Someday Beach (14 page)

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Authors: Jill Sanders

BOOK: Someday Beach
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When her phone signaled that her mother had dropped the call, she sighed and closed her eyes and leaned back against Marcus’s shoulder.

“What can I do for you?” he whispered into her hair.

Turning around without a word, she tugged on his hand until he followed her up the stairs. When she reached the landing, she pushed him up against the door and fused her mouth to his.




Chapter Fifteen



arcus felt the tension vibrating through her. When her mouth moved over his, he caught up with her. Every bone in his body screamed to be naked with her.

“More…” she demanded as she fumbled behind him trying to get the key in the door, then the door flew open and slammed into the wall.

He spun her around and kicked it shut with his foot. Then she was up against the wall as his hands ran over her.

She tore his shirt from his shoulders, popping out a few buttons along the way. Her mouth was on his skin as his hands fisted in her hair.

“My God,” he whispered as her mouth traveled over him. When her hands went to his jeans, he realized he had to take control or he’d lose it too quickly.

Yanking her hands above her head, he held her against the wall and looked down at her. She was so beautiful. He could see anger and hurt in her hazel eyes, but it was the desire he spotted that had him wanting.

He dipped his head and took her mouth again. Her lips told him so much. She was using the want to mask the pain, and he wanted to help her get over the hurt her family had caused.

With her hands still trapped above her, he cupped them in one of his hands so the other could travel down her long body. Her shirt was easy to open. He noticed the tank top underneath. Using his knees, he spread her legs wider and stood between them, rubbing himself against her jeans.

“Is this what you want?” He cupped her and pinched her nipple until it peaked for him. Then he yanked her tank top up and felt her skin against his.

She nodded and her eyes slid closed as her head fell back against the wall. “Faster,” she moaned. “Marcus, I want…” She moaned when he dipped his head and took the erect nipple into his mouth.

Using his teeth a little, he pleased her until he felt her squirm. Releasing her hands, he yanked her jeans down and turned her so her hands were bracing her up against the wall.

“Yes!” she cried out as his fingers dipped into her heat quickly. She threw her head back as he cupped her and watched her arch her back to give him better access.

She looked too damn good. Her hair was pooled over her shoulders and back as she moaned for him. Her slickness was his undoing. Pulling his pants down, he sheathed himself and then in one quick motion embedded himself into her.

Her cry of joy filled the empty room as he pushed her against the wall with his hips. His fingers reached around and took her erect nipple between his fingers and pinched lightly until he felt her convulse around him.

“More.” This time it was him who demanded it.

He could feel her body go lax, so he spun her around and moved forward until she was trapped between him and the wall. Pulling her legs up and around him, he held her against the wall as he continued to pump into her.

He watched her eyes heat all over again. Her legs and arms slowly wrapped around him, holding on as he pumped into her faster. He leaned down and took her mouth and this time when he felt her convulse, he joined her.

The muscles in his arms screamed as he tried to stop them from sliding down the wall. Their breathing was labored and there was a light sheen of sweat running down his back.

“Sorry,” he mumbled into her hair.

She laughed. Not just a little chuckle, but a full-blown laugh. As he pulled away from her, he noticed that there were tears in her eyes.

“Oh, God! Did I hurt you?” He rushed closer to her, holding her gently. “I’m sorry,” he said again.

She shook her head from side to side. “No.” She smiled slightly at him. “It was wonderful. You were wonderful.” She ran her finger over his chin. “Really. It’s just…” She wiped a tear away from her face. “The call.” She closed her eyes. “Everything.” She chuckled again as she righted her clothes. “I needed that. I needed you.” She looked up at him and he knew exactly what she meant.

“I can’t stop needing you.” He pulled her close and ran a hand over her hair. “I don’t think I want to know what it’s like to not need you.” He kissed her softly. He desperately wished there was a bed close by so he could show her exactly how he felt. “Let’s go home. I want you again, but this time in a soft bed, so I can make love to you slowly.”

