palm-leaf shaped ceiling fan in the living room greeted Angel as she entered the house. She admired the white sand and blue waters draped across the backyard beyond the pool. The water could prove a delightful break from the unbearable heat, but Angel needed to unpack first. Kicking off her Prada sandals, she picked up her bags and headed to the bedroom.

The scent of freesia and bougainvillea drifted through the window from the flowerbeds outside. The smell comforted Angel and soothed her nerves. Her stomach flipped as she thought about her impending decision. Playing with magic was stupid and dangerous; playing with dark magic was lethal. She still questioned this method of achieving her objective. Nothing good came of messing with the Devil.

The sun set in magnificent hues of crimson, copper, amber, and sienna. Angel watched the sun hover over the indigo water and contemplated the ramifications of her actions. The beating of her heart was as loud as the crashing of the waves. There was no turning back after it was done, and there had to be a hefty price to pay. She had no idea what the going rate for beauty was these days. It couldn’t cost more than her shoe collection.

Vanity was a minor infraction. She was willing to pay her moral dues. Was it worth any price? This question kept her up for the last several nights. She exhausted all her other options. She needed her face back. It was her livelihood. It was her life.


The moon shone full in the sky. On the back patio, Angel set the chest of items from her grandmother’s attic on the ground. She knelt on the warm slate of the patio, removing each of the family heirlooms from the wooden box. She raked her fingers through her dark, wavy hair and smoothed down the hem of her black Prada slip dress over her knees. With love and reverence, Angel unlatched the strap around the Laveau Family book and opened it to the page with the spell.

She laid the incense to form a triangle and lit a red, rose-scented candle in the middle. Writing the name, Lucifer, on the papyrus paper, she rubbed it with manuka oil. She burned the paper with the ivory candle and mixed the ashes with water. Sprinkling the water and ash mixture around the triangle, Angel began her chant.

“O life beyond life itself,

Come forth as I call out to thee.

Find me through the worlds and come to me.

I call you to appear before me, Dark Father.”

The night stood still and a deafening silence clung to the air. She waited and repeated the words again. As her chant dissipated to a faint murmur, a warm breeze stirred and a kiss of flames nipped at Angel’s ear.

A heated whisper sang, “How can I be of service?”

The pounding of her heart droned out his words. A tremor quaked in her gut. Her first response was to run. Instead, she remained steadfast in her mission. Her stubbornness was a weakness. She stared at the figure before her in wonder. His beguiling beauty charmed her like a cobra coaxed from a basket by the snake charmer’s Pungi. Lucifer’s ebony skin glittered as if glazed with diamond dust. His deep blue eyes searched the depths of her soul. She felt the enchantment of his power, a power she vaguely remembered feeling before.

Lucifer’s smile dazzled as he spoke. “This must be my lucky day. To what do I owe the pleasure of being in the presence of such beauty?”

“You’re mocking me.” The hurt in Angel’s voice showed her vulnerability.

“No. I never mock. I speak the truth others are unwilling or unable to see. My eyes unveil the truth of you.”

“You know why I called you here.”

He reached out to touch her, stopping when she cringed and covered her face with her hands. “Of course I know. The question is...are you sure you want me here?”

At this point, I’m not sure of anything. How can the epitome of evil be so beautiful? Focus, Ang. This is not the time to not be on your “A” game.

Chewing the inside of her cheek, she met Lucifer’s flaming stare before answering. “I can’t say this was my first choice. My options are limited now. I need to know what this is going to cost me.”

“Ah. I’m glad you understand my help comes with a cost. How much are you willing to pay for beauty?”

Her hands sweated and the blood rushed to her head, throbbing at her temples.

“I’m not sure. I don’t think I can answer without knowing the price.”

“I can restore your former beauty. I can do it now if you wish. It will cost you a small price. I’ve been searching for a special creature to help me bring home some of my wayward souls. I need someone who’s cunning, intelligent, and beautiful. Do you think you can bring home my renegades for me?” He circled Angel as he spoke, bringing the fire so close the heat brushed against her like a caress.

