Someday Beach (16 page)

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Authors: Jill Sanders

BOOK: Someday Beach
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“Shush.” He frowned. “Just put it on.”

She put her arms through the warm material and sighed. It was soft and she had to admit, she’d been eyeing the sweater for herself ever since it had arrived.

“Shelly?” She turned towards her mother, who had tears silently streaming down her face. “I…” She shook her head and closed her eyes. “I thought it was for the best. I didn’t realize…”

Shelly’s father moved closer to her mother and wrapped his wife in his arms. It was the first time Shelly had seen him do that in over ten years.

“Shhh, Cherease, we were all fooled by them.”

“They made it sound like she was having a nervous breakdown.” Her mother hiccupped and rested her head against her husband’s shoulder as she closed her eyes. Just the sight of her parents like that brought back so many memories of the good times they used to have. Her heart ached for them again.

“Who?” Shelly frowned.

Her father looked over at her. “Shortly after you left, we received a call from the Daltons. They spun a story about how you’d sold everything, that you’d given someone all your money, and you were living in a dump. Tyler mentioned something about your mental health. We just assumed…” He broke off with a frown.

“Just what do you think I’m doing down here? Living like a bum?”

“Well, you are living in a small apartment with two strange men,” her mother added, looking down her nose at her.

Shelly started to laugh. “Look around,” she finally said when she got her voice back. “What do you see?”

Her father glanced around. “A store. We assumed you worked here.” He shook his head. “All those years at college, wasted.”

Marcus laughed then. “Sorry.” He cleared his throat.

Shelly nodded and smiled at him. “First off, the men I live with are no more strangers to me than you two are. They’re family.” She smiled over at them both and was rewarded with twin nods. “I’m just living with them until my apartment is finished, then I plan on asking Marcus to move in with me until we can close on his house and have the renovations done. Then I plan on living with him in a beautiful house on the beach.” She watched her mother’s eyebrows rise but didn’t stop to let them ask any questions. “Second, I do work here.” She crossed her arms over her chest and smiled. “But I also own it. Shelly’s Boutique is going to be the best store along the boardwalk, and I open my doors in less than a week.” She watched with pleasure as both of her parents took another look around.

“This?” her mother said. “This is yours?” They were looking at everything as if for the first time, taking in how wonderful it all looked. She smiled. It did look wonderful.

Shelly nodded. “Didn’t you see the sign above the door?”

They both shook their heads no. “We were too busy trying to figure out how to drag you home so we could hire a very good psychologist.”

Marcus laughed again. “Sorry, again.” He cleared his throat once more.

“Mom, Dad.” Shelly took a deep breath. “Let’s start over. Shall we?” They both nodded. “Good. I’d like to introduce you to Marcus and Roman Grayton. They own a very successful construction business as well as a halfway house where orphaned or unwanted children can live until they can be adopted.” She walked over and put her arms around Marcus’s waist as he wrapped his around her shoulders. “Marcus is my boyfriend. We’re in love and are going to move in with each other.”

Marcus held out his hand and shook her father’s hand, then her mother’s.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” her father said, and she realized with glee that he actually meant it.

Chapter Eighteen



m so nervous,” Shelly said, trying to stop her hands from shaking.

“Don’t be, it’ll be perfect. Just wait and see.” Marlene smiled.

“Shall I?” Laura asked, nodding towards the front doors.

“No, I’ll do it.” Shelly took up the keys and walked towards the glass doors. She could see the small crowd that had gathered out front. It took her two tries to finally slide the key into the lock and flip it. Then she took a deep breath, turned on the open sign, and stood back as people rushed in.

She smiled when she saw her mother walk in with Cassey and Wendy. Her parents had decided to stay until after opening day to support her. They had booked a suite at Luke’s resort and had even planned to come back during the official season, so they could enjoy an actual vacation.

“I can’t believe how beautiful this place is,” Cassey said as she hugged her. “Your mother is being a gem,” she whispered in her ear.

