Someday Beach (10 page)

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Authors: Jill Sanders

BOOK: Someday Beach
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Chapter Eleven



he next few days, she woke to the sounds of construction below her. Each night, she and Marcus would have dinner together. They would either eat in her apartment or he would take her to someplace in town she hadn’t been before.

Every night he would leave her breathless with his kisses and desperately wanting more. She was glad he wasn’t pushing her and their relationship too fast, but part of her wished she had the nerve to jump him.

They spent that weekend getting her apartment ready for demo time. She repacked everything she owned and shoved it all along the brick wall. Even her air mattress would have to be deflated each day and rolled up.

“You might be without a shower for a while. If you want, you can stay at my place,” he said as he set a heavy box of hers down.

The statement threw her off. “Stay at your place?”

“Sure.” He bent down and picked up another box. “I mean, it would be easier on you not being in the middle of all this.” He looked around the almost empty room.

“What… what about Roman?”

He chuckled. “He’ll be okay with you staying.”

“I mean…” She bit her bottom lip. He stopped walking with the box and looked at her as his eyebrows shot up.

“Oh, God. I didn’t mean…” His face turned a little pink. “I mean, I’d sleep on the sofa.” He chuckled nervously.

She laughed a little. “I couldn’t do that to you.”

He smiled. “Trust me, I’d probably sleep a lot better knowing you were comfortable in the next room than I would if you were sleeping somewhere there wasn’t running water and possibly even electricity.”

“Really?” She looked around. “You think I’m not going to have power?” This did change things. She relied on the power to get her work done during the day while they were pounding away downstairs.

She still had inventory to purchase, display cases to order. She even had to price out some of the pieces she’d already bought and had in a storage unit just outside of town. Not to mention all the other vendor accounts she still had to secure.

Sighing loudly, she nodded. “I guess I could stay there during the worst parts of it. If it’s okay with Roman.”

He chuckled. “Trust me, Roman won’t have an issue with sharing the apartment with a beautiful woman.”

With Marcus’s help, the weekend flew by and before she knew it, Monday morning was here and the workers were knocking on her door.

At first she stood around, not sure what to do, but then Marcus showed up and handed her a key to his apartment. “If you want, take your stuff over now. You can get some work done while we get this done.” Then he smiled. “Trust me; you’re only going to feel like you’re in the way. Unless you want to put on your work clothes and…”

She shook her head no. “I have too much to do today.” She frowned and bit her lower lip. Way too much.

When the men started working, she gathered up her stuff and headed to his apartment. She’d seen it briefly the day they’d gone over to get his tools. She parked her car and walked up to the door, knocking before she used the key he’d given her since she didn’t know if Roman had left or not. She was thankful the place was dark.

Setting her stuff inside, she took a few minutes to look around. There were two bedrooms. One was so clean and organized she winced at how clean it was. The second room she immediately knew was Marcus’s. It was clean, but nothing like Roman’s room was. She relaxed a little. It wasn’t that she didn’t like cleanly people, just that both her parents and Tyler had been too organized. She had known too many people like that in her past.

Shaking some old memories off, she set up a workstation for herself at the dining room table and started making calls. By the time her stomach told her it was lunchtime, she had acquired two of the three new accounts she needed.

Her phone buzzed with a message and she was excited when a text from Marcus came through.

Heading over there with some lunch and my brother in tow

She couldn’t help it, she smiled. She really did like him and even though her head told her that she was on the verge of liking him too much, she pushed all of her fears aside.

When the two men arrived, she had already cleared all of her items off the table. She’d hung out with Roman several times at the bar and grill, but hadn’t really had an opportunity to talk to him.

By the time they’d finished eating lunch, she realized he was nothing like she’d imagined he would be. He was almost as funny as Marcus was. Even though he was dressed in business attire, she had the feeling he could roll up his sleeves and get dirty if the situation called for it.

“I occasionally work right alongside Marcus, but today I had a few meetings about the Spring Haven Home.”

“Marcus has told me so much about your place. I’d love to see it for myself.”

He smiled. “I can give you a tour later this week if you want.”

“I can show her around,” Marcus jumped in, wrapping his arm around her.

Roman laughed and said, “Message received.” Then he winked at her and she couldn’t help but smile.

After they left, she made a few more calls and placed a few more orders. Then she drove down and got a copy of her business license, which had finally been approved by the county. It was official. Shelly’s was in business. She couldn’t wait to get her space back and start getting the orders in.

When she drove up to the building, she was surprised to see the flurry of activity. Men were coming and going, carrying lumber in and wheel barrows of trash out. She didn’t want to disturb them, but was curious how everything was going.

She could see by standing inside the front door that the back wall was up and the electrician was working on installing the overhead lights.

When she started heading up her stairs, she was met with a roadblock.

“No you don’t.” Marcus smiled down at her. “Not yet. It’s too crazy up there right now. Wait until my men leave.” He took her hand and started walking back down the stairs.

She frowned a little but followed him back down.

“Here.” He opened the front door for her. “I wanted to go over a few things in the back room with you.”

When they walked into the back room, she was surprised that it was quiet and almost finished. Turning around, she took everything in.

She could just imagine her drawing table against the back wall, her sewing machine next to it, maybe a rack of clothes there, under the window.

“What do you see?” Marcus asked as he leaned against the doorframe.

She smiled and then told him exactly what she planned for the room.