Angel backed away, ignoring the sensation of pleasure lapping against her skin. “I wouldn’t know how to catch lost souls. I’m sure it’s not as easy as you make it sound.”

“I’ll ensure you get the needed training.” Lucifer met her gaze. “I know you’ll excel or I wouldn’t ask this of you.”

Her brows scrunched together in thought. “How long will I have to do this if I agree?”

“Well, you’re still young yet. Twenty-two years is an infant in my world. Ten years. After ten years, you can go back to your life and retain your soul. But...if you should die while in service to me, then I keep your soul as payment of your debt. If you try to run from me, then I’ll retract our deal and return you to your current state.” Lucifer picked at a sharp claw on his right hand.

She straightened her posture and crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re asking for a lot. Why should I take it?” Angel studied him as he gave his response.

“You called me. Take it or leave it. I don’t care either way. But, I offer you your life back plus more. You’ll find the Underworld can offer a multitude of rewards. I offer you two lives for ten years of one miserable life.”

Angel relaxed her demeanor, leaned in toward Lucifer, and with a wide-eyed expression whispered, “Two lives. What do you mean?”

Lucifer slid closer and knelt beside her, his eyes twinkling. “There’s a whole other world humans ignore. I’ll introduce you to that world. I think it’s one that’ll bring you more excitement and pleasure than you can imagine.”

Angel perked up at the thought of something new and exciting. She loathed the mundane. She was tired of normalcy. This was her opportunity. Ten years seemed a small price to pay for everything Lucifer offered. This sounded too good to be true. Shit. Anything had to be better than the life she lived as a monster.
What do I have to lose?

“Okay. I agree to your terms. Ten years. I’ll find your souls, but you’ll provide me with the training and all the tools I need to do the job.” Once the words escaped her lips, a sharp pain pierced Angel’s heart.

Too late to turn back now.

Lucifer’s hand caressed the side of Angel’s face, tickling the scar. Heat smoldered under his touch. Angel felt her skin rejuvenate as his fingers trailed the lines of the damaged tissue. A shiver slithered down her spine as his lips grazed her cheek. Frozen in fear, she waited for him to move. When he stepped back, she released the breath she held and closed her eyes. She was whole again.

“Your beauty is more stunning than I imagined.” Lucifer’s smile revealed the jagged teeth of a beast. Angel wondered what lay beneath his beguiling exterior. Was his beauty the truth or a sweet lie hiding the monster he represented?

She shifted nervously, the stone patio rough on her knees. “What’s next?”

“There’s a club on the South Shore called the Night Haunt. Go there tomorrow night and someone will be waiting for you to begin your training.”

“Who should I ask for?”

“They’ll know you when you get there. Who could miss such beauty?”

“I guess it starts tomorrow then.” Her heart dipped into her stomach, warning her of danger. She pushed it aside. She had what she wanted.

“Good night, my love. Hell awaits me,” he whispered and he disappeared into the flames.

The night returned to its peaceful silence. Only the sounds of the rolling waves remained. Angel wiped the moisture from her hands along her thighs. Her toes tingled from sitting on her legs too long. She pushed herself up from the stone patio and ran inside to examine her face.

Once in the bathroom, she gripped the sink, paused, glanced at her reflection, and closed her eyes. Elation and apprehension twisted in a mangled knot inside her belly. Should she attend the meeting tomorrow? If she went, her life would change forever. If she didn’t, she would risk losing the beauty she just regained or even worse. Death.

Chapter Two

“You know I hate being around humans.” Jacque threw his sword on the cot in his tent.
This must be important since Lucifer came to deliver the orders in person

Lucifer brushed the dust from his shirt. “I know. I need the best.”

“Laurent’s just as good as I am.”

“No, he’s not, and he’s on assignment Topside.”

“I like it just where I am. I want to be in the field with my men. I told you my reasons when I left.” Tossing his dust-ridden shirt onto the cot, Jacque sat in the small foldout chair by the writing table.

“You let a female drive you away. Get over Isabella. It’s time to come home.”