“Oh, God!” Her breath hitched and he watched her eyes heat. “I want you, too.”

He took her hand and they walked back to his truck.

“I’m sorry about your folks,” he said as he got in and started to pull out of the parking lot.

“It’s fine. Really.” She kept her eyes glued out the window.

“You can talk to me about it, you know.”

She nodded and he waited.

“It’s just the same old thing. My whole life it’s like I didn’t have a voice.” She sighed. “I told them I wanted to go to design school, but they sent me to medical school.” She closed her eyes and he felt her pain from across the truck. He couldn’t imagine what life would have been like if someone had told him he couldn’t build or fix things.

“But you went to design school. You’re here now.” He reached over and took her hand.

“I took some design classes without them knowing. Even put in a few business classes at night.” She glanced at him. “I know what’s coming and I couldn’t ask you to stick around through it.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled at her and for the first time since she answered her phone, he saw her smile reach her eyes.

“You say that now, but wait until they get here.”

He chuckled and squeezed her hand. “I’ve dealt with worse.”

She shook her head and looked out the window again. “Trust me, no you haven’t.”


Over the next week she kept busy. She even hired two part-time employees. Marlene was in her early forties and had a very impressive resume. She had two small children and could work during the day. Laura was in her early twenties, had had two previous jobs along the boardwalk, and could work any hours.

The flooring was done in less than two days. Her new shelving and display cases were delivered the following day. Marlene was there during the days to help her organize and tag everything. The woman was quickly becoming invaluable to the business. Not only did she have a wonderful sense of style, but she had a great eye for putting everything where it would look best.

They decided to put all the shoes on the right side and spent half a day hanging the shelving and setting up the display area. It took the other half of the day to tag and display the shoes themselves.

Wendy and Cassey even came down to help her unpack, although Shelly thought that the two had alternative motives when they each bought a bagful of items.

By day four, the place was starting to actually look like a boutique. They had hung the banners and posters from her vendors on the cream-colored walls, which made the place seem warm and inviting.

She had trained the two ladies on the point-of-sale system. Laura was a whiz at it and enjoyed inputting everything.

While Shelly and Marlene set up the items, Laura scanned and entered the items. It was a very efficient system and ended up cutting the setup time in half.

Her evenings were filled with Marcus’s family, and the nights with only him. He showed her around, taking her to secluded beaches or dinner at wonderful out-of-the-way restaurants. She loved experiencing new things with him by her side.

They went up to Spring Haven that next weekend and she enjoyed having dinner with his entire family. After eating, they walked out to the lake behind the big house. It was the most romantic spot she’d ever seen. There was a small gazebo built right over the water with large park benches.

“I made this for Julie so she could enjoy reading on the water,” he said, pulling her closer.

“You?” She looked around at the wonderful building. It gave the impression that you were floating over the water. It was so peaceful and romantic that she could imagine spending hours herself enjoying it. There were even soft cushions on the long benches. “You built this?”

He nodded and smiled at her.

“It’s wonderful. Your whole family is wonderful.” She sighed and tried not to think about the fact that today was the deadline that her mother had set for her to return home.

He cupped her face and must have seen the worry in her eyes. “Don’t think about it, about them. Think of only us, here. Now.”

Then he bent his head down and took her lips in a kiss that had everything turning foggy.

“I know it may sound crazy.” He released a heavy breath, then leaned back and looked at her in the eyes. “But I’m quickly falling in love with you.”

She stilled and felt her heart jump in her chest. Shaking her head from side to side, she closed her eyes. “You… you can’t be.”

He chuckled and cupped her face again. “It’s not the end of the world.” He smiled.

She felt tears forming in her eyes. “I… I don’t… I can’t…”

He stopped her. “You don’t have to say or do anything.” He kissed her lips, slowly drawing out her anxiety. “Just know that I’m there, and I’m going to enjoy every minute I can with you.” He pulled away again and looked at her.

All she could do was nod her head. They walked back to the house and he held her hand. She felt like such a fool. She had strong feelings for him, but love? She’d never experienced that emotion before. With anyone. What did it even feel like to be in love with someone?

