Read Something Like Spring Online

Authors: Jay Bell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Young Adult

Something Like Spring (37 page)

BOOK: Something Like Spring
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“Not the best idea,” Jason said.

“Definitely not.” William’s attention was beneath the water, where he was gently kicking his feet back and forth. “I’m sure you’ve heard people say the best way to teach a kid is to throw them in. I hope that’s a joke, but at the time I took it seriously. So I went to the deep end and jumped right in.”

“What happened?” Jason asked.

“I panicked. I hadn’t even remembered to hold my breath before I jumped, so I got a nice drink of water on my way down. I actually touched bottom. Just the tips of my toes, but that scared me even more. I tried to— Don’t laugh, but I tried to call for help, which obviously made things worse. My arms and legs were kicking and waving in every direction, and eventually I just accepted I was going to die. That’s when I went still and felt my body rise. In a split second, I remembered all those TV shows where a body is found floating in the water. I figured that must be possible without having to die, so that’s what I did. I floated on up, got myself turned over, and started coughing up water and choking in air.”

“Which totally explains why you love swimming so much,” Jason said.

William chuckled. “You want to know what I did next? I floated over to the shallow end of the pool, got out, caught my breath, and jumped right back in.”

“Into the deep end?”

“Yeah. Right back to where I was. The second time all I did was stay calm and let myself bob back to the surface like a cork. I kept doing little things like that, figuring out how to swim piece by piece. To this day I’ve never taken a swimming lesson.”

Jason leaned over, let their bare shoulders bump briefly. “You’re kind of awesome.”

William shook his head. “We’ll see about that. AST school is going to kick my ass. If I make it through and become a rescue swimmer, then you can call me awesome. If you still want to.”

“I’m pretty confident I will,” Jason said.

For a moment, all that could be heard was the gentle lapping of the pool and echoes of voices elsewhere in the YMCA.

“It’s nice to have company,” William said, glancing over at him. “I’ve gotten used to swimming alone.”

“So Kelly never… I mean, can he?”

“It’s possible.” William turned back to the water. “I’ve seen videos online of people swimming with just one leg. It takes determination, which Kelly has in spades, but he doesn’t want to. He could at least keep me company, sit there like you are now.”

This time when William looked over, his eyes ran up and down Jason’s body. Was this a good thing? Or was William wishing he saw Kelly there instead?

“I don’t know if I can handle this every morning,” Jason said, “but I could definitely imagine doing it again.”

William nodded. “Good. You’ve got my phone number. Or you can just show up. I’m here seven days a week, same time every morning. Speaking of which…”

“Yeah,” Jason said, getting to his feet. “I have to be at work soon.”

“And I have to go to school,” William said without much enthusiasm. They were nearing the locker room when he spoke again. “What are you doing this weekend?”

“Nothing besides work on Saturday.”

“Day shift?”


William was silent for a moment. “A friend of mine is having a cello recital, and she’s nervous about it, so she wants a big support group there.”

“Really?” Jason said. “I’d want as few people to show up as possible.”

William laughed. “Yeah, me too. Anyway, maybe you could come along.”

“I’d love to,” Jason said.

“Good. I’ll be with Kelly. Maybe you could bring Tim.”

“Tim?” Jason asked.

“Your boyfriend. That’s his name, right?”

“Yeah! I’m just surprised you remembered.”

William shrugged. “We can make a double date of it. Grab something to eat afterwards. Sound good?”

Jason shook his head subconsciously. “Sounds perfect!”

* * * * *

“I am
going on a date with a teenager!”

“Ahahaha!” Ben replied, which wasn’t too surprising because he’d done nothing but laugh for the past five minutes.

Jason stood in front of the couch, looking back and forth between them and growing more frustrated by the minute. “I didn’t say you have to. I was just explaining what happened.” He glared at Tim. “But I can’t show up there alone!”

“I’m ten years older than you!” Tim said, looking panicked. “Is that even legal?”

“How old was that Ryan guy?” Jason retorted. “In the painting he looks younger than me!”

“Ohohoho!” Ben said.

younger than you, and at the time, I wasn’t so damn old!”

“Heeee!” Ben said, wiping his eyes and trying to pull himself together. “You know, this might just work!”

“Oh god,” Tim said, sinking into the couch cushion behind him. “He thinks it’s a good idea. I might as well give up now.”