“She didn’t drive me away. She drove me crazy. It was leave or kill her. I’m sure Lilith wouldn’t appreciate me killing her daughter.”

Lucifer tilted his head and shrugged. “What’s one less female?”

“Yeah, right. Lilith would have both our heads. What’s so special about this human?”

“Why do you think she’s special?”

The corners of Jacque’s lips turned up in a smile. “Ah. Now I see...female.”

“I need you to go pick her up tonight.”

“Luc, I don’t want to deal with the human, especially now I know it’s a female. Find someone else.”

“You don’t have a choice. You’ll find her at the Night Haunt.” The red glow in Lucifer’s eyes intensified.

“Fuck! I’ll go pick her up. How will I know her?” Jacque ran his hand through his hair in frustration. Luc wasn’t going to give in.

“You’ll know. And hands off.”

“I told you. I don’t do humans. Too many emotions.”

“She’ll be waiting for you at eleven. Oh. She’ll be training with the new recruits.”

Jacque rose from the chair, stretching his hands behind his back, feeling the pull of his tight, worn muscles. “Good. I’ll drop her off at headquarters.”

“You’ll be training this class.”

“Fuck me. You’re killin’ me here.” Jacque wasn’t ready to deal with Bell yet. He still carried the scars from their breakup. Going back to headquarters meant seeing her again.

Lucifer chuckled. “You’re just not agreeable tonight. Make sure you have a drink or two when you get to the club to calm down. I don’t want you scaring our new friend. Her name’s Angelique Dias.”

“The supermodel?”

“You know her?”

“What guy doesn’t?” Jacque sat on the cot and pulled off his boots, half-smiling at the image of his new charge.

“Remember, you don’t do humans.” Luc’s heat spread through the room.

“Don’t worry. Too many headaches. I had enough problems with Bell, and she’s a demon. I’m taking a break from females for a while.” Jacque rummaged in his duffle bag, pulling out a pair of black jeans and a blue T- shirt. “All right, I gotta get going if you want me to meet your human on time.”

Humans were fickle creatures, unable to control their emotions, especially the women. Their emotions put his equilibrium off kilter. He became nauseous thinking about the turmoil their hormones created. Jacque dreaded meeting Lucifer’s new project.


The cabby honked his horn outside the house. Ten o’clock came fast. Angel hadn’t taken this much time to get ready since before the accident. Tonight was her new debut. The cabby let out a whistle as she folded into the backseat of the cab.

“Wat be ya pleasure, miss?” he asked in a smooth island tone.

“To the Night Haunt on South Shore. Please.” She rewarded him with a smile for the appreciation he’d shown. The night of her accident was the last time someone whistled at her. The attention made her giddy.

“Dat be a rough place for sucha fine lady. Maybe I take you to a bedda club, no?”

“No. I’m supposed to meet someone there. I’ll be fine.”

The cabby stole short glances in the rearview mirror throughout the trip. Once they arrived at the club, he jumped out of the cab to open Angel’s door. She forgot how nice it was to have someone cater to her. She paid the driver, plus added a handsome tip.

The club resembled an old bayou juke joint. Angel feared she might lose a heel to the battered plank bridge leading to the entrance. She couldn’t afford to replace a seven hundred dollar pair of Jimmy Choos, so she carefully maneuvered across the bridge. A wave of heat welcomed her as she opened the door. The tall blond-haired bouncer with a bronze tan filled the doorway with his body. Angel threw him a sultry grin and scanned the background. After paying the cover, she moved to the bar.

It was still early. Only a few people were inside. Angel slid into one of the empty stools at the old teakwood bar. The vantage point from her seat provided her with a full view, including the door. She ordered a White Russian and observed the crowd. It comprised of an eclectic bunch. A handsome couple cuddled in a corner. Two guys chatted each other up at the end of the bar. A few people swayed to the music on the dance floor. Angel noticed she was being checked out as she surveyed the crowd.