When she was done, he nodded and tilted his head as he looked around. “What about putting in one of those three-way mirrors right there? You know, so you could try on and check out the designs.” He pointed to the corner. “You know, like they have in dressing rooms?”

She nodded. “I’d planned to have one out front.” She thought about it. “I suppose one back here would work too.”

“Do you have a desk in mind for drawing?”

She shook her head no. “I was hoping to find a drawing table locally.”

He smiled. “What if I built you something? I expect it’s kind of like a drafting table?” He looked at her and waited.

“Yes, but I wanted it a little larger so it can double as a cutting table for the material.”

He nodded and walked over to snatch a pencil and paper from his clipboard. The next two minutes he spent drawing something as she watched him.

His head was bent over the clipboard in complete focus. She took that time to admire how truly handsome he was. His dark eyelashes covered his blue eyes. He hadn’t shaved that morning and the day’s growth made him look a little dangerous and a whole lot sexier. She knew it would probably scratch her face, but she didn’t think she’d mind the marks for the feeling of his lips on hers.

“Would something like this work?” He turned the paper around and showed her a table that could be used as a design table and as a flat surface to cut material on.

“Are those drawers?” She pointed to boxes along the top.

“Drawers or cubbies for pens, scissors, whatever.” He shrugged his shoulders.

She would have never thought of it. Seeing the design, she instantly wanted it. Smiling, she nodded. “It’s perfect.”

He smiled at her. “We can build it in, right there.” He walked over and took out a small tape measure from his pocket and started measuring.

“That’s a perfect spot. I was thinking of having my sewing machine here.” She motioned to the spot. “I have a table for it already that’s about this big.” She stepped off the size.

He nodded. “There would be enough room over here.” He walked over and tilted his head. “Maybe for some hooks or…”

“What about a clothing rack?” She stood next to him.

“Yes.” He took up his pencil again. “Like this.” He turned it around.

She smiled at him. “Perfect.”

About an hour later, they walked out of the back room to find that they’d been left alone. They could still hear workers moving upstairs, but the downstairs was empty.

“Looks like everyone’s packing up for the day.” He glanced down at his watch and nodded. “’Bout that time. We can head up in a few minutes.”

She nodded and then walked around the larger room, dreaming of where everything would be.

“The dressing rooms are almost done,” he said. She walked over and smiled at the two small rooms. “We will be hanging the doors soon so it can all be painted.” He smiled.

“I can’t believe how fast everything is happening.” She turned around in a circle.

He chuckled. “Now, if we could say the same about upstairs.” He shook his head.

“Oh?” She turned towards him.

He nodded. “Had a few setbacks up there today. Demo didn’t take long, except in the bathroom. Whoever put that tile up must have used cement to keep it there. It took four hours to knock it all out.”

She desperately wanted to go look, but she could still hear men walking around up there.

“We can head up. I’m sure they’re just cleaning up now.”

She smiled and nodded.



Marcus watched Shelly walk around what used to be her apartment. There was a frown on her lips. He knew the place looked bad now and wanted to explain that it would get better.

He opened his mouth to speak, but she just shook her head at him. “I don’t need explanation.” She smiled. “I can tell that it’s going to be great.”

His smile was quick. “Good. Some people can’t see the potential through the mess.”

She chuckled. “I’m not one of those people. What about the bathroom?” She headed towards the back and he followed.

“It’s gutted and we finished knocking the wall down so we can enlarge it.” He walked in and the space felt so much better than before.

“Look at how big it’s going to be.” She smiled at him. “Is the tub going here?” She stood in the spot.

“Yes, the glass shower will go here.” He motioned to the spot.

“Sinks?” She pointed and when he nodded, she moved to where the old green toilet used to sit. “Toilet?” He nodded again. “It’s going to be so much bigger than before.” She walked towards the back and squealed. “Oh, look at my closet.” She spun in the space.

He followed and laughed. “I can never get over how women respond to a large walk-in closet.”

She laughed and rushed over to hug him. He laughed with her and started spinning her around. Then he couldn’t stop himself from kissing her. The way she responded to him had his hand shaking on her hips as he pulled her closer.

When they finally moved apart, he smiled, noticing that they were both a little breathless.

“I… I guess we can’t deny what’s between us,” she said with her eyes glued to his lips. His eyes went to hers in response.

He shook his head no. “Why are we even trying?”

She stepped back and took a deep breath. She shoved her hands into her pockets and shrugged her shoulders. “I guess there’s no real reason.” She looked up at him again. “I… I don’t think I’m ready for anything too serious at the moment. Not after Tyler…”

He walked over to her and took her shoulders until she looked up at him. “Why don’t we just continue to take things slow, like we’ve been. You know, see how it goes.” He was relieved when she smiled and nodded. “Good, now what do you say to some dinner?”

She smiled and nodded. “Sounds great.”

“Good. I think I need a shower first.” He looked down at himself and frowned.

“Don’t forget you need a shave, too.” She reached up and brushed her hand over his stubbly chin.

An hour later, they walked out of his apartment together. He’d showered and changed into some of his best clothes, and she’d changed into a simple black dress that hugged her curves. She’d finished the dress off with a brightly colored scarf around her shoulders. He’d tried to convince her to carry a jacket with her instead, but she’d just shaken her head and smiled.

“There is a cost for looking good.” She laughed at his frown. He had to admit, she did look good. Especially when he watched her walk towards him in three-inch heels.

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