“Think about it,” Ben said, trying to keep a straight face. “Remember when I got all upset about you and Krista Norman being together? What if I had shown up at school with a super-hot guy on my arm?”

“One ten years older than you?” Tim demanded. “He would have been arrested on sight. Besides, where would you find a guy hotter than me?”

“What makes you think you’re hotter than William?” Jason asked.

Tim raised an eyebrow.

This sent Ben into another fit of giggles, leaving Tim and Jason staring each other down, arms crossed over their chests.

“You know what?” Jason said. “I’ll take Ben with me. We’ll just pretend his name is Tim.”

“No,” Ben said, shaking his head. “It needs to be Tim. Someone to really make them envious. I’m sure William is very handsome, but just look at my man!” Ben pinched one of Tim’s cheeks and jiggled it, causing him to look vindicated.

“We’ll take my car too,” Tim said. “Just wait until they get a load of that!”

Jason fought down a smile. “You’re so superficial.”

“Oh yeah?” Tim said. “In that case, I’ll load up the back seat with painting supplies and show off my deep and thoughtful artistic side. This William guy isn’t going to know what hit him!”

Now Jason really did smile. “Then it’s a date?”

“Damn straight,” Tim said, glowering. “Just don’t expect me to put out.”

“Stop!” Ben pleaded. “I’m going to pee my pants!”

“See that?” Tim asked. “Hot, artistic,

Jason pretended to be impressed. “I’m a lucky guy! Remember that when I break up with you. Just one date, and then we’re through.”


Chapter Twenty-one


The Bates Recital Hall was located on the University of Texas campus, which only added to Ben’s insistence that this outing was a good idea. Tim drove them there early, walking the campus and playing tour guide. Occasionally he would smile at undisclosed memories or shake his head at others. The university was nice, but that had never been Jason’s fear. He still didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life, and creating a debt by studying a random subject for four years didn’t seem smart.

“Let’s head back to the car,” Tim said, checking his watch.

“We can just walk to the recital hall,” Jason replied.

“They need to see us pulling up in the Bentley,” Tim insisted. “Tonight is all about making an impression.”

Tim was definitely doing just that, looking absolutely stunning in a white dress shirt that contrasted nicely with his Latino skin. The fabric was thin and gauzy, providing a teasing glimpse of the body beneath. The tight gray slacks were revealing in their own way, although Jason was trying hard not to look in that direction. Tim’s dark hair was swept at an angle across his forehead, the three-day beard carefully cultivated. That he looked gorgeous was no surprise, but now Jason worried he’d stand out even less than usual while next to him.

Not that he hadn’t tried to look his best. Ben had helped him pick out a navy blue dress shirt and brown pants. His hair could still use a trim, which is just how he liked it. He’d felt pretty confident until he walked down the stairs and saw Tim, but he supposed that was what he’d asked for. William would see him with a super-hot guy and instantly decide Jason wasn’t desperate. He might even wonder what Jason could offer a guy like Tim, adding a layer of mystique. Of course, right below that fabricated layer was the desperation he was trying to conceal, but whatever. Fake it until you make it.

“There won’t be any parking by the recital hall,” Tim murmured to himself as he drove. Then louder he said, “I’ll drop you off out front. That’s where we’re meeting them, right?”

“Yeah,” Jason said. “Right by the door. Actually, there they are.”

William and Kelly were waiting by the curb. They flinched when Tim tapped on the horn and pulled over. Everyone else in the vicinity looked too. Jason’s face was already turning red.

“I’ll find a parking space and meet you by the front door,” Tim said. “Don’t try to kiss me or anything, all right?”

“I’m not going to kiss you!” Jason said, sounding like a temperamental child, which made the vibe in the car even weirder. Trying to play it off as a joke, he added, “Don’t embarrass me in front of my friends.”

Tim rolled his eyes. “I wouldn’t dream of it!”

Jason opened the car door, his nervousness dissipating when he saw William. He was wearing… oh, something. Jason didn’t care much about that because he loved his face, the goofy, slightly shy smile, the blond bangs that the wind had blown into disarray, and those emerald eyes which were shining just for him. Or maybe they shined for Kelly, decked out all in black and looking like a sexy panther ready to spring on anyone foolish enough to touch his property.

“Hi,” Jason said, making sure to shake hands with Kelly first. “Nice to see you again.”

“Yes,” Kelly replied. “How unexpected too. We didn’t really talk at all during the meeting, and yet, here you are.”