Shelly had warned Cassey about her mother and had asked her to keep her posted. But so far, her parents were being extra nice, especially to one another. She could only hope that the whole ordeal had brought them closer together.

She had spent hours talking with them, getting everything off her chest about how they’d alienated her over the last years. How the strain in their relationship had bled over to her. They had sat silently at first, listening to her. Then they had broken down and started to open up about the troubles they were having. In the end, she felt closer to them. But it wouldn’t completely clear the slate until they proved to her that she was important to them again.

The next hours were busy. She and Marlene and Laura rushed around and helped customers. There was a slight lull around lunch, but it quickly picked up again and stayed busy until closing time. When Shelly walked back to the doors and locked them, she rested her forehead on the glass and smiled.

“Well,” Laura said from behind her, “I’d say that was a successful first day.” She laughed.

Shelly turned around and looked at the store. It was a good thing she had more boxes in the back to be opened. She could see a lot of empty places that would need to be filled by tomorrow.

“I told you it would be great.” Marlene smiled.

Just then there was a knock on the door. When she turned around, she could only see a very large bundle of white roses.

Unlocking the door with a smile, she took them from Marcus and buried her face in them, drinking in their scent.

“They’re beautiful.” She smiled at him.

“Not as beautiful as you.” He moved the flowers to the side and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. “How’d it go today?”

“Perfect.” She couldn’t stop smiling. “How did it go with you?”

He smiled and held up a set of keys and shook them. “I’m a homeowner.”

She squealed and hugged him again. “Congratulations.”

He chuckled. “How long will it take you to close up?”

She glanced back and calculated. “An hour.”

He nodded. “What do you say to dinner at…” He nodded towards the bar and grill.

“I’d love it. I’m starved.”

“Good, I’ll meet you down there.” He leaned down and kissed her again.

“Okay, see you then.”

She walked into the back room and placed the roses in a vase with water and set them on her desk. They really were beautiful.

It took her less than an hour to close out and prepare her deposits. She was shocked at the amount they’d taken in that day. She knew that opening week was bound to be more successful than normal days, but still, if she made half of what they had today, she was going to be happy.

When she walked into the bar and grill, she was a little shocked to see the entire back dance area blocked off. Three large tables were moved together and everyone she knew and cared about was there. Marcus’s father and his sister Julie sat next to her own parents.

Marcus rushed over to her as everyone cheered and greeted her.

“A toast.” Cassey stood up and held up a wine glass filled with her standard drink, a Coke. “To the first of many successful days at Shelly’s Boutique.” She was handed a glass and drank as everyone cheered.

Her heart was so full, she felt like it was about to burst.

Dinner was loud and filled with good food and wonderful people. She wouldn’t have changed a thing. Shortly after she’d finished eating, Marcus leaned close to her.

“I do have one more surprise for you,” he whispered. “What do you say to getting out of here?”

She nodded and felt heat rush through her. Would the man always make her knees go weak with just the richness of his voice?

She held his hand as he walked her to the parking lot and helped her into his truck.

“I hope you don’t mind leaving your party early?” He frowned a little.

She shook her head no. “It’s been a busy day. I’m happy to have the quiet.” She rested her head back against the headrest as he drove.

She hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes until he stopped the truck. Her eyes flew open and she noticed that they were parked outside of his new house.

“I know it’s not much to look at now.” He turned to her. “But it will be soon.”

She nodded, looking at the place. “It’s wonderful and it’s all yours.”

He chuckled. “Yeah.” He turned and looked at the house with her. “I promise, this will be good.” He smiled as he walked around and opened her door for her.

She nodded and followed him up the stairs. When he opened the door, he stood back and let her enter first.

She’d forgotten how great the place was. She walked into the large foyer and looked through the large windows in the great room that overlooked the beach.

The sun was just setting, filling the sky with pastel colors and lighting up the entire room.

She looked down and saw a massive blanket and unlit candles on the floor. There was a bowl of strawberries and a bottle of champagne that was being chilled.