She sat in silence as he drove back to his apartment.

“We’ll be done with your place in less than a week.” He smiled over at her. She had to admit, he was taking her shock at his admission very well. He’d even joked with his brothers and father when they’d said their goodbyes. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy having a place all to yourself again. You know, without my brothers always around.”

She nodded her head. It would be nice to have her own things around. To have a little privacy again. But she would also miss snuggling up to Marcus every night. Or waking up to him holding her, touching her. She had even enjoyed having his brothers around. She’d always wanted siblings, and was beginning to feel like his family was hers. She knew she’d miss it when she moved out.

She closed her eyes on a sigh. “You’ll still come around, won’t you?” She glanced over at him.

He chuckled. “Just try and keep me away.” His eyes sparkled and at that moment, she knew that everything between them was okay.

When they drove up to the apartment, she was shocked to see a large white limo parked out front. Her heart skipped for a second time that night. This time, she doubted it would ever return to a normal beat.

She watched in horror as her mother stepped out of the back, wearing her standard cream dress suit and looking very impatient.

Chapter Sixteen



hat do you mean you’ve cut me off?” Shelly stood in Marcus’s living room with her arms crossed over her chest.

Her mother stood in the doorway. She’d briefly glanced around and had yet to acknowledge Marcus even existed, even after Shelly had made the introductions. He had stood with his hand out, ready to shake her mother’s hand, but the woman had completely ignored him. Then she’d blurted out that she’d cut Shelly off. He tucked his hands in his pockets and stood back to watch the show. His money was on Shelly winning the argument.

“Well, dear, as you feel that it’s important to continue on with this little game of yours, your father and I have decided to cut you off financially.”

Shelly laughed. He smiled a little, then started to worry when she continued to laugh even harder. He walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her waist.

“That’s rich,” she said when her laughter died away. “It’s taken you two years and four months to realize that I stopped using a dime of yours and Daddy’s money.” Shelly crossed her arms over her chest and glared at her mother. “I’ve been self-sufficient for that long.”

He watched her mother’s jaw drop a little, but she recovered quickly enough. “Then you’ll have no problem if we close your trust fund?”

“By all means, take it all back,” she said. He could feel her body vibrating with anger. He dropped his arms and took a step back, not wanting to get singed in the explosion he knew was coming.

“Very well, you leave us no choice. First, you move here against our wises, then we had to track you down here.” Her mother glanced around quickly then down at her perfectly manicured fingernails. “We’re officially making the engagement to Tyler Dalton public. Now more than just your friends and family will know about it. Your father will announce it this evening during his speech at the White House.”

“Go ahead. I won’t honor it.” Shelly stood her ground. “I’m not marrying anyone.”

Marcus cringed inwardly.

Shelly’s mother’s face started to turn a shade of pink. “You’ll do as you’re told. Now…”—she glanced around—“pack whatever bags you have and come home.”

“No. I’m not going anywhere.”

Her mother stared at her for almost an entire minute, then spun on her heels and left without another word.

He watched Shelly sag a little when the door shut behind her.

Instantly, he was by her side. “Are you okay?” He turned her just as she exploded with tears and threw herself at his chest.

He held her for almost ten minutes before Roman opened the door. He shook his head at his brother and when Roman noticed what was going on, he backed out of the room. His brother actually tiptoed out, shutting the door very quietly behind him. Marcus would have laughed except that Shelly was still crying.

Picking her up, he carried her into his bedroom and toed the door closed behind them. When he laid her on the bed, she didn’t even object as he removed her shoes. Then he lay down beside her and held her until he felt her drift off to sleep.

The next morning he woke when she sat up. She glanced at him and he could see that her eyes were still puffy and red.

“I’m sorry.” She looked down at her hands.

He reached over and took her hands and pulled her back down. “Don’t. Don’t be sorry.” He brushed a strand of her hair away from her face. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“I behaved like a child.” She looked over at him and rested her head on his arm.