The bartender placed her drink on a napkin in front of her. His dark brown complexion and strong jaw line complemented his soft hazel eyes. A tight white tank showed off his muscular build.

“Hallo, lovely. Haven’t seen you ‘round before?” His slight English accent made him even hotter.

“Never been to this side of the island before.” Angel skimmed her finger around the rim of her glass.

“We don’t usually get your kind in her often. Who told you about this place?”

“What do you mean ‘my kind’?” Her glass hit the bar with a loud clang.


“What?” Her confusion generated a chuckle from the tall, dark-haired man behind the bar.

“I guess no one told you about this club. Are you meeting someone? If not, you might want to find another place to party.”

She surveyed the room before answering. “I’m meeting someone. I just don’t know who.” Nervousness made the hair stand on Angel’s arms.

The bartender’s words faded into the calypso beat of the music. Across the club, a beautiful specimen of a man, even more beautiful than the male models from her past, stood paying the bouncer. His dark olive skin glowed under the pulsating lights. His black hair fell back in curls surrounding his face. He towered a good six inches taller than the bouncer, who must’ve been at least six feet. The blue T-shirt stretched tight across his massive chest and sturdy shoulders. The hint of a six-pack teased through the thin cotton. Piercing green eyes, the shade of emeralds, searched the room and assessed the surroundings. She caught his attention and he rewarded her with a toothy grin.

He crossed the room with long languid strides. Mr. Tall-Dark-And-Do-Me straddled the seat next to her and ordered a Grey Goose on the rocks. Once the bartender brought his drink, her new friend turned and soaked in every inch of her. Adjusting herself on the stool, she shifted her position to provide him maximum advantage.

“You must be Mademoiselle Dias, no?” He hovered close enough to inhale the scent of her soap.

“I am. And who might you be?” Her heart raced in her chest. In this moment, it was lust, not fear driving her.

“Excuse my manners. Jacque Toussant. I was asked to meet you here.” He dipped his head in a slight bow and met her gaze.

Playing with the diamond necklace dangling between her breasts, she leaned into him. “Nice to meet you, Jacque.” A strand of her wavy hair fell into her face. She smiled at him and brushed it back into place. She followed his line of sight as he traced the line of her neck and landed on the generous swells testing the elasticity of her red dress, which clung like saran wrap. This dress never failed to catch a man’s attention.

“I hope you haven’t had any trouble while you waited.” He brought his gaze back to her face.

“No. I was having a conversation with this nice gentleman until you arrived.” Angel tipped her head toward the bartender.

Jacque glared at him, prompting him to scurry to the other end of the bar.

“I see my uncle didn’t tell you about the club. I’m surprised the bartender was the only friend you made. This is a Supe bar. I’m sure the Vamps got a good whiff of you by now.”

“You mean all these people aren’t
” Angel’s question was more to herself than him. “I hope you don’t mind me asking. What are you?”

“You already know I’m Lucifer’s nephew. I’m a Mutura Demon, a shifter. I’m a commander for the Legions of Hades or Hell, whatever you humans call it.”

Angel scanned the room. “How much more shit is out there I don’t know about?”

“Too many things to list right now. I know this is overwhelming for you. I promise to tell you all about the Supernaturals as we spend time together. It’ll be pertinent to your work.”

“What do you mean pertinent to my work? I’m just supposed to collect a few lost souls.” Angel arched a brow, waiting for his response.

“I guess Luc left out a few tidbits of info. These ‘lost souls’ of yours are Supes that avoided their judgment. They were supposed to come to Hell as humans. Somehow they eluded Death by taking on supernatural forms.” Jacque shook his head at Angel. “Humans.... You never ask enough questions when dealing with Luc.”

Angel fumed in her seat. She pressed her blood-red lips into a thin line. Her body shivered as she swallowed what remained in her glass with one gulp. Squirming in her seat, she rolled the empty glass in her hand. When she shifted on the stool, the slit of her dress exposed her leg to mid-thigh. Angel glanced his way when a low growl escaped Jacque as he admired the view she provided him.

