Deathstalker Return

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Authors: Simon R. Green

BOOK: Deathstalker Return
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Praise for Simon R. Green’s Deathstalker novels
Deathstalker Return
“Have fun with this one. Reading even one
leaves one feeling jollier than before, for the series continues to avoid the lapses of tone so common in humorous space opera and fantasy.” —
“An entertaining novel filled with action, political intrigue, and humor. In the guise of classic space opera, Green creates a complex universe with a rich history and sociological foundation. Much of the background is inspired and enriched by Green’s British heritage, featuring, among other things, echoes of Arthurian and Scottish clan traditions. . . . Green does weave them together seamlessly into a universe that makes sense, even with all its wonderfully strange, distinct worlds, aliens, robots, humans natural and otherwise, and even a few ghosts. . . . Genuinely witty . . . a lot of fun.”—
“A fast-paced, lively read with plenty of humor thrown in to make it more fun. Lewis’s crew is reminiscent of the misfits that made up Roj Blake’s crew on the old TV show
Blake’s 7
. There’s plenty of intrigue and double-crossing back in the Empire to keep you interested too.”—
“Space opera at its finest, with rebels, traitors, gun and sword battles, and legendary prophecies. . . . Page-turning action. . . . The motley band of rebels plays off each other with the sharp wit and endearing affection found in the best buddy comedies, and Lewis, with his wry humor, is an engaging galactic Indiana Jones.”—
Romantic Times
Deathstalker Legacy
Publishers Weekly
“Rip-roaring space opera with dastardly villains, exciting battles, nefarious plots, and strong willed heroes.”—
“A tangled tapestry of intrigue, hidden passion, and high adventure in a space opera filled with swashbuckling adventure.”

Library Journal
“An over-the-top masterpiece that veers between brutal comedy and touching riffs on love, loyalty, and betrayal . . . bloody funny and extremely bloody.”—
The Guardian
“Good fun in Green’s best gory style.”—
“Space opera at its action best.”—
“[A] stout, exuberant piece of intelligent space opera. . . . Great fun.”—
Deathstalker Destiny
“Be prepared for an incredible romp through a wonderful universe of space opera, filled with outrageous and incredibly powerful heroes and villains, swords and disruptors and more lethal creatures than you can imagine.”—SF Site
Deathstalker War
“The action is fast and frenzied . . . manages to consistently entertain, with some wondrously quirky and warped characters.”

Deathstalker Rebellion
“Green blends derring-do, space battles, and wry banter aplenty to form an eminently satisfying space opera.”—
“A huge novel of sweeping scope, told with a strong sense of legend.”—
Other Deathstalker Books
Deathstalker Rebellion
Deathstalker War
Deathstalker Honor
Deathstalker Destiny
Deathstalker Legacy
Deathstalker Coda
The Adventures of Hawk & Fisher
Guards of Haven
Swords of Haven
Also by Simon R. Green
Twilight of the Empire
Blue Moon Rising
Blood and Honor
Down Among the Dead Men
Shadows Fall
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First Roc Trade Paperback Printing, February 2005
Copyright © Simon R. Green, 2004
Excerpt from
Deathstalker Coda
copyright © Simon R. Green, 2005
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eISBN : 978-1-101-17736-5

Thief, clonelegger, confidence trickster, warrior . . . heroine. Official legend made her fearless and noble, a saint and a martyr, but she was none of those things. Her dreams were small and petty, and she never gave a damn for causes or politics, but still . . . she was magnificent. She took on everything the Empire could throw against her, and never once backed down. She had her inner demons, and fought those just as fiercely. When it mattered, she did the right thing. Again and again and again.
In my dream, I see her so clearly. Poor, lost Hazel; with her sharp pointed face, the go-to-hell defiance of her bright green eyes, her ratty mane of red hair. Her pout and her scowl and her brief flashing smiles. She moved like a fighter because life had never taught her how to be tender. She fought so hard to be able to call her life her own, and much good it did her. She won nothing she valued, and lost the only man she ever cared for.
Owen; you lied to me. You promised me we’d always be together, forever and ever. Oh Owen; I never told you I love you. . . .
She won every battle, and still lost the war. And in the end, there was nothing left but the darkness that had threatened to overwhelm her all her life; so she ran away into it, and was never seen again.
Last night I dreamed of Hazel d’Ark. She’d finally come home. She was smiling. And even in my dream, I wondered why I wasn’t glad to see her.
Lewis Deathstalker and his rebel companions had been traveling together in their hijacked yacht the
for almost two days now. They hadn’t even reached the edge of the core planets yet, and already they were all mulling over detailed plans on how best to kill each other. Occasionally they’d take time out to consider less important problems, such as where the hell they were going, or how best to overthrow Finn Durandal, find the lost Owen Deathstalker and Hazel d’Ark, stop the Terror before it destroyed the whole of existence, and return the Empire to its Golden Age; but first things first.

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