He chuckled. “The only person who behaved like a child was your mother. When she didn’t get what she wanted, she threw a fit.”

Shelly chuckled. “My mother has never thrown a fit. She’s too well bred for things like that.”

“She threw one last night. She wanted you to marry Tyler and when you wouldn’t, she took everything she could away from you to get what she wanted.” Then he sobered. “Shelly, how are you paying for the store? All the work and products?”

She closed her eyes. “My grandmother left everything she had to me.” Her eyes opened and he saw pain there. “She left her own daughter nothing.”

“That must have pissed off your mother.”

Shelly nodded. “That’s right about the time she started to push the wedding to Tyler.”

He shook his head. “If she can’t have it…”

“What?” Shelly frowned.

Marcus laughed. “She’s using this marriage to Tyler as her punishment for you. To get even for her mother.” Shelly just looked at him. “Don’t you see? Since she didn’t get her mother’s inheritance, she’s using a union to Tyler and his family as your punishment.”

Shelly shook her head. “My mother may be controlling, but she doesn’t care about the money I inherited from my grandmother. Besides, Mom and Dad are so well-off. I mean, what could a measly three hundred thousand more really give them?”

He shook his head. “Just a thought.”

She was silent for a while and he could tell she was thinking about it.

“You don’t think she’d do anything stupid, do you?” he asked, breaking the silence.

“Like what?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I dated this girl once…” He watched her eyebrows shoot up, and he couldn’t stop from laughing. “Yeah, contrary to what my brothers may have told you, I had other girlfriends before you.” He smiled and leaned over to kiss her. “But so far you’re the best.”

“Continue.” She smiled.

“Well, let’s just say when I broke it off, my truck suffered some damage.”

He saw her eyebrows crease in question.

“She keyed my truck and threw cow manure in the open windows.”

Shelly laughed. “What did you do to deserve that? Cheat on her?”

“No!” He leaned back a little. “I don’t cheat. If I’m with someone, I’m with that person. If things change…” He shook his head. How had this conversation taken this turn? “Anyway, she was just bitter for a while. In the end, it worked out. She met her husband to be, Jake.”

“I don’t think my mother would stoop to keying my car, and she would never touch cow manure.”

He chuckled. “There are other ways to get back at a person.”

He could see Shelly thinking about it. “I don’t see how she could do anything. I already have the inspection approved. My business license is hanging up behind the counter.” She shook her head. “Everything is ready for me to open next week.”

He pulled her close. “Good, then we have nothing to worry about.”


Shelly looked at the pile of papers and smiled. This is what she loved about opening her own store. Placing orders. The magazines sat all around her as Marlene looked over her shoulder.

She knew her mother was still in town. The woman hadn’t traveled this far to return empty-handed on the first try.

Marcus had probably guessed as much, too. She looked across the room and saw him hanging the mirrors in the dressing room, a task which should have taken him less than half an hour to complete, but which was going on its third hour.

She liked that without even saying anything, he’d shown her that he would be there for her. She couldn’t complain; she liked watching him work.

“What about this one?” Marlene asked, drawing her attention back to the magazine.

“Yes, that’s nice,” she said absentmindedly.

Marlene chuckled. “You two have it bad.”

“Hmm?” She looked over at the woman.

“I remember when my husband and I looked at each other like that.” She sighed and rested her chin on her hands.

Shelly looked at Marcus again. He was busy making sure the last mirror was level. His worn jeans hugged him tightly and she remembered exactly what it felt like to get her hands on that tight butt of his. She sighed.

“Love does strange things to us all,” Marlene said, causing Shelly to tense slightly. “Now, how about these?” Marlene pointed to the magazine again.

Before she could look down, she saw a movement out of her eye and was completely shocked to see her father walk up to the glass doors and knock on them. Her mother stood by his side.

“Marlene, why don’t you and Laura take lunch now,” she said, not really looking over at the other woman. Her hands shook as she walked across the floor and unlocked the doors, letting her parents in.