Jacque finished the rest of the Grey Goose in his glass, squelching the fire in his eyes. “If nothing else, this’ll be interesting. You’ll have to excuse any impropriety. I’m not used to being around humans. I try to stay as far away from your kind as possible.”

Thunder clapped outside and she glared at him. “I’m sorry to inconvenience you.”

“It’s a job. I do as I’m told. We have a lot to get through tonight. I suggest we get started.” Jacque cued the bartender, and he poured him another drink. He downed the shot, hanging his head and sinking down into his seat. The look was one Angel understood immediately: exasperation. It was the same look her doctors had when she came for her appointments.

Jacque covered the training regiment with her. She was to attend Supe Warfare Boot Camp for the next six weeks. He lucked out with a class starting the same time Angel needed to be trained. The recruits were in for a treat; he rarely took the time to work with the new recruits anymore. Training began bright and early in the morning. It was time to leave.

“Mademoiselle Dias, is there anything else you would like to know before we leave?” He kept his distance as if he was afraid she might bite.

The thought made Angel giggle.

She turned her attention back to the conversation at hand. “I’m sure more questions will come up. Right now, I’m still trying to digest the info dump you already laid on me. I guess there’s no turning back, is there?” Angel propped her elbows on the bar and rested her chin in her palms, examining her reflection in the mirrored shelving behind the bar.

“I’m sorry,
mon chéri
. A deal is a deal. Too late to change your mind.” Jacque’s voice broke at the end. His face softened as he gazed at her. “I’ll go back to your house with you to gather your things. You should contact your family and wrap-up anything you need to handle before we head out tonight.”

“Are there many humans in Hades?” Fear caused her pulse to race.

“No. Not at this time. Occasionally, we get someone who messes up a spell and pops in. Or, like you, someone might come to train for a position they gotta fill. The magical energy’s too much for any human to stay in the Underworld for too long.” Jacque watched her as he spoke. Angel fought to maintain a neutral façade, hiding the fear overtaking her confidence. He smiled at her, slow and deliberate, as if he saw through her disguise.

“Come on. I’ll take you home.” He stood and helped her from her stool.

The air outside had cooled. It had been a long time since Jacque was Topside. The last time was the 1930’s, if he remembered correctly. Although he belonged in the Underworld, Topside had its benefits. He welcomed the differing temperatures. A black sedan waited for them in the parking lot. The driver opened the door as they approached. Jacque helped Angel into the back seat and slid in after her.

The tension throbbed in Jacque’s head. Her anxiety flipped in his stomach.

“What made you conjure the devil?” He caught the odor of regret surrounding her.

She diverted her eyes. “Problems.”

“No shit. How bad could the problems be to ask the Devil for help?”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“Maybe not, but I’m curious. I always wonder what the hell you humans are thinking, messing around with Luc.” Jacque slid low in his seat, looking out the own window to resist the urge to stare at her lovely face.

“It’s really none of your business. The deal was made, and now I’m here. What brought me here is irrelevant.” Her voice rose an octave, warning him to back off.

Fire lit in his already queasy belly. He hated being around humans. They were so inefficient at guarding their emotions. His mother bore the empath gift. He inherited the ability from her bloodline. The frenzy of human emotions always caused him problems. Between experiencing every feeling, the nausea, and headaches, hanging out with top dwellers wasn’t Jacque’s favorite pastime. Angel would be with him for six weeks. He needed to find a way to block her out.


Staring out the car window, she watched the dark waters roll into the shoreline, creating frothy foam against the sand. A maddening silence lingered between her and Jacque. They couldn’t get to the house fast enough. Angel sunk into the plush leather of the seat, mauling over the events of the past few days. She could kick herself for being so stupid.
I sold my soul to the Devil for a pretty face. My headstone will read, “Queen of Bad Choices

She studied his profile, wondering what training would be like with him in charge. A mixture of panic and intrigue bubbled in the pit of her stomach. Angel pushed the fear aside; she waited too long to be scared. She needed strength to survive this situation. This was something she would have to dig deep inside to find. It’s not a quality she depended on very often.

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