“Yeah,” Jason said, uncertain of how to respond. Instead he turned and shook hands with William, which seemed too impersonal. Sure they had only met a few times, but that feeling of familiarity remained.

“Should we wait here while your boyfriend parks?” William asked.

“No, we can head toward the entrance,” Jason said. “He’ll find us.”

“That’s quite the car he has,” Kelly commented as they began walking. “Expensive too. Is your boyfriend Richie Rich or is he an older guy?”

“He’s a little older than me, yeah.” Jason felt amused. No doubt they were picturing a gray-haired sugar daddy.

“Have you been together long?” Kelly pressed.

“We live together,” Jason said. “It’s pretty serious.”

Kelly’s crutches hit the ground harder, as if he was trying to crack the concrete. “Now why should that concern me?”

Ah ha. So Kelly
feeling suspicious, despite thinking that Jason had a boyfriend. He felt bad about that, so he decided to make Kelly’s relationship with William the topic, hoping that acknowledging it would show he respected it. “How long have you guys been together?”

“A few years now,” William replied.

“Wow!” Jason didn’t need to fake his awe. “High school sweethearts, huh?”

“That’s right,” Kelly said, voice sounding a little warmer. “It was love at first sight.”

Jason shot a quick glance at William and saw his brow furrowed up, like he didn’t quite agree. “So how did you two meet?”

“We were training for a triathlon,” Kelly said. “William is the school’s best swimmer, and at the time I was the best runner—believe it or not—so we decided to team up.”

“Not quite,” William said. “You cornered me in the hallway and said no matter how good I was at swimming, that I’d never keep up with you on foot.”

Kelly smiled. “And then you showed up at the track that afternoon to really start training. So I started showing up at the pool…”

“Not exactly love at first sight,” William said.

Kelly raised an eyebrow. “Speak for yourself. So Jason, how did you meet your man?”

“Oh. Our story isn’t nearly as good as yours,” he said, playing for time.

Luckily, one of the most ostentatious distractions possible showed up, placing a possessive arm around him.

“Hey, sweet cheeks,” Tim said, beaming at him in a way normally reserved for Ben.

“Uh,” Jason replied, legs feeling weak.

Tim’s smile intensified as he brought his face close to Jason’s. For one terrifying moment, he thought they really were going to kiss, but Tim’s lips went for his ear instead.

“You don’t look happy to see me,” he whispered.

Jason recovered himself and put on a smile, which was good since it probably appeared he was reacting to something amorous Tim had said. He made hasty introductions, Tim pumping their hands and sizing up each of them before turning back to Jason.

“So, honey, where’s that music you promised me?”

“Right this way,” Jason said. And then, just for good measure he added, “darling.”

They walked in pairs toward the entrance, William and Kelly in the lead, exchanging glances with each other. Tim seemed amused. Jason still felt nervous, even though their scheme was working. William looked back at Tim, eyeing him and the arm still firmly wrapped around Jason’s shoulders. That arm felt good too—warm and muscular. Jason pretended it belonged to William instead.

“So, Tim,” Kelly said as they took their place in line. “We were just asking Jason how you two met.”

“Do you want to tell it?” Tim asked Jason.

He shook his head, hoping to communicate that he didn’t have a good story.

“Okay,” Tim said. “Well, it’s a little embarrassing really. I was on my way downtown to do some shopping when I saw this handsome guy walking down the street.” He squeezed Jason closer. “So I parked the car as quick as I could and headed to where I’d seen him last. Luckily he had stopped to look at a window display, and I walked up behind him, checking out his reflection in the glass. He saw me too, and when he turned around—” Tim shrugged helplessly. “We just hit it off!”

“Interesting,” Kelly said. “Is that something you do a lot? Pulling over when you see a guy you find attractive?”

“Never before,” Tim said. “Not once. But come on! Look at him! Aren’t his eyes intense? They sort of burrow into your soul, don’t they? Or the way he clenches his jaw when he feels embarrassed. Or his messy messy hair.” Tim ruffled it affectionately. “But really, those eyes are his best feature. Or maybe his lips, because man, the first time I kissed him…” Tim made a face like he’d just eaten something spicy. “And if music is your thing, this boy can play the guitar! He’s the one who should be up there on stage tonight. Then we’d be in for a treat!”

BOOK: Something Like Spring
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