“Daddy, I didn’t know you were in town.” Her voice sounded a little far away. She cleared her throat to gain a little of her strength back.

“My flight arrived just an hour ago. I came as quickly as I could after your mother told me what was going on.” He stepped inside and glanced around the room quickly.

She knew what he was seeing. There were still boxes of product laying around the floor. Half of the hanging products had yet to be steamed or pressed. The shoeboxes were still piled up along the wall instead of being organized in the back area. Basically, the store was a mess, but it was her mess.

Her mother didn’t even bother looking around. Instead, her eyes bounced between them, impatiently. She felt like she was eight years old all over again and had just asked if she could stop taking dance classes. This was not going to end well.

Sighing, she motioned for them to move farther into the room. It wouldn’t do any good to have potential customers witness what was about to go down.

She walked to the back room, knowing they would follow her. When she stepped inside her office, she turned and was happy to see that Marcus was right behind her.

“Is this where you’re staying?” Her father looked around the smaller room with a frown.

“No!” She almost gasped. “My place is upstairs.”

“So, you’re living upstairs?” Her mother almost sneered.

“Um, no, not yet actually.” She bit her bottom lip.

“Shelly, where are you staying?” Her father crossed his arms over his chest, a move he’d used on her countless times.

“Right now I’m staying at Marcus’s place.” Her chin rose a little in defiance.

Her father sighed. “I suppose I should have expected this.” He walked over to the window and shook his head. Then he turned back to her, tilting his head a little. “It’s just last-minute jitters.”

She gasped. “It’s not—”

“Don’t speak back to your father.” Her mother stepped forward.

Shelly felt deflated and looked down at her hands. It was an old emotion, feeling small around them.

“I’ve explained to the Daltons. They’ve agreed to postpone the wedding until you’re up to it.” Shelly bit back a remark. “Now, are you ready to leave?”

She didn’t know exactly what she was saying in the next few moments, only that her entire body vibrated with every word. Her voice rose and she dug her fingernails into her palms so much that the pain shook her out of the trance.

“Easy,” Marcus said in her ear. “Take a breath.”

She closed her eyes and did as he said. She felt his hand in hers and focused on how good it felt. “I won’t be going anywhere.” She looked directly at her father. “I plan on staying in Surf Breeze forever.”

The room was silent and she realized both of her parents were staring at her like they’d never seen her before.

“Clearly you’re having some sort of breakdown,” her father said, walking towards her slowly with his hands up.

“Be careful, Gerald,” her mother said. Shelly almost laughed. What? Did the woman think she would bite?

“I’m perfectly fine. For once in
life, I’m doing what
want. I want to be in Surf Breeze. I want to live with Marcus.” She turned to him and gave him a smile, which he quickly returned. “I love it here.” She turned back to her parents.

Her father stopped and looked at her. “What are we going to tell the Daltons?”

Shelly shrugged her shoulders. “You don’t have to say anything to them. I broke it off with Tyler almost two months ago. He’s a big boy; he can break the news to his own parents.”

Her father looked like he was thinking about the situation. He sighed. “Well, looks like I need to have a little talk with Tyler.” He turned to her mother. “Come on Cherease, we have a call to make.”

It shocked her to see her mother smile and follow her father through the front doors.

“Did they just give up?” Marcus asked from beside her.

She sighed. “God! I hope so.” She closed her eyes on all the pain. “They didn’t even comment on my store.”

He pulled her close and brushed his hands through her hair. She loved it when he did that, when he touched her softly, making her feel cherished.

“From where I’m standing, they don’t deserve you.” He rested his forehead against hers as the tears started to fall down her cheeks.

He pulled her closer as she let the hurt and pain show. “Why can’t they just accept me for who I am? It’s like they don’t even see me. All they see is a pawn to be moved around and sacrificed.”

He shook his head and held her close. “Trust me, sometimes it’s better to wash your hands completely of people who don’t believe in you.”

She pulled back and looked at him. “Like you did with your parents? Your real ones, I mean.”

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