“Oh, it’s perfect.” She smiled over at him as he shut the door behind them.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to see if you’d be up to staying here tonight. I brought your air mattress and your overnight bag.”

She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “It’s perfect.”

He pulled back and then took her hand as he walked over to the blanket. He helped her sit down and then opened the champagne. She held her glass up and he filled it and then his own.

She loved the sound of it fizzing and waited until he sat next to her before holding her glass up. “To new beginnings.”

He nodded and smiled, then drank a little.

“Here, have some of this.” He handed her the bowl of strawberries. When she took one, he held up the bowl of cream for her to dip it in.

“Mmmm.” She closed her eyes and enjoyed the taste. “Perfect.”

When she opened her eyes, she saw him watching her lips and her insides tightened.

“Marcus?” She set her glass down, then took his and set it next to her own. “I want you,” she whispered as she knelt in front of him.

He nodded slowly. “I…” He shook his head. Then blinked. “You make me forget everything,” he said, pulling back a little.

She smiled. “That’s a good thing.”

“Normally.” He nodded and smiled. Then he cleared his throat and held up the bowl of strawberries again. “Here, one more.”

She shook her head. “It’s you I want.”

He frowned a little. “Just one more?”

Something in his eyes made her nod and reach for another berry.


Marcus held his breath as her hand brushed up against the cold metal. He’d been so sure that she’d see it right away, but she was too busy looking at him.

Maybe he wasn’t doing this right? He sighed when she took another juicy berry to her lips. Damn!

He couldn’t keep from watching her lips as she took the pink berry between them and nibbled on it. He felt his groin grow hard and he almost forgot his carefully laid out plan.

Reaching into the bowl himself, he pulled out his mother’s ring and held it up.

“Shelly Harrison, I can’t seem to do anything right without you.” He shook his head. That isn’t what he’d wanted to say. “Shelly,” he tried again, “I love you. I don’t want to live another day without the joy of falling asleep and waking up with you in my arms. Say you’ll not only move in here with me, but that you’ll marry me.”

She looked down at the ring and frowned a little. “I…” She shook her head and rested back on her feet. “I… I don’t know what to say.”

He smiled. “I’d love to hear a ‘yes’ right about now.”

He watched the corners of her mouth turn up a little. Her eyes were glued to the ring he held in front of her. Taking her hand, he waited, holding the ring, ready to slide it into place.

“Marcus?” she said as her eyes went to his, and for a moment, his heart dropped. “I know this is sudden. I mean, it’s all happened so fast.” She shook her head and for a moment, he thought she was going to turn him down. Then she launched herself at him and was kissing him and he knew he had his answer.

He pulled back a little and slid the ring on her finger. Her eyes didn’t leave his. He pulled her close and kissed her until he felt himself falling backwards as she straddled him.

Her hands pulled on his clothes as he tugged on hers. When they were finally gloriously naked, he flipped them so he could look down at her sprawled underneath him. Her hair fanned out on the blanket as he smiled down at her.

“I’m glad you changed your mind.” He trailed a finger down her neck slowly.

“Hmmm?” She closed her eyes and he felt her move under him.

“About not marrying anyone ever.” His finger circled her skin as it puckered for him.

“I never meant you.” Her eyes opened. “You’re the only man I could ever imagine myself marrying.” Her hands came up and pulled on him until their lips touched gently. “The only man I’d ever want to marry.”

He couldn’t stop the smile. “You’re the only woman I could see being with. The only one I’ve ever opened myself completely to.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he said and placed a soft kiss on her lips and then took it deeper until they were both breathless.

“You’re killing me,” she moaned as he felt her hips jerk next to him. She wrapped her legs around his hips and tugged on him until he moved closer.

When he slid into her, it was like coming home. She fit him like she was the missing piece he’d been searching for his entire life. Her body was soft and welcoming and he knew he’d never get used to knowing that she’d chosen him.

He made love to her slowly as the moon rose over the Gulf. They fell asleep in their new house tangled together, knowing that they’d found each other.

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